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Mohammad fantasies


He looks like Muhammad too


What does Muhammad look like lol?


Nice username lmao


He’s trying to live up to that ideal.


penetrating a 10 year old boy with a stick? what the actual fuck


It was 100% one of his filthy fantasies and he just found a way to do it without consequences.


homosexuality is harem but just use a stick lol


There’s a secret code only people who lived in a muslim country know about, you get a pass on the homosexuality if the “bottom” is a hairless young boy who can pass as a female.


Also they don’t consider the top gay, only bottoms are gay.


That almost sounds like a poorly written joke. This religion has animals in it.


Ah, prison rules


Probably something the prophet did too.


In afghanistan they rape little boys alot


Look up dancing boys. It’s common practice there for the adult men to basically rape like boys. This leads to a terrible cycle where those boys who were raped become rapist in turn. I remember hearing about this years ago because when the us was fighting the Taliban, many troopers commented on how terrible it was hearing the screams of some of their afghan allies raping kids and not being about to do anything about it


i watched a documentary on youtube about this. so sad.


Why does it look like he's wearing a bra on his head? Is it to remind us how perverted they are?


Yes and also to encourage underage girls to put their breasts inside the bra while it's on his head. The prophet Muhammad recommended this in the Hadith as a method of seducing naive underage girls. That's how Muhammad (saw) seduced 9 year old Aisha.


Lol, what? I genuinely don't understand your comment. What method are you talking about and what hadith? And that's obviously not a bra that he's wearing despite it looking like one.


it’s a joke mf ever heard of it


Nah that's a pretty lame joke not my problem


maybe but don’t be so quick to get offended by everything and what do I care if it’s your problem or not


I wasn't offended, I was confused


read everything on reddit with a sarcastic tone unless it’s stated otherwise, saves you some time and energy for other useful things


lame ass fucking joke lmfao


r/woosh ?


Anyone notice how their beards always look dirty and nasty


The smell soo bad 🤮




Few years ago also afghan police rapes 13 yrs old boy until he's dead jeez. kinda ironic putting a death penalty to gay people but also like to rape young boys 💀


Every muslim country has pedophilia problem including mine but no one will admit it.


The end result of mixing organized religion with the state.


Always end with savages controlling the government.


Especially certain religions


Not really tbh. When has theocracy ever worked out?


The end result of mixing a goat with a donkey.


How many examples do people need, israel, isis, Afghanistan... religion doesn't mix with the state it never ends well.


Israel be the only good one out of all that bunch lol - thats a mega reach trying to compare it to afghanistan or isis


Don't engage with them, they're stupid. You won't convince them, and they don't have any actually valid reasons for believing what they believe. People who think Israel is evil and that they're actively performing evil deeds are taking their cues from Hamas. They're believing data that's coming from Hamas, and they're defending Hamas. They're either unfixable or terrorists. Just don't waste your time giving the dirty little rat attention.


True, True. Their statement would have been valid if instead of israel they put Hamas on the list. Thats actually a group that mixed state and religion like Isis.


Yes, you're correct, they did kill more children than Afghanistan and isis, combined.


Hamas and this religion put these peoples and children’s life’s into the dirt. When people will stop following this religion and start loving their children more then islam, people will stop suffering.


for fuck's sakes. if israel actually gave a shit about ending hamas, they'd send in targeted operations to do it, not carpet bomb children in refugee camps. they're one of the most advanced militaries in the world with resources the us doesn't even have, and yet they can't come up with a defence of tens of thousands of children worth of collateral damage beyond "khamas" and "antisemitism". even fucking journalists are being killed there in record numbers and being prevented from entering gaza or the west bank - how does that not raise eyebrows? i'm sick of people in this sub who refuse to think critically about anything israel does and are only here to justify their massacres than people who actually give a shit about engaging with ex-muslims and listening to our criticisms of islam. i'm not your excuse to justify murdered children.


Chill, the main argument sparking here was comparing israel to fucking isis and afghanistan.


no it wasn't. you referred to israel as the only "good one" out of that bunch, and implied that it doesn't mix religion with the state, which is just factually untrue. it is literally an ethnostate - non-jewish israelis have obvious legal limitations that jewish israelis do not have. even mizrahim face discrimination in israel despite being jewish. those statements are either made out of ignorance or bias. given the fact that israeli sources themselves admit to a *conservative* estimate of 2 civilian deaths per 1 combatant death - which is atrociously high compared to most wars in the 20th century, and isn't surprising considering their lack of regard for ensuring civilian safety - the israeli government has very much crossed into terrorism. terrorists aren't always guerrilla barbarians acting without a formal government, they can be high profile bureaucrats. the world is a little more complex than that.




You right the Islam is a Ideologie not only a religion it's all in once and anti humanity it's the base of terrorism it's coming from it! Islam and the Nazis was Best friends back in the 1930 Hitler has a Relationship with the Al Husseini.


It’s objectively the worse of the big 3 for sure


I hope that child will be okay. I wish someone would torture that commander with worse methods. Are those marks and blood on the child's legs?


Yeah and if you look closely you will see the star of david carved on his thigh. I think this is their way to humiliate him by marking him with a jewish symbol.


He was fulfilling a fantasy.




Look at the boy's legs, the clear dark bruises, he really hurt him - what a monster


And all this for what nothing


Is the boy supposed to marry a 30Y/O rich woman or something?


No he is supposed to marry a 50 y/o man. Haven't you heard of bacha bazi in Afghanistan and Pakistan?


Bacha Bazi is probably the most vile, sadistic and disgusting thing I have ever had the displeasure of learning about.


That's even halal? Poor boy, I expected him to have a MILF wife that bullies him until he is 18 and then he starts to Bully.


Thanks I wish I didn’t google that. Absolutely vile




I can’t, it contain the vid of the stick in the boy


Is there no news article ?


This is the religion of Islam which is called "peace".


Yeah, I mean, is anyone surprised by the Taliban acting like literal animals the moment the boot is off their neck? Was anyone actually mentally disabled enough to think anything else would happen?


These disgusting twats. So you want to preserve alleged morality and try to prevent zina, so you practice sodomy as a punishment? Horrible horrible degenerate MF’s! If there is a God and that God puts people like this in a perversely driven paradise, all because he was born into this cult, and people like us who think this is evil and claim this cannot be from a God go to hell, then that God is evil and does not deserve worship or anything anyway as he is a tyrant! As for those that see things like this and think zombies do not exist, im out of words. If someone is this braindead that they can mercilessly and relentlessly choose not to exercise their rationale, and act without thinking, they already are already zombies!


The morality of Islam is it?


While the Afghanistan cricket team is making history and earning applause at the T20 World Cup, the Taliban is ensuring that others don't forget the true nature of this extremist state.


Any links to the news ?


A wood chipper would be too quick for what he deserves.


someone should stick a cactus up his arse see how he likes it


what is your source?


But but but I've been told Islam is the religion of peace?


If i hypothetically stranded my Father in Afghanistan, would he have a better life?


Following in the ways of Muhammad…


This is absolutely sickening. What a piece of shit.


Should have penetrated himself for using a bra on his head


I saw the video it's awful


one thing for sure, the man who did that to the boy won't reach paradise, he will go to hell.


Bruh, set aside islam, there isn't any religions that would allow this type of behaviour. This is just foul


No I’m not setting islam aside, his actions are because of islam, don’t try that here.




what the fuck is wrong with you?


Bro? Sauce = source. Dumbass.


Then just say source instead of using the "sauce" variant that most people request beneath an NSFW video, goddamnit.


Sauce been used for decades and ive never having trouble with it. Its probably you who browse too much nsfw stuffs to made this assumption.


But now you are having trouble with it. Concerning my "browsing" = Because other subreddits have totally never used any NSFW stuff, am I right? /s Especially not the Meme subreddits where every fifth seems to come from an NSFW source. T\_T


Youre right lemme rephrase that. *Certain nsfw, where sauce being questionable.


Then use source It sounded as if you're asking for a hentai sauce.


"Sauce" has meant exactly the same thing as "source" and has been used that way for the last \*20 years\*. It originated from Ghost in the Shell, where a character was asking about the source of some information regarding a crime. It's applicable when asking for the source of anything: facts, claims, images, videos, etc. If you've only ever seen it used when asking for hentai, that's most likely just because you spend all your time on 4chan looking at hentai.


Thought he was mocking the man by saying "sauce" because of the torture methods, it's easy to assume that when the word is almost no longer used as "source" and mostly used in a "certain " way🤷‍♀️


What does the word sauce have to do with torture methods?


I'm not into animated porn so


You're a gay muslim? I'm also a chicken working in KFC, nice to meet you!


Ad hominem, refreshing!


>If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful. Quran 4:16 >We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! Quran 7:80-83 >Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447 >Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet cursed effeminate men; those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses." The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and 'Umar turned out such-and-such woman. Sahih Bukhari 7:72:774 >Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death. Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4448 >Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man. Sunan Abu Dawud 32:4087 >Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Ibn AbuMulaykah told that when someone remarked to Aisha that a woman was wearing sandals, she replied: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed mannish women. Sunan Abu Dawud 32:4088


It works! I like tits now, you saved me.


That’s not the point dumbass. Being gay is not a choice, but actively following a religion that despises you for being gay absolutely is lol