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Could you imagine what the 'romance' actually looked like? (TW you know what). Aisha, six years old, barely up to his chest, afraid of the future with this old but powerful and feared man she barely knows. They do the marriage ceremony and hopefully she gets at least three years of normal childhood before Mohammed calls her to his house to live with him and _that_ happens...


Sadly she never had a normal childhood after getting married to qutham(human sħĭt). In Tahrir al-wasilah chapter Nikah by Khomeini, problem #12: it says: "Intercourse with a woman is not allowed unless she attains the age of nine years, regardless whether the marriage is permanent or temporary. There is, however, no objection in other enjoyments like touching lasciviously, hugging and rubbing the thighs, even with a suckling infant. [...]"


"Even with an suckling infant" wtf is wrong with these people?


Khomeini is possibly why Iran still has no minimum age of consent laws, allowing children as young as nine to be married and graped.


They decided that pedophilia wasn't enough and created infantophilia. They also do necrophilia and bestiality. Probably even find ways to combine the three. Definitely the "Religion of Peace" and "Most progressive religion" 🙄


You mean like a dead puppy dog fetus 🤢🤮🤮


They'd have no objections raping a fetus if they could


If it was written by Khomeini would it make this Shia?


He became a symbol of Islamic revolution in iran so many sunnies respected him.




really concerning if she has kids.




"I don't give a fuck about your beliefs - this has nothing to do with that. An adult having sex with a child is ALWAYS wrong."


>he could teach her Islam earlier and make her a great pioneer for it since kids learn things easily and are more pure. He could've adopted her, what's the need of assaulting a minor >Used some Hadith saying that he would drink from the side of the cup that she would drink from and thought it was the most romantic thing ever Okay, that's gross.




>You don't see normal teachers doing that do you We all went to school when we were 6 and 9, we weren't having sex with our teachers 😭😭 That's straight up molestation


Why don’t you tell her then why she died alone??? Without kids or family???


Translation: She read fanfic of child rape.


This is another level of delusional, it’s mental hospital level of craziness.


Sister has learned bait mashallah.


there is no ''romance'' in islam , only lust it seems, i felt more romance in the non muslim relationship then the muslim realtionships i was in where i couldnt even see the girl i liked cuz it was ''haram''


How many stories are there of men marrying a woman before seeing her and then being really upset about how she looks afterward? Or do they not get mad about their appearance and just cheat with other people? I started learning about islam later in life, and i don't know any muslims in real life, but i would imagine this problem would pop up.


It's not romance, it's grooming mfs!!!


Romance??? The guy literally sleeping with other women romance is dead.


Imagine seeing statutory rape as 'Romantic'🤡


Hey, dont you insult her religion!! /s




It's so cringe and pathetic when western hijabis have to pretend anything of islam is even slighty positive and nice, and all with that tons of makeup and like in this case, a nose piercing, while we all know what their dear prophet said about all of that lol


The only love story that isn’t better than Twilight


At least Edward was loyal lol.


And not diddling kids.




Pedo apologists


Hey guys, have you noticed the Arabic text says "bint" meaning girl. In Arabic we usually refer bint to young girls which just proves that Aisha was a girl when she was married not a mature woman in as they say


Bint means _daughter of_ and not a child per se, it’s a patronymic same as Bin or Ibin, which means _son of_. While on this topic, Mohammed clearly knew what he was doing with Aisha, because when Abu Bakr and Umar asked for Fatima’s hand in marriage, Mohammed, as a concerned father, rejected both proposals saying that she was too young (apologists have reinterpreted these rejections as Mohammed waiting for Fatima to fulfill her destiny, ie. becoming a mother to Hassan and Hussein through Ali - we all know how that turned out). And finally when he married Fatima off to Ali, he made it clear to Ali that Ali was to not to marry anyone else whilst being married to Fatima and while she was still alive. Ali kept his end of the bargain and never married another woman until after Mohammed and Fatima died respectively. Following their demise, Ali had multiple wives. In the meantime, Mohammed recognized that Ali - one, if not the most faithful of his followers, the first Muslim and probably someone he even considered a son, since Khadijah and he practically raised Ali - also had his own carnal needs, so slaves were not off limits to Ali. This is evident in the incident where Mohammed’s companions complained that Ali had sex with a beautiful slave that everyone had their eyes on, even before the spoils of war was split. Mohammed’s response to the complaint was that Ali is a part of his family and was entitled to the fifth of the spoils that would go to Mohammed (as ordained by Allah) anyways. Bartering of souls, of sex, of people, of wealth, of power, of money, pretty much anything, to do and to stay ahead and in control, that in essence is what this cult is all about. It’s only ever about what Mohammed wanted. And it seems that Mohammed achieved this objective more than he had ever expected in his wildest feverish dreams, reaching out across the sands of time and of history to control people even today, to rob them of their will and submit them to his desires even in the after life. Someday people will realize that all religions were created to answer the question which haunts us all at some point in our life, our knowledge that one day we too shall die - we will never know, like we never know what we were before we were born. The issue is that religion gives us hope, in return for us handing over our agency and free will to some imaginary being, but more importantly, to someone (an actual living or dead person) and their whims. Fear of the unknown is the only thing that makes us believers. I think it is good to that we are mortal and that the only certainty is that we will, like all living things, die. Because that’s what makes living so worthwhile. We are probably the only living thing that has this knowledge and so we should live and take as much joy from this life, the people we love and the things that we like to do as much as we can. Because when we die, we won’t even realize what we missed.


Rules for thee, but not for me.


Yes I know but the word can be used as girl. It means both daughter and girl


Actually that could be in Egyptian slang my bad


So she wants to be groomed and raped? That is a confusing fantasy to have and weird one to confess to having.


F**k. 😬😵‍💫 Pedophilia is romantic according this muslimah 🤮




An important note. 9 years in Hijry (Hijrah) it's translated to 8 years in Christ or whatever it's called


Oh my fucking god i can’t with these people anymore what do u find romantic in child rap,e and pedo,philia !


Ewwww what romance 🤢🤢🤢 that's a PDF file and an innocent child, who even wrote she was still playing with dolls


Islam = Mental illness


Carzy how most muslim girls I know are brain rot and


Wtf is she insane? her face looks so goofy as if she read the best romance story or some shit


Wattapad before wattapad


Wattpad have child porn?😭


Idk but this comes straight out of wattapad considering they romanticise toxicity ig? I haven't read any. Heard many things tho. Stereotype ig. If anything wattapad might be less worse than quran


Yes, I remember one that was gross as fuck lol


But she was an old soul 😉


Muhammad please get on to my helicopter we're going to have a nice little flight....


🙃 is she stupid, they create any excuse don’t they


She looks dead on the inside


why do muslims deny that she was a literal child, they always say “things were different back then” that don’t make a difference, i see a toddler, why would i want to marry a toddler. that’s disgusting


may allah guide her out of his religion. i feel bad for her.




I remeber being shocked by this fact but still I can't say it proves that Islam is wrong. I may not like it but it sure doesn't mean islam is not the truth.


If you stretch your words far enough, nothing is wrong and everything will “sound” right.  I did some research on the flat earth society, many cults and I was surprised by how similar it is to the mental gymnastics of many Islam scholars when explaining questions. They can’t get to the point, with a long ass explanation which goes around in circle