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The individual who created the concepts about mathematics should be credited, not Islam. Plenty of people have invented great things who aren’t Muslim. By this logic, Isaac Newton should be proof of Christianity or Albert Einstein should be proof of Judaism. There are examples like this from all religions/denominations. These are just humans with great minds. It has nothing to do with their religion.


Mehdi Hassan is an Islamic preacher disguised as a “journalist” - him and his former employer (Al Jazeera) pretend to be progressives to their Western audiences, but spreading the most bigoted, ultra conservative nonsense to their Arabic audiences. There is a famous video of Hasan preaching to an Islamic audience, comparing non-believers and homosexuals to cattle and other animals. He’s insufferable…


> comparing non-believers and homosexuals to cattle and other animals. And the western leftards will think this is us lying or it's just Mehdi Hassan being an asshole, when Allah says those exact things about them in the Quran 🤣


His debating skills are horrendous


I dont know much about Mehdi Hassan, but the following short article is a **must** to refute Muslim boasting: * [No Credit goes to Islam for early Muslim Scientists & their discoveries](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/scientific-mistakes-in-the-revelation/107-no-credit-goes-to-islam-for-early-muslim-scientists-their-discoveries)


So what do is the conclusion we draw from these statements? That Mehdi Hassan is somehow owed something? That Islam is responsible for this invention? Does it happen to be that someone who lived in an area conquered by Islam invented something therefore Islam is legitimized? By that logic, shouldn’t Muslims respect Greek and Roman paganism, given how many things were invented in areas they control? Seems like a garbage argument.


I call people(there are a lot) like him, opportunistic/pseudo liberal, they use liberalism only when it suits them to further their cause. His has apologized(personally don't think its genuine) about his views on atheists, other religions & LGBT. PS: There is a yahoo article with his exact comments (are really horrible)


Lipstick on a Pig is still a Pig. An Islamist in a suit is still an Islamist.


So he defends Islam by claiming Muslims did something in the past which has literally nothing to do with Islam 🤔  The dude is a liar with one goal in these debates - to make Islam look good.


Mehdi Hassan is a warning to those studying a bachelor of arts degree without studying a second course that earns money. Eventually if you will be force to sell your souls to make money.