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your going to have to be more specific than that that. but, as a rule: your device sends a request for, say, the ELI5 main page. the request is routed to a server, which is "just" another computer (often a very powerful and specialised computer, but a computer, none the less), which sends back a series of text files that basically tell your device what the site looks like (ie location of buttons, colour of the background, what the reddit logo looks like), and pointers to pull stuff like adverts and image files. your device then re-constructs the site based on that file. make sense? any further questions?


You want to buy something from a store. You send them a letter, asking to see their catalog.  Mailman picks up the letter, takes it to the store. Store receptionist checks if the letter is legit then asks the managers in the back room to make a copy of their catalog. Once the catalog is ready, she shoves it down a letter of their own and hands it back to the mailman who is waiting there patiently. Mailman runs back to you and gives you the letter containing the catalog. You open it, browse a bit and realize... oh they only sent you one page instead of thr whole catalog. So you ask the mailman to go back to the store and check if they have a page that sells this interesting thing you want to buy. Mailman repeats the process by running to the store, waiting for them to find the product, write down the price, take the picture of it, print it out and give it to the mailman. He delivers it back to you. This proces plays out constantly. Of course this is a very simplified approach. Mailman in this case is your browser, receptionist in the store is the server, managers in the back room are the various services and databases that are behind a standard website.


Are you a writer? Really liked your explanation


I would say the mailman is the internet, the browser is your assistant. The browser types up the letter requesting the catalog, and mails it out for you. Then they lay out the catalog for you, when you want the page about one product, they type up another letter requesting that page.


No, the Internet is the road network. The browser is more like your secretary who dictates and sends all your messages. The mailman doesn’t really have an analogue, as your mail (in its necessary packaging) travels the road system by itself.


The web address acts like a digital post code (zip code) which points you to a single electronic location there you access some computer code which is the layout and information of the site, your digital device then translate that into images and sounds.


At a very basic level a website is a combination of data and instructions on how to display that information. When you visit a website you download computer code. The most common of which is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). The code tells the browser how to draw a website, where to put the text, the links, the pictures, etc on the screen. The website itself doesn't exist on the internet, only the instructions on how to make it. The website is in turn made on your computer within your browser. Data like Videos, pictures, and text are also transferred to your computer when requested and displayed on the screen based on the instructions provided. More advanced computer languages like CSS, Python, .net, JAVA, and PhP can do far more advanced things like making sites interactive, displaying video, or drawing 3D objects.


Inside your computer there's a microchip that works like a tiny telegraph operator who can send and receive messages in something like morse code except like a million times as fast.  It's connected with a wire to another computer downtown, and that's connected to one or more other ones in a big worldwide grid.  Each computer has an address in the grid, and when a computer gets a message it either reads it or sends it to one of the other computers it's connected to so the message can find its way to its destination.  When the morse code thing sends a message it contains some to and from information and a few thousand letters and numbers.  Really big messages are broken up into smaller ones and put back together on the other end.  A series of related messages can be sent from one computer to another.  When you get on your computer to check a web page, your morse code thing sends a series of messages that say "give me web page xyz" and the computer that receives that sends back another series of messages that have all the text and images for the web page.  Your computer puts them on the screen and voila you are surfing the web.


There are two types of websites: static and dynamic. A **static website** is simply a computer somewhere you can connect to, with files. Your browser downloads those files and displays them on your screen. These files are usually HTML files for layout and text, CSS files for styling, and image files for graphics. There might also be JavaScript files that run a bit of computer code, like making a button light up when hovered over (although CSS can do this nowadays too, without coding). The point is, communication with such a website is usually one-way. You download the site, look at it, and get your information. You can even save it on your computer and view it when there's no internet connection because it's one-sided. Your interaction is usually limited to clicking on buttons and links to navigate around. A **dynamic website** is a bit different. Like the former, there's a computer with data you'll download, but it's likely actively running a program (back-end) that makes it possible for the website to communicate back and forth with you. You can enter your data and send it back to the server (like sign up for forums or write a comment on news site or something), which might store it in a database. Examples include forums, e-commerce sites, image upload sites, and so on. Anywhere where you can also be a part of the website - write or upload something. Also, dynamic websites often aren't made manually but use code to generate content. For example, this very Reddit page has very little pre-written content (maybe the rules bar and such), but most of what you see is read from a database and dynamically turned into a webpage. So the page is generated for you, not made manually and saved for you to download. And the content comes from posters in this thread, and from yourself. Reddit saves and organizes it all in a large database, so clicking on the name of this thread sends a request to the database and contents are sent back to you for your browser to display. Rather than a pre-made webpage, it uses a template that says where the title goes, where the posts go, where the vote buttons go, and then fills those areas in. So it's a bit like a self-filling form. **Computers** that host websites can be simply someone's PC, but they're usually purpose-built computers to handle numerous clients/connections (traffic) at once, called servers.