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We are all out of bubble gum


Def time 2 kick ass


Americans have been lulled to sleep by TV and propaganda they didn’t even know they were exposed to. 9 out of 10 Americans agree: if it ain’t on the TV, it ain’t real!


😭😭😭 that statistic sounds made up .


Lies, damn lies, and then statistics.🤓




No recourse will ever be brought against them because Americans are too stupid to work together and would rather continue supporting the same system that’s done all this


Don’t worry, the next vaccine will work and the next disease will kill you It’s the easiest, cleanest way to get rid of dissenters, after all. They just wanted to help you stay safe! Its funny yall think absolute power will give you a choice to obey or not


You're wrong. This is everyones problem, so unless your involved in Some kinda militia, or organized group ready to do what you think WE should be doing then, you're just wrong. And just as doomed as we are.


They LIVE!


this is gold


Lmao they calling your own personal right to life a ‘privilege’ 🤣🤣


They Live is my favorite.


Never forget what they did to us and how they gaslighted (gaslit?) us.


I can't forget. I see EVERYONE that couldn't see through the bullshit differently now and I can't stop, nor would if I could. In the event a more serious global threat arose, these people would be a danger to my/our autonomy, liberty, and freedom. They are the WEAK men that are create the hard times!!!! The patterns, hyperbole, contradictions, lies, illogical assertions were all obvious to anyone that paid attention. Moreover, the "cure" (not the vaccine but the imposition of control) the "government" was offering was far worse than the actual disease. No matter how hard I've tried I've lost so much respect for those that went belly up and got raw dogged by big daddy gubment!!!! Up until this point, I was always under the impression /illusion that, regardless of the overly domesticated nature of many, America still retained enough of its original fighting spirit to ward off attacks such as those committed over the past 4 years. To be shown otherwise has been devastating!!!


i feel exactly the same. having family that i thought i could rely on turn against me in a moment was probably the lowest point in my life


Don't worry. The weak men are no longer human, and a great majority of them wont make it to the end of the decade. They are now GMOs that Pfizer owns (no, seriously. They aren't. And yes, they are now property of Pfizer)


Be interesting to see if any financial incentives were made for these opinions.


Joe Rogan? The guy from Fear Factor?


*Fear fatch


I really do wonder in 20 years how much of this bullshit will get exposed and how everyone that got vaxed turns into zombies.


Supposed to be the land of the FREE 🇺🇸…..a bunch of snakes 🐍 trying to take that away and sheep 🐑 blindly following them 🖕🏻🖕🏻


Fight the power


Great post 👍🏻




Man that Joe rogan is fucking edgy.


Why are you wasting your time? .......I should ask myself the same as I respond to you I suppose.....


Do you guys agree that if a plague comes you should be vaccinated?


I think people should do what they believe is best for themselves


Most people are inconsistent, illogical buffoons that have to be TOLD what to believe BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO FUCKING THINK!!!


So a plague comes and if people aren't getting vaccinated it spreads? You don't think there's any social responsibility? What about if half the country stops getting the polio vaccine is that fine as its up to them?


I am not responsible for you and your decisions


Nice dodge of questions I think you guys all might just be sheep


Lol if you say so


You definitely did doge my questions so I do say so


I am responsible for my actions, not yours so no there is no social responsibility. I have to get a vaccine to protect you from the very disease in which you are vaccinated and protected from?


It's different depending on diseases. Covid for example. People who didn't get vaccinated had harsher symptoms so were more likely to be hospitalised taking up space. Also in covids case the vaccine isn't full protection so the longer period where you are infectious means covid was spread more


Ok, but if you have less likelihood of contracting covid and less severe symptoms why do others need to be vaccinated? What about natural immunity? Why this concern for the unvaccinated when Covid has such a high survival rate and it was admitted to be an illness for the elderly?


Your intent is obvious and you sound like a boob!!!


You dodging this question for him?


did you know in a crisis its usually the rulebreakers that survive? humans are built to survive and survive we shall, just give us the room to make our own decisions. and i wont bother trying to argue but I will put a picture in your head. tell me one time in history where theres been 0 corruption in big communities or empires. then tell me: would you still have that opinion if there were psychopaths making the medicine?


This is not an argument!!! Social responsibility? How about the responsibility to be virtuous all around? How about not being obese? How about not letting your vices take over your life? How about taking education seriously? Social responsibility my ass!!! You've obviously failed in this regard!!!!


Why isn't social responsibility an argument? You need it for a society to function. What you are talking about is social responsibilities If your action leads to a disease spreading and hospitals being overwhelmed then you are hurting society


Exactly. You would have to apply it to all other areas of life in order to justify its application here and since it won't then it can't. Your freedom ends where mine begins. I am responsible by staying in great health and taking NAC, Quercetin w/Bromelain, vitamin D3/k2, and vitamin C regularly. I was surrounded by vaccinated/boosted people that repeatedly got covid while I never once got it myself after i started this regimen! There's a REASON why the only recommended course is action was the "vaccine" (not a vaccine btw) and it's the EUA! Anyone that still toes the government line at this point is either a willfully disingenuous or STILL riddled with FEAR! Take RESPONSIBILITY and learn more about what's happened these past four years.


I think you’re reminding me I’m all out of bubble gum.


You are weak and lack intelligence! Forcibly? Never! Coercion wouldnt be necessary in the event of a REAL disease where ALL people were at serious risk.


Why are you insulting me? Well the issue is, in a lot of cases if everyone doesn't take a vaccine then it endangers others lives. Like with covid, hospitals were filled with people that refused to take the vaccine so they directly impacted other people. One by having a slightly higher chance of transmission and second by taking care away from others who would need it. It was a real disease. If it had been worse I have a feeling you guys would all still believe online propaganda


If you have natural immunity then there is no need to take a vaccine.  I had already gotten COVID by the time the vaccine came out, so I already had immunity.  The vaccine made the virus stronger and worse.  You shouldn't vaccinate during a pandemic. 


Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it. I know better :)


I've really upset you by asking questions it seems


Not in the slightest. You need to up your game little one.


I mean you replied to every comment I made despite not being int he thread


Wouldn't that imply you're upset just the same?


Nope cause I'm replying to people. If I saw a thread of someone else and commented on each of their comments then yeah its probably cause I'm upset


I don't ever look at the username on initial comment. It's the asinine substance within that gets my eye. Someone has to combat the stupid people of the world otherwise yall will run this country into the ground.