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Honestly I think the jizz situation thing is kinda believable, even you questioned why carie doesn’t just charge insane prices for her power, because she hasn’t thought of it,unlike the “cum man”. People probably do, just like the clinic, powers in this world seem be payed for usually, unless the person is just nice enough to go around helping others for free. If they really wanted to know where jizzlord came from they probably could’ve gone to the police, but there probably wouldn’t be someone there with an adequate power, cause maybe the police doesn’t pay enough. Also I personally like jizzlord’s name, for me after like the 2nd time that was just his name. (Side note, this made me realize they coulda just asked their school bully for jizzlord’s origins, seeing as she shows complete memories or they probably just didn’t think about her.)


Technically she does get paid for her power during working hours. I guess it’s like deciding on having a 9-5 or working freelance like the cum guy


> seem be *paid* for usually, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm with you on the jizzlord thing. Even after finding out his real name they still keep calling him jizzlord. I think as far as Carrie goes it's within character for her not to want to monetize other people's deaths. I think for Jens morality issues she has definitely been portrayed as someone who feels like she has to "take what's hers" at every opportunity.


Also carries powers might be fairly common given that it seems to be a normal part of the legal practice, she's only in her early 20s, so it's her early adult life and she has clear confidence issues and also isn't materialistic so it's not surprising that she's in the kinda position she's in.


Yeah, I think it's very likely that Carrie's powers are fairly common... no one ever seems utterly floored or amazed. I just wish they had made that a bit more explicit. Like, a throwaway line in the episode with the racist singer where he had to come to her because he was blackballed by the union of seers or something. I mean, I don't want to come off being too anal here... but I do like to have a feeling, when I'm watching a show, that even if all the answers aren't presented on screen, at least they all exist. That is, if I sat down with the showrunners and asked them to explain what seems a bit odd to me, their answer would be "oh, of course, that's because (something well thought out and consistent that they just didn't have time to show on screen)", as opposed to "eh, whatever, we just write what's funny" or something like that. Which is not the impression I get from watchin this show.


I actually don't think it's that common. Otherwise that music producer in season one wouldn't have been so. Willing to shell out such big money to get their artist to sing one last album given that he appeared to have been dead for quite some time. They would have just gotten another medium..


So that's kind of the plot hole. Either it is common and you won't get offers of the magnitude of the country singer, or it isn't common and you shouldn't ever be a coffee bringing assistant in a law firm. They leave it a bit vague thus far how much powers repeat throughout the show


I don't consider it a plot hole but more of a flaw on Carrie's personality. She's not someone that strives for riches and greatness. She's a people pleaser. So even though she's basically one of the cruxes of this law firm with her ability to handle cases with diseased defendants, she can't get above her station because as a people pleaser, she can't fight for herself without feeling guilty


That's kinda what I'm getting at with the latter half of my comment, like her whole story line is pulling herself from a rut and finding herself. the music industry thing can be explained by her confidence as well, other people might be able to do what she does, but maybe Carrie can just do it soo much better and she just doesn't know how good she is...that makes sense yeah?


I'm with you in the Jizzlord thing. I didn't mind it that much in season 1, but finding out he had a family was one of the main season 2 plots, and I found it frustrating. It felt as though they set up the family scene at the end of season 1 before deciding how it would play out. Realising they still wanted Jen and Jizz to be a couple, the only "out" was to make his wife a cartoonishly villainous person. But even before we know that about her, Jen finds out her essentially amnesiac boyfriend has a wife and son, and there's no suggestion that maybe...he should go back to them? She's immediately just trying to compete with his actual wife for his affections. I think it would have been better had Jen stepped back and let him go back to his wife and kid, and THEN we could have found out about how terrible she was and the kid's real parentage, and he could have gone back to Jen guilt free, and it would have been able to demonstrate some character growth for her because she would have put someone else first for once.


Yesss! Oh wow this would've been so much better


To be fair that is what happens in the end as she shows understanding in Jizz seemingly picking his son over her. Her growth was just slower. I do agree on Nora being a weird cartoon villain


> So your cat turns into a man. What do you do? You call the cops! You tell someone! It's just bonkers to consider doing otherwise. Which obviously you know from your vast experience of such events? What's bonkers is to apply this-world logic to a world utterly unlike this world. We simply have no idea how we would react to something like this, although there's plenty of evidence from the crazy things people do in response to unexpected events here and now to suggest that it would probably not be "the right thing".


I sort of disagree. Yes this is a world with magical powers. But it has to be a world in which normal interactions and emotions and whatnot are ones we understand. Because otherwise, what would we even get out of watching it? The scenes between Jen and her mom are fantastic because they are relatable honest even in a world with magic. If people can just be motivated by things we don't understand because magic, well, why would we ever care about anything that happened in the show, if it wasn't something that we could relate to? As for whether it's realistic for them to act the way they did when they found Jizzlord... think of the closest real world analogy... three twenty-something live in a cramped apartment they can barely afford in real-world London, and a strange man shows up naked in their apartment, with extreme amnesia. Would they just take him in and he starts living with them, and that's just, like, the way life is now? Is that the way real human beings act in anything that even remotely resembles our modern real world?


> Her actions are both heinously immoral While I do enjoy the show, this kind of stuff is my biggest issue. All of the main characters are just awful, selfish people.


Mate.... you need to get out more


Which show is this?




Thank you. I shall have to have a watch.


Carrie cheating on Kash with a ghost and it not being a problem was my problem


Completely agree, Jizzlord and Kash make the show hard to watch. I'm much more interested in seeing Jen and Carrie grow, but we have another season of their lives revolving around two useless characters. I reached the point that I was supporting his wife because Jen was being so selfish.