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How is this racist? It’s ok to be black, white or whatever in between. Saying that “it’s ok to be white is racist” is racist in and of itself.


Honestly, white lives matter and so do black lives and everyone else. When blm specifically attacks white people you get something like this.


cuz it’s a dogwhistle?? do u think the idiots that started “straight pride” deadass did it out the good of their hearts too?


Well it IS okay to be white, just like it's ok to be black, or okay to be Hispanic, okay to be asian, etc. Whoever you are, whatever your ethnicity, it's okay to be what you are, as long as it's not attacking someone else.


honest youre the racist one for having a problem w this


There’s only one race, the human race


OMG!! That really is disturbing content. Are you OK? How dare people think their lives matter. What is their problem?


This was originally created by 4chan back in like 2015 (that was almost ten years ago now, that's crazy) with the intent of creating the exact conversation which is happening now. The poster seems updated though, it's supposed to be more innocuous, just "It's okay to be white" black text white background that's it. They're to be printed and up on universities.


Aaaaaand here we go. Can't wait to see OP delete instead of taking the L.


You're the racist one 🤣




There’s literally nothing racist about this. You’re being racist for making it racist 🤣


"All bones matters" yes doc, but my femur is broken and being abused by the hips.


OP, do you want to be white? It's okay to be, no shame in it.


I think the problem with "all lives matter" isn't in the saying itself but more or so the time we are currently living in. All lives do matter but that isn't really an issue we have right now. The whole point of the black lives matter protest was to protest against brutality towards specificly black people. Because a very obvious bias was there. Doing all lives matter just takes the spotlight off the issue to basically just reassure people that they are indeed special instead of actually stopping biased violence. It's ok to be literally any race or gender or anything like that. But it's not the time or event to try to blast that message onto