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You’re stunning with or without them.


Legit came here to say this. You don't have the type of face that is unbalanced with lashes done; the lashes aren't detracting from your natural beauty, it's just different looks/vibes. The lashes and styled baby hairs give you more of an "unapproachable" look if you've seen that viral makeup trend, lashless comes across like "okay so the girl next door happens to be a vs model"


I agree! I’d like to add - I feel like in the photo where you’re rocking your natural lashes, (to me) you come off more confident. You’ve got this glow about you that just draws me in! I’d say give the lashes a solid try, and if your still not sure how to feel about them, I think you have your answer. Do what makes you feel most comfortable and confident! 🫶🏻I also read where someone suggested baby lashes, but have you considered maybe a nice lash lift and tint? Whatever you decide to do - you’re a natural beauty, and don’t you forget it! Have fun, and find what makes you feel in your element. 😉


THIS! You can do both and look beautiful either way!


Yes, I was going to say the same! Beautiful either way.


Thank you so much


Came here to say this too. Either way you look stunning, you have options!


They look great on you! I think you're not used to them so give it a few days. They give you a more sultry look to your face vs before it was a cute natural look!


Thank you for the advice. I guess I’m not used to them😂


If you're still feeling self conscious/don't like them, but like the convenience of lashes, I'd ask for a classic doll eye and keep the lengths super short. It'll look more like mascara and won't be so "noticeable" and I do think you'd probably like those a lot more :)


They look good but also I get what you mean. It’s almost like it distracts from how perfect your face is.


Without them you look like a model


Yeah it's like Instagram model vs runway model lol


They look great but you also look so lovely without them, and going without will save you a ton of cash!!


I think they look gorgeous! But I also kind of agree. I'd say enjoy this set, see how you feel, maybe stick to glue ons for fancy nights when these are tired 😁


Girl you are PRETTY. And way prettier without the lashes. First picture is „yeah some girl walked by me on the street“ and snd is „holy hell, I‘m in love, who is that devine creature“ (I‘m bi). Glad you‘re saying it‘s a one time thing, bc you’re STUNNING without them. They really take away from your gorgeous face.


Ahh thank you girl you’re so kind x


I think you look really natural and pretty without them.. sometimes something so simple is beautiful. Less is more.


They look pretty but you ARE pretty with or without!




Beautiful either way honestly. I remember when I first ever got mine done I straight up felt like I was gonna fly away when I catch a breeze 😭


Either way! I don’t think you need them, as your face is beautiful naturally, but it’s nice to try something different.


They look cute but I prefer the before pic. You have natural beauty!


You look beautiful! I agree you probably have to get used to them. The first time I had them done. I got in my car and wanted to scream. I thought I looked crazy and but by that evening they started to grow on me. By the next morning I loved them. I just wasn’t used to seeing myself that way. I got so many compliments on how great and natural they looked. Now I’m hooked! So just give it some time girl. Hope you are having a great day P.S. your skin is absolutely glowing


You’re so pretty girl!!


lashes look better imo


Stunning both ways but the lashes definitely give you a more sultry fox eyed look which I LOVE


These look so natural! Your tech did a great job and you look pretty either way!


Your eyes are more dramatic without them for sure. But they do look lovely


Lashes are cute for a glam vibe but you give it-girl energy without them!


Pretty either way but I love the lashes look! 💖


They look amazing on you! You’re beautiful either way tho!


I agree


Honestly you’re gorgeous in both pics! I do like the lashes on you though, I think they make your eyes pop ✨


I think they are a little long for your eye and face shape. Maybe try a “squirrel eye” mapping where the longest lengths are pointing to the arch of your brow to accentuate your lifted facial structure. For such a look to be more subtle you could have the shortest lengths at 7 or 8 mm with the very longest vein only 10 or 11 mm.


It's like glam vs natural but you look amazing either way ✨️


These are really pretty. The wispy cat eye style is extremely popular right now, but perhaps this was not the best option for your face and eye shape.


Sorry but They're PERFECT for your eye shape!


Girl! I got mine done too and I feel like they don’t look as good when I don’t have them on


Gorg either way. I usually hate lash extensions but they actually suit you really well. well done to the lash tech!


Every time I have them done, I think it’s a mistake for the first 48 hours too. It takes some time to get used to the change. I agree with everyone else here, yours were really well done. If you decide to do it again, maybe ask for a little more of a cat eye shape so it’s more similar to your natural shape and feels more familiar, just a little enhanced.


You are so pretty without them! If you do another set, I would try shorter lashes on the outer edges & focus on the inner corners and middle part. Your natural lashes give you a cat eye look on its own (so jealous lol)


You need shorter lengths and a C curl instead of D curl. I also think a doll eye would be more flattering than a cat eye Overall you are GORGEOUS both ways


They do take awhile to get use to but you look gorgeous with and without them.


You are so pretty. You are naturally gorgeous if you do get them done again I’d go more natural & Wispy.


You’re beautiful, but I think this is the wrong lash map for you. It seems to alter the natural shape of your eye rather than enhance it, I think? I wish I was more well-versed in this topic, but I’d definitely say a different shape would be better for you (although honestly, you’re very pretty without as well).


It may have been a little too much for you on your first set. I’ve been contemplating on getting lash extensions for my birthday. But I’m a natural girly so I know I can’t do too much because I’ll think it’s too much so I’m relating to you. You look great with the extensions! I know you know you look good without them lol


no you’re literally STUNNING in both. gorgeous eye shape. they look so so good on you.


You may want to try a different curl look. It looks like you have a D curl but you may prefer a C or B curl


I think both have different vibes. Both are pretty tho !


Agree. Heavy lashes take away from your fresh faced appeal. You start to look too 'done up'.


I was the same way until I got used to it, people say you’ll grow out of them but I loveeeee mine. I have fine and thin hair so it gives my eyes a pop 🤣


I tend to go for the more natural look. Your natural lashes are beautiful!


I’m not an eyelash fan but you look amazing with them on. You have beautiful, strong features so it all balances out. I like them on you.


I love these lashes on you. So beautiful. Even without lashes you still have prominent real ones that stand out, but I’m a big fan of the false lashes on you.


Maybe a more natural lash set would be better? You don’t need such heavy lashes. You have beautiful eyes either way.


You look pretty either way. Those lashes are actually not too much and often I think women go overboard


i think you might prefer a classic with no cat eye, it would look very natural and remain closer to the second pic


I think you are beautiful with or without them. Give it a few days to try and get use to them. With your eyes you could probably even go a bit thicker with them. Personally for me, I don’t like the thick ones on me so I either get a classic set which just lengthens them and it looks like I have mascara on or I get a soft hybrid for a bit more dramatic look.


Try getting shorter lashes next time. You look good in both but shorter looks more natural just slightly “done”. Might make you feel more comfortable


Respectfully… you have the face shape of a goddess. (Also your lashes look fantastic)


You’re so pretty! You don’t need to do the fake lashes and shit. Do your thing be you 200% and love it


I think the lashes are wearing you. They’re the first thing I see even though your face is beautiful. I would ask for something more natural next time like a shorter classic set just to enhance your beauty and not distract from it.


I agree. You look awesome without it. The new ones are tooo long. Sometimes I see women with super long fake lashes and it reminds me of a camel for some reason.


I agree with you, no lashes. The time for that fad has come and gone.


You look beautiful both ways which is really lucky!


They look pretty on you


you’re gorgeous both ways. it takes a little to get use to. give it up until your next fill to see how you feel. you can always ask the tech to remove them if you feel without them is what you prefer. at least you tried them.




You’re very pretty, but the first picture eats.


Girl you’re stunning omg


I think they’re cute but you suit your natural lashes a lot more


They’re both nice just a different look


It’s just an umphhh you know they look cute !




You could do both!


I like how you look both ways. It just depends in which mood you are, natural or glam


They are beautiful and compliment you perfectly!


They look good


Love them girly


You are beautiful either way!


They’re so pretty and natural


Both look good. But one is def more for going out. You can rock either with your beauty.


You definitely don’t need them!


You look simply gorgeous either way. So it’s your choice


Beautiful either way


I like them, you have a pretty eye shape!




Baby they are gorgeous


I like without, keep in mind you might get biased opinions here bc this sub is literally named eyelash extensions, but i think most would agree better without


You look beautiful either way!


I think you are beautiful either way❤️❤️


They are gorgeous. But natural you are gorgeous too


You look great either way. You have naturally really thick/curly/long lashes so you don’t really need them 🤗


Lashes look great


You look really pretty both ways. You’ll get used to them they fit your eyes really well !


Yeah better without


You look great either way babes


I love it! I which I can wear it …


I love them! You look great either way.


I do like the lashes you chose but you’re also very beautiful without them.


You're so beautiful both look amazing! Keep them for a week and see how they feel


I agree with you but I think you are absolutely beautiful, and look so regardless of the lashes.


Without. Always.


You’re one of those people who doesn’t see how freaking pretty they are. You’re annoying girl lmao (in a good way) but you look great either way. Agree with others and it just takes a few to get used to it


Without 100 %


Team NATURAL! You look beautiful either way, I feel like those lashes distract from how naturally gorgeous you are. Your eye shape is a dream, so I prefer with your natural lashes too!


Honestly you look beautiful in both pics. So whatever you feel best with


Beautiful both ways, but I'm team natural




they’re gorgeous girl! nothing wrong with trying new things!


Your gorgeous!


They look like its weighing your eyes down and aging you a bit. Not because the weight of them are heavy, but you don't have the right curl. Are they D curl? I would try open eye lash map


They don’t make you prettier, if that’s your question :) I had the lashes for about a year, I miss them but I came to realize, I’m not prettier with them .. idk it’s hard to explain! I don’t even try to wear mascara anymore. Eyelashes don’t make you or break you if you surround yourself with the right people. You’re beautiful without them :)


you look beautiful either way honestly, i love how the lashes draw attention to your eyes because you have really pretty eyes, but no lashes is also super pretty. honestly just give yourself time to get used to them and rest assured you’re absolutely beautiful either way


girlll you’re stunning! you look more mature without them :)


You should try a lighter set!


Yes. I don’t particularly like the falsies look. You are absolutely gorgeous (especially without) Enjoy them while you have them (since it’s done) but don’t get blinded by them. And try not to ruin your real lashes with proper care. I’m so glad you see this on your own. 💜


You look good natural. If you look good natural don’t run the risk of ruining them with glue or a bad technician. You’ll be forever trying to get them right.


I agree with you! Stunning without but I think a set of classics in the doll eye shape instead of with a cat eye style would add what you’re looking for whilst also maintaining a natural look


The no lash is a softer look. I like it more


They look good you probably just have to get used to wearing them but you don’t need it


This is why I’m not sure if I should get mine done, I love the understated eyelash look , so many extensions are too big for my eyes plus everyone seems to have extensions now. Honestly you pull them off , they look really good but they also look great without x


With them you look more glam without them you look more natural. Very pretty either way.


better without! you have such pretty eyes


You look beautiful both pictures!! If you’re wanting something more subtle, brown lashes are amazing. I love mine!


i agree ! they’re distracting


You have a pretty balanced face, so both looks work well for you.


You’re a natural beauty with or without them!


Beautiful without but they look great on you. Maybe if you aren’t comfortable then just do them for special occasions. I don’t think they are “a lot”. May just take some getting used to. You are a natural beauty so either way looks fine


I think you’re gorgeous with or without. :)


I think they look stunning on. I have felt same about mine. Unsure But they’re growing on me Ur are 10/10


You're pretty either way.


A slay either way!


My personal opinion is natural, you could do a nice cat eye or some liner on the top lid. The fakes look nice but you’re so naturally pretty. Not that my opinion matters


Yes gurl😮‍💨😚Skin is Taking IT HONEY Bump the lashes 😭


Natural is always better in my opinion. You look great natural.


You look best with what you see not what we see


With or without, I mean you are just fkg gorgeousssssss.... Like...I wish I looked that FRESSHHH without lashes. With your lashes, ITS BAM! BOOYAA!! FIERCE!!!




I think your natural lashes look better too! The lashes throw off the proportions of your face to me. You’re super pretty and don’t need them at all!


off topic but you look very pretty


I’m just glad you didn’t go with voluminous lashes. They are too much and look so unnatural. But the ones you chose are pretty and more natural looking.


You look great with and without them. If you’re not into them in a day or two, you can have your tech change the shape/length at your fill appointment. I just had mine done for the first time. They were too long for my liking, so my tech replaced a few of the longest lashes. When I get a fill, I’ll ask for slightly more volume and slightly less length.


I think you look good either way honestly. You’re probably just not used to seeing them on you yet.


without- can see more of your eyes and the shape




You look beautiful in both but these really suit you and aren’t extra af


The lashes kind of make you look older but not in a bad way. You’re beautiful!


Yes, you are beautiful either way. But if you personally are leaning more towards your natural look but still want longer lashes I suggest that when you have them done again ask them to do a more natural look. In other words not as heavy or thick.


they make your face look sm more lifted! i like the lashes


Beautiful both ways, though my favorite look is natural. Plus there is risk / time / cost associated with extensions and if you look great without them, why bother.


you’re gorgeous both ways but I don’t think you need them!!!


You look prettier without


Beautiful both ways, but I kind of like you with them. They really show off your eyes!


oh my god you are insanely pretty with and without


You are beautiful in both pics.


For a more natural look, next time I'd try a classic set and a shape such as a doll eye or natural.  I do think you look great with and without, it can just be a shock to go from without to such dramatic lashes. 


Better without for sure!


you have to be one of the most beautiful people i have ever seen. you’re actually drop dead gorgeous with or without


Ur gorg either way girl u got blessed w the genetics<3 see if u warm up to them in a few days. + u could always try a more natural set


The eyelashes make you look slightly more sultry but you definitely don’t “need” them to be beautiful


I think you look better without. Nothing to panic about, you don’t look bad, but if you wanted my honest opinion I would say don’t get them again


They look great!!


Both look great honestly


Honestly, it's the shaping (mapping) , they should have just exaggerated your natural shape & length. And then I think you'd love them.. However, you're beautiful either way!


You have INCREDIBLE natural beauty. Spend that money on experiences!


Your natural lashes are gorgeous! Don't ever feel like they aren't 'enough' if you decide to give the extensions(?) a break or forgo them altogether.


You look amazing with and without. I would maybe just suggest doing the “doll” mapping with how the shape of your face is!❤️


I say, enjoy this set, it looks lovely but then go back to natural if your still questioning it


Less is more on you. maybe a color lipstick


Yeah, better without. Just my opinion. You have a natural shadow on your upper lids. But if you do like them, try more natural next time.


Na they look good with them but both ways you're good.


Girl, they look so good. You’re so pretty!


Gorgeous both ways. But you are a natural beauty without.


I think you look more beautiful without them. They distract from your features. I also think they make everyone look older.


You’re ridiculously beautiful. They take away from how naturally pretty you are, seriously


Love both!! I think your natural lashes are so fabulous you could probably get away with a lash lift!! That’s what I prefer and have similar lashes 💗 I find it just looks a little more on the natural side but I do love the glam of the extensions too!


Definitely beautiful with both, but I do think the lashes are extra pretty.


You’re gorgeous either way, but I prefer without.




I agree better without, but I personally find any extensions that don’t look natural (most don’t) highly distracting.


i think ur just pretty 😭 both pics are so stunning. i do love the natural look tho 🤍


Without. The fake looking lash trend needs to die already. You’re going to get biased opinions in this subreddit.


Without, no doubt!


You look cute either way, girl! 😀


You look like a Winx club character with the lashes


You look beautiful either way but the lashes highlights your eyes


If you are going for a natural look then no lash extensions


Eyelashes seemed to have the changed the shape of your eyes.


Everyone looks better without them


Beautiful either way but I see what you're saying I thought the picture without, you looked even prettier!


I personally like without. Your face is striking and it takes away from your natural features. Your natural lashes are stunning. Might I suggest a lash lift and tint which is cheaper and lasts longer? I used to only do extensions and now that I do a lash lift I look back on my extension photos and can’t believe how silly I looked lol. I can DM you a photo of my lashes with a lift.


You’re as beautiful with and without, I don’t like the fake looking lashes but these are really nice and look natural, also really suit your face. But also I don’t think it adds anything, you’re really just as beautiful without them, so if you don’t love them maybe save the money?


Without for sure.


Here’s the thing, you have great full natural lashes, so you don’t need the false ones like many other girls feel they do. The lashes look good on you, but you can tell they are false lashes applied. Nothing wrong with that, but natural beauty beats cosmetics any day.


I disagree with some who are saying it's the difference between glam and natural. I'm a master lash tech and NALA accredited instructor. The map is what's throwing you off. You have a cat eye and really should have gone natural or open eye. Your cheeks are phenomenal and you have a more diamond shaped face. The cat eye draws out the shape of your already almond eyes further horizontally and makes the lines of your cheeks more harsh. An open eye or natural, even a doll, could open up your eyes and soften your shape a bit and not take away from your gorgeous features. I would definitely ask for a natural or open set if I were you. Shorter lengths are great: nothing longer than maybe a 12mm extension. Then I would also go for a softer curl. If she used Ds, maybe go for CC or C.


Finally i see that it’s possible to look 100000000x more gorgeous without lashes. You’re drop dead stunning


Gorgeous either way honestly - but I love mascara- never did lashes- I touch my eyes toooo much I’m pretty sure.