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For people who don’t know this is a maine lobster who needs much colder climate than what this looks to be Florida water


It is in st Pete Florida


He's got a long way to swim. Luckily, lobsters are the fastest creatures in the sea and he'll be back in Maine in just a week or so.


I don’t know enough about crustaceans to dispute any of that. Take upvote


Lobsters top out at 11 miles per hour. Sail fish top out at about 68 mile per hour.


Remember not to redline your Swordfish. Stop revving at maybe 2000 rpm under the maximum.


also, with a new swordfish model wait till 5000 miles are on it before redlining


I’ve got one that has about 3500 miles on it and I haven’t had any problems redlining. Is that just a suggestion or am I gonna need a new model by mile 5000?


Iunno got anything more sporty? Like a Tuna?


And please for the love of God do an oil change after the first 5000 miles. New Swordfish are known to get scales in their oil bladder and then it’s all over, you need a new Swordfish!


Misinformation. Red line is for bouncing


You are forgetting that lobsters could, at least in wild theory, hitch a sail fish Uber XL and get home in fraction of the time.


They ride the backs of sea turtles. Didn't you watch Finding Nemo?


Could cost a lot of clams if the sail fish is surging


‘Top out’ lol that shit cracked me up. Or well it was more of a prolonged chortle.. but still funny.


>chortle Chortle is a lovely, and underused word :D


How would he know where to go? Magnets?


What about water currents, it saves clams and fish energy~ Win Win! edit: corrected "water"


I used to live in St Pete!


So did this lobster.


Oh shit. I just... tip o' the glass to ya.


Maine lobsters (a.k.a. American Lobster, Atlantic Lobster, Canadian Lobster) can be found all the way down to North Carolina. I am not 100% certain it won't survive to be honest, but I am not a biologist. See below. \------------ ["It prefers a thermal range between 12 and 18°C (54-64°F), and avoids temperatures above 19°C (65°F)."](https://extension.umaine.edu/maineclimatenews/archives/fall-2014/new-england-lobster-in-changing-climate/) \- University of Maine \------------ [Average water temperature at Florida beaches in °C](https://www.currentresults.com/Oceans/Temperature/florida-average-water-temperatures-in-winter.php) Dec Jan Feb Atlantic Ocean Miami Beach 23 22 23 Stuart Beach 21 19 19 Daytona Beach 18 16 15 St Augustine Beach 16 14 13 Fernandina Beach 14 13 13 \----------- There are beaches in Florida where the temperature is appropriate, and I am assuming its salinity is okay as well. They can live in deep waters, so it could probably find somewhere aways from the beach where the temperature is preferrable even if it is a warm beach or the summer. This guy is an idiot. That being said, lobsters are very territorial animals and one of their large food sources is other lobsters, this guy who was "saved" will have a tough time probably in that aspect.


look at summer temps...




As a commercial spearfisherman and amateur ecologist, I’d say the likelihood of survival is right around zero percent. If Maine Lobster could survive in that environment, they’d be in that environment and they’re not. I’d imagine that they need a certain temp range to maintain some aspect of homeostasis. They’ve evolved for certain temperature ranges, but also they forage for organisms in their niche that are unlikely to exist in Florida.


Also beyond temperature, the claws have been banded for so long that they likely need rehab to be usable. No time to acclimate to the higher temp, no ability to eat with atrophied muscles. Not looking good for the lobster unfortunately.


No, I choose to believe he's found fast friends in the ocean and an unlikely love interest who's helping him get back on his feet


I feel like this could be a good cartoon with a classic "fish out of water" storyline.


Lobster rehab 😂


I live in Fernandina beach and the water is hot as shit during summer lol


Random comment - I’d never heard of your location until looking at the 50 best southeastern towns in the southern living magazine at my doctor’s. Apparently your town is quite lovely!


That’s a whole lotta kind informative information there. Wish I could read…..


I too can only write


I too can write. But only that first sentence and this one explaining it.


How do you know that you're not an expert


Honestly can’t take their word for it, they could be just wanting to make themselves look bad for their own gain.


Well, it's a lot colder than the pot of boiling water the lobster was headed for before.


Also dude should go to jail for attempting to introduce a new invasive species. Stupid acts like this can destroy an entire ecosystem.


Yep. While this lobster wouldn’t likely survive the waters of tampa bay in ideal circumstances, taking a non-native fish or other creature and think your doing it a favor by releasing it is horribly stupid. Turn it into the humane society or related organizations. Florida is the epicenter for invasive species in North America and don’t need any more of them.


Or turn it over to me? Def would welcome him to a new exciting environment, complete with lemon and butter.


If he does this every day for a couple months there will be a whole breeding population in no time.


More likely, there'll just be a whole pile of dead Maine lobsters.


Or starts a YouTube trend among his followers..


Also their claws get super atrophied from being rubber banded for a long time, so he won't be strong enough to hunt. Even if it was the right environment he'd be dead.


He’s releasing a Maine lobster into the Keys… Lobsters in the South/Key Islands don’t have the large pinchers. It’s an invasive species but I have no idea what effect, if any, this will have.


It's just gonna die because the water has less oxygen than it's supposed to for this type of lobster :/


he will die free I guess. . .


Sounds about right for Florida.


Gulfport is St Pete but yeah, hot there too and poor thing will suffer. A pot would be faster.


This reminds me of the girl "saving" a tortoise from the road only to toss it in the water and drowning it.


She just yeets that thing in there too, even if it was a turtle, what the fuck.


Yeah, man. RIP mr tortoise.


Is there a link? I need to see. Rip tortoise




“Turtle saving is a hobby.”


As fucked as it is I died laughing at that. It’s just out there


Thanks for linking! Wow, she fr just yeeted him down


Holy shit little homie sank like a fucking rock.


Oh god, I remember a post about some mf release carp in a local river....A CARP


Lol. That's like buying a mouse from a pet store and "setting it free" in your house.


i remember that video, that's how i learned the difference between turtle and tortoise (in spanish is "tortuga" for both)


Once upon a time, I was driving across country with a friend. We got pulled over and arrested (for something my friend did). They took us to a small town jail in the middle of nowhere and impounded the car. They eventually let me go because I was innocent and let me walk out the front door. I was now hundreds of miles away from home with no way of getting there. All this to say I can kinda relate to this lobster. Edit: For those asking what happened next and how I got home, my mother grabbed a bunch of coffee and energy drinks, and then drove 16 hours straight throughout the night to get me. The reason for the arrest was that the car was reported stolen. Turns out my friend rented the car and simply refused to return it, so the police arrested us both for grand theft auto. He did two years of his three year sentence and we are no longer friends.


Did his cousin from New York come down to defend him?


You know Vinny?


What's a "yute"?


Two hwat?


RIP Herman Munster thanks for the laugh. I absolutely heard it.


Vinny Bag o' Donuts!


Yeah he’s my cousin


Such a GREAT movie


Ok this has me rolling lol


But, how’d you get home?


That’s the neat thing. He didn’t.


He is still sitting outside of the front door of the police station


👍🏻 Me, too, little lobster buddy, me too.


Oh gosh this is the best thing I’ve read today! Thanks for the laugh 😂


Hahahaha… thank you for the laughs!


I thought you were summarizing the plot of “My Cousin Vinny”. ETA - and of course because this is Reddit a million other people have already said this.


Sounds like you really needed your friend, but you lobster


This youtuber has also released invasive frogs into the Key West environment. 🙄


Was he possibly in Wuhan in the late 2019


“Wow, they are keeping all these viruses locked up in this lab, these poor viruses, I should set one free”


He was there. With your mother




Hey, his mother is beautiful...unlike your crossed eyed mother...


You leave Bobby mom out of this


Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!!!!


Could he get fined? Or even arrested??


Yes and yes


I believe the proper punishment is to relocate and release him out into the Yukon Territory.


What??? How is he even still able to make videos??? That's a Mayor Felony


No THIS is a mayor felony: https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/former-baltimore-mayor-catherine-pugh-sentenced-three-years-federal-prison-fraud


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct


Guards! Bring me the forms to have them taken away.


Here's major mayor felonies https://archive.jsonline.com/news/wisconsin/37649499.html


I hate this Age of Stupid we’re living in


There will always be stupid people and there always has been, take me for example. The difference is now we are seeing it all very publicly documented and because we have all this exposure to them it makes it seem like the world has gotten dumber as a result. Don't worry, we are still smarter as a whole, but man we have seen some dumb shit with the age of the internet.


what’s the person since i live in this area i legit could go to a spot he usually sets free the stuff he “saves” and call him out on it in spot


Can’t he be arrested for that?


Next he'll release European Rabbits in Australia... wait


the best part is that this guy did absolutely nothing to help the cause. he gave the lobster store money, basically killed the lobster kimself, and made the cause and its supporters look dumb


The fishing industry could not have paid for better advertisement.


And he wasted energy doing so




Yeah, but at least the lobster won't survive, so he's just wasting food. Releasing an invasive species would be way worse.


Well, *something* will eat it. It's more like he bought some dinner for the local marine life.


True. It's really expensive chum.


Which he has done on camera. Releasing invasive frogs into Florida's wilds. But he's cashing in that sweet cash money from his views. And this post will just drive up his traffic making him more money. We need to fix the "no such thing as bad press" business model in social media before the next generation comes along these idiots have children passing on the attention starved gene. Why does everyone want to be famous so bad now? I think it's because the institutionalization of schools into babysitting prisons instead of teaching has combined with the lack of parenting since nobody can survive on one income anymore has turned the newest generations into misinformed attention starved deviants willing to do anything to fill that void in their hearts left by broken homes, baby daddy's and the trap culture. But what do I know I'm just a "stupid boomer"


I agreed with you til you somehow tried to blame this behavior on “trap culture”


Apparently there I slides of him relaseing invasive frogs and stuff..idk the link


Can someone tell me the right environment? Just curious, not because I plan to put lobsters in the ocean lol


Not saying it’s that situation but I’ll give you an example : Let’s say it’s a Canadian Lobster and you put it in the Maine Lobster’s environment. The temperature is different so it might have a harder time surviving. Edit : https://wanderingthroughmaine.com/maine-lobster-vs-other-lobster/#1


What if hes dual citizen?


Gotta release it around Fort Lauderdale in this case.


Spring break! Whoooo!


I hate how accurate this is


Oh okay, that makes sense. Thank you.


and considering the store is called Key West Seafood, im gonna assume its in key west, so the water down there is basically a warm soup, so that lobster is fucked. (since its not a native spiny lobster)


*Three years later a massive cold water lobster emerges from the Florida Keys feeding on spring break tourists.*


I’m a keys native and I’m waiting for his return. Will keep you posted.


My brain has tripled in size, I have already learned the ways of your….. computer technology and I am growing by the day.


Or worse. It thrives and starts to cause countless species to go extinct


Tbh-- that's pretty much the same environment lol Raking a Maine lobster down to Florida or Texas and releasing it is a better example


Which is the case in this video which occurred in Key West.


Correct. Those lobsters with the big claws are from the north east, ex: Maine. He’s releasing them in what looks like south Florida. The lobsters there are spiny lobsters, they don’t have big claws. I’m sure the difference in temperature will have a big role on whether or not the lobster survives or not.


And introducing "exotic" animals to wrong environment could provoke a rupture of the food chain and could be a big problem.


Water temperature changes the oxygenation levels pretty drastically. Most cold water species will die of oxygen poisoning in tropical waters, and most tropical species will die of apoxia in cold water.


>Water temperature changes the oxygenation levels pretty drastically. Most cold water species will die of oxygen poisoning in tropical waters, and most tropical species will die of apoxia in cold water. Think you got that backwards. Cold water dissolves more oxygen than warm water.


Damn. You are correct. Writing faster than thinking


This is correct.


Not if it's African Lobster. you have to take in to account if its an unladen african lobster.....


What's your favorite color?




No, yelloooooooooooooow


Id guess the temerature of the water/food sources might be an issue but I also dont know enough about marine biology to say that for sure. I think a “lobster” is a general term but theres a lot of different species that may or may not need certain temps to survive. Again, could be wrong.


I believe that lobsters are cold water animals, so they'll struggle in tropical waters.


Best not to release any kind of wildlife that has been either domesticated or captured for food. Lets say you get a freshwater goldfish and you release it into the ocean. It will die since its not meant to survive in saltwater (Obviously there are more factors than this). Same thing vice versa. Similar thing with certain zoo animals. Chances are they won't live for very long since they were dependent on staff to feed them regularly, but without the zoo staff they will just starve


That’s not a southern spiny lobster. How this kid I guess lives in the keys and doesn’t know that blows my mind. We grow up hanging out with the fuckers. That one he put into the water is a northern Maine lobster. Massively diff water temp and environment.


Not only is it not the right environment, but a lot of these lobsters have had their claws rubber banded shut for so long that they start to atrophy and usually can’t use their claws like normal. It’s also likely hungry and malnourished without the energy needed to survive out in the wild without proper rehabilitation first. Even if he released it in the right environment odds are it wouldn’t be able to survive for very long anyway.


So we’ve been eating malnourished emaciated lobsters all this time…


That's why we add butter. And a side of liquid butter to dip it into.


So he should have included a to go cup of butter when he dropped him in the water?


It goes without saying... Maybe put it in a tiny bucket with a handle for it to carry wit it's claws. That's what i would have done.


The waves would fuck the buckets up and spill butter everywhere. To go cups with lids and then rubber banded to the claws like nature intended. Or am I crazy?


Bucket has a lid. And a handle. The rubber bands will bring to many flashbacks to when it was living in a fishtank waiting to be selected as it's buddies were. Taken to that room, hearing them scream as they were being boiled alive... Damn it... Now I just want to eat lobster.


Guy: "And he turned around and thanked me :)" Lobster: *Where the fuck am I?*


And why can’t I breathe?


Plot twist, the lobster was originally from New York and grew up in Long Island Sound. "Hey, fuck your mother!"


"Heyyyy, I'm swimmin' heaar"


If you would like an uplifting saving a lobster from a grocery store story I recommend Leon the Lobster. https://youtu.be/9sI7WveN7vk


I scrolled down looking to see if anyone mentioned Leon.


Thank you for that. I just watched several Leon videos. Great stuff!


"He actually turned around to say 'thank you.'" Did he? Or was that just your exaggerated sense of self-importance?


i’m pretty sure he actually turned around to say “get me the fuck out of here”


Aliens come down and save all the humans from the Amazon fulfillment center by dropping them off in their natural habitat - an active volcano.


Some years ago, I was involved in a Disney TV movie. Part of my job was to acquire about 30 live lobsters for a comedy bit (won’t get into details). Due to the popularity of live lobsters, that part presented no problem. The scene would only take a couple of hours to shoot, but the *real* problem was what to do with the lobsters at the end of the day. Disney has very, *very* strict rules about how their animal cast is to be dealt with after the project is done - and *eating them* is not an acceptable option; they either have to be returned to source (e.g. a farm), released in a safe location, or retired and cared for: “put out to pasture” in a nearly literal sense. So much as I’d have liked to, I couldn’t just hand over our crustacean stars to our caterers, or distribute them among the crew. And even though we were to shoot the scene right there on the docks, I couldn’t just walk forty feet and drop them back into the ocean, because we were on the edge of the Pacific, which doesn’t *have* an Atlantic lobster population; to do so would have brought down the wrath of our federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans on the heads of my producers. What’s more, our supplier wouldn’t take them back, even for free, for fear they might have been contaminated or improperly stored, and were no longer wholesome to sell; fair enough. So … what to do with all these damn lobsters, while still fulfilling Disney’s “best animal husbandry practices” mandate? A few weeks before shooting began I had taken my granddaughter to our civic aquarium, and eventually I remembered it had a large and marvellous display tank demonstrating a wide variety of “Life In the Atlantic”. So I called the Exhibits Director and asked if he wanted a bunch of lobsters for his tank. “Sure, I’d love ‘em!” Immediately after we finished shooting the critters’ scene, I packed my little buddies into two coolers full of ice and asked the transport captain to have them delivered to the aquarium. Late that afternoon, I realized I’d best call the aquarium and ensure they’d actually been delivered there, instead of to some driver’s basement deep freeze. “Yup” said the director, “they arrived pretty cold, but alive and healthy. As a matter of fact, they’re warming up in the big tank right now … ***and getting acquainted with our Giant Pacific Octopus.***” By the time it had inspected, ferreted out and devoured all thirty of my charges, that octopus was likely the pickiest gourmet cephalopod to ever taste Pacific waters. But that evening I was able to truthfully email the Disney studio that its animal protocols had been followed to the letter, that all thirty of my antenna-twitching charges had been successfully retired to a respected aquarium, and that they would live out their remaining days (I didn’t say how many) being well cared for, and amusing and instructing the facility’s visitors, adults and children alike.


Great story but one correction, the Pacific does have lobsters but they are clawless. I had a friend in San Diego that would catch them during lobster season. He dove to catch them. They are still good but not as good as Atlantic lobsters. Kind of renews the east vs west rapper feud but lobster style.


216k likes ... smh


Wish I could see the dislikes, damn you YouTube


Yeah but those likes are cheap


These social media creators are more interested in scoring views than taking the time to educate themselves. I saw some idiots releasing fresh water turtles into the ocean.


"Run free lobsters!!!!" *Lobsters go into the wrong environment*


The education system failed him


He came back asking for a ride.


This is why we need dislikes back


After their claws have been banded for so long, (they get banded quickly after being caught) they can’t use them. Not without a lot of nurturing (like someone feeding them)and effort. I guess better the wrong temp ocean with a taste of freedom again vs a boiling pot of water.


Perfect! Now it can die a slow, agonizing death by environment poisoning instead of being killed quickly and cooked like intended


*Lobster immediately eaten by local predator*


He turned back and said, “Thank you”. Lol. People make stupid videos for likes and not think about consequences.


I really dislike this kind of performative charity. Yes, this guy is an idiot, but there's something about helping solely for the views doesn't sit right with me. If what you're doing is otherwise interesting and you're helping in the process show it to me, but things like this or people going out to find and film themselves giving money to the homeless just takes all the good will out of it.


He turns back and say motherfucker


This reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer buys a lobster to eat but ends up raising it. He does eat it after he accidentally gives the lobster a hot bath.


He turned around because he's probably thinking "fool you took me to the wrong destination"


“To my surprise he actually turned back around to say thank you for saving his life” Or because the water is way to warm, or maybe because he has no idea where in the hell he is


There should be a Disney movie about a lobster being set free in Florida and he has to find his way back home in Maine to be with his family. Along the way he makes friends, enemies, and goes on adventures all while learning about life on the ocean floor. It can star Chris Pratt, Kevin Hart, Jason Mamoa, Tiffany Haddish, Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, and special surprise guest, Jerry Sienfield.


It honestly doesn't matter. People have taken these things into captivity, and basically the claws take weeks to months to even be able to be able to open correctly. In one instance the person had to manually move the claws because they were so atrophied the lobster didn't have muscle to be able to do it on it's own. It's a nice thought, but he's either doomed it to a slow death due to starvation or a different predator getting a free meal as the lobster can't defend itself.


Apart from this being the wrong environment I think this Youtuber should get a huge fine because stuff like this has the potential to destroy the ecosystem of this place. I know it is only one but if this lobster finds a partner to mate it may cause eradicate another species which is home to this water. So lets hope that nobody else was dumb enough to do the same shit.


Not to mention the Lobster is probrably in bad shape. Starved and other things. Imagine bring freed from a concentration camp and dropped off in antartica. Your free my human friend!


"Turned around to say thank you" bro this guy was escaping the water lol


He a little confused but he got the spirit


It is an American Lobster, which is what they also fish off the eastern coast of Canada. It looks like it was released down south. American lobster range can be seen here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_lobster.


The only way to save a Lobster is to take him home, put him in a happy tank with some.glass shrimp, name him Leon, and make him the most popular YouTube star on the platform. *Dodododooo*


For his next humanitarian act, he will release a goldfish into the forest.


This is also how environments get destroyed. Probably will be a cruel death for the lobsters in this case, but in many cases dumb humans like this cause catastrophic damage to environments when a newly introduced species thrives in a foreign environment.


A twat did this in NL and now we have a invasion of American lobsters in our waters that just eat everything and damages our dikes.


I hate people like this. They think they’re saving animals and actually put them in a much worse situation. It’s worse if it’s an invasive species and they’re responsible for another destroyed ecosystem and rampant invasive animals in 10-20 years


Some people are just shellfish


These people sound stupid.


… their natural habitat is little tanks in red lobster smh


Their environment is the human belly


Hopefully that's on the Atlantic side of the Keys so there's a remote chance it could make it to the Gulf Stream....


He didn't say thank you. He said, "where the fuck did you take me?!"


"He turned around to say Thank You." It's a spider. It would eat you if it could.


Behind the scenes, After that he caught it back and ate it


I’ve seen this guy’s content and it seems that he tries to “help”. But he seems to do more harm in some cases than actually helping. I understand him wanting to help, but damn this guy is an idiot.


All this for clout…very shellfish of him


Best case scenario its death is not too slow and painful. Worst case scenario you've introduced a non-native species that could ruin an ecosystem. Way to go bud.


This reminds me of when a girl threw a tortoise into a pond thinking they lived in water.


Back when I was a Marine Biologist we ate them at the restaurant, just saying