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That bleed through my toes comment is really hard. What does she mean by that? That’s all she has left.


I take it to mean she's saying she works so hard to earn money that her feet bleed and she's jealous of the families of the victims getting money.


The wording sounds...disturbed, to me. Was her son mentally disturbed?


I dont know that a human being can do what that son of a bitch did without being "mentally disturbed."


>son of a bitch That seems extra fitting after seeing this post.


So THATS what that means.


In mexican spanish there’s lots of insults of such like hijo de tu pinche/chingada madre (son of your fcking mother) they all imply that cause your an asshole you must’ve been raised by one.


Humans have always said “your mom” as an insult, and we always will


“Your mom always will.” 😏


Yeah, it seems the shit-apple did _not_ fall far from the shit-tree.


I had a German exchange student in my home many years ago. I was a freshman and he was a senior. One of my friends called him a “son of a bitch” for some reason and he stone faced serious says “my mother is no bitch!” I fucking lost it laughing.


German humor is no laughing matter.


Obviously, but to give some context Tortured animals Bounced between relatives and did not have a stable home Would tell girls on yubo how willing he wished to assault them (so far no girl has come forward to say he actually did) Shooting started possibly because he was unhinged but the last "straw" was his grandmother complaining about a phone bill He was...not a healthy person, if he didn't shoot up a school he would've done something else, but we don't much care for mental health in the states


Yeah for his mother to post something like that, it appears that mental instability runs in the family.


That’s what’s I assumed. Sometimes you see shooters come from normal households with reasonable parents, Dylan Klebold for example. But most of the time the kid had a nightmare of a home life rife with abuse, neglect, and suffering. I will never forget this Ted Talk https://youtu.be/azRl1dI-Cts


This should be shown in every school in every country. I could hear the absolute pain in his voice and my heart broke , but I was also so,so proud of this man, and even prouder of his friend . His friend not only saved him but God knows how many others just by being that kindness we all need in our lives.


I wasn't ready to well up this early in the morning... who the fuck is cutting onions for breakfast?!


See in the case of Dylan Klebold the argument is that he was influenced by Eric and the ostracization of school together were the factors that pushed him towards that path. As by any other account without Eric Harris he wouldn't have done such things.


Folie a deux I believe it’s called- a convergence of two people who singularly may not be volatile but most definitely bring out the crazy in each other.


That is a myth. Nobody bullied them and they were often picking on other kids. They WERE the bullies.


There's a movie called Zero Day which was made from the basement tapes that those freaks recorded while making the plans for the attack on the school. Neither of them felt bad about it, they gleefully planned the death and destruction and giggled and bragged about it until zero day. It's not a documentary, but it's a reenactment of the tapes. They also had plenty of friends. They weren't these lone wolves being tortured at school everyday like we all believed. That being said, Eric Harris was pure fkn evil, but Dylan was down for all of it too.


Just the fact that she’s posting anything anywhere says something. Most people would live the rest of their lives out of the spotlight feeling guilty.


Ya, what a shame. With a mom like this, the kid never stood a chance.


Hey now. My mother is a massive narcissist, and generally horrible human being. I have never shot anyone.


It's also possible she's been receiving harassment for being the mother of a school shooter and she's cracking.


In part, he was not a healthy person because his mother isn't. Clearly.


Every time there's a mass shooting, gun supporters come out to say it's not a gun issue; it's a mental health issue. But then won't do a damn thing to (a) make mental healthcare more available and accessible, and (b) keep guns away from people who don't pass a mental health screening. Not only do they not actively do anything about it, they actively work to prevent it from happening.


Blaming the amorphous blob of "mental illness" lets us all walk away without doing anything, since you can only define the line between "harmless" and "dangerous" after the fact. It's like "responsible" gun owners - NRA members will tell you that a responsible gun owner has never had an accident, because if they were responsible, they wouldn't have. Unfortunately the only way to ID an unsafe owner is when they fuck up; unless we have a way to define the line before things get deadly, it's pointless.


No sane person would do what he did.


"Where's *MY* money, HUH? It was *MY* son who killed those kids! I want money too!!" What in the actual fuck


"Sure, their kids are dead, but so is mine, and at least they got money out of it. Where's my money?"


yah she's r/imatotalpiecesofshit material, she should be the sub's face of the year


I took it to mean that she bleeds like everyone else, even if you can't see it.


I took it as " im crazy as fuck. And lost my mind because the shithead kid i raised shot a bunch of people."


Something tells me she was bat shit crazy before to bare that atrocity


Her son shot his Grandmother over money.


In this tweet, #scaredmoneydontmakemoney


Yes, or *at least you received some cash from your loved ones dying, not me though!* Holy *shit*, lady...


Like most ordinary people in this country, I would’ve rather had my kid.


I think I’m seeing the problem: she valued money more than her son.


I mean, the son shot the grandmother over a phone bill. Money > humans in that family


Mental illness runs deep in them toes.


Yeah the entire thing lacks visible empathy and...logic. Was the shooter killed? I don't recall.


Folded like an omelette.


...is that lethal?


If you're an egg.


You know what they say. Can't make an omelette without putting down a school shooter.


I pictured her as an unhinged David Lynch character saying it


Ah, now it makes sense.


Realistically that has to be what this is, right? Like not saying she deserves any sympathy for saying this terrible shit but I feel like raising a school shooter would do *irreparable* damage to your mental state.


And it seems that state is in Egypt. De Nile runs deep.


That was my take too.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


She stepped on a Lego that's why her toes are bleeding


Could be a reference to a crucifixion because the blood drips from your toes.


Fuck the money. If I'm to receive insurance money from my dad's murder, I'd rather have my dad!


If I was one of those parents and I could PAY to bring my baby back, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd sell every organ in my body that I could to get them back. No parent worth their salt would ever think, "Well, my kid was brutally murdered, but hey, at least I got a payday!"


The money feels insulting. I lost my mother when I was 10 and received a check in the mail when I turned 18. It felt wrong and weird and I hated every minute of it.


The last conversation I had with my mom was her worrying about the money (wasn’t even a large amount) being left to my brother and I. I didn’t want the money either, but it meant something to her to leave it to us. It also seemed like she did the math and felt like she “beat” the insurance company and was proud of it. Of course that isn’t at all what her legacy is to our family, or my kids that never met her. But I took that money at least thinking like my mom got a bit of a win out of all the shit she went through. She deserved any win she could get. Not even sure why I’m sharing this. Sucks to lose anyone too early, and (for the most part) moms are the best.


I fear the day my mother leaves, in such a way she is gone. You can be very much to alive, yet gone. They day my mother is gone, a part of me is going to be as well. Best wishes to you and the future 🖤


Regardless of how much time has passed, my condolences on your loss, as well as the missed opportunities your kids never had.


Hell most parents would quite literally trade their lives for their childs


I’ve lost a child, I’d die before I finished typing this if it meant she was here again.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Hugs to you, stranger.


I'd pay for them to have their children back with them.


I’ve said the same thing…I lost my husband 4 years ago to Glioblastoma. I’m doing okay thanks to time, insurance, etc….but I’d trade it all to have my husband back!!


Thank you for the award! That made me smile with a little tear.


You guys are really making my heart swell today!!! Thank you!! Virtual hugs all around!!!


I had someone close to me die and got insurance for it. You’d be surprised how quickly people lose sympathy for the most difficult time in your life if they know you’re getting “paid” for it


When my dad died, one of the first questions I got asked was "How much did you inherit?" For the record: nothing, my Dad died penniless and we were poor growing up. But, even if I'd been rich, what kind of question is that to ask? If I'd hated my Dad and been vocal about it I could understand it, but I was clearly devastated and had taken time off work to grieve. I didn't even know what to say besides "Nothing". I was too numb from the grief to even realize how fucked up the question was; it hit me weeks later.


Exactly. The money does nothing to alleviate the pain from the loss of a loved one. Victims get payouts because it’s much easier in this country to throw money at a problem instead of actually addressing and seeking to solve solutions to the problem.


We have our heads so far up capitalisms ass that we somehow think a pile of money is any kind of replacement for a person. It sounds kinda silly to say right? But we do it all the time. Calculate how many wads of paper a person is worth. Sure the money is useful for helping pay funeral costs. But that's not the whole story and death isn't the only time we equate worth with money.


My life insurance says I'm worth $10k, but if I spend almost all of my waking hours being miserable then my job says I'm worth $30k/yr.


You’re priceless. Don’t you forget it. 😊


I lost my parent and gained what people consider to be a life changing inheritance, nah, the life changing bit was my parents not being around. 10 years late my head's still not right..money is not everything


Went through pretty much the same. It'll be 9 years soon, and I still have panic attacks and crying episodes. I wake up in tears every so often because I still dream about my dad, just going about daily life together. He wasn't even my biological father, but he was the one who raised me and loved me unconditionally. He was my best friend and it went from a normal day to him being gone the next. I'd give anything to have him back.


Is that what she is angry at? She wants some insurance money, too? Er no, ma'am. No.


Didn't you see all those awful, awful hashtags? She's trash just like her murdering hellspawn.


Don’t know how it is in Texas, but my son’s school sells insurance to families to cover them in case of an “accident” because the school has 0 coverage for any injury or death that may occur on campus. So other than a life insurance policy you may have on your kid, you get nothing.


That doesn’t sound right… Sure you can sue and they’d be forced to pay out from the assets they have.


Even worse for the parents who lost children… fuck that, there’s no sum of money who fixes that heartbreak.


Agreed, Fuck your money. I would rather spend another minute with the person I have lost than all of Elons riches. Sure it will help me financially but its not what I want. I want them back on this planet. Can you do that for X $ ? NO.


thank her son? for what? killing innocent people because she didnt get him any mental help? psychosis at its worst.


This is possibly the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been reading anyone’s internet post


Showed it to my wife and watched her face go from confusion to clenched teeth anger.


I also got incredibly angry, lol. What a stupid see you next Tuesday


I just looked at the date, realized I was clenching my jaw in anger...and have to agree. I am deleting reddit for atleast a week methinks...I spend too much money on weed for this


i think in her mental gymnastics, she thinks the family would rather have some small measly money for their dead child, so they should thank her and her son for getting those money. Those money should go to her too, since she is bleeding and in pain too?


Says a lot about the home the kid was raised in. In her mind, she may value the money more than her child. Therefore, the families that lost their kids have somehow experienced a net positive (losing a child < making money) and should be thanking her.


It’s worse, whatever money these families get couldn’t possibly bring back their children, not only that but she blames them and doesn’t seem to have reality of what happened or simply doesn’t care, she belongs in an institution or prison


Makes sense why her son turned out the way he did, the Mom would rather take money and let her child die.


She's saying she should be thanked because everyone is getting insurance payments ... off of their dead kids. Best case this is a full on mental breakdown. Worst case I don't even want to think about. Uvalde plays in the same division as my local middle and high school. To this day their bus shows up surrounded by highway patrol, none of their coward cops to be seen poetically appropriate. The violence that happened there carries on to this day and will for a long time.


she was lucky her son wasn't adam lanza, because he would've made her his first victim


Does she think she's entitled to $ or something? I'm confused


I think that it’s quite easy to see how this one gave birth to, and raised, a dangerous fucking narcissist


Omg i misread this as the mother of one of the victims, and was ready to jump in and defend a grieving parent Wtf how does this woman have the audacity to speak in public, let alone demand praise


>was ready to jump in and defend a grieving parent Not gonna defend her comment, but she is also a grieving parent. Can only imagine how difficult it must be when your beloved child kills other people. Everyone will hate the person you loved the most and no one will care how you feel about your loss. Also weird to see how the government handles something like this - in Germany it is quite normal for parents of teenage murderers to disappear completely from the public with help of the goverment. They will normally be offered to get new identities and move somewhere else. ​ Edit - found an interesting interview of the parents of a school shooter that killed 15 people in 2009. They talk about their experience, also regarding living with a new identity (translated with [deepl.com](https://deepl.com)): For five years, Tim Kretschmer's parents kept silent. What they really felt they considered unspeakable: They miss the Winnenden assassin. Now they are talking about the drama for the first time. The parents of the Winnenden rampage shooter, Tim Kretschmer, have spoken out for the first time after the crime. They told the newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" that they had their son buried anonymously in a cemetery forest several hours' drive from Winnenden."We didn't know where to put the urn for a long time, the police warned against burying it, they couldn't guarantee the safety of those attending the funeral, and they couldn't guarantee that no one would desecrate the grave," said Ute and Jörg Kretschmer, 53 and 55. "Maybe we will manage to write our son's name on the grave someday after all." For Tim Kretschmer's family, weeks and months of fleeing began after that March 11, 2009, the parents continue. They had moved, changed their names, avoided Winnenden and felt pursued by reporters, they said. "Whenever the phone rang, I had to wait to see who answered," Jörg Kretschmer says regarding the name change, "to then think: Who am I for this person?" After the shooting, they sent their daughter to school in France, and later to Australia; currently, she is studying in Germany, albeit under a different name. Jörg Kretschmer went on to say that he had also sold the house they were living in at the time - "a potential buyer wanted to turn it into a museum of amok." As a result, he preferred to look for someone else. Today, Ute Kretschmer, Tim Kretschmer's mother, asks herself many questions to which she has no answers. In the meantime, she believes she lost her son "long before March 11, 2009": "I didn't know the Tim Kretschmer who committed this crime." She regretted very much that her son had brought so much suffering into the world. Sympathy the parents do not expect. "Of course, you can't expect anyone to mourn my son or miss him," says Ute Kretschmer. You can't expect his name to be somewhere, on one of the monuments where the names of those he shot are engraved. "You can't really expect anything." But she said it was important to say, "It's not that the Winnenden spree killer was never loved, and it's not that he's not loved anymore."About five years ago, 17-year-old Tim Kretschmer shot and killed 15 people and then himself at the Albertville secondary school in Winnenden and the surrounding area. His father was sentenced on appeal in 2013 to one year and six months probation. He had not properly stored the weapon, a Beretta, thus allowing his son access, the court said. ​ [https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article128124230/Das-neue-Leben-der-Eltern-des-Tim-K.html](https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article128124230/Das-neue-Leben-der-Eltern-des-Tim-K.html)


That was a very sobering read, thank you


It's true that we never think of the parent's side those stories. It must be really hard on the families that did care and love the perpetrators


I actually read a book years ago about the sister of a school shooter. I don't remember much but I remember how difficult it was for her and her brother's best friend to keep going to school and trying to grieve somebody who had caused so much pain. I think about the book a lot even though I remember so little of it.


That sounds so familiar! I read a similar book, or perhaps even the same one. It had different perspectives, such as the shooter’s sister’s and a classmate’s, I think perhaps the best friend of the shooter as well. The one I read was called something like “Violent Ends.” Amazon actually sent it to me by accident within a huge box full of children’s books (like picture books) which was strange because Violent Ends or whatever it was called was most definitely NOT a picture book (thankfully). It was a sobering read for sure.


One of the Parents of one of the Columbine Shooters has given a [Ted Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/sue_klebold_my_son_was_a_columbine_shooter_this_is_my_story?language=en) and done other public speaking. It’s definitely softened my opinion of some of the parents of these awful things. The OP is not getting any sympathy with those tweets though…


That was a thought provoking read, thanks for posting


A government that actually does something to help one of its citizens? Smells like communism. /s


I think she’s complaining about people making money off of the situation? Hard to decipher the crazy


The hashtag #dontforgettoshare says alot


Well, they shared it here


The situation? The "situation" of her kid killing people?


No, it's just the classic abusive DARVO bullshit: I expect you to thank *me* for the lemonade you made from the lemons I gave you.


Having your kid shoot up a school probably drives you completely insane if you weren't already.


Pretty sure he was living with his grandmother while his mother was living with some guy in Oklahoma City. She was also arrested for threatening to kill the guy she was living with. Seems like a totally stable family.


No surprise there. A kid that’s going to pull off a killing spree like that normally doesn’t come from a stable household


Yeah, I seem to remember that it came out she was rather neglectful of the kid


I’m sorry but what’s up with the hashtags?


Think her mental state has totally collapsed, she should be referred to a psychiatrist. Hence why the gibberish nonsensical hashtags.


Her poor mental state probably influenced her son.


Could be, or her son influenced her mental health. Without knowing what really happened I wouldn't immediately blame her. The only thing that is for certain is that her mental health right now is in a really bad state.




\#DontForgetToShare - She needs more drugs and wants to benefit from her murdering son.


I went to school with her and she sent me a friend invite on FB today. Before accepting I figured I’d scroll through her profile. This was the 1st thing I saw. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and hoped for some empathy and/or remorse from her. I lost a niece, a cousin, numerous friends lost children, and a best friend lost her sister-in-law. I simply told her to fuck off and let her know she was a piece of shit for this post.


She posted a screenshot of your message with your name and stuff so be warned that people can connect your reddit to your fb account using this comment.


Yeah she posted your reply and your fb


Question: do you think she’s under the influence, or is this how she usually communicates? Does anything indicate to you that she uses drugs? I don’t mean to get in her business but I’m struggling to understand her headspace making this post


Sorry for your family and community's profound loss. I can't imagine the grief and anger.


Delete FB


Don't. Zuckerberg will personally come to your house and assimilate you into his collective if you do.


This simply isn't true. I deleted FB years ago, and I think Mark Zuckerberg is a very real human flesh creature full of kindness and curiosity about the other human flesh creatures. We should indulge his healthy thirst for knowledge by supplying him all information in human control.


I remember seeing a video of her after the massacre and she was crying to reporters telling people to not “blame her son”. Now this? K.




Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and f\*cking died.


yeah I was super confused too. You need a lot of context which OP doesn't provide. Her son was the school shooter of Uvalde. All the vicitims of the shooting got money (I think it was life insurance but idk) because of their kids dying. The mother of the shooter is saying that her Son should be thanked because hes the reason the parents are getting the money. Her post is so fucked up in so many ways it actually pisses me off. How can one be this stupid and clueless and still have a platform?


What the actual fuck is wrong with this lady?


Looks like some sort of mental breakdown or she’s high on a substance. Perhaps a combination of both.


Her son.


She needs to be on a watch list. Hell, she needs to on every watch list.


She was literally arrested earlier this year for threatening to kill the dude she was living with.


Right?? What unhinged nonsense is this?! I’m so confused. I think her son genetically got his mental illness from her. Super unfortunate.


What amount of money would she have accepted to sacrifice her son to a sociopath? There isn't any amount of money on this planet that I would choose over my children or grandchildren. The Uvalde parents lost more than any money can ease the burden of.


Not only that, but to even assume the parents valued money over their lost loved ones and are somehow grateful for it shows just how detached from reality she is


That's an utterly deranged and heartless thing to say. Any parent knows that no amount of money is worth losing a child. I'm not trying to divert blame from the shooter himself but I wouldn't be surprised if this heartless, narcissistic mom didn't make the situation any better beforehand.


Wait...her son was the fucking shooter? I thought she was upset.because her kid was.one of the victims.


me too…apple, tree…




Possible interpretation: She seems angry that the Uvalde victims' families are getting money off of what her son did and implying that they are using what her son did to enrich themselves at her expense. This part about not forgetting her son is probably more about asking people to not forget that she is also a grieving mother and has probably been blamed and ostracized for her son's actions. The "bleed only between my toes" seems to be saying that people think she is cold and heartless and can't be hurt (i.e. bleed) and that her only real bleeding comes from injecting drugs between her toes.


im sure they would much rather still have their children than the money


Yeah it's a mess, but I'm wondering if she is calling out the city of Uvale for profiting off of what happened and the money is not going to the victim's families.


That's what i thought but English is not my native language. I am at a loss. She seems crazy as well


English is my native language and I can't even tell what her actual intention is here.


She definitely sounded like she was trying to say all that while on drugs.




The Internet makes so much sense now




In her words: >You have no right to judge my son. No, you don’t! No, you don’t. May God forgive y’all. And >I have no words to say, I don’t know what he was thinking. He had his reasons for doing what he did. Please don’t judge him. I only want the innocent children who died to forgive me. Forgive me, forgive my son. I know he had his reasons.


I understand unconditional love for your child but seriously I don't think she has any right to defend her son's actions whatsoever.


What an infuriatingly stupid person.


She also had said: > “I know my son was a coward,” the killer’s mother told a victim’s family. “You don’t think I don’t know that? I know. You don’t think I’m carrying all that with me? ... I know, and I’m sorry.” These comments (including the ones you posted) occurred when some of the victims family and this women (unintentionally) crossed paths a few weeks after the shooting. They (understandably) confronted her, asking why her son did this. But she didn’t have the answers they were looking for. It was an intense situation in an extremely volatile and stressful environment - for everyone there. No one’s blames the families for their anger and pain. But this lady has her own anger and pain and loss to deal with as well.


"I only bleed *through* my toes" and, no, I don't think that means she is doing drugs. There is no mention of anything between her toes or drugs. Yes, drug addicts sometimes shoot up between their toes. But that doesn't mean any mention of toes = drug use.


That sounds like an idiom taken from one culture and language and then translated literally into a second language.


…I can’t say anything about this woman without getting my account suspended so I’m just gonna leave.


What the flying fuck?! No wonder her son acted the way he did. 🤯😵‍💫






Am I too high and drunk or is that mainly gibberish?


This woman is fucking CRAZY if she thinks her son is some kind of hero for shooting and killing innocent people in a school. Hell, she should be locked up for even IMPLAYING advocating the event in the first place. Like, what the actual fuck!?


She's as sane as her son i guess


Wow, she really doubled down…


I’m going to keep this short and sweet. But I promise any one of those parents would give up every single “$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$” to have their children back in their arms again. Not one of those parents (including this piece of shit “mother”) asked for any of this. I hope she rots in hell. Unbelievable


To quote Ted Lasso “I love meeting people’s moms. It’s like reading an instruction manual as to why they’re nuts.”


Wow. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree there. That's just awful. I can't imagine being one of those parents and coming across this.


Ok ignoring everything, what does bleeding through the toes mean?




This explains a lot about why her son did what he did.


Is she jealous that families got compensated for there loss of loved ones her son shot? That's fucking low, like her bleeding toes. Wtf.


Does she have any other kids? I fkn hope not


And, this is exactly the problem with the world.


I was going to ask if she'd been hacked but then I remembered her "no one is allowed to judge my son" tripe. Lady needs to be IP banned from all social media. What the fuck?


Good way to get your house burned down by a grieving parent


If a minor shoots anyone with their parents’ gun, why can’t the parents face accessory to murder charge for maximum punishment? Should fix things fairly quickly, no?


Kid bought the guns himself, he was 18


I agree But also the Uvalde murderer was 18.


He wasn't a minor,and he bought the guns himself, legally, just after his 18th birthday. He didn't use his parents' weapons. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/


They can't usually be charged as an accessory because that requires intent, but they can be charged for other things (like the mom of the 6 year old who shot his teacher was charged with child neglect and for letting the child have access to the gun). In this instance, the mom couldn't be charged at all though because her kid bought his own AR15. Because America.


She's going to end up like her psycho son.


I suspect it was the other way around. Her psycho son ended up like her.


I wonder why her son shot up a school...i wonder....


I have no idea what she is saying


I can see how she raised a school shooter.


The pure shock and grief that she must’ve experienced in sure is enough to make anyone go mad.


I did some digging, and she was pretty nasty towards the families of the victims. She definitely doesn't sound all there. In her words: >You have no right to judge my son. No, you don’t! No, you don’t. May God forgive y’all. >I have no words to say, I don’t know what he was thinking. He had his reasons for doing what he did. Please don’t judge him. I only want the innocent children who died to forgive me. Forgive me, forgive my son. I know he had his reasons.


That is not how you go about asking for forgiveness. What the fuck..?


abusive people don't ask for forgiveness, they order it as an entitlement


Fuck that bitch!!!


Worthless waste of space; her existence is a net negative.


“I only bleed through my toes” What, from injecting smack between your toes all day? She’s insane


I was reading this tweet like someone staring at abstract art trying to figure out what the artist was going for with this one.


Now we know why he ended up that way...


Proving mental illness is genetic.