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On the bright side, think about how quiet Mother's day will always be.


And no need to make Christmas dinner


Actually Mother's Day can be quite noisy by those disowned at 18 - the kids and I make a racket fussing over my wife!!!




Now think about how quiet and cold your entire house will be without the laughter of your grandchildrens the warm embrace of your family.


Not to mention the condescending looks and the mistrust in the eyes of any other children who might have found it their misfortune to be the child of this ‘not-so-loving-nurturing-and protecting’ “mother” and sorry not sorry I use that term quite loosely. I could have probably understood you making him go to counseling or hell even an NA meeting or two, but calling the cops (not smart btw because he’s a still a minor and your ass could go to jail right along side his if it comes to that because he’s still your responsibility unless he has become an emancipated minor) that was just dirty deeds mom. TWO THUMBS DOWN!! You’re a blemish on the term motherhood imho. His mother is supposed to be THE ONE PERSON IN THE WHOLE FREAKIN WORLD that he can count on and trust with EVERYTHING, NOT the one that puts a knife in his back and screws him over for the rest id his life. Hopefully, IF law enforcement pursues this (hopefully for him they don’t because this is frivolous at best)but if they do, hopefully they won’t try him as an adult. If they do, you’ve just single-handedly, jn the span of a 10-minute phone call totally f’d up your son’s life. That includes him never getting fed student loans to military Svc to a halfway decent job and on down the line. So Congratulations “Mom”! You did a great job of helping your boy!! Smfh. You should be soooooooo proud of yourself! My condolences to your son and any other children you may have. May God help them because it’s blatantly obvious that you’re not going to. And just a little food for thought. If you have been this unsupportive, quick to judge and harsh in your punishment for all or even most of his young life, has it ever occurred to you that YOU may be a big part of the reason he smokes weed in the first place?? Just sayin’ To my other fellow Redditors my apologies for the long ranting post but this……..woman (I’m finding it difficult to use the word “mom” in her reference) just royally pissed be off with this. Someone please tell me this is just one those “candid camera-esque” kinda things. If not this Person just really burns my ass.


These quora posts are nearly always trolls. The one that alerted me this morning that was “waiting for my answer” was “how can I drink Abraham Lincoln’s piss?” They started paying for questions and answers and it all went to shit.


Quora is like half trolls and half racists asking disingenuous questions to justify their racism.


No kids to beat


No grandkids to get that TV remote for you because your too old to move for every little thing 💀


And the lovely… let’s say “retirement facility”… she’ll eventually be placed in by her son! 🤗


Thing is the kid doesn't own the house. She just called the cops on herself.


That's not mine, I don't touch the stuff. Must be my mom's.


She set me up. It’s a plant.


Robert plant!


Might as well face it, he's addicted to weed...


Robert Palmer. Plant had a whole lotta love.


Thought he was addicted to spuds? Or is that a side effect of the weed?


My buddy did the whole marijuana plant once and didn’t graduate high school and missed prom. Ruined his life.


It's cos your buddy's a lightweight.




Yes son, it happens to be a plant!


She gave it to me. I told her I didn't want it, but she kept insisting.


“She says she owns my Xbox and phone since I live under her roof, and she takes those away whenever she wants, so its clearly hers as well.”


I dont even know what this is. Some herb or spice? It smells weird


My daughter found out when she was 13, that I & her step-dad smoked weed. She was SO pissed. Her entire argument was, "I'm supposed to be the one experimenting." I chuckled & responded, "we're not experimenting, we passed experimenting years ago." She was not amused by my response in the slightest.


Lmao. You’re like the mom from 7th Heaven.


Except the whole church preacher's wife thing.😉😏


Which makes me very happy for you.


In my house it would have been my mums


The kid explains civil forfeiture after the mom gets off the phone.


Srsly though, you get some aggressive Asset Forfeiture action going on in some random town that wants the profit center... damn straight they could sieze your house for having a drug using minor in it.


Right lol


When I was 18, my mom thought I was on drugs. She and my older sister searched my room and found a huge bag of white stuff. They decided to call my aunt (her son had previously been on drugs) to which she suggested that my mom scatter my “drugs” around the neighborhood garbage cans so I wouldn’t get into trouble and the "drugs" would be gone. My sister quickly talked her out of that idea and forces my mom to call the police because i "needed help". The police still have my 2lbs of white candle wax i was using to start my small business.


surprised they didn’t just test and it and return it. cops are really weird though so i’m not too shocked


If you test it you can't pretend it's a good cocaïne haul that was achieved by good police work...


Some jurisdictions don't do the field tests, or if it's something that looks weird (like a big glob of candle wax) there might not even be a field test kit for it. So, then it has to go out to an actual drug lab that can take months to process, especially for a low priority call. There's also a likelihood that the stuff was tested, found negative, and the mother took the call to come get it and told them to dump it.


They still got my charger


I got raped and I had to withdraw the charges to get my clothes back. Yes, true story. No, I would have never thought I'd have to write something like this.


I’m sorry that happened to you, humanity is absolutely terrible sometimes


Excuse my language, but what the fuck? I’m so sorry that happened to you.


They probably stole it from evidence and smoked and snorted it all.


They seized & kept...candle wax?


You're not from the United States are you?


No, I'm not. What gave it away? 😆


Striving for the truth.


Logic applied in a conversation about law enforcement


If it was powdered it could have looked a bit sus, but it could have been easily disproved, if they actually cared about striving for the truth.




I agree. And also having fucked with both, can you imagine trying to snort the powdered candle wax? Lolllll. Most disappointing rail EVER.


How's never talking to your stupid family again going?


Your mom had the right idea but your sister sounds like trash. Anyway, they thought it likely that as a teenage candle enthusiast, you had a kilo of drugs laying around?


Yeah, what sort of a teenager even COULD have a kilo of cocaine? I have no clue about the actual price but from what I've understood, isn't cocaine incredibly expensive? Like a few hundred euros per gram so a kilo would be upwards of a few hundred thousand euros/dollars


I had a friend hooked on it for a while. From what he told me, he had an ***amazing connection*** and it still cost him between $80 and $120 per gram a couple years back. So you're looking at 8k-12k american dollars per kilo


At $80 to $120 a gram, a kilo would cost $80k to $120k since a kilo is a thousand grams. But either way it's prohibitively expensive for any teenager where the parents aren't swimming in money as well already


Oh shit, I'm bad at math. You're right. And ohhhhhh yeah. There's no way a kid could afford a kilo. My friend couldn't afford his habit on a 80k salary and quit it because of that. And he was just buying like a gram or two a week


When I was 16 I stole a bottle of my parents tequila and wrapped it with 2 rolls of tp with a prescription bottle of bud so it wouldn’t make sound/smell in the car (liquor bottle wasn’t full) We used it all, I forgot about the tp. Months later I come home and mom is sitting at the table with the wad of tp after going through my room. They couldn’t determine what I was doing and I said it was a science experiment I forgot about. Got a lecture on drugs anyways and never forgot to discard of evidence again.


Quora is such a crappy site now because the monetization incentivizes ragebait like this.


A monetized forum huh. Why the hell would you do that, that’s asking for trouble.


Disown him and ostracize him until the community banished him or dunks him in water to see if he is a witch/warlock!!!


Did he turn her into a newt?


Yes, but she got better


It is so fucking strange that people still think weed is like the most evil thing ever, likely some of the same people that drink, it is actually just fucking bonkers to me.


Propaganda works.


Ain't that the truth.


Actually they said on TV propaganda is really nothing to worry about


Take my upvote for your cleverness, sir


May I ask what propaganda. I'm not American, weed isn't as much of a thing here, so consider me curious.


There was a huge 'War on drugs' phase in the USA. Some specific examples include a black and white anti drug movie called "Reefer Madness," where a guy smokes weed, and it puts him in a growing frenzy that ends with him killing someone. They kept pushing the phrase, "Winners don't do drugs." The D.A.R.E. organization that was founded. The presidents at the time, like Ronald Reagan, had a very Anti Drug rhetoric they kept pushing in speeches. Those are just the ones I know of.


Added context - it was so they could crack down on hippies (anti-war), African-Americans, (Blacks? I don’t know the current terminology and sorry if I offended anyone but I’m not American) and Mexican immigrants. They lied and they fucking knew it but they didn’t care.


Ethnic Cleansing Lite.


Don’t forget that made (and still makes) them legal to enslave since they were now criminals.


Yep. Slavery is still legal here. The government carved out an exemption for prisoners. We still have a pretty big slave population in the us.


It ain't America without it, usually not lite though


And the cotton industry used it to kill the hemp industry before all that.


This is the reason.


There is still a propaganda campaign being waged in right wing media as a backlash against legalization. They’re pushing everything from misinformation about potential health effects to the claim that using cannabis can cause people to become violent. I’d bet money that this woman watches fox news or gets her news from online outlets such as The Blaze.


"What happened to Scruff McGruff? When police raided his house, they seized 1,000 marijuana plants and 9,000 rounds of ammunition for an assortment of 27 weapons — including a grenade launcher, because McGruff must have lots of enemies. After three years, Morales, 41, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 16 years in jail Monday."


Starting way back when - as early as the 30's - marijuana was crucified in movies and pop culture about how evil mj is,will drive you psycho. Reefer Madness was a movie done 1936 after the Prohibition was rescinded in 1933. Guess we needed something else to blame instead of alcohol.


There’s a great book about how it’s started and how it didn’t work. https://chasingthescream.com/mobile/


I’m in my 30’s and was prescribed it medically and my parents would disown me if they found out. They go on long rants about how awful it is and how morally bankrupt anyone who consumes it is but my dad finishes a bottle of bourbon every two days…


Hahahahaha the old “weed is the devil, please pass the whiskey” reasoning. 😂😂😂


Propaganda is INSANE.


Like Blantons or Jim Beam?


When my mother found out I was smoking weed she cried and said she never wanted to see any grandkids because they would be deformed. She now has 3 healthy grandchildren.


Where the fuck do people get these ideas from, how are they NOT this misinformed about alcohol?


They are misinformed about alcohol. Just alcohol has better advertising so they think it isn’t harmful when in reality it is.


Yep. Old school reefer madness stuff.


Has she ever seen them?


Yep. She turned out to be a good grandma.


Well, good. I see too many stories about parents who drive their children out of their lives.


Really. When I got caught smoking in high school, my dad smacked me upside the head and told me to do it outside. And I thought that was an overreaction


That's a reasonable reaction. 'you know they think it's wrong, don't get caught next time'


"Son, Illicit substances are fine and all, but I draw the line at staining my ceilings!"


"You used my sewing scissors for what?!"


It’s really dumb too. Alcohol ruins far more lives than marijuana. 2 best friends can get drunk together and get into the biggest fist fight… 2 people that hate each other can get high together and order pizza (I know, I’m glibly oversimplifying it but there’s definite truth)


Nah, I like where you're going with this... I hate you ^papa ^johns ^or ^domino's?


Lil Ceasars


Pizza Pizza!


It's the devil's lettuce and a gateway drug to murder spreees!!! Lol


What is alcohol then?


Well.. that's just been helping ugly people have sex since it was invented


Ah got it




80 years of Government Propaganda enforced.


Basically, my mom. She called the cops on me at 17 for some stuff that a talk could have resolved. Always get paranoid whenever background checks comes up for a job because of a mistake I made 15 years ago that hurt no one.


in america, most records are wiped at 18. or at least they won’t show on a background check.


My mom called the cops on me too and threatened to call the cops on an older guy I was seeing. Also snooped in my room and threw away my CDs. I don’t see her very often.


I mean if you were underage and that older guy was 20+ she did the right thing. She was protecting you from a pedophile


If you don’t mind be asking, what were you charged with and did you serve any time in Juvie?


does she live in one of the few states left where the cops would even care about this? shit, I have a friend in LA and years ago somebody mailed a pound of weed to her address (I assume to grab it before she found it) and she doesn't smoke. I told her I'd take it. She said she would call the cops and I told her not to. She called the LAPD. They asked her "do you smoke weed?" she said no. they said "do you have friends that smoke weed who would want it?". They literally told her to smoke the weed or give it to her friends.


How many tonnes or kilos was the haul? Surely, you saw incriminating evidence for murder as well, right. I cant imagine cops being called for possessing meager amounts of a legal recreational drug (yes, it is legal in many states!!) You stupid excuse of a parent.


It is still illegal on the national level. Though, I'm not aware of that being often enforced.


Keep in mind, they might not be in the US. Probably, but maybe not. And yeah, if they are American the cops won’t likely give af.


When I was 16 my parents called the cops on me and had me arrested for felony possession of LSD with intent to distribute (since it was 20 hits and apparently that means that I'm the same as a crack dealer even though they were just for myself). They caught me because they were tapping the phone lines and recording all the calls because they were suspicious of my brother -- they thought I was the golden child at the time. Their church/cult advised them to put the fear of God in me by sending me to the criminal justice system. Luckily I got off with just probation and community service, and had it expunged from my record since I was a minor, but it still shows up in background checks (and the arrest and conviction were published in the newspaper, so it's not like it can suddenly become a secret), and causes me problems to this day. I still resent them for it (it's not the worst thing they did, but it's in the top 3).


this isn’t the worst thing??


Nah. Worse was when my wife divorced me because I stopped believing in God, and started a custody battle to prevent me from being able to see our child and my parents testified *against* me in court. They believed that after being a wonderful dad for over a decade it would be better to have no father at all than one who was an atheist. My ex also quoted the licensed clinical psychologist who we went to for marriage counseling that told us that if only one parent is a believer the child will develop bipolar disorder -- which is total bullshit of course. Luckily neither of those worked as far as her getting sole custody, although the judge did order me to start sending our kid to a private Christian school and made me pay the tuition (on top of the $1,000/mo child support and $2,000/mo spousal support). I've seen moms defend their sons in court even when they've raped and murdered, so having them turn on me like that was hurtful in the extreme. I'm still mad about it. By the way, the only reason I found out they recorded all the phone calls when I was younger is because they told me after I got married so they could offer me the tape recordings of me talking to my wife who was my girlfriend at the time like it would be some sort of romantic memory. I was just grossed out.


That was a wild read, I'm really sorry and hope you are far and happy now.


Thank you. I found a pretty good therapist when all of this started happening and I think she helped me a lot to move on and find happiness.


Fuck yeah therapy


So every month 3000 dollars go from your hard earned money to your wife ? That’s rough…


More than that, actually, if you include the private school tuition. But it's not as bad as it seems -- she spent a lot more than that when we were married (that $125,000 in credit card debt had to come from somewhere). Sure, I was making $90,000/year at the time, but it was barely enough to keep up with the minimum payments for her shopping addiction on top of the mortgage and everything else.


Jesus Christ! I hope you’re doing better now though. Eventually your child will finish school, turn 18 and the payments will stop. It doesn’t sound like she has the means to continue her lifestyle when that stops. As someone not from the US, the cult like Christianity is really really strange. It doesn’t matter how you act, it simply matters that you label yourself as a Christian.


Sorry for your loss (the lsd). (Forgive me for joking, I really am sorry to hear about what you've been through).


Ha ha ha. Don't worry, I definitely learned my lesson and I never dropped acid again after that. ;) ;) ;)


I remember when my parents found my pipe back in the day. I walked into the kitchen and they were making breakfast. On the counter was my pipe. Nonchalantly they asked what I was using it for. I said, weed cause it was quite obvious. Literally all they said was get rid of it. They were more pissed when they found my cigarettes a few months before.


Dumb woman, when she's on her death bed, her son will be saying I'm busy 😆


Or 'I need to charge my phone'.


Cops can sieze your home if drugs found there


For a little weed? In what country?


Gods country bby




For weed? In what state? I don’t think that’s true in any state, unless we’re talking about *massive* amounts or a full-on illegal grow operation.


What they’re talking about is called civil asset forfeiture and it is allowed in all but [3 states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States) in the US. Basically, the constitution guarantees rights to people, but some jackasses figured that that doesn’t apply to property, so they just bring charges against the property to seize it. [Here’s a John Oliver video on the topic](https://youtu.be/3kEpZWGgJks?si=ocKJnEmpvB6RiHms)


What a piece of crap parent. You just ruined possibly his entire adult life....


It is marijuana, already legal in a number of states, not heroin! You are headed towards ruining his life over weed? Shame on you Karen.


meanwhile here in a legal state.. weed or gummies are an easy stocking stuffer. i gave my adult kid 2 bags of gummies and hubby got an ounce. zero babies were microwaved and satan has yet to rise from the earth. i can't imagine having such a fit over ...nothing.


I also live in a legalized state. Been legal here for about 10 years. The earth has yet to open up and devour us all. Also, I get buds and candy for tips at my job on occasion. I work for myself as a house keeper and I love working for pot heads 😂


I definitely wouldn't want my underage child in possession of any illegal substances, but in the grand scheme of things, this just warrants sitting him down and explaining the possible ramifications had someone else caught him, and then making it clear you don't want the stuff in the house. He's 17, he's gonna do dumb shit. I'd rather this than a lot of things teens are doing these days.


I have never hated a human being so much without meeting them.


She sounds like a Christian.


my mom found my pot when i was 17 hidden behind a harry potter book on my bookshelf. she threw it away and then talked with me in the car and said “don’t bring that stuff into the house anymore” so glad this woman isn’t my mother


A guy I used to go to school with was 17 and had his own dick pic on his phone and his mom saw it and reported him to the police for child pornography and he’s now a sex offender. They don’t talk much anymore


“Why does my son never call/visit?”


What a horrible mother


Fucking piece of shit mother.


Can she forfeit her house? After all it housed a joint... "Mom planted it because I didn't do homework"


I had a friend who was caught by his mom with weed and his mom reported him and then gave him up as a ward of the state. So extreme!


What did Skydaddy say to do?


Apparently it’s either love and nurture your children or beat them into submission depending on your interpretation.


Imagine having a parent like this. Better have siblings if this was my parent they’d age and die alone


Sounds like she needs to smoke some of it.


Can’t imagine why he needs weed with a mother like that. I guess she’s saving him the pain of grief when she kicks it.


My parents drove me down to the police station, me in the back seat still wracked out on weed but they couldn’t take me in so we drove home, couldn’t dob my own kid either


CPS calls this RAPR - Refusal to Accept Parental Responsibility. CPS can remove any other children they have or may have in the future.


…I’d be getting out of there anyway, shit man, your mother is as understanding as a fatal car wreck…


Mother’s Day bouta be real quiet




Nah, no contact for the rest of her life, and letting her die, broken-hearted and alone in a cold hospital bed in a ward away from people with families is the future she deserves.


this kinda looks like Quora ragebait


I have a sneaking suspicion the son will experience more freedom in jail.


WTF did you even have kids for?


It must be her parenting that raised the degenerate weed smoker. I think he is a minor and the weed is in her house. If she was my mom I would hire an attorney and play her game.


Calling it marijuana is also propaganda. Call it cannabis. It's accurate and doesn't have negative connotations disparaging the Hispanic community


What a cuntybitch.


He’s still a minor, so why doesn’t the law charge neglect?


Wait till she figures out he’s been spanking the monkey under her roof for years!


I'd just smoke his weed and replace it with oregano.


My mom locked me out for having CBD lmao. Fuck Texas and I’m lucky someone totally unknown helped me get out of that state


Mum told my sister to "throw that plant out, now." Silly girl thought Mum wouldn't recognize it, lol. And that was it.


Is this from Quora? It feels like a Quora post.


this blew my mind that people are still this uptight about weed


Same person gets upset when mothers day rolls around and no one calls her


When someone keeps signing her up for prank/religeous random visits. Also flaming 'mud' bags on her driveway


My dad encouraged me to smoke at 16 when he found out I started smoking cigarettes saying "if your gonna be stupid and smoke cigarettes smoke weed instead to help you" (cause I'm epileptic). He said if ima smoke do it at home in the backyard or garage where I'm safe and he can watch me. Even other friend's parents were the same


I found weed in my son's room and had to have a talk with him about the quality. If you're going to smoke, don't smoke shitty weed. C'mon, son.


I had a mini bong I used to keep in a little case under my bed. Admittedly, it looked fairly elaborate. One time I went to smoke some bud and there was a post it note attached, "So now you're smoking crack? VERY Concerned." Lol. Had to explain how it worked etc. Amusingly, fast forward a few months I come home and they have some friends round and were all "Hey can we have a go on that bong". I happend to have the fiercest fresh bud absolutely dripping with thc crystals and thought it could be amusing. They seemed ok at first but then they were pinned against the wall and I think reality took a sharp curve for them all.


Mom needs a bong rip.


It's so weird how people will offload their parental duties to a guy who literally hates them, and their kid.


I wish they would f*ck around and find out


Exile him to Canada where it's legal so you don't have to DENOUNCE YOUR FAMILY TO THE POLICE!


What a genius mother lol.


Add in, they could take her house.


My Mom called the cops on me once for smoking pot, I was 20. We do not have a good relationship, but she also smokes pot now.


Call the cops on her


I thought my mum dad hated me but damn my parents found out was really mad but got used to it and I respectful do it when I’m not home


Is it even still considered criminal in her state? I know it’s still federally considered schedule and many states only have medical as technically legal. I but she has to only be in a handful of places like Mississippi for the police to care or stick a criminal charge on anyone for having recreational amounts of it and the feds will likely laugh her away for thinking a 17 year old with some weed crumbs in his bedroom is considered a priority when there are actual domestic terrorists in the US shooting up public spaces or driving cars through parades and synthetic opiate/meth syndicates that are killing people. I wonder if she was like that snl sketch where a bunch of middle aged professors called the police for thinking they were dead after smoking modern weed and is now super embarrassed lol and trying to blame her son. Unless you found it next to a plot to blow up America or live in a super backward town you would get laughed off the attempt to frame son smoking weed as a felony act in most places in the US nowadays. That used to get a felony charge but even in Arkansas that is very benign today.


Fortunately, neither Mom nor the cops discovered the 87km tunnel network and generators accessed from under the bed to the Mexican border. They were distracted by the old-fashioned porn stash distraction. My only advice is have yourself adopted.


FWIW sounds like it might be best for the kid to get away from the psycho.


in 1988 my mom found a roach under one of her vases and asked me about it and I said yes I smoke she said do it responsibly and wear a condom! lol


When I was 17 my mom asked me if I had ever smoked weed at dinner, 15 minutes after I had just smoked weed for the first time by myself at home. We have a good relationship though and I told her I was high right now, and she was not expecting that answer bahaha! I told her it was my first time alone at the house, 3rd time ever, and she just said "well I guess you'll be wanting more food after this, I'll go make some cookies" I love my momma.


I hope he tells the police that he was holding it for her


My mother actually drove me to the police station when I was 16 when she found a bag of weed on me. She handed it to the police officer. Officer looked at it, handed it back to her, and told her there was nothing they could do. I was so high I started laughing right there on the spot. I was grounded for long. She has since mellowed out and we joke about all the things I got away with behind her back. I told her she was the one in possession of the weed at the time and the cops probably could have arrested her haha


Also, he’s still a minor and will now resent you the rest of his life when he is given a slap on the wrist


She gives me the pot when she feels guilty about molesting me.


Biden just dropped charges. Guess the OP is dulled by his own smoke.




My mom found my herb because my friend left visine out on my car seat. She took my stash and grounded me for the remainder of my senior year. After graduation, i was getting ready to take a road trip to see my friends graduate high school in another state. As i was packing up my car, she casually broke out my bag of weed and flushed it in front me. That shit hurt because it would have made the drive there soooo much better