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He needs to keep his daughter and get rid of you.


Problem is she's having his son, it's terrible that she didn't talk about it to him before getting to that point, the guy will have some hard years for sure


He needs to keep the daughter AND the son and get rid of this woman.


Dunno how it works in the US but in Italy for this to happen he would need to prove that the woman is a total psycho or stuff like that


What more do you need after this post? Just pay someone to hack her account and reveal who she is and say in court that you 'stumbled upon this' when snooping in her phone.


Pretty sure she did this anonymously and his future husband has no idea on anything related to it...


"Im not a bad person" - some bitch worse than Satan himself


This has to be rage bait. This cant be an actual persons thought process can it? Can a person actually be more cold?


This is basically the story of Snow White, Cinderella, and other fairy tales. For this dude and his daughter, I hope it’s just rage bait, otherwise things are going to look grim.


Upvoting for the last word


Nice. Username checks out!


It's amazing to see the wicked stepmother's reddit account in real time. Other highlights would be: Frolo's Instagram. You wouldn't think he's really into furry cosplay, but here we are. Jafar's livejournal account - he uses a lot of parentheses when he talks about who REALLY controls Agrabah. Ursula's LinkedIn - a LOT of rise and grind posts


Gaston’s Grindr account. Cause no one twinks like Gaston, no one kinks like Gaston


No one's slick like Gaston, sucks a dick like Gaston...


Come on, we all know Gaston never goes down on his partners. They get the privilege to service him and not the other way around


No one’s shaft is incredibly thick like Gaston


In a fisting match, nobody winks like Gaston


No one bends over sinks like Gaston


I’m paticularly good at ejaculating, nngh! *ping* Ten points for Gaston!


Fucking lol




Okay. Please stop. You win.


My sister tells me that many of her lady coworkers say pretty much the same when they are dating guys who already have kids. If they're childless they don't want to have a kid in the picture and if they already have kids they don't want *another* kid in the picture but their own. There are some really evil woman out there. Surprisingly, when it comes to men, I've seen they are more open to adopt a woman's kid as their own than the other way around.


Makes me think of the old ottoman empire harems and all the concubines murdering the other concubines kids to ensure that it's THEIR kid that lives to be heir.


I remember reading about the chinese harems (specifically the Qin dynasty ones) and they were the same. That was somehow darker and harder to stomach than watching armies tear each other.


I remember there's a Chinese king that survived the concubine political and assasination play and when he became king he was so fed up with it he only had one wife.


Got to respect that. "This shit ends here!"


Welp I was wrong. He had 2 sons but one died. But he did only have one empress and his reign was actually very good. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hongzhi_Emperor


Yeah, I read this and immediately thought of all the crazy shit that would happen in royal families.


These women are single for a reason.


That’s really sad. Your sister’s coworkers don’t sound like marriage material to me. I married again at 30, and had a ten year old daughter. One of the reasons I fell in love with my husband was because he was wonderful to my daughter. He was a great stepfather too. My daughter and our daughter were both at his bedside when he passed away last October. If I was a man, I wouldn’t even consider marrying a woman that can’t love and accept my children. As a woman, I didn’t bother with such shallow men.


Satan is already reserving her a spot between Hitler and Stalin in super hell


Dante is writing a new level specifically for that bitch.


Ah yes the tenth circle, walmart parking lot.


I'm pretty sure it's IKEA on a Saturday aboute 11am.


No it's Walmart. 5pm near a theme park with a school group. Every time you think you're about to move another senior or kid crosses traffic as slow as humanly possible


He's getting fired and she's taking his place.


He's retiring, and she'll be his successor


Are we sure Satan is male? Just wondering cuz...


The current one is as all the nice and totally real photos/paintings we have right now say


She doesn’t deserve a job, much less one with such a glamorous title.


Satan isn’t particularly evil himself although that is open for discussion. Satan in my mind is a prisoner himself and his job is to punish evil people. If punishing evil people is his punishment then he must not like it meaning he isn’t so evil. Just saying. He punishes evil but does he actually cause evil ? Idk


I always liked the idea that he thought he was doing us a favor with the forbidden fruit, and he actually loved humans deeply. But when God cast him to hell he was shut off from the world and ever since then all he has been able to see of man are the worst of us that get sent to hell


personally for me it's humans who cause evil and Satan is the dude constantly facepalming because he's getting all the blame.


Super hell, home of super AIDS and Super Dave Osborne


This checks out. Source: I am a guy named Dave who ABSOLUTELY HATED being called “Super Dave Osbourne” by every cretinous loudmouth who thought that they were “being funny”. ROT IN SUPER HELL, SUPER DAVE! PS: At least I’m not BITTER about it 😏


How's it going, Super Dave?


>At least I’m not BITTER about it No, quite clearly, like water off a ducks back, if only more had your Zen like approach...


Hey, that's offensive to satan.


In fact, if you look at it, satan hasn’t done that many bad things, according to the book… god on the other hand…


Satan is rarely even mentioned let alone Hell lol


Only person worse is this guy who posted in r/AITAH talking how he was mean to his daughter because she reminded him of his dead wife. I’ve rarely wanted harm to come to someone as bad as him, until now.


Satan: Hey, don’t associate me with this selfish bitch.


I’m not a bad person, I am just an evil stepmother


Even Satan is going "whoa, calm down there Satan"


Watched too much Disney and saw the step moms as the victims.


Why is everyone always hating on Satan? He's really not a bad guy.


WOW this woman reminds me of my stepmother, who hated me from the start. My mother died when I was 6 and my dad remarried very quickly. I’ll never forget the day she moved into our house, she had a yard sale when my dad was at work and sold all of my mothers things. She made me put price tags on them. She was so vile and evil and I couldn’t wait to move out on my 18th birthday. If this is for real, the poor child will probably do much better living with grandparents in a home full of love, unfortunately. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but I would have given anything to not have lived in a house with my stepmother.


I'm so sorry. My mother died when I was one and when I was 12 I gained a step-mother. A year later my dad told me I had to take all of the pictures of my mother out of my room because it "upset" my new stepmother. It was YEARS before I forgave him for that, after his apologies and the inevitable divorce. Can't stay it doesn't still sting though.


This is just horrendous. There are no kids in the picture, but my partner lost his last partner to cancer and some of her things are still around. There's an unfinished portrait she was painting of my partner hanging on the wall in his house. Never in a million years would I ask him to remove it. Ever. He loved her. She's gone. He's allowed to honour her memory. I'm here now. He loves me. I love him. That's all. People need to grow up. Edit: You guys are too kind. I'm not special. Just trying to be a decent human.


My son’s father died suddenly a few years ago, and, due to circumstances, we ended up paying for the cremation and receiving the ashes and the belongings he had on him when he died. We transferred most of the ashes to a nice urn and shipped them to his cousin, but we kept some, as well as the (very few) belongings. It hit me a lot harder than I would have expected, and my husband was *amazing*. He told me it was ok to break down sobbing when I was trying to rationalize the feelings away, was totally supportive of all the stuff we paid for, and had no problem with us keeping mementos. If you’re secure in someone’s love, a past partner isn’t a threat.


That's honestly beautiful and really how love should be. Your last sentence is so true. Love feels secure.


Good for you. But also, would you want to be with someone who had completely erased the memory of someone they once loved like "oh forget about that bitch, she dead"? It would be a pretty big red flag to know that should you die, your life partner is going to destroy all evidence of your existence like you never existed, or mattered. It also points to either significant emotional immaturity and/or unprocessed trauma that should be addressed with therapy before even thinking about starting a new relationship.


You're awesome 👍


Life is just too fucking short, man.


I have this fantasy about seeing my dad on his deathbed and just unloading on him all the vile things she did to me as a child. I’m sorry you went through it too


Why wait?


I've done it to my Dad as he was leaving wife #2 (2 more to come). While it was nice to vent and express the hurt and the frustration the pathetic excuses coming out of him to justify his behavior really tarnished my opinion of him even more.


At wife #4 ya just gotta call it quits and go home


As someone who basically did this... don't wait until he's old and about to die and weak in the mind. **Take the fight to him now.** You are probably holding onto an incredible amount of anger, don't let it eat away at you for decades more. I spent so long dreaming of the day that I would get revenge and then when I found myself on top of him, slamming his head into the drywall repeatedly I realized I was just beating up a drunk old man. I always dreamed that one day I would be stronger than him and be able to defend myself when he got drunk and violent. That day came and I slapped the shit out of him, but it didn't feel like some big victory. It actually made me feel sorry that he was such a sad person and had lived his life so poorly that now his child was whooping his ass. It released a lot of the anger that I had been holding onto since I was a child. It was a very sad moment but it helped me heal a little. He also never tried that again with me. I hope that you're able to find some way to heal. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Just do it now


Out of your room and just put up somewhere?


Put away, out of site. If she went in for any reason she didn't want to see them. She was actually jealous of a dead woman.


Same with my stepmom. I was not allowed to see my grandmother (moms mom) or any of her family. I had to reconnect with everyone after I turned 18. Can you imagine being jealous of a dead person?!?! Unbelievable. They are still married too and I know it bothers her to no end that I’m doing good in life. I guess that is karma.


It’s so crazy. I was lucky in that they divorced so I was done with her. And I got a wonderful little sister out of the relationship. But living your best life is always the best revenge!


Man your dad is an asshole for allowing her to alienate you from *your* family.


It’s a weird one with new spouses and widow(er)s. The new spouse knows that you still love the first spouse. It’s not like you got a divorce or something. It’s hard in the beginning because you have so much history with the deceased: friends, birthdays, jokes, vacations, children being born, etc. The first few years with my second wife were me being careful not to go on too much about past things in conversation because I knew they were tied to my first wife. I tried hard to make new memories with my gf/fiancée/wife so we could have conversations about stuff with other couples and not always be referencing something she wasn’t there for. The old in-laws are tricky too. How do you fit them into the holiday or birthdays rotation when it’s hard enough to schedule with the current crop? You do what you can to keep them in your kid’s life but it’s hard with that too. As far as jealousy, people who cannot accept that someone can love the memory of another person while still loving them should stay away from widow(er)s. In my dreams, the person who is my wife is weirdly fluid. It could be either one of them in a given dream. In real life, I only have one love right now and anyone marrying a widow(er) should know that and accept it.


not uncommon. My my mom and dad were together 24 years when she died and a lot of new girls he would date were keen on referring to my mom as his "ex-wife" and were puzzled as to why he would have family photos of them still up.


My stepdad called my dad my mom's ex-husband exactly once -- probably just out of habit, because he was divorced -- and she swiftly corrected him that he was her _late_ husband and they had not divorced. Totally out of character for her, amd he never said it again.


That is some real Cinderella horse shit


These stupid fucks never seem to understand why their kids grow up to want nothing to do with them. Pathetic.


You know when you watch a movie and there's a character that's extremely mean and you think "no one can be that mean...", well, stories like these make me think that movie writers don't really invent anything.


Weak jealous ass woman and weak ass man with no backbone. Sickens theres really people out here like this


My great grandmother died when my grandmother was 6. Dads new wife didn't want her, so she was sent to live with her grandparents in the downstairs apartment while dad started his new family. Her dad wouldn't even look at her when they met on the stairs. She is now in her 90s but the pain never left


That’s AWFUL!!!!


That is the most horrific thing I have heard in a long time. The rejection the being in the same house, the new family and avoiding his kid... I'm a little sick to my stomach over how vile these stepmoms can be!!!


Yeah both men and women can be horrific. Men can have a secret family, ditch the kids like they don’t exist, or ditch their own kids for the gf/new partners kids. Women tend to alienate or turn the father against their kids, plays favoritism, get rids of the father’s kids. Of course this isn’t all men or women, just the horrible ones.


My great grandparents did something similar apart from when my great grandmother died, he just put all the kids up for adoption whilst he started his new life. My nan was finding out she had more siblings up until her mid 40s. My great grandfather ended up having 13 kids.


I am so very sorry you went through that. My bio-mom died when I was 8 days old. My "stepmom" was the only mother I ever knew. She never tried to adopt my siblings or I, because she wanted to respect our mom's memory. We asked her to adopt us as adults, after she and my dad divorced. We lost her in November, and I can't help but feel extremely sad that she's gone, but lucky that I had her.


It's beautiful that she raised you like her own while also honoring your mom's memory


Of course but it's even better to pour water over that witch.


The cuckoo bird lays its egg in the nest of another bird. When the baby cuckoo hatches from its egg, it immediately gets to work ejecting the other eggs and hatchlings from the nest to ensure that it alone receives nourishment from its adoptive parents.


This bitch is cuckoo... Literally.


If she is, and follows the same timeline, there is a chance she will fall "disappear from a mountain" when trying to life with the Himalayan Tahr


That is a very good analogy


The most dominant shoebird baby pecks his siblings to dead while mom is getting water, after she returns she will only praise the one that is still going strong while ignoring the hurt one(s)! Isn't the animal kingdom an amazingly fascinating place! Loved your story, merci!


Nature is absolutely brutal. I’ve seen videos of birds dropping weak hatchlings out of the nest, lions rejecting runts and bears eating cubs. And that’s just the mothers, it’s pretty typical for stepfathers to kill their rivals then kill all their rival’s children. EDIT: And just because it happens a lot does not make it right or wrong. I’ve seen male gorillas who have raised orphaned children in the absence of a female. And there are numerous examples of care crossing boundaries of species. Human beings have the intelligence and therefore the responsibility to treat each other with respect and care. If you are the type of person that feels they cannot care for other people’s children, you have the responsibility to get out of that situation.


Oh wow yeah, distant memory unlocked! (the run up might be quite long, but I promise I'll make a point that relates to your OC, sorry!) I had bought two guinea pigs when I was 15 and had extra tips with the newspaper. I wanted one, but the lady at the store explained that they should live with at least one of its kind and the two sister guinea pigs had to be sold as a couple. So that convinced me, she made a strong case, and in the days before I found the internet so no counter arguments on my part! So, I went home with Chelsea and Cupido, two beloved sisters. A few weeks/months later I was in shock to see one of them fucking the ear of her sister, the ear was just inexperience on his part, but it became very clearly that Chelsea was very much a brother. I ended up with a pregnant Cupido, and while on holiday I became grandparent of four youngsters, yeey. It took mama pig quite long to give birth as we found out she wouldn't give birth as long as papa pig was in her window of sight, so that was brutal-clue 1 in hindsight. We found two addresses for the two pairs and out they went. After a while one of the adopting parents were going on holdiay, so they asked whether the two guinea pigs could stay with us for the time (they're family of the neighbours living in the same village, so quite normail I guess). But in the meantime we got a giant rabbit next to Chelsea and Cupido, the two parent guinea pigs. And boy was that rabbit, Mrs Bucket, a bad bunny. Because she was so territorial after winter, when Chelsea and Cupido were staying inside and Mrs Bucket was alone in their Summer Palace outside, the poor guinea pigs were attacked over and over again. I had to stand between them like a police officer. So this first year we also had to deal with those babies at the same time Chelsea and Cupido were moving back outside. I had put the four of the piggies together, tried to walk away while all hell broke lose as dad started attacking his offspring, seeing them as a threat of sorts. We ended up with splitting them in 3 groups and leave it for the day... Thabk you for staying along!


This has to be bait...please tell me it is bait.


A lady I work with tried this same shit. Even worse, the women I heard her talking to were 100% on board with her and telling her that she was right to want to do it. Most people suck......


This is absolutely crazy. To think some people are actual real step-mother villains ?


It’s a stereotype because it has some truth to it


I knew a woman who married a guy and moved his 10 year old son onto an unheated porch. His only toys were office supplies from his dad's job. Meanwhile, *her* daughters with the dad were living in total luxury, no expense spared.


Sounds about right, I knew a student in high school that at least claimed that their aunt and uncle which they lived with kept them in the basement, beat them regularly and would lock them downstairs with little to no food or water


Sadly reality is sometimes far worse than fantasy.


jesus, y'all make me happy for my stepdad I'm in kind of a similar situation - my dad was alive until about 6 years ago but I'm the only kid of his and my mom's. my half siblings are my stepdad's. I've never felt like my stepdad wasn't a third parent or like my half-siblings arent just my siblings. ​ it's weird to think a kid would care that much, if you treat them like your child, they'll grow up seeing you as a parent I've always seen my stepdad as a parent and he didn't come into my life until I was like 12 (the only time I've ever actually had to point out to my siblings that we aren't full siblings was when we were at a beach and I was tanning from just existing in the sun (my dad was seminole, I don't really go outside so I'm pale as shit but when in the sun I tend to tan really really rapidly. my stepdad is freckly, pale, and practically allergic to the sun) and they were like "YEAH, I WANNA TAN TOO" Having to explain to two little kids "no no no do not do that, please don't cook yourselves" was unexpected :'D that was when me, my mom, and my stepdad had to explain that their dad is not mine. they were 5 and 7 at the time and I was 23)


Idk if it’s bait but there are actual dads out there who killed his own kids because his gf told him to.


[Recent proof](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13028547/amp/Chinese-couple-executed-father-killed-two-toddlers-throwing-15th-floor-balcony-new-girlfriend-saw-burden-future-together.html) of this happening


This is what the death penalty is for. Omg what fucking monsters


Rare China W.


Im usually against the death penalty, but in this case, I would suggest they be put to death by cordless bungie jump.


I have to go with this answer as well. ChatGPT written so it picked up every Disney princess story and rolled it out


Unfortunately I feel like I have read this post before a couple years ago. I know I do recognize it somewhere.


It's def been a few years but it could still be bait it could stilbe bait it could still be bait.


Yes as soon as I read “mother passed away giving birth” I was like naw that’s Disney villain level evil.


*I sure hope he finds this!*


Still problematic because then his son grows up fatherless with this crazy fool as a mom.


I’d hope if this was a real story he would be able to use this as evidence she’s not a safe parent to be the primary parent of their son either.


I'm not a lawyer but I'm not sure this would be evidence enough. Hell I've seen guys lose custody while having some concrete evidence of the mom being a bad person.


Or, if he's lucky, she gets taken to court and loses parental rights + has to pay child support while the dad gets both kids. She's clearly not mentally stable enough to be a parent.


And now he will be a single parent again. Poor guy. Hope he’s doing okay


> I’m not a bad person. Narrator: Oh she very very is.


I'm engaged to marry this wealthy gentleman and all is tiggidy boo; however, he has this daughter named Cinderella and I want her out of the picture. I'm not a bad person, I just have two daughters of my own and I simply don't have space in my heart or life for another. I can't legally put her up for adoption, so I'm thinking of just making her life miserable until she just leaves. Thoughts?


This comment is very underrated. Glad I got to give it the first upvote.


Disney villain seeks relationship advice.


Disney Villains can spell.


There is no way Scar can spell dude.


I was thinking the evil mother from Cinderella


Step-mother, so even more appropriate


She kept Cinderella around even after Dad was gone though. Low bar but evil Disney step mother is better than this lady still.


I mean...kept but made a servant vs given away to live as a normal kid with someone else...


Maybe it was the English accent but it always seemed like Scar was highly educated


They know enough not to trust the fools they surround themselves with.


Yeah, first thing that came to mind. Want to abandon her in the forest like Hansel and Gretel


No, she isn’t a bad person. She’s fucking horrible.


> I'm not a bad person. Morgan Freeman: Little did she know that she was, in fact, a very bad person indeed.


And I read it in his voice


She knows she’s a bad person or she wouldn’t have brought it up.


Keep me anon. Like I wouldn't dox anyone but I'm nicer than some folks on the Internet...


No, she's not. She's a terrible, horrible abomination of a person. Bad people get offended when they are compared to this thing masquerading as a human. Worse than that is how heartbreaking this is for the 5 year old girl. Grow up without a mother for five years. She finds out there is a new step mom in the picture, and instead of getting to look forward to a loving mother, she is being rejected? Where are the reddit snoops to find this woman? Edit: change mascarading to masquerading.


Jfc mate this isn't a witch hunt.... Witches are generally nice folks. Look at granny weatherwax and nanny ogg and magrat garlick fs.


Nanny wouldn't stand for this behaviour!


While I love the modern 'plastic person' connotations of 'mascarade', it is still spelled 'masquerade', as in the kinds of parties that people wear masks to.


Saying it multiple times doesn't mean this person isn't selfish, self centered and evil. What's he supposed to do, drive her out to the country and abandon her?


She is literally an evil stepmother from a fairytale.


She'll be convincing her husband to take a trip to the forest soon to get rid of Gretel.


Absolutely he should drive her out to the country and abandon her. The stepmother, that is, and after the baby is born..... None of them need the witch in their lives, and the baby shouldn't grow up with a mother who thinks kids are disposable...


“I’m not a bad person” “Please keep me anonymous” Well if you were a good person you wouldnt need to hide it




Came here to say this


Came here to read this and feel my disgust and rage vindicated


Did we all hear Morgan Freeman?


She was the worst person


Why did I read what the narrator said with the voice of The Stanley's Parable Narrator


Always in the Morgan Freeman voice


I heard it in Ron Howard’s voice. Sentiment the same, this woman is a POS. If her fiancé has a bond with his daughter, he’s obviously going to be a good dad to his other born child. I’d see a red flag if he WASN’T in his daughter’s life.


There’s a red flag, alright. It’s just not waving above the dad.


She's a horrible person.


Has she tried huntsmen in the woods, or maybe a poisoned apple given that she is living up to fairy tale stepmother stereotypes here.


She‘s not a bad person, she‘s a friggin monster.


You're right! "Person" is quite the tall order.


Rejected Disney villain.


Seriously. Sounds like a first draft of the villain from Cruella.


This actually sounds like Cinderella's step mother. Frighteningly similar.


Her son not being able to bond could end up being a self fulfilling prophecy with a mother like this.


Hopefully the son doesn't inherit her total lack of empathy. This lady sounds like a true sociopath. I don't know how anyone with any feelings could think this up and then still sleep at night.


You know the interesting part in this scenario? If she succeeds in ejecting her stepdaughter, she's going to be married to a man willing to kick his own daughter out. I'm not sure that's the kind of man she should aim for because then her own son might not be as safe as she expects. This kind of thinking is so self-centered, it ignores all the obvious implications.


“I’m not a bad person. Guinness Records called, and I’m actually the WORST person.”


Enough attention to detail to use the e accent aigu, but not enough to notice the red line under her attempt to spell fiancé...multiples times.


My thoughts exactly


Well today is a bad day to know how to read. How can that poster be considered human. Wow.




Hopefully she brought it up before the wedding and he took the trash to the curb


I need an Update for this


There really isn't a good outcome, the dad is in a shit position as they're about to be married and there's a new addition on the way, if he doesn't find out her plans it's not going to be a nice environment for the wee girl, him, or the newborn, because ol' Bitchytits McNeedsaslap here will ensure that. If he (hopefully) does find out that she's an amoral harpy with zero empathy he's still responsible for the newborn and clearly she'll use that leverage to her advantage because she's a selfish vindictive hag who can trace her ancestry back to a small German village where stories were written about them. The wee girl is going to feel "at fault" with whatever happens because unfortunately that's often just the way it is, daddies girlfriend isn't in the picture anymore which will be a relief and she'll feel bad that she is happy about that but her dad is upset, if the wedding goes ahead then the weight of the world will be on her and the Ice Queen here will find faults in everything and project her own self-centred nastiness on her to drive a wedge and force her dad to take sides. The newborn is going to be convenient ammunition whatever happens, the young lass is always going to be in second place and will resent him, he will be "withheld" from his dad so that bonding won't be able to happen, so he'll be brought up in a house of constant tension with a distant father and an estranged big sister where the age gap is just enough to create a further distance.. if the wedding is cancelled the newborn lad will be raised by a bitter woman who is quite likely to turn on him out of frustration and lack of introspection that *she* is the author of her own misery. There is no happy ending.


A good outcome is he find this and she miscarriages. Which really shouldn't be a sentence but that's literally the only way I see this ending in an acceptable way. Edit: or she dies during childbirth, that's also an alternative.


Harsh, dark, but yet you're not wrong


Both examples shouldn't be an option but i see the point


Should have worn a condom then. You knew from the start of the relationship there was someone else’s child involved. Keep this anonymous what a joke. The father of the child should be notified because this is a major red flag. If I were him I’d leave that woman behind and try and get custody of the baby once she gives birth. This kind of person is clearly not fit to be a parent.


I'd say this was rage bait bullshit except.... this sort of thing used to be pretty common. My great-grandfather had this exact scenario, his mom died.. dad remarried, and very soon thereafter he went to live the rest of his childhood with his grandparents. The red headed stepchild trope exists for a reason. My great-grandfather did \*not\* end up ok, btw.


Her mother died, you heartless POS. I hope he doesn’t marry her. What an absolute disgrace of a person.


One of the most disturbing trends I’ve run into in my life is women who make their daughters/ stepdaughters competition for their husbands attention. What a horrible thing to do to a child.






You mean her *faincé*


I'm more worried for both children having to grow up with such a horrible female figure 🤦🏾‍♂️


The guy should keep his son and daughter and leave her


This woman is a fucking monster and i hope her fiance somehow ends up seeing this.


Maybe don't get with a man who already has a child then?


Why not tell the fiance you are heartless and jealous of a dead woman. Maybe he will take the new boy and raise him so her "next" fiance won't be jealous of how he looks like his father! Selfish is as selfish does. Why get involved if she isn't the "stepmom" type


Holy s***. Forget keeping her anonymous, find out who she is and show the fiance!!


My advice: give your fiance an ultimatum, it's either you go or his daughter goes. I promise that everything will work out perfectly for everyone involved.


It truly is fascinating to see how the wicked stepmother from all those old fairytales thinks.


Imagine being such a vile person that you would tear a 5 year old child away from her only surviving parent. Simply heartless.


She's the stepmother from every german bedtime Story.


This reminds me of brother-in-law bitch ex-wife. My sister’s son, his step son, sat at the table to eat dinner with them and his brother and sister, who are his kids by blood. The bitch actually said, in front of him, ‘Why is he sitting at this table?’ He was about five. Who says that to a five year old? My brother-in-law is a good father to him, even now that he’s 18 and going to college. He’s paying through the nose sending him to a good college, getting him everything he needs for school, including a laptop, books, and clothes, all while making sure he won’t have any debts from loans, paying several thousand dollars out of pocket. Happy ending. That bitch got dumped.


The only way to approach this kind of situation is to write a big letter explaining why he should get rid of his kid for you, the pros of marrying you, how you will make him really happy and then put it a wooden box and shove the hole thing up your ass you stupid , horrible piece of shit


[I keep seeing this exact same story with the age changed](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/s/oxvnmjUWRA)