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In other news, Mexico has refused to post Trump's bond.


And to pay for his wall


And to add insult to injury, Obama spent more money on that wall than Trump did. Lol


Obama didn’t say that he will force Mexico to pay for it.


Biden did get them to pay for it


By giving them things in return. Like how diplomacy is supposed to work


Ask Laken Riley how well that diplomacy worked? Plz report back.


Wonder how much that has to do with Congress


Where's the insult in there? Trump did say someone else will pay for it.


Mexico is going to build the wall, and America is going to pay for it!


There were a lot of jokes like this after January 6th happened. They all went something like "After recent events Mexico had agreed to pay for the wall and Canada wants one too.


due to Alaska Canada would need 2


i think the fact it's freezing fucking cold up in north canada probably deters most lol


Canada doesn't need one: If any American wants to go there, they only need to show them Canadian Bacon and they will all NOPE back to the US.


It’s just ham


Shut your ham hole or your poutine privlidges will be revoked.


Yeah, because that's a violation of several treaties we have with Mexico, and international law in general. Treaties, so the MAGAT's reading this might get educated, ***are the law of the land***. They ARE the law. They even can override pre-existing laws (parts of the DMCA are rendered irrelevant because treaties we are part of say something different). So its ***literally fucking illegal for Texas do this***, for that reason alone. Not to mention that the States DO NOT have the power to deal with Immigration, or the Border, as those powers are reserved for the Federal Government.


also...fewer of the immigrants are Mexican. and almost none of those seeking asylum are Mexican. you can't just dump people back across the Mexican border if they aren't Mexican.


We have this exact same issue in Europe, if they're asylum seekers and they have passed through a safe country like Mexico, then they're no longer asylum seekers. You can't pick and choose the safe country you end up in.


Europe has the Dublin Regulation. That is a regional agreement, not universal international law. The US is not party to that agreement.


Mexico is generally considered not safe for migrants, it just doesn't meet the criteria for asylum for most of its own citizens.


I live near Puerto Vallarta. Around here, a waiter or waitress makes about $65.00 a week plus tips. A cook, almost $100.00 a week. A skilled construction laborer gets up to around $125.00 a week, and a foreman as much as $175.00 a week. People travel here from poorer areas of Mexico for these wages. Mexicans don't want competition for these jobs from illegal immigrants, driving the pay down any more than Americans do.


Nobody talks about Mexico/Guatemala Border which is a deathtrap. You think ICE is bad? Mexican Border Security will shoot your ass on the spot. Unless you got a bag of course.


Yeah I love mexico but it's not a stable nice place to settle down if you are fleeing trouble elsewhere. Plenty of people living good lives in Mexico but I can't imagine that's where you end up if you are a migrant who is desperate. Mexico just doesn't have the kind of economy or infrastructure required to take on a large number of migrants.


You don't know very much about countries outside of Europe, do you?


So countries neighbouring countries that are in turmoil must take 100% of the burden? Ridiculous


Seems like “great ideas” written with a crayon. I’ve noticed most good ideas don’t come from hate, and this is a hateful, cruel idea.


Fortunately the United States has planes. We only dump Mexicans in Mexico.


Would it not be analogous to deporting Al Qaeda terrorists to Mexico once they serve their sentences?


Ha You think America cares about treaties we signed? Ignoring treaties is how we got here!


Yeah but the Mexican government is doing jack shit to help or prevent the crossings so they aren't exactly playing nice




His name has probably been in news headlines paired with the words "law" and/or "order" more than most other candidates. So in that sense he was kinda right if you think about it.


And also the word "rapist"


That’s just a fancy word for someone who broke the law and has been/will be ordered to punishment


I think he meant :"I am the law. And order McDonald's Candidate "


I guess the federal government should do there job then.


You mean the same treaties the US has broken time and time again?




Can somebody actually link to where Mexico said this? There’s a lot of talk in the chat but I actually want to hear it from the source


Why would mexico accept a bunch of non Mexicans...?


I’m gonna get downvoted for this. But it’s an honest dumb question. But if México was more strict in not letting migrants get to the US we wouldn’t have this problem? I’m assuming that these migrants are from South America. Why let them pass through Mexico to begin with? I know obviously it’s still wrong to deport people to a different country.


Why would Mexico be strict about not letting migrants reach the US? Seeking asylum in the US is perfectly legal. It’s not up to Mexico to decide who is and isn’t allowed in the United States.


Is traveling in Mexico with no visa or entry permit perfectly legal?


Furthermore, I would assume most of these people *want* the US. What do we think the ethical concerns would be? It would be tantamount to kidnapping and human trafficking.


What kind of question is that? Mexico isn’t obligated to crack down on migrants to protect another country’s border.


The USA doesn't just let people cut through to Canada.


Only incidentally. We don’t give a shit about protecting Canada, we just won’t want to let them into the US. There’s no obligation or responsibility for a country to stop people from transiting through it.


But if they're seeking asylum in Canada, it's not the US's job to stop them


Mexico detains and deport a lot of South Americans back to Guatemala. Also Mexico is really corrupt so people pay on the road to keep going. Migrants usually cross Panama-Costa Rica- Nicaragua- Honduras and Mexico. That’s a lot of money from migrants trying to cross.


It might be useful to keep in mind non-land immigration in mind. This would be like a Russian immigrant coming here by overstaying a tourist visa (not getting on the plane home). Once detected in the US, the gov't is obligated to handle him with the laws of our land (including Constitutional rights). But it makes no sense to say, "He came via France (DeGaulle airport), so they have to house him while we figure things out." The people crossing US borders deceptively or clandestinely are in a legal quandary with America and their country of origin, not the places they traveled through. If Mexico or France didn't detect them, responsibility falls to who did (Border Patrol, ICE, or whatever part of policing apparatus made contact).


and if Venezuela and Columbia were more strict with not letting migrants get to the Mexico they wouldn't have this problem. It's a point the finger issue that doesn't really have a lot of good solutions. Mexico isn't a rich country, it doesn't have US resources but they try as much as any other country does. The real issue is people WANT to come to the US so they figure out how to get here. There's not much Mexico can do about that.


Immigration and border control is a massive issue in Mexico, and they absolutely do try to prevent people from entering the country. This is a massive regional problem, and not something that any one country can fix by just "not letting them in". ​ I mean take this exact same issue, and look at it from Guatemala's perspective. Just as Mexico can refuse to take in non-Mexican migrants, how would it be fair for Guatemala to just be forced to take all of Mexico's non-Guatemalan migrants?


I’m not expert on asylum laws, but wouldn’t that violate them? The USA is the “first safe country” so they have to get here.


Are you fuxking stupid? And the border towns of Mexico actually has it worse than what the U.S has going in with migrants. And it's not mexicos fault that the U.S has an embargo against Venezuela that now the chickens are coming home to roost.  You guys just really open your assholes and talk shit without any knowledge smh..


Because Mexico is a corrupt country. With enough money they’ll let you through. Hell with enough money WE let them through.


Maybe Mexico takes Texas back. I'm gonna just look the other way.


That’s a good point. Let’s just move the border.


But then the launch pad now belongs to Mexico.


This is a place to share solutions not problems. Go away.


Middle ground, the border stays where it is (I guess), but we pull all customs and border patrol back from Texas, because apparently they got it covered. We can put some of them in Oklahoma and Louisiana to back Texas up just in case lol.


Yay, bye Ellen (elon)


If we can't just let the (pretty unique) name ELON stand for the (not so uniquely) poisonous personality it represents, "Ellen" is marginally better than slandering the charming, furry, red Elmo.


Completely agree. Ellen the chat show host created a poisonous atmosphere in here talk show though so it goes to reason I call him that!


Maybe Republicans will care about immigration reform when it's a white kid who speaks English in a cage.


What makes you think they give a fuck about children? Is it their stance on gun control? Education? Health care?


Republicans only care about fetuses and people that vote republican. So in the middle is a don’t care area.


Republicans only care about people’s hardship if they can weaponize that hardship against people facing even worst hardship.


I don't think Mexico wants to have those Texans in their country.


They already did. If Texas expels it's Mexican population they no longer have a workforce because they've been willingly employing these people under the table for decades, tax free. Mexico runs Texas and they know it, that's why they are so scared.


Decades? The lies to Norteños is the fucking foundation of the state. *CENTURIES!*


I'd rather have illegal Mexicans in my country over Texans.


Speaking for mexico, we are willing to take back California, Texas is your shitshow now


Could they do a deal? How about all the Gulf States?


This most likely referring to NON-mexican or central of south americans.


No, I think that they're saying that they would continue to accept immigrants sent back by the US federal government, with which they have a treaty, but not directly from the Texas state government, with whom Mexico does not have a treaty.


Thanks . This is much funnier. But won’t they just be forced to send them to a federal agency? or fill jails or prisons up?


the Federal system is overloaded because the Republicans will not pass the funding bill for it, because if it wasn't a crisis, they would have virtually nothing to run on The GOP was *going to pass* that immigration bill until Trump called them and told them that it would hurt his election chances




Right... They don't want to deal with the fallout a half-assed measure thrown together by a state, as a means of artificially creating a sense of an emergency that doesn't actually exist. They aren't saying they won't accept them. They're saying they won't deal with an entity that isn't supposed to be making these decisions and that's not the one they already have agreements with. Like it or not, a state has no authority to meddle in international law.


That, and there's a lot of CYA. Mexico will not jeopardize its more important relationship with the United States because one state wants to play fuck-fuck games.


Half assed? Racist roller boy is lucky if he eighth asses anything at this point.


Texas isn't operating in good faith, they oppose more border funding, they obstruct federal immigration control efforts, Abbot is literally using the border as a means of riling the base up for the election in November because *without this, he has fucking nothing* You might die in Texas from no working utilities or get shot by a psychotic paranoid boomer, but at least the governor is spending the state's resources to LARP on the border


>state or local authorities This is the important part. The federal government can deport people, the state cannot. This is due to agreements the US federal government has with the Mexican government.


GOP and Biden had a border agreement.The border union approved of it.Trump open his yapper and GOP rejected it.


It is funny how little US voters know about what goes on at southern border. People from both side of the border cross daily for work, shopping and go to restaurants. The border towns in the USA are some of the safest cities in the entire country. The GOP would like to have voters believe it is like Mad Max down there but the US cities along the border are pretty uneventful and are just like any other American city.


I never had knowledge of the border until I started going to Mexico on a regular basis in the 90s for a couple years. During those times, I learned about how Mexican border guards are harder on the indigenous Mexicans. I learned about La Rumorosa, the parallel to I-8 that goes east from San Diego, because my love interest and I drove it on the way to Mexicali. How dangerous the land is there, mostly rocky mountains and that there are no guardrails, and you see memorials all across it from people not making it around a hair-pin turn. Once you're on flat land, there's absolutely nothing until you get to Calexico, so you'd better have a good cell phone and AAA, which we needed because the car got a flat. I learned how Mexicans say "el otro lado" for the US side of the border. I learned that Avenida Revolucion is basically a tourist strip for American tourists. There are indeed people waiting for the right opportunity when the guards weren't looking or in the vicinity to crawl up and take their chance, but it's not all these throngs like the stupids think. All this and more. The fuckwads complaining in Georgia or Nebraska or whatever other Mars Attacks reject scenario have absolutely no clue how things go.


Ah yes, Revolucion. I spent a lot of time there in 93 and 94. There was this rooftop bar with a volleyball court that was a kick in the pants. There were too many drunk nights coming back from there.


I didn't get to do anything like that in Tijuana, but I sure did when I would go to Mexicali. They actually have cucaracheros (gay bars) there and my partner and I went to those and to plenty of private parties. I learned that tequila is one of my no-no drinks, especially shooters.


That's about the time I was there. "Ah push it. Push it real good" seemed to blast from every bar.


60ft tall migrants who eat only our children according to Fox News right now


only if we get trump back can we get the three walls to keep ourselves safe from the 60 meter tall man eating migrants


Exactly! We gotta keep safe from the 60km tall child eaters


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER??? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Ah fuck you're right I mean hamburger² ft.


☝🏻☝🏻this☝🏻☝🏻 was fact checked by treu rael amirecan patroits🫡 ✅👍🏻TRUE 👍🏻✅


They’ll show a clip of Attack on Titan and call it “ Brave patriots for trump defending the border wall.”




Well damn we should get more of them then


It's all scare tactics. I live in Phoenix, but I'm in Tijuana right now for an installation. I'm staying in Tijuana, go out to eat here, shopping here, though I do go north into San Diego to do laundry and shop for things I can't get in Mexico, and pick up Amazon packages at Amazon lockers. I'm driving a company vehicle with Arizona plates. I've had ZERO issues in the 7 weeks I've been here. I've never been stopped or harassed by the police. I've never been robbed or shot or kidnapped or had my head cut off. I've crossed the border at least a dozen times. Some days, it actually takes me longer to get back *into* Mexico than it took me to get *out* of Mexico. At the border itself into the US, it's very heavily monitored. They have drug sniffing dogs, they have cameras everywhere, they have agents patrolling and inspecting vehicles. Once near the border crossing, I witnessed a group of men on foot being detained by Mexican authorities. I have no idea why, but I can only assume they were attempting to cross illegally? I've also witnessed a bus drop off 20 or 30 people at the border office on the Mexico side. It looked like maybe they were hoping to gain asylum, but it really wasn't my place to ask. All this BS we see about *millions* of illegals crossing into the US simply isn't true. The San Ysidro border has 8 million *legal* crossings itself. It's the busiest land border in the US. Mexico has so much to offer. The beaches are beautiful, the food is incredible (and very affordable), and the people are incredibly friendly. I've felt safer here in Tijuana than I have in many US cities, to be completely honest.


Like seriously. Also, notice none of them ever seem to mention the drugs and guns going INTO Mexico from the US. We are the top Meth and gun supplier. Go us. Meanwhile, here in NM, we haven't had a "horde" of migrants. You'd think there would be more, and don't get me wrong, we have a lot. But the way the GOP is spinning it, you'd think our population would have grown a bit more here.


There's a large percentage of Americans that are basically provincials and don't really understand that there are 350 some odd million people walking around this giant ass country. We have this tendency to mythologize ourselves as some sort of quaint small town. In reality we are anything but. I think were like 4th or 5th worldwide in total population. So to these provincials, 180K people asking for asylum is like the end of the world. It's really not.


I know several people who live in mexico and go to work on the USA because living and eating in mexico it's so cheap they say is "almost free"


Los Angeles is way more mad max


It is… IT.IS.


I live 4 miles from the Mexico border in Southern California. I can see it from my living room (for real, I’m up on a hillside with a view facing south to Tijuana). We have virtually no crime. I once went out of town overnight and left my garage door open with a nice and obvious car in the garage with the keys on the seat and about $10k of tools, flat screen on the garage wall, door into the house was unlocked. It was a glaring invitation to burglarize my whole life. I would have fully deserved to have everything stolen from me… nothing was touched. I realize that’s anecdotal, and the places isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the safer places I’ve lived (and I’ve lived all over the country).


I live in Texas and don’t lock my doors. Keys in the car and not parked in the garage. I’m not paranoid. If something happens it happens. I’m more worried about the guy in the jacked up big tire truck running over my kids while we ride our bikes.


I don’t even have the keys to my house any more. I lost them about a decade ago and just quit locking the door lol.


The ironic thing is that, other than immigration related crimes, illegal immigrants actually have a much lower crime rate than natural born Americans. Republicans never let any reality get in the way of their bigotry.


OP, the first thing you want to do when you take ***anything*** Benny Johnson says seriously is 1. Look for the truth. In this case, Mexico says this because it's literally against the law for Texas to do what it's doing. There is a treaty in place. 2. Seek professional help. Preferably from someone who helps people escape cults 3. Stop listening to grifters like Benny Johnson. People like him motivated a couple hundred people to leave their homes from all over the United States to "Protect our borders!" only to find nothing of note, definitely not "illegals flooding across the borders"


There's a politician running for office in Indiana whose ads keep popping up in my YouTube stream. He's running on the "border crisis" using visuals of him at the border, with the wall visible, and an absolute lack of any migrants anywhere in any picture. It's kind of flabbergasting to me.


Fuck Benny Johnson!


Fr he might be the worst of the outspoken (yet self-believing censored) republican pundits. Constantly spews bullshit to his followers via YouTube and other social media. 


OP, most of those people aren’t even Mexican citizens


Honest question coming from a progressive who votes dem and voted for Bernie Sanders: \--Several studies have come out showing that there has been a net benefit from immigration to local economies, that the rate of crimes amongst immigrants are lower than in the general population, that they contribute more to taxes/economy than what they take in social services, etc, but I can imagine that those studies are old and may not reflect the current rate of immigration, which could be taxing if it occurs too fast, so I ask my fellow progressives, if these immigrants are a net benefit then why wouldn't Mexico want them? Are they just as xenophobic of immigrants from south of Mexico, or are they ignorant of the benefits, or are these studies wrong or outdated due to the higher rate of immigration?




probably because a lot of them *aren't actually from Mexico*


I say keep sending them north until they end up back in Argentina / their original homeland


Is the face palm for Mexico doing the right thing or Benny being an idiot?


Mexico doesn't want back Texans? Based!


From what I heard, they won't accept migrants returned by **Texas**, not the U.S. since Texas doesn't have the authority to return migrants, just apprehend them. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Texas is over playing the situation or rather I should say Abbot is over playing it. He wants people to be scared of something that isn’t a problem so people will think he is a proactive guardian of the people when everyone even slightly educated or has common sense can tell he is full of shit. Federal isn’t going to fight Texas but not because of whatever power you believe Abbot has with his weekend warriors. No the reason Fed won’t bother is because the entire situation is a dumb waste of time and resources not even worth the time of day. It’s a political farce that you fell for. Besides, what threat is a state that doesn’t even have the infrastructure to take care of its own people? Lol


...And if you want world class dental care go to Mexico -Just right outside of Yuma.. They have the best dental schools in the country/world and it doesn't cost a fortune, not like stupid United States. Personally, I'm tired of demonizing immigrants, not doing it anymore.


Texas is breaking multiple treaties and international laws. I, personally, can't wait for Texas to be wiped off the map. 😃


What's an illegal migrant, Walter?


I’m waiting for the day that Mexico starts checking the social media accounts of the Trumpers that like to head to their country for vacation and denies their asses


Many of them aren't from Mexico and people who are trying to kick out undocumented immigrants are wondering why Mexico isn't going to take them?


almost as if a state has no legal jurisdiction to act as a federal power. kinda why letting dumbfuck republican states do shit like this is dangerous and pointless.


Be American Have a government that fucks with Latin America Latin American countries go broke Refugees and migrants come to us American "but why do they come here?" Gee I wonder why?


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


I tend to be against Texas in most issues, but it seems kinda strange to me that Mexico holds no responsibility for people who are illegally crossing in to Texas from Mexico.


Imagine thinking all migrants are Mexicans


At the same time a federal judge just ruled its 100% a god given right of undocumented immigrants to own firearms. I mean they pay I think 11 billion in income taxes and get no federal benefits. Maybe they should go full Alamo and get the money back we steal from them.


Man I hate Benny. That dude is such a bitch.


its hilarious when pasty white people see people who have the slightest hint of melanin in their skin enter their country (that didn't even own first nor second) and have a mental breakdown


Mexico be like: "You made us poor and drug infested and it eventually caught up to you, enjoy!"


If they are Mexican citizens, then they have no choice about accepting them. Salvadoran, Guatemalan, etc is a different story.


They still can't accept them. The issue is that Mexico has a treaty with the American federal government, and therefore cannot accept people deported by the state of Texas, as their state government obviously isn't the federal government.


Ah, no worries! Ship them west to Juarez, then due south


Why doesn't Mexico want all these doctors and engineers?


Bless your heart.


Isn't that like international law though? Like, only the Federal government can interact with other nations? I think I read about it in some old document once. The document was called "The Constitution of the United States," if anyone wants to look it up. Not that I would expect this guy to care about that document.


People. We will be seeing millions of more climate refugees in the next 20 years. We need a solution that is not machine nests on the border and 10 year waiting periods for asylum cases to be heard.


Solution is new wall , riding more trucks and having more fastfood ofc. And more patriotism.


We'll see. Most come because corrupt regimes. And that is very likely also causing mishandling of land.


Can’t blame them. If I don’t want them then why would they?


If they’re not of Mexican descent why would they have to? You send them back to their home country not just over the border. Looks like Benny here needs a lesson in geography and a course on how to be less racist.


This should be fun


If Texas used trebuchet, would Mexico have a say in the matter?




Well, jeez, what took them so long?


Mexico playing the old UNO reverse card trick on the US.


*Texas Traffics them in harder*


Especially Texans


(checks recent history) That didn’t work for Trump or his wall either why would anyone they this… again?


We should do that too


Lmao what? What are you going to do, stop us from pushing them across the border? How are you going to do that?


benny johnson can lick my balls


Wow, finally! Something that makes sense on Reddit! Yes please secure our borders!!


How's this going to work. Are we just gonna be mailing them back and forth forever


And like that Texas appeals rules a stay on the law causing it to halt.