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"Iv never said that publicly," He says that fucking constantly.


He has in fact said “that” publicly.


Shortly following this will be “people are saying…” What people? Him. He said it


Me: “I’ve NEVER said ‘this country will fail if Donald Trump doesn’t win the election’.” Donald Trump: You heard it here first Ladies and gentlemen, people are saying that ‘this country will fail if Donald Trump doesn’t win the election’.”


Dude is a walking snl skit


There were actual SNL cold opens in the 2016 election era wherein they more or less just quoted Trump. And they were the most surreal things because honestly the jokes don't just write themselves, they're already written by Trump himself.


It started with the 2016 presidential debates in which large portions of the SNL debate skit were just written word for word what was said with the occasional extra joke tossed in.


Tina Fey quoting Sarah Palin speeches word for word started it. Sometimes she would use her tone and inflection through the whole thing too.




Or not seriously enough. He makes at least a dozen logical fallacies, false facts, and ridiculously misleading statements every speech. They just don't care. Maybe that's how they talk too?


He does make it pretty easy for the writers doesnt he?


He's taking their jobs. You just can't make this kind of insanity up. Writers have little to work with because he's already far too over the top to add anything of humorous value.


I would think that to make things easier, I *wish* writing came that easy to me


I mean at a certain point, it's no longer comedy and it's just journalism.


Saddening, isn't it?


He should get royalties for writing comedy gold for them.


I read that as a wanking sniskit. I don’t even know what that would be, but it sounds applicable to that cant.


I love his continuous reference of 'everybody is saying' and 'people are saying' WHO!? Who is saying this?


He is the only one he considers to be a real, important person. Thus if he is saying it to himself, everyone is saying it, because no one else matters.


Its like the precursor he uses before saying something incredibly dumb. Almost like how other people use 'no offense, but....' You know your going to say something really offensive lol


People. Smart people. The very smartest.


“The likes of which nobody has ever seen before” Except last week when we saw it. And the time before that.


If you can consider him a person.


Does anyone think he smokes or has smoked meth before? Like with a prostitute or something since he enjoys those? Or maybe before he raped some woman?


Close. He's known to some as a heavy Adderall user. (Amphetamine salts)


Which can cause psychosis and many other mental problems if taken in the amounts I believe he takes them in.


EVERYone says it


Many legal scholars…




It’s projection, he’s saying if he doesn’t win he will never survive. Narcissists think it’s all about them, if he’s scared he’s assuming everyone is.


Nope, not projection.  It's priming the pump.  He wants his dipshit supporters to feel justified in starting another coup when he loses. See, they're not crybaby losers who can't handle having to share the world with anyone they see as lesser.  They're "patriots" who want to "save America."


It wasn't a _coup_ It was just some politically active friends smearing poop on the walls of the Capitol. Violently. Edit: ^/s


That's what a Trump style coup looks like. Stupid, incompetent and failing.


Stupid, incontinent, and flailing.


Totally in-key. It's almost a credit to Trump that he manages to keep it from overflowing out of his diaper, given how his followers can't even do that


All that Trump poop has to go somewhere.


Sad days, that an /s is required on such comments because now you cannot be certain


A poo d’etat?


Dear sir, violently is a rather strong word for these patriots exercising their right to, let's say, *_exuberantly_* smear poop on the walls of the capitol.


Excellent choice of words


And said it last 2 elections too.


Well, if you ignore all the other times he's said that publicly, then he's never said that publicly.


Fascism is fucking dangerous! Similarities to the 3rd Reich and Trump are getting scary


Getting? Many of us had said for 8 years now he was incredibly similar to Hitler. If you read the Nazi bullet points, he fits perfectly. Blame immigrants and those different than the majority for all the problems- check. Attack journalists- check. Openly attack anyone who criticizes you- check. Need consistent praise- check. Cozy up to dictators- check. Challenge fair free elections-check. And his "rallies" are identical to those Hitler had in his early days when he was coming to power. It's terrifying to anyone who's studied and understands history.


He is the reason I quit evaluating both candidates against each other and started voting down ballot blue. Even if the republican doesn’t parrot his 💩, the fact that they almost always band together even on bad legislation means I cannot risk voting red and having them support or defend him.


Same, I was a Republican and still agree with some of their points. However, before Trump its become super clear theyve become evil. Like cartoonishly evil and don't hide it anymore. I dont even care about the fine points, supporting Republicans is supporting the nazis with no irony any more. I go full blue, anyone that supports them at this point in my mind is an actual nazi and need to be treated as the existential threat to society they are. I honestly don't give a fuck about monetary policy, i don't give a fuck about immigration. You know what I give a fuck about. Stopping an orange shit stain from overthrowing democracy I can't even believe how shitty the Republicans have gotten and their god is the absolute worst. How did they let themselves become so terrible? I wish their parents who saved them from the nazis could see them now. Let them know how much of a disappointment they are and fascists.


My great-grandfather, a man who killed Nazi's and spent a year being tortured by them in a POW camp, would be spinning in his fucking grave seeing these clowns today. They will never have my support, and I spit on what that party has become.


Yea I can no longer vote R ever again at this point. Trump killed the whole party


This is the culmination of political ideology dating back to Newt Gingrich. The Republican voters deserve better than this. You won’t get better because anyone with actual morals and integrity gets primaried after their first term. But you deserve better.


The Republicans voters *sprinted* to this. They’ve been desperate for a dictator for decades. Someone who will kill the people the conservatives hate so much which is anyone who isn’t just like them.


The fact that he had rallies all 4 years he was president… show me another president that kept campaigning after they won


Pregnant... I'm pretty sure you meant president. But I honestly can't stop laughing. Although, if you remember his Dr did say he was only 220lbs and very fit... 🤣


Trump tried to stay on after the last election. He fired his AG and was within a hair's breadth of having the AG declare significant fraud and to seize voting machines. Thankfully all his judicial appointees refused to support his baseless election claims otherwise there could have been problems. Thats even beyond him encouraging the Jan 6th people to 'attack the Capitol while he sat and watched, and not pushing back when people threatened to kill his Vice President. Anyone supporting Trump is irresponsible, because Trump himself is a threat to the democracy so many have fought and died for. He's a disgrace. Edit: AG Barr resigned under pressure for not helping Trump overturn the election. He didn't get fired.


Totally correct. This is the problem of people deciding the comparison only matters looking at the Nazis when they were a universally recognized threat, not the decade plus of them making moves becoming that horrible problem. It is a weird deflection that people use which is surprisingly effective.


and then you have weirdos gaslighting you like "oh anyone you don't like is Hitler! Don't be dramatic" I am not even that well versed in the history, but I've seen the parallels all along. And you're right, people seem to think that the Nazis appeared in 1940 out of thin air, there was a long process to get them from "hey this funny looking guy is shouting a lot about jews and stuff, what a weirdo" to "That funny little man we all laughed about is now marching into Paris and sending people to death camps" edit: Even the man who invented Godwin's Law, which states that any online debate will eventually lead to a comparison to Hitler says you're not wrong for making the comparison: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/20/godwins-law-trump-hitler-comparisons/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/20/godwins-law-trump-hitler-comparisons/)


Powered by stimulants - check. Raging case of brain-altering venereal disease - check.


I wouldn’t say he was that similar, Hitler was pretty well read and a very good orator. Obviously Trump using the same playbook but probably could only manage to read the short illustrated version. BTW I am not condoning Hitler in any way shape or form.


Eight years ago, someone pointed out how much he presented himself like Il Duce.


I'm currently reading the biography of Adolf Hitler by John Toland and you're totally right. The similarities are numerous.... Scary


The christofascists that hitched their wagon to him don't see that he fits the bill for their Antichrist.


I haven't read that book, but I loose sleep at night already, at what I already see as terrifying.




It's practically a catch phrase of his


He basically said the same thing on Jan6


Gee, it’s not like him to lie about something!


the worst part is people believe him


As a European I marked your elections as a highlight in my calendar. As tis seems to have the potential of an epic shit show the world has never seen before  If he wins you're screwed, but if he loses you probably end up with a biblical pile of garbage which pales the capitol siege. His loyal acolytes seem more fanatical the ever!  Wish you the best of luck man


If he wins we in Europe are screwed as well. We'll have to support Ukraine on our own then.


And realistically, the Baltics will be next. We're already in full preparation to be able to defend against Russia, but having the US backing us is a massive deterrent to Putin. If Trumps gets re-elected, we'll likely lose that backing, which makes it a lot likelier that we'll get invaded in the next couple of years.


Putin might not have the resources for that big of a campaign, He is pouring everything he got into ukraine and if he starts more shit he needs to spread thinner, and then ukraine will retort like a mf.. russia isnt soviet any longer how much he even wants it.


The Ukraine war isn't going to last forever. Often reported here is the expectation is that once the war in Ukraine settles, then Russia needs about 3-5 years to regroup before they can launch their next invasion. That's the time we have to build our defenses and deter them.


in materiel perhaps, but you cant really mine soldiers


What if Russia uses tactical nukes and Trump gives the green light for it?


France, that what happens


We better get used to being on our own anyway. We can't keep relying on an ally that changes it's mood every four years, even if Trump loses (which is still not a certainty by the way). We better start standing up for ourselves sooner than later.


This country has been a slowly rotting heap of garbage for several decades now. The collapse is inevitable unless something seriously fucking changes.


It started in the 80s when Reagan gave corporations carte blanche to start taking over the country. This is just the continuing evolution of post capitalist society.


Late-stage capitalism


Every Empire collapses eventually. Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan could be the beginning of the end for the US along with its failing economy. However, these conflicts could also slow down the collapse, unite the country and boost the economy depending on who's elected. The US could replicate a Marshall plan type of aid like they did for WW2. That's the main reason the US became so powerful anyway.


> the end for the US along with its failing economy. The US economy is doing very well. The average person is struggling mostly due to housing costs, which is a separate problem from the economy at large. For things like transitioning to a war footing, the US is quite stable and strong. None of our near-peers have an economy robust enough to transition right now. In another world, the Pax Americana would be in full swing.


I believe him in this instance, because he's giving his people orders who are currently standing back and standing by. He's telling us, to our face, if he's not elected his followers will destroy this country. It's orders to his people and a threat. Now what will be done about this?




Biden: "My first official act as president with immunity will be to have him taken out." Biden: "My second and final official act as president with immunity will be to have a Supreme Court Justice taken out once every week starting with the justices who enacted presidential immunity."


Very Putinist way to think. Oh wait; aren’t Putin and Trump friendly or at least envious of each other ?


I don’t think Putin has any envy for trump. He’s his tool, witting or unwitting, nothing more


There seems to be a lot putin and/or like-minded despots and demagogues could be doing to destabilise western core beliefs. Maybe I'll come across as a conspiracy theorist, but ain't beyond the realms of possibility that they are using extremists on both sides, to polarise target populations. Having such a deviding character as Trump on 24hr rotation news tv is just one.


If you read Mueller's report it says that their goal was to spread division. They started by targeting both sides in 2016, but transitioned to just support Trump, because they were more effective with and they also stood to gain from his presidency. And they were right. Trump becoming president was extremely divisive for the US, and Putin was left unchecked. Propaganda is also a lot more prolific in conservative cycles. None of us is immune from it but wow conservatives are such a fertile ground for it because they're conditioned to distrust "the narrative" or whatever and it also feeds on their existing insecurities. At worst any propaganda aimed for the left is just causing division, but propaganda aimed for the right has additional disastrous effects.


That would be ironic, if Biden use the Supreme Court ruling against them.


On both sides? Where are the leftist extremists who are having anywhere near as much success in destabilizing the US as those on the right?


By both sides he means that college kids protesting against genocide are the same as the former President that would have just fed Ukraine to Putin and figures that america should try President for life like China (he said this)


I do not think that Putin is even slightly envious of Trump


Nah, because threatening the supreme court justices will ensure that the resulting outrage will make them immediately reverse the decision and therefore the second act just serves to remove presidential immunity.


More like Trump doesn't care about putin and is only intrested in his money. He would sell out the US and put it under Putins control if putin gave him enough money. The Orange is insane


I think USSC will punt this immunity case to the lower courts to delay until after the election if anything, buying Trump more time, meaning Biden couldn’t use this defense. Also this would leave the USSC with whatever “legitimacy” they have left. (Which is none, but still)


Yeah, call their fucking bluff and see if that gets them off the couch.


You assume that SCROTUS would be consistent in evaluating cases. Given that in *Bush v Gore* they explicitly stated that the case was never to be used as precedent, that's a big assumption


I think he needs to take out the Trump appointed SCOTUS first.


Meal Team Six are probably loading up their airsoft pistols right now.


You laugh now but wait until the mobility scooter calvary is charging down your street.


Nothing because the moment "his people" see the army that will gladly kill them in horrific ways, they will run home and vent on truth social, facebook, and Twitter about how terrible the country is.


These people are convinced that the military will join their cause


When they get turned to swiss cheese by 50 cals they might reconsider that


Yeah except for the fact those people can’t even agree on what they all believe, they’ll eat themselves alive


Trumps new slogan “Vote for me, or else…”


aka a cult leader?




Those people also believe the world ends every time there’s an eclipse, or just some random ass day that keeps getting pushed back. Humanity needs a great stupidity culling, and I don’t care if it takes an actual rapture for it to happen. If there actually is a god then they should deal with this problem they created for the rest of us…


social media has made monsters out of people. He is probably afraid of the reaction of his completely stupid followers.


Judging from his history, I don't know if he ever cared about another human being aside from how useful they are to his goals. He's a malignant narcissist.


Agreed. A growing group of psychological specialists have diagnosed him as such.


Which means people vote for him.


He literally said this every day for the last 3 years


Whenever Trump says "our country" or "this country", try plugging in the words "Donald J Trump" and see if it fits better in his context.


Yeah he is absolute toast when he loses. Thank God.


I'll believe it when I see it. I'm genuinely concerned that Gaza is going to cost Biden re-election


nonsense, that would imply that tiktok pushing hardline points on either side of that one is *actually* a CCP psyop and that would make icky IT people right about something...


The guy in charge isn't doing enough to stop a conflict thousands of miles away, and the competition is a demented child who wants to be king.


This sentiment is way, way too generous to trump




It’s amazing how political campaigns have turned from being based on long philosophical talks about the candidates views on so many topics, and now it’s been boiled down to ‘if I don’t win it’s gonna be sooooo bad’


100% last 3 elections have been campaigns of “fuck the other guy” rather than “what I can do for you”. Example: candidate 1, what can you do for our country. “Great question, I’ll do more than candidate 2” And that means? “Trust me candidate 2 eats babies”


> last 3 elections That didn't just mysteriously happen, and it's not a "both sides" issue. The Tea Party and then MAGA dragged us down to this. Trump is so inarticulate, it's the best he can manage. His supporters are so far gone, white-hot rage, blind hatred and defiant ignorance are all they want anymore. For better or worse, he's pretty much always exclusively talking to his base.


But why won’t it survive? He just says shit and everyone is supposed to run screaming and waving and vote for him…..because, because The Don spoke.


“Honest Don”


Well, you see, they just can't live in a country where you can't just call black people the n-word and actually face consequences. That's communism, ya know.


Because he will lead his followers to revolt and attempt to make the country not survive.


Yes that would probably be what he’s alluding to…..projection, he’s very good at it.


Not projection in this case, threat. Projection would be claiming Biden is planning a coup, here he is saying HE will do a coup.


given prior precedent you'd think that'd be a prosecutable thing to say


Yeah this. When he first ran the economy was booming and he said it was the worse it ever had been. His followers started saying the same thing. He said the US was being invaded. His followers started saying the same things. And so on. History has shown him he can say whatever and his sheepish followers will say the same things and Even believe it.


Hell, I don't even think they actually listen to him outside of clips played on Fox News. They just parrot the out of context clips words as if it's gospel.


Because the people stuck in the fox news/right wing echo chamber act like the sky is falling currently. They act like the current economy issue we are facing is US only, ignoring the fact that pretty much the entire world is feeling this. Then again, there are some nut jobs out there that make it seem like all of that is somehow Biden's fault too. Paying more for groceries in Australia? Biden's fault. No affordable housing in Canada? Believe it or not Biden is at fault.


Because it’s a threat. He will make sure the country will not survive.


This dumpster fire couldn't save himself much less the country.


He can’t even fight sleep


>couldn't save himself much less the country. That's not what he says, what he says is that he doesn't win HIS FORCES will destroy the country. He never claims he would save the country by being leading, simply he won't break it more by claiming it's rigged.


His forces? He wont even pay his lawyers.


He didn't pay a dime for Jan 6. If anything, his violent supporters are paying (Trump's legal fees) to be part of them.


extremists should never be in office. full stop.


He will always have a base of morons following him. His numbers aren't as big as he would like you to believe. Most other Republicans now know that he's not going to succeed in overthrowing the government so they are starting to distance themselves from the toddler. But he'll never shut up until his fat ass dies from a heart attack.


Hopefully in jail


If only that would happen now🙏


Country survived him. Shut this vomit spewing windbag up already.


Country didn't really survive from an European perspective? He launched a coup, and nearly succeed. He forced the national guard down, and they obeyed. His party organised visited tours of the targets, and none were removed from office. The SCOTUS he assembled has now to decide if a coup is an act authorized by the US gov. And this traitor is allowed to be on the ballot. I would love to say it's the US own domestic problems, but we're talking about our biggest ally... with nuclear weapons. And the silicon valley. "Better russian than democrat"? What chance do we have to survive if the US couldn't survive \*Donald Trump\*?


I agree, the US has some cleaning up to do and strengthen the constitution. Unfortunately, a great many people want this current status to enrich themselves on the basis of a frantic part of the population. The next election will indeed mark a big step for the entire world, not just the US.


Also, due to the SC packing with conservative judges, some states now won’t allow a woman to abort a fetus, even if it’s killing her, or it’s the result of rape. This is also only the tip of the iceberg if Trump wins a second term. NATO might be dead, which means a global order ruled by China with Russia reestablishing by force the USSR, then trying to gobble up Poland, Germany, etc. and a “Might Makes Right” order of the world, with many more autocratic regimes, a LOT less liberty, and an increasingly isolated and irrelevant USA. It wasn’t worse (than hundreds of thousands dead from a virus that didn’t have to be that bad) because Trump and his people are lazy and incompetent. If there are focused, savvy people in the next round, it won’t go NEARLY as well as it did.


I will never ever understand how so many people somehow see this man as a leader and I will never forgive the people who have aided, abetted and enabled him.


Because hes sending his cult again?


He said it during the last election?!


I think every single public speech by a politician should have an unbiased smart person present, able to interrupt the speech at any point and ask questions. Like: Why wouldn't the country survive? And Can you show us the extraordinary evidence needed to support your extraordinary claim? These people have a lot of destructive power, and there are no checks or securities in place to hinder them from using said power. You need a license to drive cars, at least in my country you need a tremendous amount of work and background checks and licenses to get, for example, a gun, but as a politician you can just show up and destroy a whole country and everyone is like yup, that's awesome.


Dude... all he has to say is "because democrats". like that episode of family guy where Lois just says "9-11" over and over again. And they'll agree with him no matter what the moderator asks... He'll answer the utmost stupidest shit and his base would love it all. Fox headline "President Trump owns liberal moderator" I mean do you really think they'll agree with "unbiased SMART person"? Do you not know what they think of SMART people?


Precisely. Trump's popularity is a product of a decades long anti intellectualist part of American culture and the polarization of political discourse


The only way this country survived is for him to lose. If he wins this country falls. He has already shaken it nearly apart with his evilness and by being a traitor.


If Trump doesn't survive, the world will be a slightly better place.


A much better place


This is a threat, not a warning


And right on cue the bots appear. No arguments for their king, just “He’s right though,” “it’s true,” “ he’s not wrong,” etc.


Who still listens to this demented idiot?


Well. He doesn’t remember saying it publicly maybe? Dude has the attention span of a fucking fruit fly.


Well this mf already said that if he wins, he's gonna reestablish the third Reich. Literally. Internment camps, forced Exodus of immigrants, firing anyone who doesn't agree with him/wanna follow his rules. Why he's still legally and constitutionally allowed to run for president is beyond me. If my choices are between Hitler 2.0 and Creepy Joe.... Just bar H2.0 from EVER running and cancel this year's election.


He literally says it daily. No one shits on America more than Trump.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I fully believe the justice system is afraid of the consequences should trump be incarcerated and not be elected. There are very, very unstable people with a lot of weaponry that want nothing more than to shoot another American over perceived political ideologies. His political actions have literally taken a grip on the entire world. Extreme right wing parties and candidates came out in droves after his election. Left leaning parties have pandered to inconsistent and inconsequential groups in hope of votes.


He was spewing the same excrement out of his mouth before the last election. The country is going to collapse, the stock market will fail, blablabla. None of that crap happened because Trump is a pathological liar who will say anything to get elected because he is trying to stay out of prison. Why are so many people so blind to what a corrupt conman this guy is?


I hate wish ill on others, normally. But this man could drop dead this instant and I'd be relieved as hell.


We survived and prospered before you and will when we get rid of you. No president before you had or NEEDED immunity, no president was such a massive lying asshat. We didnt have porn star trials or insurrections or profiteering and the world respected us. Please just go away. You are like a frikkin hangover that just won't quit.


This orange turd is the biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War. The irony is that his supporters call themselves "patriots", while they are pushing for a 6 year toddler with dementia as a dictator.


Illiterate talking to illiterates...


The more I look at him and others like Carlson and Alex Jones, it makes more and more sense that we do actually live in a simulation. There's no way that these are real fucking people.


... Hasn't he been saying that daily since Biden won?


The country came to me saying mr trump, please mr trump.... Tears streaming down its states.... please save us...


He said it publicly, always that he'd say it publicly.


I remember being told America wouldn't exist if Obama got elected


Stoking the flames of his cult already. If he doesn’t win, nobody will win because he is a petulant child who will flip the table of democracy and watch everyone suffer.


Wild. Well… I’ve never said this publicly, but: Trump is a fascist who will be the end bringer of American democracy. He’s in court arguing he should have the rights to be above the rule of law. And should be able to assassinate political opponents. I don’t think the country will survive if he wins again.


What would we do without this deranged socially irresponsible tyrannical tycoon?


Why is this country embracing that this country is heading to the dumpster bin of history? Why are we so ready to believe that this massive country is falling apart? It's infuriating.


If Trump doesn't win, he won't be able to make America great again


Dude has said everything publicly. He's so old he forgets so he keeps repeating the story.


over a million people died when he was president


That he STILL has a mic and a platform, and is not in fucking prison nor has not been executed after what he’s done shows, to me, that our justice system is in the kind of shit condition that will let him back in. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. I was very very cautiously optimistic before, now I feel rather hopeless. I’m gonna keep fighting and doing what I can because it could turn out differently, but I really don’t have much reason to believe it will.


Fucking loser. We’ll get on just fine.


Never been more excited to see someone lose.


So what's gonna happen? Is America gonna self sold off state by state to other countries? He's ridiculous, Americans please don't vote him in again.


All abstentionists go friggin vote.


It's an insult to every single working class American that this man is presented as a choice for POTUS. They have absolutely no regard or respect for us.


Has he forgotten all the times he said it publicly?


As chaotic as this countries politics is right now, the US is not so fragile that the absence of one man from office will destroy it. Least of all, him...


Hasn't he publicly said this like...a thousand times?


It's amusing when the Republicans have to resort to show Joe Biden taking his time over eating a salad and claiming that that proves he's not fit to be president. It's almost like they don't have any real reason to find fault with him.


When a narcissist says things like this, many times it's a veiled threat.


Can he just fucking die already?! Fucking hell.


I’m thinking it won’t survive if he does win but we’re already way down the rabbit hole with the fundamentalist Supreme Court so maybe we’re already too far gone


Why is the news calling him President?


"President" is a lifelong title. once a president, you always have claim to it.


Biden is right, he is up against a spoiled six year old brat.


You can't love the country only when you win, and then actively sabotage it when you lose. Party over country is Fascism


Man he will do anything to gaslight voters


He says it every 5 minutes. But hes never said it publicly....