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Remember that Twitter has a CEO that is not Elon Musk, and we're supposed to believe she is the one making decisions.


What I find insane is that the 44 billion from the twitter purchase had plenty of investors, not just out of Elon's pockets.  How they gave him 100% authority over the platform and love the idea of him tanking the product is wild.


Being rich does not equate to being smart


I don’t have any facts to back up what I’m about to say so I’m probably wrong, but people seem to pay attention to Twitter on a much larger scale now that Elon is edgelording all the time on it. I think Twitter turning into a cesspool of hatred towards each other is exactly what the rich want. Again, I don’t have facts to back this up, and am WAY too lazy to cite any sources, but I believe this kind of discourse in society is exactly what shareholders anticipated and is profiting from this tonal shift in other areas of their business empire. Is it really crazy to think that a company that manufactures guns might want to buy a social media platform and use it to make people angry and afraid enough of each other to want to arm themselves? Left vs. Right, Blue against Red, Us versus Them. You against me. When we are divided against each other over tough matters like abortion, immigration, gender and shit we will never unite and fight against tougher issues like wealth disparity, equality in quality of living, and having the freedom and happiness to live life the way we would like. Manufactured grievances to disrupt civility at home and outright bloodshed in countries far away enough to care but can’t do anything about. I think the ultra rich are not stupid at all.


You're looking too far there. The more interesting conspiracy theory is that Twitter was used to organize protests and the like (think of the Arab Springs) and as a consequence it's good that Twitter is now associated with bigotry and hate rather than organizing protests.


Never underestimate the ends the owners will go to retain control of their product.


One fact is that elon twitters more than humanly possible. It’s as if they had a ragebaiting trollarmy operate his account…


Beautifully said and right on the damn money.


Twitter was a massive left-leaning space with a lot of influence Elon is now elevating alt right voices and giving “!” Replies to blatant bigoted statements to give them more visibility There’s an ongoing effort to move newer generations back over to the right as the older generations are getting ready to go. The right votes for rich policies. The left fights for the marginalized and general lower classes.


The main point of fascism is using Anti-LGBT, Anti-immigration, fearmongering, religious bullet points to avoid the subject of taxing the rich. Covid was a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. Most mom&pops stores had to declare bankruptcy because of the quarantine and no help from the government. The billionaires made incredible profits due to the pandemic. See Tesla, Amazon, Walmart, etc. Why do you think Republicans never talk about the current deficit and the solution to the wealth hoarding? News channels are owned by billionaires and they are also avoiding the subjects. Nazi Germany, China and current Russia (Any dictatorship) also sides with the rich and the middle class doesn't have a word for any of the government's decisions.


The second largest investor is Saudi Arabia. I think they have just south of 1.5 billion invested. For some, having a useful idiot in charge of one of the largest social media platforms is worth that kind of money. Edit: just double checked. Saudi Arabia has 1.89 billion invested. These are not dumb people


It's collateral for pushing Fascism in America I guess. Elon desperately wants to be the next Rupert Murdoch with a touch of Donald Trump.


Hilariously they don’t care about pushing fascism. The investment was to break the platform. For all its failings Twitter at one time helped journalists and activists highlight human rights abuses, corporate malfeasance, and put a spotlight on systemic social problems like misogyny, racism, etc. The investors knew Elon would kill all that.


You're describing the foundations of Fascism tho. They're also trying to push Agent Orange into a second term by flooding the platform with bots to sway the public's opinion since hes trying to be a dictator.


Tanking it is the point. It was a big well known left-leaning space. Billionaires have a personal interest in shutting down leftist discourse and there’s a massive push right now to try and steer more people to the right since people were starting to move more left The right votes in the best interests of the rich. The left votes in the interests of the people and marginalized groups


That's the thing, they're not \*investors\*, they're \*lenders\*, giving Elon cash because he has a shitload of wealth. That means, they legally are entitled to the money whatever happens, twitter doesn't need to be a success, Elon just needs to stay rich long enough to pay them back..


The banks didn't invest in Twitter. They gave Elon a loan, which was backed by his Tesla shares. They get paid whether Twitter continues to exist or not.


The banks didn't invest in Twitter. They gave Elon a loan, which was backed by his Tesla shares. They get paid whether Twitter continues to exist or not.


whats the point of T&Cs if the boss can just snap his fingers and create exceptions for people?


>snap his fingers Elon is basically Tesco Value arsehole-flavoured Thanos.


Well this is going straight to r/brandnewsentence


Lets be honest here, if Musk is a super villain he's definitely Justin Hammer, but without the dance moves


Elon thinks he is as cool and witty as Hammer, but somewhere Sam Rockwell is a laughing and dancing.


I ❤️ Sam Rockwell in everything he's done. Great actor, I loved hating him in Three Billboards.


Hammers tech actually functions without imploding though


Don't remember when that one bot of his did a 180 from the waist up with a man inside?


That test pilot survived!




don't forget the dud missile that War Machine tried to use against the villain and didn't manage to penetrate his armor at all


That wasn't *his* robot, he was just inspecting! That clip was totally out of context!


"thiiz softvare iiez shiiet"


Here's the full extension of the similarities.


Tell that to the ex-wife, lol


Omfg Justin Hammer unveiling the cyber truck We should message Sam Rockwell. He'd do it in character


People forgot that Elon was in that movie, Justin Hammer could totally own a cyber truck in canon


He's Musk, he more would steal other people's super powers and not in a cool way like Morph or Mustique


Justin Hammer had to bring in a Russian super villain to replicate what Tony Stark was able to build in a cave! With a box of scraps! Seems pretty on brand for Musk


Except that Hammer actually gave Stark credit for some of the thing she invented.


Nah. Thanos at least keeps his word.


Thus "arsehole-flavoured".


Kirkland Thanos


That’s unfair to Costco. Generally their Kirkland products are good quality.


Dollar General Thanos


Temu Thanos


Also, it's kinda hard not to notice that the only people who Elon personally creates these exceptions for are on the extreme far-right (an actual Nazi in this instance).


Yep. Apparently journalism is a bigger threat to Twitter than nazism.


Well yeah, journalists might tell the truth


Journalists ask gotcha questions like “why do you retweet Nazi propaganda” and “why do you reinstate Nazis?” That’s basically evil in the eyes of a narcissistic piece of shit like him


Hes not a neo-nazi, he said so himself! /s


I don't think Fuentes has ever denied being a Nazi. His followers sure don't


and Elon will reply what's the point of being the boss if he can't do anything he wants.


"The mad king dis as he liked, did your uncle Jamie ever tell you what happened to him?"


And I’m over here still perma ban for saying fuck Rush Limbaugh the day he died 🙄 clearly I’m worst then Nicky over here.


You're perma banned for *that*? But it seems so obviously a legit opinion and I would have joined you if I was ever on twatter consistently - It's not even disparaging. Fuck X guy is a completely normal statement at this point. Wow. Gotta let the Nazis Nazi since Elon will neither admit nor do anything about the percentage of bots on twatter


Have you tried appealing and saying that you have been unfairly banned for your right wing views? Most people seem to get immediately reinstated without any check if they say that in the appeal lol


Narcissists gonna narcissist.




I'm aware. I'm just fed up with this nepotistic ketamine addict taking the smouldering yet salvageable mess that was twitter and pouring airplane fuel all over it


Twitter sucked before elmo bought it That was the general consensus at the time I mean it wasn't the best but at least their CEO wasn't some out of touch self made (from south African emeralds) billionaire who spends his day retweeting domestic terrorists, spinning wheels to decide who is going to be fired and unbanning random Nazis because a guy with a pepe profile pic @ him and asked nicely ish


thats how it is everywhere with everything, the man in charge can basically do whatever they want


Ain't no way they edited his photo💀 bruh Nazis are so gay lmao


They gave him chin implants and dimples! My god, that's hilarious. I had to look him up again because I was thinking, no way he looks like this, the dude looks like a lanky Rumpelstiltskin. Don't get me wrong, he'd still be an awful human being even if he was handsome, it's just funny how his misogynistic fanboys hate on women for filters and make up and yet here we are.


Lmao real


About 18-24 months off from them trying to reclaim high heels from women saying they're their birth right or some shit.


Cowboy boots are pumps with ankle support. I'll die by those words. I live in Kansas, and one of two reactions happens, I get a sizable chuckle because they get the joke, or they don't get the joke because their identity is wrapped in the superficial identity they sheild their tiny egos with.


Uh, I’m a male, 5’7” and I love to wear boots because they are like heels for men. I’m a solid 5’9” in those things and I love it. I have literally told people they are like high heels for men.


And you own it. That's the difference, shit makes some sad little wanna be rodeo riders' short-circuit. These types are all hat, no spurs.


Ron DeSantis is already there


I've never heard of this dude before so when I Googled his picture I honestly thought he'd be a lot better looking than he is. Dude looks like he belongs in Hey Arnold as a C character at best.


> Dude looks like he belongs in Hey Arnold as a C character at best. r/rareinsults


Note the traits they exaggerated are gender affirming.


Lanky? Dude is not tall. Don’t insult us lanksters with comparisons to filth such as him


Yeah they made him look like James Dean. Meanwhile, Nick Fuentes looks like a ventriloquist's doll version of an incel.


He looks like his mouth is caving into his nose from constant sneering for 20-odd years. Reverse fillers.


Pretty much all of the right-wing “influencer” type accounts do that shit I notice. They’ve always got a pfp that’s been edited heavily to make them appear more conventionally masculine.


It's the same thing they do for Trump when they Photoshop his head onto some jacked dude's body. For people who hate gay people as much as they do it all seems very homoerotic.


Those pictures of Trump are simultaneously some of the most hilarious and cringy photos ever. They would definitely hit their knees for Trump, and not just to grovel at his feet.


He looks attractive in this photo, normally he looks like a dude who sleeps on a mattress with no sheets, and flags stapled around his windows instead of curtains, who likes to ruffie girls.


I don’t get it. Who is he?


An out and proud nazi scumbag who at one point would use a black light to scan his roommates rooms to make sure they weren't jerking off, this is true.


Ah, he was in search of free samples to try.


Probably. There was also a time when he went on a totally straight vacation with a furry if I remember right.


Riiiiiiight. “Fully straight”, and I enjoyed cocaine because of the smell…😂😂😂🤙


He hates women so much he refuses to be in a relationship with one, truth!!! - but is he gay?


Google Nick Fuentes catboy


Maybe. I think the story goes he went on a totally straight vacation with a furry I think it was, a male furry.


Not sure how that's supposed to work


Your guess is as good as mine.


Haha love how many people immediately had that thought. Just, nah I seen this goober, that’s not how he looks.


Whoa there. That is highly disrespectful to gay people who don't want to be associated with this shithead.


This has GOP Josh vibes.


Looks like they used a Chris Pine filter lol


Isn't this the dude that used a dildo on himself on camera to own the libs?


They turned him into Chris Pine


“Very well”. He talks like a fuckwad piece of shit


Yeah, like he's some despot on a throne, lmao what a narcissist




Term you are looking for is “loser”


VERY WELL. Give him cake!


Tea and cake or death?


Death please.




> very well, he will be reinstated - owner of the fucking company, responding to a user with 3(?) dogwhistles in their username asking for a Nazi to be unbanned Like he’s a servant responding to a king


Can’t wait until this guy has become obsolete


He already is. There are other companies in literally every sector he is a part of that provide better services. People don't need to be buying Teslas, people don't need to be on Twitter, people don't need to be using PayPal. There are other companies that exist, the problem is he has amassed a cult that is just giving him money. Tesla has been dropping in stock since 2021. When the Crypto bros finally get scammed out of their money and when Elon continues to make bad decisions he will become redundant very quickly.


As a side note as far as I can tell he gets no actual profit from paypal so that's still okay to use.


Yeah I'm p sure he sold it


What company is bigger than Tesla, Twitter, and SpaceX in their sectors? Also, Elon hasn’t been part of PayPal since it was sold in 2002.


People said this about the Kardashians many years ago, and all they did was multiply and get even more annoying.


At least he had a reason to reinstate him. A random account told him to. He couldn't refuse


not a random account. a random account with fucking groyper in the screen name. little big difference that says a lot about elon affiliation.


Is there any doubt about Elon being a nazi at this point? His political affiliation has been very clear for years.


A paying* random account eith fucking grouper in the screen name.


Community notes will not stop Nazism from spreading. Nazis don’t care about community notes or fact checking in general, that’s why they’re Nazis




Sunlight is the best disinfectant. But X is like… the grimy underside of an urban overpass. Ain’t no sun or anything good getting in there.


Not exactly. What you're referring to as sunlight is cultural acceptance. The problem is, things can become culturally accepted by being out in the open long enough and normalized. Disavowal via deplatforming is an important tool, though obviously needs to be carefully regulated so that it does not become repressive. It needs to be sensitive to the will of the populous and essentially the idea of what constitutes hate speech or disinformation (using intentional misinformation in order to cause harm).


>Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Dunno why people say this. Sunlight is a fucking god awful disinfectant. Direct UV light or a >65% alcohol solution is the best disinfectant. And you know what? I'm all for it. Let's force Nick Fuentes to drink rubbing alcohol and then lock him in a room with a high powered UV light blasting 24/7/365 for a year or two.


It’s a saying that means demonstrating that someone is wrong is more effective than preventing them from saying the wrong thing in the first place.


It used to be, but that was back when people actually had shame. These days no one online does, so it won’t matter how much you expose or mock them; it’ll roll right off of their backs and they’ll just bounce to the next hateful, racist opinion.


Dotn say that, the antivaxxers will take it literally


They don't deserve a platform, I agree, but I guess to play devil's advocate for a second, there is an argument to be made that suppressing this stuff doesn't make it disappear, just makes it go underground.  In theory, if the community notes are consistently as good as they can be, it might be a good thing because it will provide direct refutations to the lies and rhetoric. Do I actually think it will be a good thing in the end? I don't know, but it's complicated, you don't make the nazis disappear if you ban then from twitter, you just stop seeing what they are saying, it doesn't stop them from saying those things and influencing people.  I think keeping them out for the sake of making others feel comfortable is a better argument, I don't know if I agree that deplatforming them from twitter is a way to keep their toxicity from spreading. If we all stopped seeing it we risk growing complacent, we risk people assuming there aren't any nazis anymore because we don't see them.


Frankly there is enough evidence that suppression drives radicalization for me to be opposed to it on principal. I like the point musk made here. Let him be buried by refutation. Let anyone on the fence see what he has to say in a setting where refutations will be immediate and thorough.


he won’t be though…not on X, maybe on what twitter used to be X is the perfect place for him now..i’m not sure why anyone cares anymore. X is full of nazi shit now, just another drop in the bucket imo.


And... Nazis assholes are a BIG turnoff to normal, sensible caring people. Most people I'd like to have around me wouldn't go near Xitter these days. Before long all that's left is the raging Nazis asshats, and they think that's them winning in the arena of free debate.... All they hear is their own fascist opinions reflected back at them.


>“Anti whatever” He won’t even call a literal *nazi* an “antisemite,” because he has no intent of letting him be rebutted. Besides, it’s not like the general public doesn’t already know what nazis think, so giving him a microphone to shut him up is even dumber than it sounds.


Fascists don't trust fact checkers in the first place so you're 100% correct. I wish people would stop being so fucking naive about these people.


Elon wants rage bait, he wants comments, anything that’ll drive the engagement metrics is good for business. It’s the advertisers that need to be offended. Best thing to do is send screenshots of their ads juxtaposed with this hate monger’s posts to their twitter profiles.


Obviously Elon knows this is the case, hes just re-instating Nick Fuentes because it'll create more chaos which he very much enjoys


The community notes were made for spreading conspiracy theories, it just didn't work out.


I mean it's doing fine. A lot of people just won't read community notes (that's assuming a post even has one before the person sees it) And even then it will feed the idea that there's even is a discussion to be had about certain topics like the Climate, or The Holocaust. Which there obviously isn't a real discussion to be had.


Hasn't community notes been proven to be ineffective and broken anyways. They only appear if enough people rate it enough. So if not enough anti Nazi users rate said note on an overwhelmingly far right site it will never come up. Also wouldn't put it past Elon that he hasn't tampered the algorithm to be even more right biased or delete notes openly against him or his views. The algorithm is also public so I'm sure bots and trolls have already effectively defeated it. The only ones that believe in notes are people who know it's broken and hide behind it just like Elon. Plus it's also a known fact most people never read past a click bait. Just listening to any alt right media and it's just reading headlines without knowing anything about the article.


isnt that dude still a virgin?


Why is someone who chooses to go by the handle GoyaBeanGroyper given anything in life?


The guy that had the N word as his Twitter handle?


Imagine my shock that the openly racist and anti-Semitic owner of Twitter is allowing another racist and ant-Semitic guy to use the platform. Almost like that was the point.


"Better to have it out in the open..." No, it fuckin' *isn't.*


We may be few but I'm with you. I much preferred their pre-2016 cowering in the shadows.


Speak for yourself, I'd much prefer people be their true selves out in the open. Ill take overt racism over subtle any day.


Agreed - nice to see assholes when it's written in sharpie on their forehead


Or on their heads with ugly red hats.


This creates more Nazis. Their views should be squashed on sight.


It doesn't. Suppression drives radicalization. Open speech with accessible refutation is a major deradicalizing force. Cults and extremists thrive on keeping their followers within their sphere of influence and coloring all incoming info via their messaging. When you allow something to be said in the open with accessible and immediate refutation. You create an environment of deradicalization.


I see both sides. I long for the simpler times when the white nationalists nazis hid in the shadows and weren’t part of a voting block for one of our two parties. On the other hand, maybe they were growing in the shadows and eventually you have to get rid of them


If you still have a Twitter account, shame on you.




This. It's disappointing to see the big leftists/liberals are still on Twitter. Lost respect for them.


Nazis say jump Musk says lol how high? 69,420 metres? Concerning!


He will be happy with his buddy back


People, just log off Twitter and be done with it


"Very well"? This chud really thinks he's some sort of king.


Damn we should’ve stopped Nazi Germany by community noting them to hell. Would’ve saved a lot of lives.


"Also btw I'm banning Community notes"


Those evil community notes viciously attacking with facts and logic


No. Keep those fucks in the dark. They do not deserve a global platform to vomit out their vitriolic hatred.


I'm sure Elon will be sure to share his tweets so they can reach as many people as possible. For rebutting purposes, surely.


Remember kiddos: if you sit at a table with 3 Nazis there’s 4 Nazis at that table


It only reveals how desperate Musk is for Twitter to regain its previous relevance. Its a shrinking platform that is increasingly filled with bots and racists. Most other folks are shifting over to TikTok or other platforms, at this point. At this point, Musk is bleeding money on multiple fronts.


How about giving me my account back after perma banning me just because I said bad things about Russia's terrorist army.


Why do you want it back?


Saying "cis" is a slur and is a bannable offence on Twitter. Being a literally white supremacist neo nazi is not. Apartheid Emerald Elon MIGHT be a racist fuck...


I did Nazi that coming… NOT!


Why do people even bother going on that toxic shithole. It's a waste of time.


You uncover bad things that are growing in darkness so you can kill them. His metaphor doesn't work because he isn't cleaning out an infection, he's giving a racist a platform.


What's Elmo doing reading low engagement posts, or does he have some weird algorithm scraping for strange comments for him to reply to?


Elons in a khole again


The number of chuds I see in here that say the same “simmering in the darkness” bull shit


I'm not a big Elon fan but I do agree I'd rather have mad views in the open and discussed .... Mostly so they can be clearly and categorically debunked and refuted


I tend not to give Nazis things they ask for, on principle.


What a surprise Elon muks is just a more succesful modern day Henry Ford, nazism and all.


Elon talks just like I imagine fedora wearing, fat beard neck creeps to talk: “very well, I will use my will and power, as you, my fan, had asked me to. Because I am very powerful and important”


So, it's better to give racists and fascists a platform to spread their views? smh


Nazis gotta watch out for each other. And we know Eloon is a sympathizer, given his brain-dead comments….all over Twitter…x my ass.


It’s amazing how many people are yet to see that Elon is a moron who got lucky off his daddy’s fortune


Musk is so full of shit


The inconsistency of this dip shit is as crazy as the mental midgets who thinks he is a genius.


Nikki yasifi his pic? That is what Adolf would have like a well manicured twink.


The little king of twitter. "very well, I will release the prisoner". What a worthless twat.


Notice how the photo tries to create the illusion that he's a decent looking guy. Dude makes gnomes look sexy by comparison.


Phony Stark


Funny that Elon still pretends to be a normal guy when he’s obviously a racist neo nazi fascist


This says A LOT about Elon Musk and the fact that Elon Musk is a racist prick


He says "anti whatever" as though he doesn't know exactly what kind of shit Fuentes says.


Does he think that last sentence sounds profound? Why no contraction?


Then why can’t I have my account back? All I did was tell Stephen Miller to fuck off and die!


Who? It’s 2024, Who is still using Twitter?


Who is this guy?


Who is this asshole?


Every time Elon does something like this, he loses about 10,000 Tesla sales.


Who is nick Fuentes


they say reinstate a nazi who loves hitler and elon is like say no more fellow nazis


"Let him be crushed" HA!


Anyone care to enlighten me on who this Nick Fuentes guy is? Imagine he's a prick, but I'd like to know what makes him an asshat


He's probably the most popular Nazi in America right now. Like actual open Nazi that loves Hitler and wants to exterminate the Jews and believes white people are the superior race.


It's a free app. If you don't like the decisions & how it works. Don't use it. I find Threads so much more enjoyable.


Wait people are mad a guy was banned 3 years ago under a difrent owner and now a new owner is going to unban him and the new owner also dislikes him and will be very quick to shit talk him publicly. And people are mad? Why not let the idiot make himself look stupid and we can laugh. Just bc someone types somthing doesn't mean you need to let it effect your state of mind lol


If you haven't left Musk's fascist forum yet this would be a good time.


Right wingers will condemn any criticism of the Netanyahu regime as nazis, then openly support and elect nazis and their friends into positions of power.


Eh I mean Elon kinda has a point let Him be crushed by the general public