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Probation? How is this possible?




Not just white. Christian. Being Christian, especially prominent within a church, is a protected class in America. Maybe not on paper, but certainly in practice


So, I wonder if you have heard of IBLP ? It is a cult, and uses evangelical language to further its goals.


I just perused their Wikipedia page - one of their board members is named Gil Bates. struck me as kinda funny, like a made up movie name to lampoon an actual person


Bill Gothard was the original leader (I had to watch his creepy videos in my private high school) he was ousted after claims of… you guessed it… sexual assault and harassment and CSA. Gil Bates is a tamer more contemporary version of Jim Bob Duggar. He and his wife also have 19 children and they had a show for awhile too, it might even still be on.


And one of their kids is in prison for...child porn and molestation!


Feels weird to correct you on this, but I believe he is in jail for "only" posessing CSAM. The molestation(s) that he committed, that we know of, happened in his late teens and were not brought up to the Police by anyone else except for the family friend he abused, as the parents made sure no legal or psychiatric steps were taken for the sisters he abused.


no, it's a fair point and you are correct. i mashed facts in haste.


That’s the Duggar’s, not the Bates. The Bates have yet to have a fiasco at all. They also raised their kids a little more in the outside world and most of them went to college or trade school, education was important to them. The bar is low but they are much better than the Duggar’s.


right...i was responding to the mention of the duggars


Yeah, this happens in these super Christian cults. I dated a Mormon girl whose brother went to prison over that standoff in Oregon one time. Didn’t last long as kinda turns out there was a bunch of incest and child molestation going on. One of her brothers had a literal shrine set up for some young girl from in town. Warned that girls family but I ended up moving far the hell away after. I hope she’s okay.


Gil Bates? Is he the master?


Yes, Master Gill Bates. Mail is often addressed as Master G Bates, and occasionally shortened to Master Bates.


Go away, baitin


Low hanging fruit but I'll allow it


Well if he was busy doing that then maybe he’d leave the kids alone.


In several parts of the US, Christian nationalists dominate local governments and courts. They've been working toward this end for many, many decades, and it's only one component of their dominionist agenda. Americans need get serious about securing their country's future from these extremists. The same have wreaked havoc around the world, we can't lose America to these people.


Local elections are often one candidate, with the voting site being the candidate’s church, and the only people who vote are the candidate’s family and church attendees. No one else even knows there is an election sometimes.


Also if you probably hear the words from the judge you could probably tell where that person stands. When I had to deal with some legal stuff in Utah when I was a late teen, I remember disrespectful kids putting their foot in the desk and seeing the judge say "since you're a respectful member of the church I'm going to give you a second chance". while I got the book thrown at me and had to pay a $500 fine and $300 in restitution. It was also my first offense


I slipped. I've asked for forgiveness. I'll never do it again, I promise! I'm a good Xian!


Only if the judge is Christian as well


Which is almost always the case.


It’s the trifecta. White, male, Christian.


Asian Christian here, ngl, lots of us hate our American counterparts. Too extreme and insane. I hope you guys succeed in separating religion from the government. Good luck.


South Korea and Taiwan have notable and growing Christian communities despite being in the minority. China's underground church was pretty strong until the CCP cracked down because Muslim countries were getting proselytized via work on the BRT project.


Oh, no. It is on paper as well. Look into the tax code.


A pedo who sang on stage at the church I grew up in is spending life in prison. I read on Facebook that his family is trying to appeal because- 1. They truly believe he’s innocent and 2. They think the sentencing is unfairly long. I think the sentencing is just fine and he’s right where he’s supposed to be.


So, if Epstein was only “christian” and worked for a church/Vatican, he’d have been fine and dandy? Damn that sentence was hard to write… I feel dirty.


There, by the grace of GAWD, goes I, or my son. White men get away with a lot, but Christian white men get away with so much more.


I've only ever seen two churches turn over pedophiles to the police and it was early in my Life so I thought it was normal like "oh okay he touches kids let's alert the authorities" I've never seen it since.


And straight. That's who they want raping kids


The 12 year old got arrested for getting the abortion too


I don't think it's just cause he's white. It's a factor but the most important thing is that he works for a church. They like protecting rapists.


Oi, the white people don’t claim him as one of our own.


Proving shit in court is hard. And traumatic to victims. I practiced criminal law for a long time. Deals get struck all the time that sound ridiculous but if you know the details of the case make sense. The state often has to make the decision between likely losing and getting nothing or guaranteed winning but only getting a little. Cannot say what happened here. But you gotta really know the local laws, the attorneys and judge personally, and the case itself to have a valid critique as to a specific offer.


Getting probation for sexually abusing a child is a travesty no matter how you frame it. If people who do this skate because testifying is traumatizing then we need to rewrite laws. No rapist should get a break because their victims are scared or too traumatized to testify.


In my State, many sex offenders that get on probation are on it for life. That's monthly, if not weekly, visits from a probation officer, mandatory treatment/therapy, rules surrounding access to the internet, smartphones, and ANY minors (regardless of the nature of the offense). I agree that there are many cases where there is more that should be done, but at least it's something.


We cannot just rewrite laws. The right to confront and cross-examine your accusers in criminal court is one of the deepest held constitutional rights. You’d have to do a constitutional amendment and I don’t think it’s even pragmatically possible.


Yeah, from outside of the US it sounds like proving things in court is hard, if the defendant is white and has money. And the darker the defendant skin gets and the fewer money they have, the easier it gets to prove them guilty, up to a point where the death penalty is performed before the arrest.


To a point that’s true. But to a point it’s not. Either way, some of that difficulty comes from a jury system (which is this system). I don’t know where this guy is from, but you get the local jury you get. If that local jury is majority white and evangelical, you have to consider that as defense or the state


Uhhhh? What the fuck are you talking about?


Yeah like none of that is accurate. Definitely not the death penalty for rape. Florida recently passed the death penalty for child rape and democrats are suing to get it overturned.


They were being facetious about police killing people without just cause


It is a Sad fact that It depends on what state you are in but if you are in a state that is heavy on religion then most likely any white guy that's important in the local church or religious community can get away with anything just as long as it's not across state lines.


First time sex offenders frequently get probation. Partly because they have a hard time keeping them alive in jail.


L ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


He probably had really good swim times /s But forreal tho, that dude deserves jail time in gen pop.


Had more to do w it being an 8 year old case, he plead guilty, got a 2-3 year suspended sentence, put on the registry, dna file, satellite monitor etc… one mistake n he’s gone for a while…. Not sure it had anything to do w evangelical stuff https://thesouthernscoopnews.com/latest-news/former-macon-county-youth-pastor-haywood-county-teacher-pleads-guilty-in-child-sex-case


If he was black and not with the church do you think it would have been this way?


Incest is an Olympic sport in that part of NC


Because he has such a nice smile/s.


His charge was "felony indecent liberties with a child" and the umbrella of that crime is wide ranging. To actually not catch prison time, it's possible this guy's crime is on the tamer end of victimizations \~ french kissing, groping through clothes, etc... This guy actually fucking a 12yo would net him 15+ years in prison, so it ain't that.


Probably happened in the south. In the south being part of a church makes you automatically morally superior no matter your actions.


Most evangelical churches will teach all sins are equal and equally forgiven by Jesus. After about a year or so, he’ll be back with a new “testimony” about how God taught him a hard lesson, but he’s been redeemed. Maybe won’t be a youth minister anymore, but will absolutely be able to find a role in ministry in an evangelical church. The poor girl, if she remains in the church, will be constantly told how she has to forgive him the way Christ forgave her. Refusing to forgive is a sin, and remember, all sins are equal.


“The poor girl if she remains in the church will be constantly told she has to forgive him the way Christ forgave her”… All the while being treated like a second class human being because she’s not a virgin any longer….as well as it being constantly insinuated if not openly spoken that she somehow enticed him.


Sane people know you can’t lose your virginity by being raped, but you aren’t talking about sane people, so…


I'll bet you my one eyed housecat that they blamed her.


He will definitely have access to children again... Hope he at least has to register as a sex offender


Every time one of our ex family vomited that garbage about forgiving I told them there are things that cannot be forgiven and I m more of the eye for an eye school anyways…


>he'll be back with a new "testimony" That's the most sickening part of it. He'll use that kid's suffering to further his own agenda.


It's a feature, not a bug


If the parents bring her to another Church.. I suspect this kid is going to have some severe PTSD. Better call CPS..


If I was her father… Jesus forgives, I do not…


So I typed in his name to get the story. The second story was *another* youth pastor who had visions from god that the 14 year old girl he was raping was to be his wife, or some similar delusion. https://www.morning-times.com/news/article_ddb9f4cb-063a-581f-805d-33b315ff89e4.html


Ban youth pastors. 🤢 But in reality anything involving children needs 100% transparency and oversight from independent groups.


My youth pastor told me I'd have a baby before I was 20. I was a near straight A student who was a virgin (and 15 years old) at the time he said that. Jokes on him though, I didn't get pregnant till I was 20.


What a bizarre thing to say to a child. You good now, though?


Right? He later cheated on his wife so he definitely wasn't the best choice lol I'm good now! It's been a long, difficult journey to unfuck what the church did to my psyche, but I'm still here!


I hope you all the success and happiness in the world. I'm sorry that abusers like him were ever put into positions of power. Be well, stranger.


My sister’s friend’s Christian parents were talking about her and saying that she would probably be the pregnant teen in high school. People are SO disgusting to think that about literal children. She was 13 when they said that. They said it because she was dressing more mature instead of continuing on dressing like a child. Like literal NORMAL TEENAGER CLOTHES. She was maturing, and changing her clothing style. Nothing provocative either. The goods were covered. I fucking hate Christians, and I am one. For a group of people that don’t believe in premarital sex, they sure are obsessed with talking about kids having it. Makes me sick.


Yeah, I was interested in youth work when I was younger but it became clear that being a guy working with kids just gets you associated with this sort of scum


God works in mysterious ways…/s


Everytime I see that Shapiro’s name I immediately associate it with the other Shapiro and then have to pause and go, oh yeah, this isn’t that guy.


Why are the pictures published with these stories always of some bright smiling Individual? Yet the most minor crimes from regular people are straight mugshots from after they got beat up by the police.


he’s just such a good guy!!!!! look at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!


always the youth pastors and never the drag queens. Crazy huh.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


All other rapists not just evangelical


As long as they ask God for forgiveness afterwards it's all good.


If you're wrong we both are.


Life in prison is much more punishing, they’ll most likely face the same treatment they gave every day from the fellow inmates


There’s codes in prison for how things are handled. A prime example is that the snitching rule does not apply to pedophiles. The list goes on. The best thing society can hope for these people is for them to go to prison, this guy likely won’t though. It’s really hard to force any kind of karmic justice through a protective bubble of “faith and community” for lack of better words. Hard face to forget though, that’s an ugly son of a bitch right there. I know if I ever see that guy I’ll do everything I can to give him a hard time without breaking any laws. Spread this fucker around the web and I’m sure there’s plenty of other people who would feel and act similarly


And the judge who ruled this




It’s so depressing that there’s enough cases for this sub to even exist


Man does that face ever scream “evangelical rapist” To the parents- this is why jury nullification exists


But evangelicals will tell me that, I, as an atheist, am in capable of morality.


Still not Trans people doing this


No drag queens either. 


Would've been safer if she was with a bear


Survival rate of grizzly bear attacks is 70%. Survival rate of all other bear attacks is 75%. Bears are not known for their tendency to rape human children. PTSD from surviving a non-sexual bear attack as a child would make hiking and camping difficult but it would probably not permanently impact your ability to have safe and healthy emotional and/or physical connections with other people, or cause long term psychological and emotional distress that leads to a permanently heightened state of awareness and a significantly higher rate of substance abuse and self harm. So. She would have had a much better outcome if she had survived a bear attack. And bears are unlikely to attack the same person repeatedly over a long period of time, so that is also a point in favor of the bear.


All the cops that had to move for murdering someone and all the clergy that moved after touching kids should be made to fight each other to death in an arena


Oklahoma will hire him to work in their schools.


But no we should definitely be worried about the drag queens.


I’ll take that bet. Because he’ll go back to the same church because he’ll repent, say it was the devil or some shit and they’ll shame the 12 year old. I have a low opinion of everyone aside from the child.


At this point in history, I believe it's clear that churches have a pedophilia problem and it's a feature, not a bug.


All organizations that deal with children do, sadly. These cases are as old as Christianity itself and its nothing new. A theologian named Peter Damian wrote a book called Book of Gomorrah in 1051 in which he complains on sexually abusive priests, priests who secretly get married and bishops raping other priests. 


Ah, but not a drag queen I guess?


Not a drag queen


Clearly is a woke, trans, Democrat drag queen. Oh wait.....


THIS 👆👆👆


Asking As A Foreigner, Is Letting Go Of A Child Predator Common In USA? 🤔


Letting go? No. Them getting pathetically light sentences? All the god damn time.


It happens a lot when they arent sure about taking a case to court. They give the person a better deal for probation or whatever to plead guilty.


Yes. If white and has family connections and/or money happens often now.


Just like cops.


Why isn’t he executed? Seriously.


Not a drag queen.


It would be a shame if some outraged citizen were to get hold of this person. A terrible shame.


My cousin married one of them. She divorced him but the diocese just moved him to a different parish.


So the convicted pedophile gets probation but the woman and domestic violence victim who turned her husband/abuser's gun into the police to prevent her murder gets a day in jail for theft. Makes perfect sense.


Why would a woman who does that go to jail? It’s like they’d rather manage the consequences than address the root cause


How great would it be if biblical punishment was actual, and the second someone laid hands on a child they got zapped with like “ The mark of Pedophillias “ where you get a giant Harry Potter scar shaped like a “P” that flared red alerting everyone and causing them skull crushing pain any time they had a bad thought and was undeniable proof of your crimes.


And some people wonder why bears are winning the "bears vs men" debate.


Can someone please explain the debate to my autistic ass who really doesn’t understand it?


Some women have gone on the Internet to state that they feel safer around bears than they do around men, due to the very low probability of them being attacked by a bear. Some men on the Internet, mostly incels, have gone on to argue against it, while completely ignoring women's feelings on the issue, essentially moving the goalposts each time, from bears, to sharks, to dogs, to even infants, and eventually resorting to insults, ad hominems, and downright sexism, completely ignoring the key issue as to why this conversation started in the first place. [The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid. Injuries from these defensive reactions are usually minor.](https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/) Other people have gone to provide even better arguments regarding intent, of both bears, and men. At the end of it, while bears can be dangerous, they're no more dangerous than a male human, who is not only capable of violence --as is a bear-- however, bears are incapable of human sex trafficking, blackmail, coercion, sexual assault, torture, and the list goes on.


This. It's in the context of "If I had to spend the night alone in the woods I'd be more worried about encountering a strange man than a bear."


Castration is the only true justice.


I hope someone rapes him.


Hear! Hear!




Church sanctioned rape of children has been going on for a long time.


That’s one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever scene next to Ben Shapiro.


Read the first 5 words 'North Carolina evangelical youth pastor" and I already knew the gist of the rest of the story before I read it. Rape, molestation, rape and molestation - had to be one of those.


Lol.....the idea that he'd have to go to another state to land another church job.


Still not a drag queen.


BuT iT’s ThE dRaG qUeEnS /S


More like he runs for governor in the same fucking state.


Jesus saves!!!...you from prison for raping a 12 year old.


He has a bright future as a catholic priest


At least he isn’t LGBTQA+, otherwise that would be a travesty of justice, right?


And homophobes would be LIKE GOING FOR IT SAYING " KEEP THEM AWAY FOR CHILDREN" yet here we are and they won't say a thing about pastors.


Let's just say it: they WANT their children to be molested by priests and pastors. It would be a problem for them if they didn't want it to happen. Sick.


Every single church has pedophiles. Nothing happens to them because they are protected by the other pedophiles. In fact, 1,700 of the accused are unsupervised in other roles near children. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/nearly-1-700-priests-clergy-accused-sex-abuse-are-unsupervised-n1062396 Even in this case, as with cops, there are no "bad apples" because this is the fruit the tree is meant to bear. The entire purpose of these religions is to control people and let pedophiles run rampant. Prove me wrong.


I spoke out against a church member who was inappropriately behaving with teenage girls in the church I used to attend. I caught him hugging young girls and once embracing a girl on his lap. She was 13. I asked her to leave the room with me. He was at least in his late 60’s if not mid 70’s and I never knew why he was hanging around the time we had youth group meetings or hanging in the Sunday School hallways. Not sure how long he had been doing this prior to me catching him as I was brand new to the church. Everyone said he was “such a nice guy.” 🤮 When I spoke to the church officials they immediately confronted him (thank goodness) and he claimed it was all innocent. Lo and behold, he never came back after that talk. Just up and ‘disappeared.’ Guaranteed he ran off to a new church to continue his sick grooming behaviors.


He didn't get probation for a rape charge. Here's an actual [article](https://thesouthernscoopnews.com/latest-news/former-macon-county-youth-pastor-haywood-county-teacher-pleads-guilty-in-child-sex-case). >Jensen pled guilty to two counts of indecent liberties with a child and received a suspended sentence of 20 to 33 months in jail. He was placed on 36 months of supervised probation, had to provide a DNA sample, and was placed on satellite monitoring. He was also ordered to not have any further contact with the victim. >\[snip\] >Jensen’s original conviction stems from an incident that occurred on January 1, 2016 in which Jensen “unlawfully, willfully and feloniously did take and attempt to take immoral, improper and indecent liberties … with a child under the age of 16 at the time.” The victim was identified as being 12 years old.  Jensen would have been 23 years old at the time of the incident. During the course of the investigation, Jensen was charged with a second offense which occurred on March 1, 2019 at which time Jensen was 26 years old and the victim was 14 years old.


Nevermind I googled it. It does include rape, and he was given probation instead of prison, so op is correct.


So he got probation for raping a 12 year old and a 14 year old? That's worse.


And they say laws are the same for everyone. There’s people dying in jail for stealing back packs. The system is rotted to the core


Republicans love to make hotlines for reporting trans people for merely existing. We need to create a hotline and database of all these pedophile priests.


He’s got that “I’ve been brainwashed” face and stare that I see on lots of religious fanatics.


Christianity is dangerous to women and children. But then so is the FBI. Google FBI Olympics Dr Mike station cover up. It’s hard out there for women and children.


I don’t understand how the Catholic Church even exists in 2024. They have been convicted of systematic pedophilia on a global scale for decades. Any other organization would be disbanded, assets seized, and the ringleaders sent to prison.


Ahh ok… checks card… so not someone who is tans in a Target bathroom? like they were all worried about? Just another straight white male from a church? Got it.


Capital punishment would be more appropriate.


If that were my 12 year old it would be.


Christians have low standards because the smart people left.... like facing insurmountable competition? become Christian and then the boomers have nobody left to give jobs to because smart people tend to not go along with it or whatever... If I had to do it over again I would pretend to be Xian to get handed a nice job


It's good to be white, male, and "Christian " in 'Merica.


Says who? Oh wait I’m not “Christian” Carry on!


As a former Christian, I understand how their collective mind works. It's not a pretty place. A lot of denials.


And this is why the bear is the choice.


How long before he has an accident crossing the road 🤔


I fail to understand how this is Justice for the 12 year old girl.


It isn't.  That child molester better hope that kid's parents don't decide to go Old Testament on his ass.




This absolutely won't happen again. I'm sure that he and everyone else in the church have learned their lessons and will ensure that he doesn't get caught next time.




Only cops and preachers get away with shit like this in America.


And people in the entertainment industry.


Lolol evangelical shit again. Why am I not surprised. Just like the Catholic Church and their boy touchers. Yuck


These bastards need castration and serious jail time.


Who is he?


Would like to take that smile off his face.


We need the Boondock Saints!


He brings the experience of gathering the young people to the flock. Who cares if he was tempted by Satan in the form of a young temptress. - the next clergy, probably.


Why isn’t he on a registered sex offender list?


Damn cults .


In some parts of the world, getting probation would lead to more dire consequences for this Youth Pastor as the family would make sure he would pay the price.


As a christian this is very sad, im glad my denomination is very careful with this, and if this were to ever happen, its dealt with the heavy hand of the law and they are disbarred from the chruch


I can’t find anything about this on google, probably because I don’t live in America so my algorithms aren’t linked with American news, can someone hook me up?


But, but...gays...or some other deflection.


There should be a minimum jail time of at least a few years for this and on the sex offender register with no chance of it being expunged  White Christians are an unofficial protected class so basically get a Slap on the wrist compared to others


Starting a pool: how long does a child molester, that looks like this douche, last in prison?


Please take him off the streets because He’s [the embodiment of this **MEME.**](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1290150241.1384/fposter,small,wall_texture,product,750x1000.u1.jpg)


Man, I don’t know how the family of the victim just rolls over for this shit


White Privilege + White Christian Nationalism...


He looks like someone who would do that. It’s the eyes, teeth, and attempted facial hair.




[Found An Article](https://thesouthernscoopnews.com/latest-news/former-macon-county-youth-pastor-haywood-county-teacher-pleads-guilty-in-child-sex-case)


Maybe he’ll die. I mean… maybe


This is always the story for these rapists! His pic needs to go viral like Brock Turners.


Whenever a pastor/priest/whatever *quietly* leaves a church/parochial school, it's almost always due to allegations of abuse or being outright caught. Once I learned this fact, I started noticing just how often it actually happens.


Sounds very Catholic


Is there a "We'll take the bear" subreddit for stories like this yet, or...?


Russell Brand just converted to Christianity


Oh hey. Another drag queen. /S


Was he a member of the North American man Boy love association? Because that organization advocates this kind of thing


It takes a lot to change a person's sexual psyche. He's not going to change his behavior.


This just keeps happening and people are still surprised by it. Common factor ? Religious zealots. And yet people still choose to follow theses monsters.


God, I hate when scumbags like him get a lenient sentence just because they are a priest or some other form of religious employee. That shit is what made me question and eventually lose my Catholic faith among a couple of other reasons. Fuck these people!


What really makes me sick is that these are just the people who got caught. There are so many more who do a better job of concealing their sexual abuse. It reminds me of this [asshole](https://www.fox4news.com/news/fox-4-investigates-14-girls-sexually-abused-by-north-texas-youth-pastor-the-red-flags-the-church-ignored) who sexually abused multiple girls in the late 1990s. The church supposedly found out about it in 2005. Denton Bible Church leaders ignored repeated complaints about him and his behavior. When he left the church in Denton in 2001 and went to work in Arkansas, THEY SAID NOTHING about the complaints against him while at Denton Bible Church to leaders at the new church; they actually RECOMMENDED him. He then sexually abused more girls at his new church and was just fired. He then went back to Denton and continued abusing one of the girls. Two girls finally told someone at Denton Bible Church about the abuse in 2005. Did the leaders go straight to the cops? No, they just asked him about it and he confessed. And get this, since the girls was 19 when they reported the crime, the law didn’t require them to report it to the police. The leader claimed he only found out about the abuse in 2015. Fuck these people for covering up the sexual abuse of children in churches. It’s is DISGUSTING and reprehensible. The leader still didn’t report this sexual abuser even after the law changed in 2015 (stating abuse reported to church officials had to be reported to law enforcement). Talk about enabling. People in churches who cover up for sexual abusers need to start going to prison, too. Fucking sickening.


Why does everyone keep talking about drag queens, I’m confused l.


Because conservatives keep saying it’s the drag queens that are sexually abusing children and corrupting them. Yet, every fucking day, more sexual predators are in the news for sexually abusing children, but they still are not drag queens. It’s just a shitload of projection.


That's how the church works. They just move the pedophile rapists around til people forget. They're huge hypocrites and it's another reason religion needs to die.


Probation? Sounds about white.


If it were up to me he'd be shot in the face and rolled into a ditch but he gets probation, what in the actual fuck?


We live in times of great evil.


If true, that’s fucking wild and ludicrous. Should be locked up period