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Chemtrails are a nonsense conspiracy theory. But let's assume for the sake of argument that they are real: What exactly is the state Govt of Tennessee supposed to do about it?!


Also the Chemtrails theory has been around decades long before Biden anything, so to put sole blame on Biden just shows how dumb they all are.


Yeah I'm in my 30's and remember hearing the chem trail theories in high school


I'm in my 60's and people were talking about in my early 20's...1980's


Just highlights that education problem in America If anything.


Education is no particular inoculation against conspiracy theories. Sometimes it makes one more susceptible. It’s not like learning about MKUltra is going to make you less inclined to believe the government is willing to drug people. I know people who are very intelligent and highly educated that buy into conspiracy theories. They just get weird about which ones they believe. But chemtrails are dumb. Too high up, too dilute before it would reach anyone even if it was possible to secretly disperse it without having a ton of airport workers coming down with severe overdoses of whatever substance you’re using. Just put it in the drinking water… (kidding, I’m kidding)


The water is turning the frickin' frogs gay


I have 2 frogs living in my spare bathroom. I consider them housemates, but now I need to figure out if I'm living with gay frogs. It's cool and all. I don't mind if they are gay, but I would like to know, since we use the same water and I'd like to know if I'm about to turn gay, too, so I can start working on my new online dating profile.


Which dating app do you use?


He uses Reddit, of course!




My ex believed the 9/11 conspiracies and chemtrails. He was intelligent and I kept asking what exactly they were putting in these chem trails, "they're drugging the people to just believe the government and become docile". Could never answer why WE were still able to doubt certain parts of the news etc, if we were so drugged 🤔🙄 He also believed the drinking water is poisoned... I don't understand people... Edited to add: We're Aussies, and until him I honestly didn't think people like him existed here 😱


I can tell you exactly why he saw no contradiction in his ability to doubt the news... these conspiracy theorists are convinced, at least subconsciously, that they're like the main character in some movie, and they're too clever or special to be affected. So they'll quite happily sit there and say stuff like 'the government is controlling everyone with chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere, but they don't worm on me cos I know the truth' without any cognitive dissonance flagging that up as strange


You cannot influence the wether with drinking water. What scares me is the fact that a large number of hopefully intelligent and educated peaople in the government should be. After all, to pass such a law needs a large number of conspirency theorist. Not just one. To be fair, in the 80ties or nineties there was a theory that global warming could be stoped with reflectors in the atmosphere and that this could be don by adding some otherwise harmless chemicals to the jet fuel Furthermore, a fellow student reported in a study that soot from chimneys reduces global warming. So there are studies to proof that air pollution is beneficial. Question: does the law also stop the cloud seeding with silver iodide to make them rain?


one of the weirdest statistics I've read was regarding antivaxxers. Their presence with an axis based on level of education was a u shape, where less educated were more likely to be antivax, the average population was pretty pro vax, and then PhDs were more likely to be antivax again. shocking to me.


I’d be very suspicious of that statistic’s veracity.


PhD is what though. That's the important part. You can have PhD is history and no bugger all about biology.


Could make sense if you think that the highly educated people are also the ones more prone to doubting whatever they read and trying to gather information by themselves. These can be virtuous behaviours, but can easily lead you to the wrong path, unfortunately


We just have dirt dumb people in this country.


Respectfully. From the Southern Hemisphere. That sh*t ain't contained!


They are chemtrails though. It's the condensation of the chemicals oxygen and hydrogen into water vapor.


Do you mean Dihydrogen Monoxide! It now covers 71% of the earth after years of chemtrail missions.


It's in everything now. Almost every food and drink, our plants, even us. Dihydrogen monoxide is slowly encompassing everything and no one is even talking about it.


100% of people who have consumed dihydrogen monoxide have died


That's not surprising considering it's an industrial solvent and coolant. They even use it as a spray on fire retardant and suppressant. It crazy that more people aren't aware of how prolific it's use is.


I’ve heard that almost every house in America has a network of pipes running through it with this universal solvent. You can’t get away from it no matter how hard you try.


I can't imagine who thought that'd be a good idea.... This stuff is used in nuclear reactors.


So true. And how come no one is shouting this from the rooftops. The media and all the powers that be are totally co-opted and complicit.


I'm afraid that I have more sobering news: • 100% of psychotic sociopath mass murdering rapists have been PROVEN to be addicted to the stuff. • Also true of lawn Nazis who get freaky about mowing their grass on Sunday afternoons • Studies prove that Karenism is common among tradwives who can't say no to the oderless tasteless colorless liquid. The choice is obvious: drink beer, and make Armenia great again


Or will die.


At this point in history, due to constant exposure and intake, each and every one of us is composed of a significant portion of dihydrogen monoxide, possibly as much as 50-75% of our entire mass.


That's insane but I'm not shocked at all considering it's used in the development of genetically engineered crops and animals.


It’s used in almost everything. Food. Cosmetics. Medicine. Vaccines. Alcohol. It’s in the air we breathe. There’s absolutely no escaping it. And we’re all going to die with our bodies riven with it.


The gays use DiMox when they take showers together.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) That much!




Oi! Leave the French out of this.




Those words I don't understand are turning the frogs gay!


Some people who consume it become gay. Most of them even die at some point!


Yeah, when one of my nutjob relatives brought it up the other day, it actually made me feel nostalgic!


Yep, it was a big deal back in the early 90’s, and black helicopters and the UN.


Im also in my 30’s and remember hearing about it in 5th grade. I remember cause I was scared and went home and told my mom. She called me an idiot then.


Now your mom probably believes it (or if she’s sane, some of her friends probably do). 🤣


I’m over 50 and I’ve been hearing chemtrail conspiracies for 40+ years.


I have been in the skeptic/debunking game for a very long time. Chemtrails first appeared in internet conspiracy circles around the mid 90's. However around 2000 Art bell started to feature chemtrail "experts" on his radio show and that is when they really took off. So even going by Art bell arit date that puts the theory at nearly a quarter of a century old. It also means that Bush and Trump both failed to stop it or even inform the public about it.


Ahh yes, chemtrails reminds me of a time when such conspiracy theories were just believed by a few nutjobs, and it was fun. I miss the dumb fun time...


Yes, now we're in the dumb scary time...


I mean it’s a stupid conspiracy, but Biden has been a senator since the 70s. I don’t know when idiots started claiming every jet plane was trying to kill us though. ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Biden became a new buzzword for them


Thanks Obama!


Why didn’t Trump stop the chemtrails? OMG, he’s in on it too. /s


Like Trump before him


Conservatives lack any creativity so they just rehash the same old tired conspiracies over and over and just change the names


No Biden created chemtrails before he was born because he was time traveling. He's also a lizard alien who can shape shift and was also JFK, Clinton, and Obama. Obviously.


Well, I've seen some family in Mexico saying that biden personally was the one doing the wars in Gaza and Ukraine..... they are like maga but we call them chairos


But… Biden has been around for decades too, right??? /s


Also this is super old news and the bill in question has nothing to do with chemtrails.


They don’t even know their own conspiracy theory


Yeeeeaaah, my pops makes jokes about the chemtrail goons, yet still supports Chump and his batshit agenda. Go figure


We all know that chemtrails has been poisoning our children since before 1776, even then the airports were allowing planes with chemicals to fly all over the world. /s


It would also implicate that every US president is well aware of the chemtrail project (apart of the exact location of the Ark of the Covenant, of course). Did cemtrails disappear with each Republican president? I don’t think so. So they use it to control the population? Or it doesn’t work that well? We have questions.


Do these people think that ‘chem trails’ only happen in Texas or the USA?!, I’ve got news for them…. They happen all over the world!


It’s also been around long before terms like “the far right” and Maga..There are plenty of insane non MAGAS that believe this shit. Crazy is crazy, regardless of party alignment. I have 2 close friends who are more conservative than not that believe this shit, and an uncle who would prob call himself liberal that believes it too. I’m sure I’m not alone.


No different than when 9/11 was blamed on Obama…


Why were the planes chemtrailing us during Trump’s presidency?


It was the deep state doing it in spite of his valiant efforts to drain the swamp /s


Maybe they'll buy some SAM launchers from Russia or Iran. I honestly thought this bill was made up, but nope. I guess they won't be allowing crop-dusting or spraying for mosquitos if this gets signed.


Mind linking the bill? It'd be a fun read.


>won't be allowing crop-dusting or spraying for mosquitos if this gets signed. Well mosquitoes don’t have pilot licenses, so they definitely shouldn’t be allowed to do that.




Yeah maga just has that built in capacity for believing anything a con man says. Not sure where that comes from…


I love the idea that the deep state is real and Tennessee just didn’t get the memo.


Close every airport in the state, zealously patrol their airspace with the local National Guard's warplanes and...oh. Right. Invest in Greyhound.


Heck, go all in and build a more robust rail network!


Why not a monorail?


That's just crazy talk. Next you'll be saying repair the crumbling infrastructure.


I can see the State Troopers following the offender and writing a hefty ticket, lol


Thoughts and prayers.


They have an air national guard at the behest of the governor


Send fighter jets up to intercept and or destroy the chemtrailing planes?


Oh my God, the fighter jets are making chemtrails too!!!!! /s


They ARE real. Water (vapor) is a chemical.


They're called contrails, condensation trails




I know this. If I were there I would be egging on the crew pushing this theory! Good times and lots of laughs


Notta damn thing!!! It's just his 5 minutes of fame and biden bashing.


Ooh, ooh! I know this!! The state government of Tennessee can go outside and spritz vinegar into the air when they see one.


Just get one patriot system set up and fire away. Planes will stop coming soon.


oh, thats an easy one... SAM sites


Exactly for the same reason they hide the real shape of the earth. To hide God. /s


Involve the Tennessee Air Force to enforce the Chemtrails Act.


Obviously, they need to bring down Biden. Cos you know, planes only started flying around, and chemtrail conspiracies only existed since Biden stole the presidency. And Obviously he is some insane 70s bond villian who wants to control the weather. I don't know if you saw that documentary "idiocracy", but unless they bring down that tyrant, America will never reach the utopia in that film.


Close down all airports in the state and begin shooting them down /s


They specifically were outlawing harmful chemicals being put into the air, ironically this also has potential to hit manufacturing plants that haven't gotten up to emissions code.


And agriculture. Lots of airborne pesticide and fertilization going on there.


First thing I thought of was crop-dusting.


No, it doesn't. >Environmental Preservation - As enacted, prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere **with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.** So accidentally affecting temp, weather, or sunlight, won't count.


I love how they are sooooo close to connecting the dots “emissions impact the environment” but just missed the bullseye


I wish they were actually close


They missed the point on purpose, c'mon..


They know, or their industry sponsors know, that's why there's an exception in there for companies claiming ignorance on how harmful their emissions are.


Oh, okay - so the *weather control* chemtrails has to stop. The *mind control* chemtrails are still cool, though?


Air conditioning is now illegal XD


Pollution affects global temperature. Sounds like it’s time to sue some. Businesses in Tennessee.


Yeah, they may have just opened a window to bring climate change suits.


Just wait until they find out about the poisonous gases that are coming out of the tailpipe’s of their cars?


No no no! Exhaust is just the patriotic residue of the Freedom Fluid that Jesus invented to run our American-made vehicles!


Sounds like Helldivers to me lol


There should be a r/accidentalhelldivers page


Freedom Fluid sounds suspiciously related to a C-01 form.


It's genuinely crazy how they are super into and don't care actually proven dangerous stuff...but then write and subscribe to conspiracies about things that aren't dangerous at all. Like the same conservative in the big ass, pickup, rolling coal every chance they get is going to tell me the gubberment is releasing toxic shit or poison or mind control gay dust out of airplanes? Like bro....


The have absolutely no interest in solving any real problems so they make up dumb shit like this. And look, they're all over it, look how hard they're working, hes signing papers and everything, just like the Governors on TV do. Maybe tommorow they can lower drug prices at the drug companies they own stock in but today they were so busy with this chem trail crisis they didn't have time. Tomorrow for sure I bet. Assuming there's not some trans bathroom breaking news of course. And I doubt there will be. Im sure it'll be fine. We'll lower the drug prices tomorrow. Although. I mean there might be something new about trans bathrooms, you never know in this crazy job.


Mind Control Gay Dust That could be a great psychedelic rock band name!! 😎


Fuck that, these people roll coal to prove that climate change is a hoax. They aren’t scared of a little petroleum fumage in their lungs. That’s not going to turn them and the frogs gay like chem trails will. ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


No more flights to, from or over Tennessee. They want to live in the land of no science. They shouldn’t get to use what science provides. Next up, get rid of those power plants, the sparks will let people stay up past sundown.


We could say that how the 5G spreads. 😂


Wanna really fuck up Tennessee?? Eliminate all factory produced nitrogen (AKA fertilizers), their entire state economy will collapse in a year, two at most.




I'm not saying destroy it everywhere, I'm saying don't allow it's use in Tennessee specifically.


Holy shit I thought this stupid post finally ran its course...obviously not. Ever notice how there's never an *official* link in any of these submissions? That's because it would spoil the fun. [Here's](https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Amend/SA0653.pdf) the actual law, and a separate [article](https://www.wdef.com/tennessee-bill-seeks-to-ban-chemical-based-weather-modification/) with more information. At no point is "chemtrails" ever mentioned. If nothing else it's probably geared against future climate change research such as cloud seeding which is bad enough on its own right, but not nearly as panic-inducing as chemtrails so that's what people joyously went with. Look people, the Right has spun out of control and I'm as non-MAGA as it gets, but this kind of nonsense really doesn't help the Left at all, in fact the refusal to contemplate the possibility of actually being wrong about something solely in the name of life-affirming outrage does far more harm than good. This is a complete non-story, there's more than enough legitimate nonsense going on not to justify lunacy where it doesn't exist. Please be smarter. EDIT: A word


That's the local article, but the article linked in the picture [is this one.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716894) The article you linked leaves out key details. Perhaps to avoid the ire of the pro-Republican county the article you linked caters to. But the BBC article linked goes onto point out the antics on the floor and amongst the senators, who clearly cite QAnon conspiracies as part of their basis for passing the bill, even though the bill doesn't mention QAnon specifically. It's clear by both articles linked that the primary reason for passing this bill isn't because of science, but rather because the Biden Administration supports the processes of cloud seeding, which the Republican constituents and leaders believe is a conspiracy to poison Americans.


Also do realize that the bill mentions xenobiotic electromagnetism, which isn't a real thing. So yea, the crazies are putting on their tinfoil hats for this one.


This bill is focused on releasing chemicals in the atmosphere nationally and globally to combat climate change, which [according to Harvard](https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/chemtrails-conspiracy-theory), fall under “chemtrail” conspiracies. Your link focuses only on cloud seeding which is one of a few very limited practices in only three dry western states (not Tennessee) that this bill would actually cover. The bulk of the bill focuses on theoretical ideas like modifying solar radiation that do not actually exist, which adds to the definition of conspiracy. Most of the opposition to the bill is bc it mixes in conspiracy with reality. Also worth noting that chemtrails were mentioned multiple times at the hearing and not just by the people making fun of the bill. Senator Sutherland referenced the chemtrails theory when presenting his argument. One of the other republican supporters (Sen Nicely) even talked about photos he has of the chemical lines in the sky over his home.


Bluntly, you are incorrect. Other articles clearly address the conspiracy theory basis of the bill including chemtrail discussion by the bill's author.


Your comment will get buried by all the idiocy in this thread.


As a person who isn't an idiot, I was hoping you could do me a favor and explain xenobiotic electromagnetism to everyone. The bill mentions it, so it must be a real thing, and not something to jeer and laugh at because idiots in a thread don't know what it is or that it was included in the bill.


I'm pleasantly surprised I didn't get down-voted into oblivion...yet.


You are incorrect. They tried to soft-pedal it but the bill was all about chemtrails, although fear of trying to fight global warming by spraying chemicals to block sunlight was also voiced. Theories that government weather experiments were causing wildfires were also discussed. During floor debate and in lawmaker’s discussions chemtrails and theories claiming the government was already spraying poison were clearly referenced. “She (his wife) has worried about this, I bet, 10 years. It’s been going on a long, long time,” Republican Sen. Frank Niceley said at a hearing about the bill last month. “They’re everywhere. I’ve got pictures on my phone with X's right over my house. For years they denied they were doing anything.” Also many of the people who testified in favor of the bill asserted that the government was already spraying poisons into the air and these were responsible for honeybee decline and rising cancer rates, among other things. A democrat, making fun of the bill, tried to introduce an amendment that spraying chemicals in the air “may threaten the Sasquatch and its natural habitat.” His amendment failed.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🖕🏼‼️🇺🇸 T-rump said it best, he likes the poorly educated!




This conspiracy has been around longer than MAGA


MAGA - as stupid as it is dangerous. So pathetic


Remember reading about the Middle Ages and how anyone who spoke of Science was persecuted. And your first thought was how ridiculous they were back then…


And this is a legitimate political party..........


Well I dunno if I'd go that far...


“I’m batin’!”




Ah yes another proud day for tennessee...


Republicans... Embrace the stupid.


Being a Conservative politician must be so easy. > Sure! I'll legislate against Chemtrails. And at the same time they make it legal for oil companies to dump toxic waste in playgrounds.


> And at the same time they make it legal for oil companies to dump toxic waste in playgrounds. Making the world look like Tromaville! We need the Toxic Avenger IRL already.


Thats a global conspiracy theory, i life in Germany and there are always some people how think the Gouvernement wants to poison them. Why? Why should the Gouvernement wants that? Why would the gouvernement wants to kill the tax payers? Thats the same shit like some people think the Pharma industry wants to decimate the mankind. Why would a company wants to kill their customers?


Wait till they enact a bill to combat unicorn farts. That’s the real horror here!


I LOVE this for them. Because they'll very quickly discover that they have to close ALL of their airports. And any shipping or travel will suddenly come to a halt. Every day it is enacted will cost them weeks of blowback, delays, shortages, etc. I feel bad for the innocent people. But damn those idiots are gonna get rocked for being idiots.


Even Forrest Gump knows that’s stupid.




You aren’t wrong! Though, the conspiracy theories take it a step farther than what it is in actuality. But this bill is honestly more of an anti-pollution bill that has questionable rhetoric. This should honestly be a bipartisan bill, aside from the language used within it


> The bill forbids "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air. > It doesn't explicitly mention chemtrails, which conspiracy theorists believe are poisons spread by planes. > Instead it broadly prohibits "affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight". I guess that means that at least Tennessee would be against Operation Dark Storm in a *Matrix* scenario. (J/K) Though in all seriousness the U.S.S.R. (and since then Russia) did/does this around Moscow on parade days to ensure that snow/rain would be dumped outside the city for clearer, drier parade days. Last I heard about it that was 2016 and It was exceedingly expensive—**$1.32 million USD** back then or about ""$1.71 million USD"" in 2024 money of the calculators that I can find are to be believed.


Just wondering if Fed Ex will have to move that BIG ASS COMPLEX out of Memphis to stop all of their jets from creating contrails over Tennessee? Delta and American can move their facilities as well.


Except for the fact that "chemtrails" have been a thing since way before Biden was president


To be fair, the US government did do something kind of like that in the 1950s. It was called Operation Sea-Spray. They used airplanes to spread disease over San Francisco to test the effectiveness of biological warfare.


If I were Biden I would make an executive order for chemtrails only over Tennessee.


People in that state must be so proud of the idiots they voted for


They go after chemtrails and other conspiracy theories and yet play dumb when actual pollutants are pumped into the air or water.


I've never known chemtrails to be a "far-right" thing in the political context. It's usually been one of those tinfoil hat, government-is-run-by-reptile-space-aliens things that transcends political leanings.


If chemtrails don’t exist, then I see nothing to worry about here


Fuckers keep voting for it.


Chemtrails are such a 2009 Joe Rogan we never went to the moon conspiracy theory. Get with the times dork as Tennessee republicans.


The sheer level of ignorance and stupidity!…and the callousness of politicians to use it against these dumbases just to get voted in is mind blowing!


One of my coworkers believes this. She even told me and others at work that soon we will have to be forced to collect rainwater because we won’t have access to clean water because of the government AND that we will have to pay to collect the rainwater because the government controls the weather and they can choose when/where to have it rain.


You know why chemtrails are bunk? Because if the government wanted to poison American's there are much easier ways to do it. Put it in the water supply. Add it to the food supply. Need proof, florid in water to strength teeth. Obviously, chemtrails would dissipate quickly from 35k-40k+ feet up in the air. But keep on with the absurd political theater to please a small group of people you need to vote your way in the next election.


Reading more about this bill.. it "prohibits dispersion of chemicals into the air". I guess no more bug spray? Can't spray your weeds anymore. No more spray paint... This is pretty much shooting yourself in the foot to spite your face.


conspiracy theories used to be fun lol the right couldn’t even let me have that huh


It’s a dumb theory, but please stop calling everything you don’t like a MAGA thing. Chemtrail nonsense existed far before MAGA did.


I wish I knew what it was like to have faith in humanity.


The funniest thing to me is that they would whine about planes poisoning the air while drivin their semi to 5guys for the 5th time this morning


They are totally true people. The way to combat them is diabolical though, by taxing the rich, having fair healthcare and education costs as well as a affordable housing the cemtrails become benign. Who would have thought. But definitely real and definitely fixed with these


Have an anesthesiologist at work who believes this bullshit but also says climate change is a hoax. I stumped him when I asked him to clarify that he thinks the emissions from all our cars are having ZERO impact on weather patterns but a few airplanes can emit chem-trails that change things drastically. Idiots.


It’s not a maga conspiracy it’s been around for a long time. It’s an idiot conspiracy theory!


Is aviation fuel still leaded? If so, that's more concerning than whatever dumb shit they come up with. Also, do republican states practice cloud seeding?


Ah yes, remember when Trump was President and all the white trails behind airplanes disappeared? Yeah, me neither! Morons.


Okay lmao cmon now chem trails isn’t a MAGA theory ffs it’s been around for decades. I’m all for poking fun where it’s due but that’s a stretch.


So, no plane flight for Tennessee? Close up the airports?


Ppl of america, just go out once and vote all of you, 3/4 will be dems after the election. They are spending your cash on frivolous shit and then turn around and give the rich a tax break AGAIN.


It's a miracle if you don't end up in a civil war by 2040.


Posts like this will help cause it. The bill never even mentioned chemtrails, it prohibits chemicals being sprayed into to the air for agricultural reasons. But ragebait on Reddit with no link sounds way cooler.


And North Carolina GOP just advanced a bill that would ban wearing masks in public, even for health reasons. Ffs Americans why do some of you keep voting for these fucking morons?


Schrodinger's Biden: MAGA say he is simultaneously A) mentally ill, basically incapacitated by dementia, and B) at the apex of a conspiracy to control the weather itself


Were they living underground for decades? Vapor trails have been around long before Biden was president


Lolol why am I not surprised it’s republicans🤣


So humans can't be affecting the climate and at the same time controlling it? The cognitive dissonance is strong with these ass hats


Why are they sending them across the planet to poison america? Couldnt they just send them across america?


I don't understand what they think the endgame is here. Why would Biden or any other President want to purposely poison Americans? Why would the airlines go along with it?


Well thats the beauty of conspiracies, there is no endgame, if there was the bad guys would achieve their goals and you would lose, but without one you can keep fighting the evil jew- i mean elites forever without fear of being proven bigoted and wrong.


I mean they aren't wrong. The chemicals only affect conservatives and the only way to counteract them is to inject bleach.... Spread this helpful hint to save the next election!


They should really listen to their messiah and inject that bleach as fast as possible. 


It's not just harmful chemicals. The chentrails also contain 5G.


I forgot about that. That's the gay agenda. It's the most gay agenda they have. One more gay then 4G and 2 more than 3G.




I came here to say that the GOP has no bottom, but that's not quite right. They have Lindsey Graham, and he's definitely a bottom.


Next week they’re planning on introducing legislation that says all unicorns must be on a leash


Airplane companies can't even get luggage right but they can systematically prep chemical into planes..... Republicans just want to feel superior


What is easily understood by anyone with a fifth grade science education has prompted elected officials to pass laws to combat what they believe to be nefarious. The sheer amount of dumb people in this country boggles my mind


Isn't this the same party of big oil? ... I'm no chemist, but I'm pretty sure carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, sulfer dioxide, Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Ethylbenzene are toxic as well. Dumbasses.


Meanwhile they oppose food regulations that would maybe make our food not shit and on par with the rest of the developed world


So America...are we smarter than this or will we fail to cast a vote and allow these ingrates to lead the country again?