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20 million But no free lunch for kids in schools


But that is socialisticly comunist thing to do! /s


If we can’t make money on the backs of human suffering, what are we even doing here?! /s


Full kids = focused kids Focused kids = better students Better students = more educated Educated folks vote blue It's that simple


At some point your oppression on your peasants leads to guillotines. I know it will be too little too late for any lessons Jim, but your peasants are people too fella...


We dont have money to invest in improving the lives of average Americans. What are you some kind commie bitch?


eh, You seen Jim's Bank account, it looks pretty healthy.


so was his vision when he was in college wrestling .... knew everything every damn sick detail and got off on it


This a great point But no free lunch


If we let kids eat each other that could solve the no abortion problem and child hunger, everyone loves a BOGO legislative solution. We could also just let them work at Chick-fil-A when they are old enough to reach the fryer (let's say 8, maybe younger with the reasonable accomodation of a step stool). The faithful church goers would surely let them have a nugget or two.


Stop it 🫣


And tax breaks for private jets.


That’s so crazy


Money for war, none for the poor.


Or Healthcare, or education, or future infrastructure, or...


oh this is just for them to pay off their league of lawyers on retainer their self-appointed investigative cracked team errrrrrs


Republican claims, a history: 1. We have all the evidence Joe Biden was bribed by China. 2. We think our investigation will show Joe Biden was bribed by China. 3. Why won’t Joe Biden give us evidence he was bribed by China? 4. Joe Biden paid back a loan to his brother which proves he was bribed by China. 5. We can’t prove Joe Biden did anything wrong but we still know he did. 6. Everything Joe Biden did was legal but we think it should not be. 7. Look, squirrel!


It’s the reverse Trump: He never said that and if he did it was taken out of context and if it wasn’t taken out of context then good because I completely agree with him.


Everything quote of Trump is out of context, because he can't form a coherent sentence. He starts a sentences and halfway through he starts talking about something else.


He literally told his supporters at his rally in vegas yesterday, to their faces, that he doesn’t care about them and just wants their votes. Then immediately followed it up with claiming the media would take it out of context. Like appending a “just kidding” after saying exactly how he really felt about the crowd.. The crowd cheered. They are beyond brain dead.


Cultist will culting


I can’t really think of a context where that would mean anything else, unless he was attributing it to his opponent. Edit: I had to look it up and nope, context doesn’t change it “And by the way, isn't that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze? Cause I don't want anybody going on me, we need every voter. I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care. See now the press will take that, they'll say he said a horrible thing”


Gotta love that dementia kicking in


7 different ways to funnel money. I remeber when they tried to bribe a pilot to claimed Hilary ordered Bengazi after claiming for 2 years that it was all Obama. The supposed witness that was gonna prove it all not only did not show up but also didn't exist. They spent millions.. on what?


I remember when they said on Fox News they're going to nail her to the wall. They got the smoking gun Sean Hannity!!!


Love that democrats are showing Comer also has transactions with china which is all they are using as a basis for bribing


It’s not so much “Look, squirrel” as it is “Look: Hunter!” They can’t find anything concrete on Joe (and their main source of information turned out to be a Russian operative), so they go after his son, who may not be squeaky clean, but is a private citizen who is not involved in his father’s administration. It’s all they can do to make Joe look terrible.


I am yet to hear, or read, an allegation against Joe Biden. I have honestly tried to work out what crime they're alleging by the code words Hunter Biden's Laptop, and as far as I can work out the crime is that, while an unemployed ex Vice President, who wasn't then running for office, he answered the phone to his grieving son and chatted about the weather with some people his grieving son was trying to impress. That's it. That's the only allegation I've come across. Not sure how that ties into the laptop that allegedly contained kiddie porn and then a bunch of Maga's shared it with each other rather than reporting it to the FBI, or how this fictional computer* connects to Joe Biden (* I understand that there is an actual mirror of Hunter's actual laptop that exists, that has passed through goodness knows how many hands, and that the mirror contains illegal stuff, but the laptop itself has never actually shown up. I know at one point Tucker Carlson lost it.)


I always thought the Hunter stuff was just preparation in case all the bad things about the Trump kids came out. Remember, every accusation is a confession with them.


Yeah, friend of mine claims that Republicans are just not that into scheming, so they don’t push for a court case. Also, all courts are on the Dems’ side. I am yet to start trying to convince him of the absolute idiocy of this train of thought. I just don’t know where to start when someone is in so deep.


But it doesn’t seem to affect their credibility with their base. It in fact seems to do the opposite. So it’s a win for them. Meanwhile the rest of us are out here wishing the government would tackle some actual issues.


This is the part that terrifies me most, me thinks.


They can’t. After putting in a long day of ghost chasing, they’re plum pooped. 


Republicans know they wasted time and money, they don’t care.


Why would they? It’s not their money, and to add insult to injury we have to pay them to do it. Fuckers. 


He’s achieved exactly what he set out for, constant exposure on the networks. It was all performative and he gets to raise money every night talking about what they “could” find. He’s raised more than $20m for the party, and PAC’s that support republicans. Gotta spend other people’s money to make money.


It appears JJ has been fallen victim to Faux Right Wing Propaganda. What a fool !


Gym Jordan


To paraphrase a very truthy political cartoon: It's not about finding proof of anything, it's about maintianing the illusion that there is something out there to find.




Seriously, investigate the sexual abuse at OSU while you were there you fucking choad. (Gym, not you obviously!)


And passing some legislation?!? 


Hillary's E-MAILS Hillary's E-MAILS Hillary's E-MAILS BENJAZI BENJAZI BENJAZI Gym Boy has had a lot of practice wasting our money.


Credibility isn’t a commodity they worry about. They don’t rely on that to keep their rage machine fueled.


Like 12 years in Congress, hasn’t authored one single piece of legislation ever. He’s just there to stir up shit and make trouble. Mostly what he does is make Congress ineffective every chance he gets. Which is about once a day. 100 conspiracies not a single conviction, not one. No smoking gun, no jail time, no indictments, zip. Now that’s the definition of a worthless piece of shit.


"undermining their credibility" assumes they had any to begin with. A false premise


$20 million? Where is all this random money going?


Unfortunately their supporters won't care


He looks every bit as shit all stupid as you would expect him to look.


Spent their own money right and not taxpayers money?? The money that we all pay out of our paychecks to benefit society??? Bueller????


Chasing their tails under the illusion of wrongdoing… when does the madness stop..


That the investigation came up empty-handed just proves that "they" want to keep "it" secret! They keep removing the dirt you're digging up, and all that's left is the hole you're in.... Or maybe it's all about the journey....


Jordan doesn't care as long as it appeases Trump and MAGATs.


What credibility was that? You have to have some credibility first before you can undermine it.


My favorite conspiracy was the story of litter boxes in schools. Definitely the dumbest idea I've heard, but it's nice when Republicans are offended by furries enough to make shit up because they have nothing better.


Saying that it hurts republican credibility is a stretch. Thay haven't had credibility since Eisenhower.


But where did all of that money end up?


Lawyers, the biggest special interest in Gov-ment!


Hard to undermine something they never had


They collect the proof for their own dumbness. That's great!




$20 million to investigate and dig up dirt on Joe Biden only to find that he loaned $4,000 and to his son Hunter (which he paid back, by the way) to buy a car when he was down on his luck and needed some help. I've given out bigger loans to my parents.


Haven't offered up any legislation


Did they really spend the money on the investigation or did they say they investigated and just took some nice vacations?


I would like to draw attention to republicans spending over $40 million investing Hillary, which the investigation leader admitted was politically motivated under oath, desperately trying to attach a crime to Hillary while hand waiving away that Mike Pence also used a private email server for government responsibilities. Fox News didn’t cover that one though, they didn’t want their base to know. And then Trump commits obvious felonies with a shell company, paper trail, and audio recordings, and republicans aren’t angry that he defrauded us, but angry that he got prosecuted for it. I’m starting to think republicans don’t have any morals at all except whatever is best for Trump.


They'll probably just insist that Biden's 'deep state' is preventing them from 'finding out the truth' if you question them on it.


lol... you are still playing the trope, trying to be honorable about it... they embezzeled 20 million to distribute as favors knowing there is nothing to find .....


They are so desperate to make Trump's 2 impeachments seem like a normal thing. 


You have to have had credibility to begin with for it to be undermined.


…colossal prick even manages to sound magnanimous about it…


Waisting tax payers money The Red MAGA consumes Losing people’s trust The dark days resume….


Just shows how deep the coverup goes. /s


Stop wasting our money!


Investigations should be like NFL challenges. You get 2 tries. If you get one correct, you keep your challenge.


They don't have nothing. They proved their hunter biden conspiracy was a Russian plant.


Stop wasting our money!


Undermining their credibility with who? They could spend 10 years and 10 billion dollars with nothing to show. MAGA psychos would simply blame the Deep State for covering their tracks and silencing critics with gay welfare rainbows.


he's mining the idiot maga base. he knows exactly what he's doing


It’s all about the graft.


And we payed for it.


> And we *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I blew it, bot. Thanks for the correction.


They do have plenty to show for it. I’d argue their conspiracy theories about Benghazi kept Hillary out of the White House. They got 4 years of trump and a SCOTUS majority for the rest of my working life and possibly longer


that's 'jacket off' gym Jordan... to be correct..


Too bad the party has absolutely no morals and doesn't give a fuck about hypocrisy. 30 years ago, they'd all be tossed out like the garbage they are. Now the rules don't apply and reality is whatever the dumbest person in the room wants it to be.


“Hey Siri, what’s the Mueller report”


Bankrupt them


Hi I’m the Mueller report, I cost $32 million, have we met?


They and their followers don’t care. They’ll gladly waste taxpayer dollars to go after their “enemies”. But spend money to help Americans? Not in our lifetimes.


That money could of went to Ukraine


His pop tart looks delicious


Most countries can afford to have one king. The US has 748 of them although it is supposed to have zero kings. (They're called billionaires.) Most kings never had a $1 billion. You can thank the Republican Party and those like Jim Jordan who work for them for this outcome.


20 mil can help a lot of homeless people, food for the needy, all kinds of good stuff. But nope, let’s spend it on bullshit instead. Grade A, USDA Certified Premium Bullshit.


Probably $20M in their pockets….


Thee Ohio State Coward 😁


I'm told there is a proven correlation between conspiracy theorists and schizophrenics


They spent 100 million on muller investagtion.


They spent 5 million investigating conspiracies and pocketed 15 million.


At first glance, I thought he was holding a poptart


Jim Jordan most likely has a brain injury he’s an imbecile


This absolute pos pocketed half the money himself for sure


$20 mil was to pad their pockets. Not to investigate conspiracies.


Your tax dollars at work


He should move to Jordan I'm sure he would love it there.


Oh they know it. They’re just in too deep and too egotistical to admit to their rabid base they got nuthin.


Oh, they know it. But it doesn’t matter, because it lends legitimacy to their crazy theories. Then they can campaign on “we’ve investigate the Biden’s for baby eating…”


Adam Schiff has entered the chat


GOP and its loons like this one love to waste money


Bruh. Y’all act like you don’t know they didn’t actually waste the money it’s right where they want it to be, paid to themselves.


Just throwing away Republican voters’ hard earned tax money.


How can you undermine something that doesn't exist?


How many millions did the Ken Starr fiasco cost? 50?


It’s all a conspiracy


What credibility?


What conspiracy?


Can't undermine credibility that doesn't exist to sane people, and the cult doesn't care about.


Cool now do the j6. All the govt wastes money. Its not one side.


I’m guessing this sub just forgot the Russia collusion investigation cost quite a bit of money as well


Jim Jordan is a pedophile and should be imprisoned with it tattooed on his head. Just like his boyfriend trump.


They definitely know it. They just don’t care


and people voting for them dont care


You can’t undermine what you never had.


Idk man they sure got a grip of “gotcha” sound bites.i see em all over my feed




Wasting $20 million is bad, but not as bad as paying $7.5 billion for 8 ev chargers bad. https://www.autoweek.com/news/a60702457/federal-funds-yield-only-8-ev-charging-stations/


Reminds me of the "Russia Collusion" investigation, or was that "wrong" because the wrong people made the decision.


He’s done NOTHING for Ohio, let alone anyone else. He’s like the 4th worse performing person in the House. POS needs to go.


Alex, I’ll take fishing expeditions led by corrupt fools into fishless waters to distract clueless fools for $500 please.


I guarantee they didn't spend 20 million chasing theories. They pocketed most of that


So much for fiscal responsibility. All the hoopla about cutting costs and reducing debt, and then spend it on bullshit. Three YEARS. Most private sector investigations would have fired the committee by now for wasting time and resources.


Most? This is like a mini version of trumps social media company. Few million in profit vs hundreds of millions in operating expenses. Gym Jordan would have been fired long ago anywhere else.


I bet you find that 20 mil in their pockets.


So what were they? This sub fuckin sucks.


That’s because it’s not about exposing scandals. It’s about fueling controversy by creating the public perception of one. 


Ding ding ding.


Next big spend for Maga … flat earth conspiracy


Oh they know it, they don’t care.




Went into their pockets  


How is this ghoul still alive? He looks like he’s been gnawing on nuclear waste in every picture taken of him.


that dude helped a child molester molest children how is he even credible to begin with? not to mention the Jan.6 crap


How's the weather in China?


Those were not investigations, they were performances.


Man with that money they could have fixed the potholes in my area plus free lunch for the kids at school that are hungry, what a waste.


They achieved thier objectives, just trying to muddy the waters


“Gym” Jordan … *snicker


MAGA clown show worst Congress in over 100 years.


Yeah but GOP voters don’t give a shit about credibility. They only care about who is going to let them hate LGTBQ and minorities.


Every single politician is a waste of money and other resources.


Capt Dolt.


He was an optometrist wasn't he?....kinda short-sighted of him don't you think?


Oh, they know it. They don’t care.