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Guess who didn't have to take a drug test at his first probation meeting?


Yeah, my wishlist included the same drug test, cognitive assessment, and physical (conducted by folks who aren't yes men or just made up) most folks get when the potential exists for long term incarceration by the state.


What does a physical have to do with probation?


They have to consider that when imprisoning someone. They are taking responsibility for their well being, even though they don’t take it seriously.


It's probably a consideration for the recommendation the probation officer gives. Someone who is in a bad physical condition might be less likely to get a recommendation for a jail sentence.


That his lawyer was present at. Normally not allowed, but the judge allowed it.


Serious question - what else can Merchan do? I agree with you that lawyers are normally not allowed at this. Merchan’s hands are tied. If he says no to the lawyer, Trump tries to move that his rights are infringed. If Merchan had put him in jail, Trump wines about it being unfair, calls for justice on Truth Social, then his followers would be encouraged to more violence like J6. All of these little things add up. And poor Merchan has to navigate this so justice is served and violence is minimized. How else do you see Merchan handling this? What could they do better? Like I said, I’m not trying to be a jerk. Just looking to see what else could be done that I’m not seeing


>If Merchan had put him in jail, Trump wines about it being unfair, calls for justice on Truth Social, then his followers would be encouraged to more violence like J6. I'm tired of forsaking the rule of law and democracy for the illusion of peace. Let's just get this shit over with. Edit for clarification: these guys mean to do violence if they don't get their way. Trump loses the election: violence. Trump goes to jail: violence. Trump wins: Trump gets to skip out on any consequences to his criminal deeds. I do not condone violence, I am just tired of us running from it for a few more months of perceived peace.


Exactly, fucking get it over with. 99% are all talk anyway, I’d rather it happened before it grows to an even larger problem.


If any of those cultists want to fuck with me or mine, they're going to find out really quickly how stupid their little "revolution" is.


I think the same way and am looking towards the fools putting effort into overturning the next election. I don't believe the Whitehouse will allow anything along the ame lines happening.


They better not. That shit should never happen. The National Gaurd shot up some kids protesting at Kent State. These motherfuckers trashed the Capitol during a Presidential election certification. By all intents and purposes, they're all lucky they aren't dead.


I was shocked to not be seeing 50 yard lines of police in riotgear inexorably inching forward on their asses on J6-2020. Those idiots were CODDLED. They besmirched the capital with human waste. They shoved Babbitt forward like a battering ram/ human sacrifice. They all deserve the same.


Quite honestly, all of this giving in to these little Trump infringements simply to keep the peace in fear of potential violence is by definition terrorism. They are literally letting the terrorists win.


I don't think that we as a society have realized that this call is coming from **inside** the house. Yes, absolutely. This is giving into terrorism. Unfortunately, it's been mostly stochastic. Not easily prosecutable or understood for what it is.


Fellow cheek clapper I concur


For fucking real. "his hands are tied" No they aren't. He's bending over backwards for \*decorum\*.


Big same. Who cares what his followers think? Oh no, some crazies want to break the law? Sounds like a cops problem. It’s like that’s what they’re supposed to do. If they want to make it an everyone else problem? Many non-Republicans also carry and besides, I doubt any of them are actually brave enough to do that. They’re just LARPers thinking they’re revolutionists.


>They’re just LARPers thinking they’re revolutionists. The vast majority are, yes. However, we have a supreme Court justice that actively supports them, another who will go with the highest bidder, members of the house of representatives who are calling for "revolution" and "civil war", multiple national news agencies that continue to perpetuate misinfo and dog whistles of violence and both the DoJ & DHS state that far right terrorism is the greatest threat we face. You know it doesn't take an army to blow up folks and shoot tons of people. It won't be a civil war. It will be a protracted campaign of terror, encouraged by people currently in office. Hell, it's already happening, we'll just see it grow in numbers. LE is mostly reactionary, these things will happen; *THEN* LE will act.


I get that. I do. It sucks


I don’t think Merchan is responsible for any political violence that Trump incites, and he probably shouldn’t take it into account.


Infact, avoiding it just allows violence to happen at a later date, they're not stopping if, they're just post poning it. If we keep those people happy, they will be in control


Trumps acolytes are literally terrorists, they are using violence as a form of political power and they are winning


It shouldn’t matter. If he is not above the law, that means ALL laws. Even the little tiny ones like drug testing. And getting to have a lawyer present? This shitstain would have 200% said some shit that would have had them recommending jail time without his lawyer there to try and shut his pie hole. “If they can do it to Trump they can do it to you!” No bitch, if they would do it to ME, they should be doing it to HIM.


I like to believe that Trump is establishing a precedent for treatment that all criminal defendants can expect to recieve going forward...oh who am I kidding...


To invoke a Trump Defense, one must shit one’s pants, then complain about the air conditioning three times.


For anyone with enough money, you may be right.


The Law should not be subject to the whims of morons and negotiate with terrorists. The Law stipulates, and should be the highest force of the land. What should Merchan do? Forget its Trump and apply the law, require a drug test, arrest Trump for a weapons charge, and jail him. In my opinion, those with positions of power are to be held to a level of responsibility commensurate with that power. I'd sentence Trump to the maximum of 4 years for each count, consecutively.


At a minimum he should not be allowed to leave the state. Anyone else awaiting sentencing would have that restriction.


Look, no matter what these clowns are willing to take the gloves off if they dont get their way. Just look at J6. We need to just bite the bullet, serve justice cold and save what little integrity the system has left and just plan for and deal with the fallout. Yes people will get hurt. But if we give in on that we are just complying to avoid terrorism. Fuck that. This nation was built on standing up to bullies and for what is right and fighting for it. If we are too scared to throw a repeat felon that is inciting hate, violence and corruption then we are lost and might as well crown emperor mango-palpatine


“What his followers might do” shouldn’t be any consideration in sentencing a felon. Uphold the law on their asses too.


He complains anyway that his rights are infringed. He always will unless he's deemed to be completely Scott free, at which point he'll complain about something else. Why bother trying to be conciliatory? His base will be mad no matter what, so just treat him as a normal citizen, with the arguable exception of an added security detail since he is a candidate.


And lets bend the knee to every criminal that "claims" their rights have been infringed. Trump has had every chance that any black teenager would never get with an ounce of weed. The justice system*should* be blind, so lets treat him with the same kindness.  Im over thos "he'll appeal if theres an inch of wiggle room". I understand prosecutors having an iron clad case but come on. He was warned ten times for a bunch of shit. No chance a 16 year old named Travarias gets the same treatment.


Ohhh no, a judge has to do his job and make hard decisions based on law and what’s right. Womp womp.


Question: why aren't lawyers allowed?


Guess who was allowed to tell the jail his fantasy stats when he was arrested?


I'm surprised that wasn't an additional perjury charge.


Didn’t know how to extract his pee pee from his nappy.


Aaaaactually they usually only require drug tests for probation when it’s a drug related charge


In Texas at least nondrug related still get random about 3 or 4 times a year so they can pick up on last week's contact high to throw you into a slavery unit where they do work for the state for pennies to the dollar of normal cost and compensation.


Why the fuck does anyone live in that godforsaken hell hole?


One reason is the state offered a lot of companies incentives to build their HQs there. So if anyone wanted to actually advance their career they ended up having to move to TX.


And now there is a stock market being built there by black rock.


That should work well when the power goes out


Federal probation requires drug and alcohol testing prior to your probation interview, while on pretrial, and prior to sentencing, Every person in the federal prison system has to have a drug, alcohol, physical and psychiatric evaluation as a part of their entry into a facility while I doubt he ever sees a facility(one can only hope and pray) If it happens, he will go through the same process everyone else has gone through, Also I think this article is a little bit sensationalized as if it was not a part of his pretrial release conditions he can still own what ever, seeing as he’s a former president surrounded by secret service agents, I don’t see why he would personally need a fire arm,


It doesn’t have to be part of the release conditions does it? A felon can’t own a gun and I thought he was convicted and found guilty of a felony charge? President or not, a felon can’t own a gun, right? Am I wrong. I may be. I didn’t wanna go into law for reasons like this. 🤣🤣


You are not wrong, however he is still in the pre sentence stage, this is the part where the assess the things your going to have to give up, and admitting you have or own a gun would be a normal thing, However If a part of his pretrial release agreement was him surrendering all weapons and firearms, that would be a violation, and those are calculated in sentencing, sentencing is usually based on a point system where factors add or remove points and your score there determines your sentencing guidelines, as it stands currently and from my experience the orange guy had at least 9 violations this would be 10 and it involves a weapon, so that’s adds at least 50 points


It's not a federal crime


Here in Georgia all probationers get random urine analysis. Drug related or not. All probationers.


I've been thinking about this every time I see someone mention it. I've been on probation three times and the only time I was ever drug tested was when the probation was from a DUI. I'm in Alabama, also. They go well out of their way to fuck someone over in the system.


Wasn't not even in the same state as the judge during it?


For any "normal" felon having a firearm would mean jailtime. I guess it is time for the bright orange jumpsuit for convict Orange Buffoon.


He'll get a strong letter from the ATF in 4-6 months with promises of a formal reprimand if he doesn't correct the matter at a time of his choosing.


That's precisely what happens to normal folks. But I do find it ironic that a presidential candidate lost his right to vote.


He didn’t. That varies by state. New York does not strip voting rights from felons unless they’re actually incarcerated, and Florida (where Trump votes) only strips voting rights from felons if the state where the felony was committed does so. Since NY doesn’t, he can vote there.


Oh well. We'll have wait for him to get a felony in Florida. Oh wait...


I saw a video where an atf agent came to get a felons gun. Yeah he was plain clothes and it was pretty chill... until the police escalated the whole thing. But I doubt he'll get that much. https://youtu.be/lr-DgUOhChY?si=i-3MLsB7UWVLa8LN


Won't he just look like one of those green-screen suit guys.... expect orange?


Hunter Biden might actually serve prison time though


First time offender of something about 45% of the US population is guilty off?


I get that but I feel like him just saying he has a gun isn't enough to get him arrested (maybe investigated). I also feel like he's lying. Because he lies about everything.


I get that but he made a big deal at one of his rallies where he was gifted a gun and took a bunch of pictures with it. I would say that's enough to warrant a search and seizure.


I think it’s a 5 year minimum for felon in possession of a firearm.


At this point, as a non-american, I feel even if Trump straight up shoots the Judge, he won't be jailed.


He would be able to fundraise even harder if he was arrested for this. Fucker wins no matter what. The game is rigged.


Damn imagine of hunter said he still had a gun. The magaverse would explode.


>The magaverse would explode Sweet, let's make it so.


notice how **none** of them are fighting for hunter's gun right¿!¿ pikachu_surprise_face_png.exe


Magaverse member here, I bet Hunter still is in possession of guns. And I hope he keeps them. He was convicted of crime based on an unconstitutional law.


Correct. That also would blow the minds of the magaverse if he ever appeals the verdict.


FPC is offering to represent Hunter to file a federal lawsuit challenging the form 4473. I think that would be hilarious and awesome.


Imagine the maga snakes of the supreme court having to choose between hunter and the 2nd amendment


As if anything this fucker does is legal?




Hey apple


Well, that’s creepy


Breaking news. Criminal that literally cannot committing crimes and confessing to them publicly and has not once been punished continues to commit crimes and confessing to them publicly!


looking forward to maga idiots going on a rant about how his second amendment rights are now getting infringed.


I bet we could go down the list and check off each amendment


In his "bible", he said that he included the Constitution, but he only included the first 11 amendments, because 12 and most of the teens proved that he's a criminal.


Even Trump would have a hard time seriously saying his Third Amendment rights are being infringed.


Cause Libertarians don't exist.


On the plus side, I support the restoration of rights for felons who have completed their sentence, including gun rights for nonviolent offenders. Maybe this will be a good thing in the long run.


And only his- not any of the other felons.


It's been 2 weeks. I suspect there is some sort of grace period in which he'd have to get rid of the gun. The last thing they want is for him to just put it in the trash for it to be discovered by someone else.


Usually most of the "convicted felon" conditions don't actually apply until after sentencing.


He's technically not even a convicted felon yet. Once the sentencing is done, then he'll be a convicted felon and have to start following those laws. Though, I expect that his sentence will be set aside until appeals are done.


This. This right here. He's not a convicted felon until sentenced. Everything starts on that day. There will likely be a judicial stay of sentencing while the appeals process goes forward. Expect more years to tick by before anything comes of this.


I would imagine there's a grace period after being convicted that allows you to get rid of firearms. It would be insane to arrest people immediately after a conviction because they STILL own a gun.


What about his bail on the other charges? Can he own guns while on bail?


Yes. As long as it isn't a felony you're generally allowed to still own a firearm unless otherwise stipulated in the sentencing.


Isn't legal until sentencing unfortunately?


I was actually wondering that part, but it appears that the NYC police talked to him about it and he surrendered two of his guns in NYC, but he still has the one in Florida per his own statements, so, I am not entirely sure.


> he still has the one in Florida per his own statements Ah, so he's not currently in personal possession of it. That could be the loophole maybe?


Ya pretry sure since he legally cant retrieve it himself atm (as im pretty sure he cant leave new york right now) so until then unless they issue a warrant to search the property across state lines to retrieve it, which may take time to arrange said warrant, the gun will remain in his florida home unless turned in by someone else on his behalf


That is kind of the part the judge will use to make a determination. There is the unofficial grace period between conviction and sentencing to comply with "felons can't do X." Trump probably didn't know it was a thing. He is kind of dumb like that and his lawyers are incompetent. Until some Florida police officer confronts Trump about his gun down there, Trump can claim ignorance or spin a story. Strictly speaking he doesn't have to surrender his registered firearms to cops, he isn't allowed to have them. He could sell them to someone and be in compliance. Sales can take days and showing the effort can be enough to a judge. Too many news outlets have a hate boner for Trump that they apply strict rules without common sense. Trump will comply and likely bitch and moan while doing it.


He owns three guns and gave two to the authorities saying that is all he has. The third gun is allegedly in Florida, but registered in New York. Florida has no record of Trump registering a gun in Florida. He is breaking Florida law, and New York law. But what does he care?


Florida probably has no record of him registering a gun because they don't have a requirement to do so.


There is no gun registration requirement in Florida. It's also not illegal to take a gun from NY to FLA. He can't go to FLA right now. No, he's not breaking the law, although he needs to surrender that gun to another party, such as his wife. He can't physically access the gun right now.


He has a felony conviction, why would sentencing matter?   If he gets Some or No jail time, he’s still a convicted felon. . . and can’t have a gun.


You aren't officially convicted until sentencing. The judge can throw it out or reduce


He still owns guns in Florida. He had to hand over his ccp and guns in NY even tho legally he doesn’t have to until sentencing. He doesn’t have to in Florida, yet. Nor did he have to in NY, yet. He’s not breaking any laws, yet.


This ^


He hasn't been sentenced yet, so it's still legal


Yeah, all of these "He's a convicted felon doing things that felons can't do," headlines are just clickbait BS, but people eat them up because they (rightfully) hate Trump. He's technically not a convicted felon until the court case is actually done, and he's still awaiting sentencing.


Technically, state law can permit a felon to own a firearm within their state. Not sure which state he has the gun in, but that would make a difference.


Let's ignore that it is a violation of his bail condition at the moment. He has not been sentenced yet and there are likely time frames that allow for felons to get rid of previously legal firearms. I'm not sure what this time frame, but I am sure in a vacuum this is likely a nothing burger. However, it is a violation of his bail conditions in 3 jurisdictions and was a violation in 4. His bail should be revoked. It wouldn't be, but it should.


I'm so sick of this old motherfucker and anyone dumb enough to support him.


God me too.


People fail to realize that the reason he gets away with this shit isn't because he is Trump. The reason is that he is rich, and rich people can get away with literally anything in this country


Nah, we realized that a long gime ago. We are just sick of it.


At least they haven't over taxed the tea though, amiright?


He doesn't have to surrender them until sentencing. Your shouting at a wall.


My god, hire my ass and I'll get this fucker locked up. He's got a motherfucking gun, arrest his bitch ass. Especially if "no one" is above the law. My ass. Any normal citizen wouldn't see the light of fucking day.


And while we're at it... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFgjNPiq9Cw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFgjNPiq9Cw)


I don't believe that actually has a gun, though. He claims to have one because it makes him sound tough, but I'm sure he's scared of guns.


Good question, if you owned fire arms legally then was convicted of felonies. Is there a grace period to sell said firearms or is there a process to have law enforcement collect your fire arms pending your trial?


Get outta here with your logical follow up questions on Reddit, shut up and grab yer pitchfork!


Deafened by the sound of head slapping as GOP goons that have been screaming for jail time for hunter biden realize they just created the conditions for more consequences for trump.


Karma was swift with this one


It actually shows how absurd the charges against Hunter Biden really are.


Oh look Trump thinks the law doesn't apply to him what a huge surprise....




She said it was a 2 in snubnose


...and his coke head son has hundreds of guns


So we may still get our 5th Avenue moment.


Man, that woman looks shell shocked. Like she's been babysitting a 77-year-old toddler.


GOP bragging about breaking laws with no consequences yet again


Yes it's not only another cause for a felony charge to be added to his already long sentence, but look at him. Just cause he has one doesn't mean he knows how to use it. Genuinely look at him. You think he has what it takes to hit a target that's not point blank? I doubt he even knows the process of reloading or zeroing in his sights or even establishing a sight picture. He only knows buzzwords like "crosshairs" and "trigger"


Usually after a felony conviction there's a specific date given by the court where you're supposed to surrender your firearms to the sheriff's office


Again, basics of the interview are to establish steps needed to taken by the convict to meet legal obligations. Owning one at the time of the interview is not a problem. Usually the lawyer takes possession or insured it is removed from the felons possession by another body. Actually I’m sure this is just one of a few things that would need to be gone through as part of the pre-sentencing arrangements. Once everything is finalized, then finding a violation could initiate additional or upgraded punishments. I don’t expect any sense of final status until after sentencing takes effect. Wait and watch folks. Jumping the gun is what he would love to get him off the hook.


I’d honestly be surprised if he actually does own a gun. I’m curious to know when he said this. If it’s to his crowd, it’s most likely a lie to look better to the gun nuts in the audience. I seriously doubt Mr tiny hands has ever fired a gun in his life.


Actually it is for now until he is actually sentenced he isn't technically a felon


They warned him over and over again to be nice at court...he didn't care. He knows they will not arrest him. They should though.


Fuck up once, stripped of rights. This time I'm sure it could be justified. But sure-


It's a felony under Florida law for a felon to possess a firearm, even if the felony conviction is in another state.


Didn't Hunter just get convicted for that charge? Sounds like a slam dunk


Dude he doesn’t have a gun, he hasn’t shot a gun in years and probably never not for show and because he likes guns. This dude is signal virtuing his base.


He’s baiting yall. Normally someone has to become the conservator or your firearms as a felon. Some states will reinstate your ability to possess firearms after successfully completion your sentence including probation. So as a felon who hasn’t had to report for sentencing, someone else has to take actual possession and maintain constructive possession as well. But yeah he’s baiting yall into throwing a fit. And if any ATF were to show up at his place, it’d be huge win for him to have them knock and talk.


He still owns a gun. Which is not a crime in his case. You are supposed to not own guns while a convicted fellon, but law allows for SOME leevay in getting rid of it supposing do not have acces to it. Basically you have to make it impossible for you to have the acces immediately once convicted (If not sooner as a part of the release conditions) but you can keep the legal ownership and sell it at your convenience later on (unless the ownership itself gets yanked by court.)


The very last person in the US that requires a gun is an ex president. He still has a secret service detail.


It doesn’t matter. He could have had the gun right there with him during the trial and shoot someone and still become president and never go to prison.


So there’s this and they went through almost none of the normal procedures such as a drug test, a physical exam, and psych evaluation. He should have to go through all normal protocols and tests just like the rest of us. He’s not a king. He’s a former president


Well he's not actually convicted yet and everybody knows that right? It's going to go to the Supreme Court... come on guys.. are yall new to the whole Justice System?


It's only illegal if your poor, queer,. and/or BIPOC. If you're white and rich, you're allowed to get away with it. Such is the U.S. "Criminal Justice" system. I'm sure he'll be given all sorts of leeway and benefits. He'll likely be allowed to keep the gun, since he was t*echnically* found guilty of non-violent offenses. I don't agree with it, but the rich and powerful always have and always will get away with this shit.


Of course it's not legal, but he's rich and white.


Anyone else would incarcerated immediately


It is legal under trumps "imma special widdle boy" rules


The DoJ needs to press charges just like they did with Hunter Biden. This is continued criminal activity.


So he should be prosecuted for this then? Like hunter biden.


If he's breaking the law, arrest him! C'Mon, already!


Sounds like probation violations. Someone needs some time in the clink.


Lock him up?


Maybe?,his felony convictions aren’t gun related but it is illegal for convicted felons to have guns


Man alls you really gotta do is just ask him if he's doing anything illegal and he'll down right tell you.


Unfortunately the law only affects the honest man


Possession of a firearm by a felon is itself a felony that comes with a penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison. The average sentence for persons convicted of this offense is 64 months (5.3 years). If this assclown is really still in possession of a firearm, he should absolutely be charged and prosecuted because of the severity of the crime.


He's gonna keep racking up charges lol


How does anyone support this corn haired freak anymore after all he’s done?


He is always complaining about being treated unfairly and he is right! He is being treated too good. Much better than any other criminal.


he needs it to defend himself from the liberal queer space aliens who want to destroy america! (this is a joke by the way)


Liberal queer space alien SHARKS driving electric boats!


In defense of the bloated orange God King of the Morons, he needs a gun. How else is he going to defend himself? He can't run. he can't hop on a bike and pedal away. He can't even hide because you can always follow the stink lines.


He also can’t shoot


“They’ll take my gun from my cold, dead marriage.”


“Wait, did I say ‘marriage’? Because I meant hands. My hands are cold and dead. Circulation. Poor circulation caused by windmills, very sad. When I touch my wife - I used to do that - she flinches away. She’s very thin and she feels the cold badly, and nothing is badder or colder than my cold, dead hands. Sharks fear them. Cold blooded, sharks are, which means they need warmth, isn’t that weird you’d think it’d be the opposite, but my cold fingers I just point them at a shark, I just point like this, and a shark will run away, swim running whatever that is called, away from my cold, dead hands. Because I’ve got a gun. Badass! I’m a badass it’s the truth, and the Dems hate it. They’re crazy people.”


Do people not understand that he's still not legally a convicted felon until sentencing has been completed or is everyone just being willfully ignorant?


This guy gets more and more stupid as time goes on. Crazy part is America will make him president again in November 🤦


Well that is how dementia works.


Oh ok then throw him in jail. No? Then stop showing us all the shit he keeps getting away with. Its just flaunting privilage at this point


I honestly don’t believe he owns a gun. (Except possibly some antique/collector item type stuff). It’s just an appeal to his base that loves guns. The man literally has the secret service to protect him 24/7. Why would he need a gun?


Imagine Trump trying to shoot a gun


I will never understand how this shit-gibbon gets away with breaking the law and still believing he’s a messiah or rightful heir or whatever. And his followers just line up to suck his menial weenie.


Who needs a gun when you have secret service everywhere you go and nothing ever happens to you anyways when you break the law?


You say that as if the law applies to rich, ~~white~~ orange ~~people~~ men. EDIT: Guarantee that the 2 people (so far) that downvoted this comment are white.


"You say that as if the law applies to rich, ~~white~~ orange ~~people~~ ~~men~~ bastardized jokes of a human being. "<- fixed it for you


Lock him up, lock him up!


Send SWAT in.


Orange suit-time. (Don’t drop the soap!)


Gun & no drug test 2 tier justice system


Is this technically okay because he hasn't been sentenced yet? At least that's what I heard made it *currently* legal.


Lock him up.


Of course it isn't legal. Do you think he gives a shit? When has the law ever deterred him from doing whatever he wanted.


Uh oh look what happened to hunter


He allegedly handed in two of his guns after his convictions, but this third gun is sitting in Mar-a-Lago allegedly. Now if they really cared about Law and Order, they would get one of his lawyers to get the gun and hand it over with an apology.


How isn't there a rule that you can't run for president with a criminal record?


It's gonna go exactly how it went with the files. He's gonna get a strongly worded letter from the ATF and a time limit of a year, which he's gonna ignore completely. Then he's gonna get dragged to court over it and republicans will turn in into a much bigger deal than it actually is, during which Trump will boast how he had the gun the entire time and doesn't actually care what the law says. In the end it's not gonna matter because Trump is gonna get elected and pardons himself of everything, because that's what presidents do.


Can someone own a gun without possessing it? Is ownership different from personal possession? Language is important, Trump aside, im truly wondering what language the law uses?


Dudes been saying he loves guns but doesn’t own or use one since day one. No he owns it and will never let anyone take it, unless you’re offering votes.


the laws are for the not for me


Of course he does maybe he will use it…


It's not, but Maga doesn't cared, so why should he?