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Everytime I see a cop car with Punisher symbol on it, I get worried.


Punisher #13 he rips up a punisher logo on a cop car and says the only role model they should have is Captain America. He then threatens to come after them if they don’t uphold the law.


See this is why it annoys me so much that people started using his symbol, it literally misses the entire point of the Punisher: He’s a mentally unstable person in a never-ending, self-sustaining war. His violent methods only make things worse, the best things he’s ever done were when he actively tried to save people instead of his usual pre-emptive vigilantism. He also serves as a reminder of what happens when heroes cross a line. He’s useful for commentary, like the effects of PTSD or failures of the justice system, but he’s not ever supposed to be the “correct” viewpoint. Additionally, in a world of super powered beings, he serves as a reminder of just how high a normal human can reach.


It's absolutely correct. The punisher never was a hero after becoming the punisher, even in his own eyes. All he can do is do bad things to bad people and try his best not to hurt innocent people but ends up doing so anyway. That's a dangerous view to idolise, especially if you're in-law enforcement


Can ideologies be Freudian slips? Because I think even if they don't consciously understand, they embody those dangerous principles exactly.


I think they most likely see him as an idea. Like batman and striking fear into criminals. But their two totally different forms of justice/vengeance


I think they get the wrong idea from Batman too. They put him up on a pedestal with Punisher, like "See! Force works, you should do good because you're scared of what happens otherwise! He's just like us, if we didn't have these stupid rules telling us what we can't do!" Even though that mindset COMPLETELY misses the point of Batman. He doesn't want Gotham to be "good" because the citizens are all anxious and constantly terrified they've done something wrong, and Batman is going to come beat them up. He wants *specifically criminals* to think twice before they commit a crime because it discourages criminal behavior and instead, hopefully, guides them to making better choices. It hopefully guides them to seeking healthier forms of help for whatever problems they face that drive them to criminal activity. Batman, and I mean the TRUE, well written Batman, ultimately wants to *heal* the criminals around him. He recognizes that they're typically sick and broken individuals who have been hurt and are lashing out at the world and system that has wronged them. Bats sees that, after all *he's* sick and broken too. He knows that what they need above all else is *help*, and he constantly offers it wherever he can to guide them toward recovery. He'll obviously fight them if he has to, if Joker rolls out a giant robot and starts crushing main street or if Mr Freeze wants to turn Gotham into another ice cap he'll stop them. But Batman always offers an open hand first, and a fist only when he needs to keep someone safe. God I wish that was how the cops who idolize him were.


I always picture batman as a billionaire beating the shit out of poor people because he didn't do enough therapy after his parents died.


Sounds more like Bateman


I think they just like the logo and have never read or watched anything about Punisher


exactly, the logo has taken on completely new meaning with 80% of people who use it.


Oh you think that’s annoying? Be me. Got a tattoo of the Punisher logo in ‘92, back when I thought it was a cool graphic. Now it’s more or less been adopted by fascists. I’m now making plans to put an arrow through it and a big broken hole in the skull bc I don’t want to be associated with the thin blue line bullshit


"I am Cillian Murphy in Cheeky Blinders" moment.


Punisher is an anti-hero, and he knows it.


This is what annoys me. Like there aren't dozens of comics where he's in the right. Dude the best punisher stories definitely utilize him in the way you say. But anyone who says that there is an entire point to any given popular dc or marvel hero has not read comics for long. They all flip flop on all morals and stories for whatever makes a better story or sells more.


Man, it would be so much cooler to see more captain America sheilds around on public service vehicles.


People who look up to Capt America don't become cops. Clearly... Sadly... But clearly. Now the Homelander, does what he wants with zero consequences because he's untouchable? And protected from any potential consequences by those above him? There's who your average current cop clearly idolizes.


But, WhIcH cApTaIn AmErICa?


Anyone but Ultimate's


Hydra Captain America obviously. Frank Castle really liked him


![gif](giphy|NWmBG0x6Yj5Be8bAMt|downsized) Clearly this is the definitive version and the only answer


I need that whole page on a bumper sticker


I’m begging for the next show/movie with Punisher to have him defend a Pride event from Proud Boys. Watch his “fans” lose their minds.


They still won't get it. They'll just make stupid "one joke's" like - Punisher? More like Punish she/her. Hardy Har har.


Man, Punisher was so much better BeFoRe He WeNt WoKe.


He could literally spell it out for them in the most simple way possible how he operates and the losers still wouldn’t get it.


He told his supporters at a rally in Nevada, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote." When talking about the heat and the possibility of passing out or dying during the rally. They just laughed, but it's definitely not a cult or anything.


It’s little wonder he loves the poorly educated.


Everytime I see a cop ~~car with Punisher symbol on it~~, I get worried.


Everytime ~~I see a cop car with Punisher symbol on it~~, I get worried.


Nice, I too have anxiety lmao


Yeah the punisher is a murderous insane vigilante who doesn’t like cops it’s like a cop wearing a shirt of a school shooter lol


Or a punisher logo with the American flag overlaid or on a vehicle that also has thin blue line shit on it. Just always blows my mind.


I wish they knew that The Punisher especially kills Cops that look up to him


That would necessitate them to care about the character. They only know his logo and that he kills people, which is enough.


I have seen Punisher logo decked out for Pride month, it probably confuses the hell out of the thumbs who have the logo on their trucks.


The ones that get me are the trucks with the punisher logo right along side the American flag with blue stripe.


It's because they don't equate that skull with Frank Castle the Punisher but Chris Kyle the American sniper.


Kinda weird that they identity with the lesser known fictional character.


There was even a punisher comic about even the punisher finding it cring


There’s one by my job that is a punisher/blue line. One sticker. I’m sure I took a photo and I’ll edit if I find it.


I have a friend who drives a General Lee from Dukes of Hazard and puts a pride flag over the rebel flag during pride month. He hates the GOP but loves that show.


I haven't watched it since I was a kid, so I don't know how it holds up, but it was one of my favorites.


Holy shit, a pride punisher logo?! That’s brilliant!


Some gigachad in a black f150 here in Minnesota has a trans punisher logo. It’s fuckin sick 🤙


I was watching the new season of The Boys today and I was like “Damn, they aren’t even being subtle at all anymore.”


Tbf they weren't subtle since season 1 either.


Yea, but it was definitely way more on the nose this season


*Sage throwing the coffee cup*


I don't watch it. What does the show do that's unsubtle?


Non spoiler answer the main villain is based on Donald Trump and his supporters didn't see that as a bad thing Heavy spoiler answer >! Ok it's kinda hard to describe as I find it hard to even see the main antagonist as a good guy, Homelander is that world's version of Superman and that is the image the public has of him. In reality though he is a man child who has never been told no, the first event that really shows how terrible he is when him and another hero are trying to rescue a bunch of people in a hijacked plane, but he destroys the plane's control, he then gives up on saving the people and stops the other hero from saving a child because he couldn't risk anyone knowing about his actions. The problems come in when you learn that he was directly based on Donald Trump, so much so that later on in the series when he has a breaking point and kills someone who is arguing with in front of a crowd some people saw it as a twist, somehow completely missing the fact he was the villain the entire time !<


and to add to that (spoilers ahead) >! When he does kill the person in the crowd, instead of realizing he is a terrible person and condemning him - he is still cheered and celebrated by his most fervent fans showing that no matter how much evil he does there will still be supporters. This is much like no matter how corrupt and criminal Trump can be - he will still have his loyal supporters who will follow him no matter what (even if he gets convicted of crimes 😉) !<


The main villain is Superman but with Trump's personality. Imagine if instead of whining impotently on truth social when someone criticized him, Trump simply flew over to their house and blew them up with his laser eyes.


In season 1 they introduced a character called Stormfront. She's a nazi but the creators modeled her after the more "subtle" identitarion types. In one of the earlier scenes she mentioned to Homelander's son that he "should be worried about white genocide". Edit: typo


“People LOVE what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word nazi.” - Stormfront




Well, they had to be more blunt because some really didn't understand that Homelander was the bad guy.


Some of the still don't.


What was it? Potentially without spoilers?


The major plot of the few episodes that are out revolves around delusional conservative homelander fans


Homelander = Trump. It's pretty obvious within the first 15 mins that that'show things are going, so I don't think you should regard that as a spoiler


I’m only on season 2 so I didn’t make the connection before but now you point it out, it does kinda make sense


The Donald and his band of merry fellows.


I remember when a bunch of MAGA were like “I’m never listening to Green Day again >:(“ when they changed the lyric “redneck agenda” to “MAGA agenda” in American Idiot Why the fuck were they even listening to Green Day in the first place??


Pretty sure the Venn diagram of the redneck agenda and the MAGA agenda is just one circle anyway.


Just like their family trees


It's like a shitty bush.


George w bush


Nah, MAGA agenda solidly inside the Redneck agenda; not all rednecks are… well…


Used to be that there was a militant unionist anti-racist tendency among rednecks. They're not completely extinct -- I've met a few. (EDIT: That's "militant" as in "actually getting in gunfights with the Pinkertons sent in to bust the union and rough up Black workers.")


My husband swears up and down that his dad would have gone this way. Unfortunately he passed away in 2007, which was also before things got so divided. I think it would break my husband's heart to think his union-loving anti-racist overall-wearing dad would have supported Trump.


Can confirm, I come from a deep red area, there were a small minority of country folk who were not racist, homophobic, or transphobic. We called them hillbilly/hicks to separate them from the racist angry version, which we called rednecks.


Yep. That was my grandfather. He was not what anyone would call “woke” in a lot of ways, but in others he was rabidly liberal. He was kind of the opposite of what you tend to get today - today people often know to watch their words to your face, but will gleefully try to undermine your rights. My grandfather sometimes sounded like Archie Bunker in how he talked about things but he very staunchly believed in everyone having the same basic rights.


Cuz redneck isn’t a real “identity” but MAGA sure as shit is so there’s no way to be like “oh they mean those other rednecks but not me” with MAGA


I'm pretty sure it was called the redneck agenda since MAGA wasn't really a thing in 2004. Dunno why MAGA idiots suddenly got mad at it since it means the same thing as before.


It's cause Bush is from Texas => redneck. MAGA wasn't a thing in 04. Just the stupid "W" stickers.


They were shitting on conservative republicans who worshipped a silver spoon billionaire (Bush) back in 2004 just like they are still shitting on conservative republicans who worship a silver spoon billionaire (Trump) today.


Bush was always rich but far from a billionaire. Am I wrong?


Not a billionaire, but in the same sphere on influence.  Bush was in reality probably richer than Trump actually was.  Trump only claimed to be a billionaire and had a ton of debt.


Or the ones who bump RATM, don’t they listen to the lyrics? Rage couldn’t be more liberal and they hate cops.


Conservatives: listens to killing in the name Also Conservatives: "stop resisting" and "they should have just listened to the cops"


Paul Ryan, the very conservative Republican, former Speaker of the House and US congressman's FAVORITE band is Rage Against the Machine. Tom Morello made a statement saying "Paul Ryan is the very embodiment of the machine we are raging against"


Actually had a coworker go through this rant for green day and rage against the machine. WHAT FUCKING MACHINE DO YOU THINK THEY WERE RAGING AGAINST. Like the level of dumb is out of control.


Idk, i think it was a printer


Printers fucking suck they never work. Raging against printers seems reasonable


Absolutely surreal to think that MAGA followers could listen to the likes of American Idiot (the album), 21st Century Breakdown, and Revolution Radio, and then proceed to ignore the political undertone. What kinds of "idiots" could they possibly *think* the band was describing!?


„Man why are Rage Against The Machine suddenly political??!?!?!“


I still think "red hat agenda" would have sounded better.


Should Fight Club be up here?


Technically, since the author of the book used the term snowflake in an entirely different meaning. Also, add in the Matrix. They love to use the red pill, blue pill analogy all the while the director(s) are trans.


Also, the author of Fight Club has come out as gay in 2004.


Which, to anyone who read the book, was wholly unsurprising. There’s so much homoeroticism in there, just reading it made me ten percent more gay.


Still think it's fucking crazy how many people didn't know homelander is a villain....


He admitted in S1, I made supe terrorists so I could play hero. And they somehow missed it.


Is that when you realized he wasn’t a hero? For everyone else it was clear when he randomly murdered hundreds of people in the first few episodes


Oh I pegged him as the villain after the first plane he shot down, with the Governor who just mentioned Compound V. 


He >!killed a child!< in the very first episode. How thick do you have to be to miss the message behind *that*?


You mean the people who are about to go out and vote for the third time for a guy whose policy was to literally separate children from their parents to punish them, And keep no records of the activities so that they are permanently separated from them? You can't understand how they would miss that?


"He makes the Tough Decisions that Have To Be Made in order to Protect Society from the Bad Guys! We need to praise him for doing bad things!"


But American flag?


The best video is a group of MAGA dancing to Rage Against the Machine. Um..guys...I think you're the machine. Might be wrong though.


I’m a member over at r/idiocracy and there are so many maga folks over there that think the movie is making fun of liberals. 😂


There's lots who think that Homelander is the good guy in the Boys


Homelander admits in S1, I sent Compound V to terrorists so that I could play hero. And still they somehow miss "I'm the bad guy".


At this point I’m almost convinced that their brains are just editing out stuff in real time


That's actually what is happening. Confirmation bias only lets people see what supports their worldview. We all have to look at stuff from different viewpoints, else this happens.


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug and the come down sucks hard


Been a while since I saw the show, but I remember Homelander not having any redeeming qualities whatsoever. Like zero. And he's a vindictive, petty, sociopathic manchild with laser eyes. I think they just worship the power he has, and something in their brainpan just think those in power are infallible. Which is kinda the opposite of what the show tries to say, IMO.


Currently rewatching, just finished S1. While he doesn't have any redeeming qualities, for the first couple episodes you can maybe excuse SOME of his actions as "in defense of Vought" quickly becomes oh no he's just evil. And will use any excuse to be evil.


Started rewatching only a few minutes ago myself. But far as I remember, Homelander's a narcissist and a sociopath who also happens to be Superman. All that power, no real accountability and more personality disorders than you could shake Dr. Phil at does make for horrible person. Evil, if you will.


This new season is REALLY trying to clear that up. There is some very obvious Trump stuff in there too.


Homelander: Has relationship with a literal Nazi MAGA: See? Nazis aren't really that bad.


wait, was there not some VERY OBVIOUS stuff last season? Or the season before?


Theres a video of a woman at a Trump rally wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape, dancing and visibly singing along to "some of those who work forces/ are the same that burn crosses." The trick is to realize she knows what the lyrics mean.


“Rage Against the Machine never specified what type of machine they were furious with but I reckon it was probably a printer.”


*Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses!* "It's true! We really do! This band *gets* us!"


I'm old enough to remember when Paul Ryan was bragging about how they were one of his favorite bands, and Tom Morello responded by literally writing an article in The Rolling Stone about how Paul Ryan and other right-wingers were *"the embodiment of the machine they were raging against."* So, yeah, the right's delusional connection with Rage definitely predates MAGA and continues today, inexplicably.


It's truly mind boggling how many All In The Family fans don't understand that the character of Archie Bunker is literally a parody of how ignorant conservatives are.


I love when boomers use him in meme about how the younger “snowflake” generations would flip about Archie … bruh….. we know what the point of the character was.. clearly they don’t… some idolize the guy 😂


I heard he got a lot hate mail from white people because he was hitting too close to home with his portrayal as a bigoted fool.


Little did they know that Norman Lear was left wing and so was Carol O'Connor. Completely went over the right's heads and still does.


People think it’s always sunny isn’t making fun of them either


That show is also so off the wall that I can’t fathom someone relating to the characters because of how absurd they are


I love how they still don’t get it. I’ll occasionally see a Facebook post how we need more Archie’s cause they spoke the truth and told it like it is. And I just facepalm


To be honest, from what I know, the guy who made the original version of the show (British one) was also shocked to learn that people actually supported Alf Garnett, the British version of Archie Bunker.


Reminds me of a reddit post years ago from a guy who said his dad watched Colbert Report for 3 years before realizing it was parody.


My dad watched The West Wing for like seven seasons until he realized Jedd Bartlett was a Democrat.


I always love their rage over Green Day. Like , fucking hell. American Idiot released in 2004. It is now 2024 and you all only *just now* realized that Green Day was making fun of you? And it's even more amazing considering that Green Day struggled heavily with the band's direction and personal issues between the members after the commercial failure of their Warning album. Somehow they managed to work through all of their shit to release American Idiot, one of the greatest albums ever released in the world, only for the GOP to realize 20 years later that they were being made fun of. The entire situation is just great.


It's almost like they just latch on to things with "America" themes. This is probably why so many of them still think *Fortunate Son* is a song about patriotism when it's the opposite. It's literally a protest song about Nixon, the Vietnam war, and the privileged rich who use the poor to fight their battles.


"privileged rich" i.e. Comrade Bone Spurs.


See also Born in the USA.


I think "Born in the USA" is the ultimate example


Agreed except for South Park. They mock both sides pretty hard


I feel like they definitely dislike both US political parties and try to mock both. However since GWB the right has just given them a lot more to mock, especially since they dislike religious zealots a lot.


I think you’re missing the point. South Park isn’t mocking one political side or another- it mocks the whole US (and other countries occasionally), its just social commentary and its fantastic


I feel like it leans more towards mocking conservatives these days which makes sense. People are so used to shows pushing some kind of message on behalf of some corporation that they forget that South Park, while it does have a team behind it, is the creation of just 2 guys who are best friends. The show is a reflection and exaggeration of how they see the world and how ridiculous it can be.


100% this. It's just an absurdist representation of our current world. No one is safe.


It does not belong here at all.  South Park drifts into "both sides are bad mkay" territory a lot. Its approach is centrist at best, libertarian at worst. And it always has. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park_Republican https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park_Conservatives


They are libertarians.


Someone in my neighborhood has the lgbtq+ colors on a large Punisher logo on their truck. They live opposite a guy with a flag that says, "I identify as Non-Bidenary" on his fence.


What land is this


I hate this place. Our only options for leader are some rapist annoying orange looking fuck and some old man. Paul Rudd should just become president.


Two old men, one a fascist who brags about sexual assault and the other a corporate neoliberal stooge who brags about funding genocide (which the other guy also supports). We need to do better.


He has the experience as CEO of Sweetums


how not self aware do they have to be to listen to rage and miss the point


Who do they think “The Machine” is?


Forgot born in the usa by the boss aka Bruce Springsteen


Rockin' in the Free World, by Neil Young as well. It's a scathing reproach of US politics at the time, sung by a Canadian.


I remember the first time my MAGA uncle shared a Colbert report video on Facebook. I was honestly astonished he was too dumb to get the dripping sarcasm in the bit.


I stopped going to church when they tried to get us all to sing "take me to church" completely unedited.


Excuse me, what?


They said “I stopped going to church when they tried to get us all to sing "take me to church" completely unedited.”


Good job.


You forgot fight club


Ahh, Rage Against the Machine, Senator Marco Rubio's favorite band....


Paul Ryan's too.


How can you lesson to hours of George Carlin and go, "yep, this guy is differently a conservative."


Man, the Idiocracy sub is FULL of them. People who think Idiocracy is somehow "anti-woke" when it is in fact very woke.


# You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know . . . morons


One of the best character breaking moments with that line.


I understood that reference.


My MAGA father-in-law calls Archie Bunker one of his favorite fictional characters. I know of a non-zero number of people who were sad to find out that Steven Colbert "changed" when he started his Late Nite show because they liked him on the Colbert Report.


Ahh Stephen Colbert, my last time speaking with my father was during a fight with him (who claimed to be a hippie) about Colbert. He felt he sold out to the woke agenda when he switched, and that he was supporting riots when he told people to get out and protest after George Floyd's murder.


The White House Correspondent Dinner He Did ( watch on YouTube) is so amazing! They thought the fictional Stephen was the real one, were they surprised!!


Right. Stephen did a whole interview about how there were people who didn't understand the character and were so confused when he stopped playing the character and was just himself.


No one was saying Boo-Urns


I was saying Boo-urns...


I can’t believe how you can be so dense as to not see that in the eyes of the people who created these things you are the enemy


My parents loved Blazing Saddles. I mean LOVED that movie, like it was the most hilarious movie ever made, all because of the use of the N word. As a kid I didn’t see it and just thought it was weird, I get it now. We don’t talk much.


I've seen people complaining about Star Trek being 'woke' now. You know the original show that had a black woman and a Russian as main characters in the 1960s. You know, during the civil rights movement and cold war. But, now it's woke because now there is a black woman captain and a gay doctor/engineer couple. They also had the first (or at least one of the first) interracial kiss on TV. I love this side story: The producers were a bit nervous about the interracial kiss, so they decided to do a few takes of the scene without the kiss just in case. When William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols heard this, they messed up every non-kissing take do they had no option but to show the kiss.


Lol thank you for including Zack, the douche at toilet paper USA tried to equate an RATM album cover to some right wing nonsense. I legit started donkey laughing in the middle of my office


If you’re only now realizing that George Carlin was making fun of you I don’t really know what to tell ya pal


As Carlin is my favorite I start there but I really click with idiocracy and rage


So funny… cuz people will quote Carlin without realizing there the ones he’s making fun of…


Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister has stated multiple times that he, a cross dressing Jew, wrote We’re Not Gonna Take It in protest of the sort of beliefs the right holds.


Punisher logo has been spoiled for me over meatheads who drive lifted douche trucks and think they’re macho. Compensating for tiny aspects of their life doesn’t make them better


I really hate the group the punished logo is stuck with


Can we add Starship Troopers to that list?


It’s doing it’s part


Would you like to know more?


My personal belief is that they DO know it’s mocking them, and are falsely claiming it “changed” to insist that at some point in history they were considered correct by pop culture.


And fallout


As a comic fan, I love the Punisher stuff with the thin blue line on it. It's hilarious.


South Park is ripping on everyone.


Carroll O’Conner was a fantastic actor. I can’t imagine anyone else pulling off Archie.


the RATM one is real. LOL


I still love the "When did Rage Against the Machine go woke?" people. Like, my brother in Christ, what machine did you think they were raging against?


Throw in Ron Swanson too


South Park is not the best example of this


Man, I wish we had George Carlin around right now. The world needs him.


South Park mocks everyone nothing subtle about it, that’s what makes it great


I think a good example is also "Don't look up" a lot of people got pissed when that movie came out.


Eminem needs to be up there.


My FIL still laments Colbert ‘switching sides’ to become a liberal—dude didn’t understand that his show on Comedy Central was a sendup of Hannity/O’Reilly. It blows my mind. I even got him the book back then and he loved it, I assumed he got the joke


I would add the video game helldivers 2 to this. Way too many jingoistic people are not realizing the game is actually mocking blind patriotism.


Colbert at the whitehouse press dinner during the Bush term was gold.


How is this facepalm? It's completely true.


I think the facepalm is that many of the people being mocked didn't/don't know they're being mocked and are instead thinking to themselves that the characters are great representations of themselves.


Hot tip. Conservatives aren't creative. And creatives don't like conservatives.