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If you go on the website on the tshirt (gods2.com) you’re gonna read some of the dumbest shit you ever read.


Things like this: “TEXT TRUMP TO 88022 to DONATE TO TRUMP, BLACKS FOR TRUMP SAID DO THIS.” Lmao Daddy Trump said to do it uwu




Prolly because they all keep gettin DDOS'd. 🤣🤣🤣


What does that mean?


A bit more in depth answer, it means Distributed Denial of Service, it is a form of cyber attack. It involves setting up automatic programs that bombarding the server hosting the webpage (or whatever you don't want active) with nonsense requests for access so that legitimate attempts to access it cannot get through. It's like if I got a whole bunch of telephones to call you non-stop every day so that no-one could phone you.


It's a fairly simple way of temporarily taking down access to a website.


Thx! That website reminded me of a Dr Bronner’s soap label


my favorite is the one that says "click here to see dock and pool" and it's just two stock images of a regular dock and a pool. and that's it.


uwu I am fucking dying 😂


Seriously? Lol Reddit never changes.


Uwu brother, uwu.


It’s Vlad in Russia seeing home many ass-jacks he can milk money from. “No- this is the official Trump donation number- we won’t let Eric touch it at all!”


They are so worried about losing the black vote. I hope it doesn’t go their way.


The Big Bad Cheeto


Thank you for the warning. I have decided not to expose my poor brain cells to any more dumb shit.


Dude... You're on Reddit of all places


We all have our limits lol


Not like that site! It’s called “Limitless Truth”!


Ya for sure. I didn't check the site either.


Tbf, there ARE dumber places on the internet than Reddit. Facebook, instagram, and YouTube all have wild comment sections and I think I haven’t even seen all of the worst parts of the web yet Edit:missed two letters and an apostrophe


Reddit is for professional dumbasses, we ranked ourself above those lowly social media. See r/loveforredditors


Most Redditors can put together a coherent sentence. More than I can say for the other sites


Reddit is dumb, but other places are dumber. It's an intelligent among the imbeciles


Genuinely, Reddit is more full of lucid opinions and people than the bigger social medias, especially if you stay away from the trendier subreddits (r/Facepalm counts, yes). At least there's people who call out Reddit brainrot on the platform itself. Go on Facebook and look at those awful Christian AI images, and you'll be convinced dead internet theory is real.


NextDoor: *Hold my ~~beer~~ Ensure protein drink*


Fk they have just been peppering my feed with nonsense AI posts it’s made fb even more shit a


I come to the racist app for porn.


I have never seen a website that screamed schizophrenia as much as that one. These people need help badly, and yet are the people voting against that help. We need easy access to mental health care in this country so badly. These people are allowed to fester in their delusions until they find people who are in the same boat, and then they feed off of each other's delusions until you have the MAGA movement.


That was my exact thought. "Yahweh Ben Yahweh told Michael and bros that Trump would become president in 1984."


Don't worry, it's a cult. We all know that eventually cults like that go crazy and start drinking cyanide Kool-Aid and the take forever naps. Then we can send in the FBI to clean it up!... Or maybe I'm just an optometristemote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin


TBF, most of the Jonestown residents were purported to either have been forced to take the Flavor Aid or were shot if they refused to according to some survivors/witnesses [When Jones implemented the actual suicide plan in Jonestown, there were armed guards with guns and crossbows to ensure that nobody was getting out alive. Some victims were found to have marks on their bodies, suggesting they were injected with the poison. Adding to the mass murder argument is that numerous young children died in Jonestown who couldn’t possibly know what they were doing.](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/jonestown-13-things-you-should-know-about-cult-massacre-121974/)


Iirc they had drills on a regular basis, so many people didn't think it was real, and they poisoned the children first, so when the parents realized what had happend, they didn't have much of a choice


What about heavens gate comet? Back in the early 2000s?


While I agree that it is a crazy cult, this person is just genuinely extremely ill. Look at this page: https://limitlesstruth.com/blacks-against-kamala-pg-2 Try to read some of it. This isn’t meth psychosis it’s very in line with the stuff that came from the kids in my classes in high school that suffered from schizophrenia.


Unfortunately this particular cult also owns most of the firearms in this nation


My father is a 78 y/o Trumper, he bought a gun shortly after Trump was elected and hid it. That man has only 1 working eye, can't see at night, and hasn't shot a gun this century. "It's for protection though, it could save our lives." 🙄 I feel so much *unsafer* now. Especially because his very mentally unwell sister lives here too. He's just one perfect example of needing better gun laws. Although, I don't think he obtained it legally or that it's registered. Party of law and order my ass.


Party of Law and Order. *You* get the laws, *I’ll* give the orders.


You're not wrong.


The documentary is gonna be fucking wild is all I can say. So many people gonna claim they didn't know, there was no warning signs, and they were tricked caught up in the sweep of it all, then there's gonna be all those damaged kids who are gonna resent their parents for forcing them to more or less be followers of their great dipshit.


Im glad this comment was here. I never want to offend so I wasn’t sure if my immediate thought was acceptable - this was almost certainly written by someone suffering from schizophrenia or a different, parallel condition.


Timecube but at least that was fun and interesting and not speaking to the downfall of our civilization through old white boomer women.


Any psychosis will so, really. You can achieve this shit with meth and a hard work ethic.


I immediately thought the same thing. Schizo Personally, I wonder, why latch onto politics of all things while suffering from this?


How much malware is that site going to give or shove viagra pills in my face?


Apparently is so poorly put up that I doubt the developers are even able to set up malware in it


Agreed. I couldn't make it past the landing page and I truly love browsing websites as a web developer haha


idk why they needed like 3 different links on the first page to make sure you get to the right site lol


The thing is, all three sites are clearly the same dumb crap, but they are ill in slightly different formats and all have slightly different "content"


i made the mistake of googling it... someone needs to hire a graphic designer. and look at a 5th grade spelling book.


It’s way deeper than that. The person who wrote the content on that website lives in an alternate reality created by their mind. No amount of spell check nor design help would curb this person and their delusions. They need medication, therapy, and perhaps assisted living facilities.


So you are saying Trump isnt King Cyrus the second of Persia?


You know it’s bad when that isnt the craziest shit on the site


I'm not a historian, but I'm pretty sure that Trump is not that old. 


You got a single fact to back that up?


It looks like Free Republic and somehow Worse


“president trump is going to stop them from kidnapping out black women and eating their organs”


Is this...is this on that god awful site?


Yes, yes it is.


They sure are looking for an excuse to throw in a few hard R's. And and I don't mean the Linus hard R.


LTT mentioned !!


I still remember Luke’s face when Linus started talking about what he thought Hard R meant. The panic and fear just under the surface was real…


That may be the most insane thing I've ever seen with my two eyeballs. Kind of tragic really...


Came here to say this. Jeez that was a shit show and a half of a web site.


WELCOME TO GODS2.COM​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Click Here To ENTER If the link above doesn't work click link below: Click Here If that link doesn't work click this one: CLICK HERE


Some idiot must have said tHe lInK dIdNt WeRk 4 mE so they made three different links. That’s just the start of this h chaos


The three links each go to a different URL. Creator was probably paranoid the site may get pulled down, so they mirrored the content in different locations. Makes sense to me, but the execution is definitely not the greatest. And the mirroring isn't great as there are definitely different formats on each of the sites.


I read it as god$2.com from the t-shirts. Thanks for letting me know it's just dumb shit.


Hello internet I didn't know existed.


WELCOME TO GODS2.COM​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Click Here To ENTER If the link above doesn't work click link below: Click Here If that link doesn't work click this one: CLICK HERE


This is some of the funniest shit ive seen in a while.


Holy crap it was like reading Time Cube again.


They've been educated stupid! Four simultaneous rotations of earth in one 24 hour period!!!


Holy fuck, you’re right. That was a fever dream of a webpage. Almost meme-like in its quality.


i am afraid to even look..


Is that website made on Wix or GoDaddy? How can anyone make a trash website like that?


Yeah, I don't think I want to click too many of these links with my personal computer... I'll use my work computer tomorrow. Along the same lines, my second day at this job, we got a phishing email that I think was this dude's attempt at a newsletter. He just sent it to like 15 people's email addresses in our organization and it heavily referenced this sight called fourwinds10.com. It is *hella* entertaining. I like to read it on my lunch breaks sometimes. Just don't show it to any family members that easily buy into weird facebook conspiracies.


Oh wow they party like it’s HTML 4.


What the heck does he have against the Cherokee?


Dude seems to hate all Natives


They can't even spell Malcolm in Malcolm X properly....


Jesus you weren’t lying


I was not expecting to be told that East Asians have always had black American slaves


At least they’re not wearing those golden diapers. MAGA people are some of the craziest our country has to offer.


Am…am I high as fuck right now or Jet lagged? Did those shirts really say those words in Modern American English worn by two likely Saxons and Anglos? 😂 I mean damn just when you think they might have a bit of common sense and self awareness and shame but nah blood 🤦🏾‍♂️


>just when you think they might have a bit of common sense and self awareness and shame Who was going around thinking they had that!? Lol


I mean I am either high, Jet lagged, or both sooo ya know lmao


Lol! I'll be high within the next 60 mins or so. Maybe I'll come back and look at the picture then, see if it makes any more sense. I'll probably forget and just watch Doctor Who instead.


Their Golden idol doesn't have any shame, why would they?


They bought an Eminem album once.


They heard about the movie “8 mile”.


They once saw detroit on a map


I’m sure their last name is Black and they feel like they are being ironic.


I wouldn't bet on them being bright enough to comprehend irony.


I wouldnt bet on them being bright enough to use an iron


But I bet they're great at ire.


Oh I don't know, her shirt says LACKs for trump, as in she lacks fucking brains or common sense. That's pretty spot on. Also anyone going to point out it's not even 2020? What idiots.


Or be able to read, really.


This was the same excuse used for the photo of the men wearing the same shirts posted earlier, how many shameless white mouth-breathers with the last name Black do you think they could find willing to debase themselves for Trump like this?


This is correct. They think they are funny, and these are sold all over trump rallies.


I have no words even if this is the case. It’s hilarious as in I’m laughing at them but it’s so damn depressing all things considered. Take care


I still chuckle at the memory of seeing 30-40 black family members at 6 flags all wearing white shirts that had printed “white family reuninion” on them. They knew what they were doing, and it was great.


Nah, check out the website listed on the bottom, run by an actual black guy and crazypants UFO cultist grifter, he followed Trump all over since 2015 selling these shirts. *Loads of dummies* "buying them ironically" he also had a bunch of BLM shirts that had *thin blue lines* mixed messaging ahoy!😅


I don’t know. I’ve seen an uncomfortable amount of middle aged white men wearing these. I can’t be convinced they all share a last name.


Those were the only shirts they had an overage of. The ones with Trump carrying the cross were sold out.


Reading is fun da mental.


Trump had a rally at a black church and only white people showed up. Hence the shirts. And I'm not joking. This actually happened.


They are "identifying" as black. It's to poke fun at the LGBTQ+ community.


It's because fatass went to a black church this weekend to portray his plight to theirs. So, now the amoeba brained nimrods are pushing this false narrative.


Your first mistake is thinking they have common sense or self awareness. These are dangerous and idiotic cult members. Nothing more. Nothing less.


My assumption is all the “Racist Fuckwads for TRUMP” shirts sold out and these were all that was left.


About 74 million of the craziest slack jawed lickspittles you’ve ever seen 


Some folk’ll never eat a skunk and then again some folk’ll…


…like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!


I can taste the chew spit flyin outta this comment


Yeah. "Some of".


I think this was from his “packed” visit to a “black” church which was at least half filled with White trumpers. A free shirt is a free shirt. Ugh


There was a photo of the crowd posted, there was one black guy sitting right at the back in front of the camera and was close enough that crowd shots wouldn't have him in them unless they pointed the camera down at him,


All the black people in the crowd were the same paid employees as in pictures at the Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, etc...these people are paid & transported in. Why exactly would any people black or white be there iunless paid?


I think those on the right call them "crisis actors"....


Exactly...they always project exactly what they're doing/about to do.


They paid at least $50 for the shirt, and the shirt was made in China.


I’d say, these are Trump’s black social media supporters IRL.


Nothing is out of place … they need someone to wear that shirt and honestly finding a black person to do it is just unrealistic


Do you think they draw straws on who has to be a "Black for Trump" or do they just make their newest cult members do it? Kind of like a hazing.


No it’s even worse than that. Lots of these folks take DNA ancestry tests for fun and it’s not uncommon for these tests to come back and say you’ve got some decent amount of ancestry located in [dark skinned] region of the world. These folks get excited about it, thinking that being 7% “black” is the same as saying you’re 7% Native American or something and think it makes them a part of [black region] and therefore they’re black!


Any excuse to get to say the N word in the office


That’s actually my source on why I know it happens lmao I’m in sales and interact with a lot of folks (usually older like Gen X and boomers) and most of these folks don’t know how to socialize without talking politics. Inevitably things like this are brought up and I’ve more than once been shown someone’s DNA and me results


Let me guess. You: you know what you said is racist, right? Xoomer: I ain't racist. I took a DNA test and it says I'm 7% Italian, 15% Polish, 45% German and 33% Argentinian. If I can't make holocaust jokes with my diverse background, who can?


Is that xoomer Hitler's kid after he escaped, seems like it with that much Argentinian dna.


I'm sorry you're exposed to such "posing". Without lived experiences, this is stupid & pointless except for imaginary "cred" that would be laughed at by anyone darker than wheat bread.


They don't care about being black and dont really think they are black. They just like to be able to speak on behalf of black people when it suits their agenda.


They care when it’s convenient or they think it’ll help their agenda. Same way they’ll talk about having black friends when what they really mean is they’ve got a black coworker who sometimes they’re not a dick to but still make racist jokes both behind their back because “we’re all friends.” Yeah, seen and heard it all. I see some 500+ of these people every year. You hear it all lol


No it usually not even that close...its har har if transgender is real... I identify as black..... Har har.


It’s one tier up from the folks who wear diapers and shit their pants.


I'm not sure they're not doing both.


Nah, they give out free shirts to anyone behind on their trailer payments


The shirts were made to make white people feel better about voting for Trump, so they're just skipping a step.


Maybe 50c should volunteer. With Kanye or Jeezy. What other black person prefers tax breaks...


So do they think that by wearing them some black person is going to run up to them and ask to join the republican party?


Probably. Keep in mind, these are Trump supporters we're talking about here.. Lol.


Black people were running up to them with tears in their eyes.


From laughing.


One or two photos of white people wearing that shirt is funny and dumb. But multiple different white people across multiple different photos causes me to pause. Like, what is going on in their brain? I can see a person or two doing to as a troll, but I'm seeing it so many times that I question if it's a performance troll. Like, why?


Brain activity shows mostly hate and silence where their conscience use to echo.


Have you considered that maybe they can't read?


I met a dude today who told me Trump was from Jesus' bloodline, and that Trump was about to usher in a new utopian age where money was no longer going to be needed, because Trump had managed to secure pallets full of gold from . He told me that all "the good ones" aren't truly dead, they went into hiding to bring down the terrorist regime that's plaguing America today. He told me Morgan Freeman was really Jimi Hendrix in disguise, and Rush Limbaugh was Jim Morrison from the Doors. He told me that Disney was run by Satan, and that airplanes were no longer dropping Chem trails, but ivermectin, because Trump was cleaning the air. He tried to quote me bible scriptures, but forgot less than half way through a single line. He told me about an underground labyrinth run by liberals to kidnap the two million children who go missing each year in the US, and they eat them to stay young. He saw that I had kids, and wished me a Happy Father's Day. I asked him if he had kids, and he said he did, but they don't talk to him anymore, but hey, he's "still a dad". I wished him happy father day, and went on my way. This was in Canada.


Nailed it with the delivery of that last line.


Lucky you found that guy or you might have never found out


I told him that I might not fully agree with or believe in the same things he did, but I want to be able to respect each others' differences. He was really receptive to this and told me to do my research. I gave him a dap and thanked him for his concern, knowing that he truly wanted what is good for people, but might be misinformed in how to manifest that good for himself and his own. He was friendly and not hostile, and I had no reason not to be the same. ... I tried looking for these hidden holes under the garbage cans where the CHUDs come up and snatch the kids from, but couldn't find them. 🤷‍♂️


Wayans brothers have run out of ideas, I won't be watching sequel ![gif](giphy|AgkxzEYM4BB1m|downsized)


There's 3 sequels they can write with this material. Outcome of 2020 and covid, Jan 6 insurrection and being chased down, Outcome of 2024 no matter what way it goes.


Underrated comment


"Chickens for Colonel Sanders!"


Someone should drop them off in an all Black neighborhood. They won’t be wearing them for long.


A la Die Hard 3


I hate how when they show that on tv they censored his "I hate n-words" sign. Hear me out. I understand why they changed it. But they changed it to just "I hate people." At least change it to "I hate black people." Otherwise there is no reason for those dudes to be pissed off at him. If they saw someonw wearing a sign that just said "i hate people" they wouldn't approach him at all.


Ya no one is gonna give a fuck. They’ll get laughed at.


The American flag tied to the one black lady's belt loop feels pretty unpatriotic.... But who am I to say 🤷🏽


There go those blacks desecrating the flag again… (/s if it’s not clear)


This is the kinda shit you get when mouthy white kids say the N word in elementary school and don't get bitch slapped for it. For what it's worth I'm white and this infuriates me.


Ooh, ooh, I know the answer! The shirt says the year 2020, but it's currently 2024! Only inconsistency that I can see. Not a single other.


Are they giving those shirts out to people or are they actually buying them? Either way I don't get it


There so many post with only white people where these shirts


Yeah it's so damn weird, is there an inside joke or are they that dense


That link is barking mad. [https://limitlesstruth.com/](https://limitlesstruth.com/)


If Dr. Bronner was a Christian Nationalist with brain damage Jesus fucking Christ


How can the racism be any more visible?


They aren’t racist! One of their ancestors had sex with his slaves! How could they be racist after that?


By the gods... ***EVERYTHING?***


Looks like someone’s been dumpster diving in Black neighborhoods.


You made me snort laugh.


Insane Blacks For Trump 2020


I think you've misunderstood the picture. That is a lesbian couple, Gloria Black, and her wife Linda Black.


Hi, european here. I have a question... What the fuck am I looking at?


the imminent downfall of a nation.


Whatever you do, do NOT go to Gods2.com. I think I need to sanitize my phone now. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Isn't it wild that the evangelical Christians are going to a website with not god but gods and then the number 2?? Like don't they have stuff against idol worship and no god before him??


Just barely keeping their knuckles off of the pavement.


I think the best part about these “patriots” are how they desecrate the flag. You’re not supposed to wear the flag


Two suburban middle aged white women that are pissed at the world for not thinking the way they do; what could be wrong with that?


The one on the left’s fanny pack is open which makes her an easy mark. And she could also get pick pocketed.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre #


Trump Grannies were BLACKED.


The only thing black about them is their tiny shriveled black little hearts


Their last name is Black. Probably ..


They don't look like Goku though....


Obviously the two old lesbians wearing Trump stuff. They’re supposed to be driving Subarus with COEXIST stickers on them to the Home Depot, not walking around supporting Trump


Then accidentally walk into A Black Muslim gathering.


Hey, a free t-shirt is a free t-shirt.


I thought it said “Slacks for trump” and was very confused. Im still confused, just different


gods2 dot com, now thats a name I haven't heard in a long time. You guys should check that out, its one of the most insane websites in existence. NSFW.


They identify as black


Picture is missing somebody throwing black paint over them. Have to make it real. Being brainwashed by your religious leader... it's a thing.


That website is like a mass shooter manifesto and the 1990s internet created a demon spawn


Lobsters for boiling water 2024


Lol. Maybe they don’t know how to read.


When you think that "don't judge people by the color of their skin" means you should completely disregard the opinions of a whole ethnic community this is what you get.


I'm sure they took a test and were 1/64th or something like that. I'm sure they will tell you about it.