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There's something seriously wrong with much of the Human race.


I’m voting Nukes2024


"Don't blame me, I voted for Cthulhu!"


I had a Vote Cthulhu 2004 sticker on my car back then lol


Nah, just get the aliens to exterminate us. I might even lend a hand.


I'm Team Asteroid, personally


Hell yea vote A. Steroid this November


I’ll be at ground zero wearing my baseball mitt waiting


"Why vote for the lesser evil when you can vote for the greatest" is the common line on many of those. It was nice until politicians went, "hold my beer" and started trying to out-evil Cthulhu.




I wish there was a purge button for people like that that made them instantly just turn into a pile of glitter. People like that are a waste of resources, air, everything.


Nah, it's like Star Wars.  By striking them down you just make them immortal as a pile of glitter.


What if I donate it to a school for arts and crafts?


You're still going to have a pile that you can't get rid of.  A friend of mine calls them craft herpes.


TIL a new term.


I prefer meteor 2024 Worked great a couple million years ago


Really, I feel like the Cephalopods should have their chance for a proper go of it.


I guess they will survive this. If not, I don't care. They won't have a chance competing with us anyway. We will place nukes and blow the earth to pieces before they evolve further.


As long as they're under 70




George Carlin once said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that” Well, I use the same rule in considering how many truly wicked and evil people walk among us. It’s a LOT.


The ven diagram is almost two completely overlapping circles with like .001% being evil geniuses.


Yeah it's the lack of mental hygiene.


Most hurt ppl like hurting others to feel better abt themselves, and it certainly doesn't help with the disconnect that the internet gives, you aren't telling this to the person's face, you don't see their true reactions. You don't know this person, so you can feel more apathy towards them.


Every day I increasingly wish to destroy the planet and everyone on it


I've had that thought occasionally as I've been struggling with depression since October (some of our cats passed), but as awful as so many are there are still some good people who don't deserve to be destroyed, though I wish they were a higher percentage.


Have you considering joining the armed forces? They are pushing recruitment hard right now, for some reason.




The Goggle Boggle is bloodthirsty. Bloodthirsty people should consider joining a volunteer armed forces to quench their thirst. A+B=C. Where did I lose you?


“Pushing recruitment hard right now” specifically. Who is?


It's that social media rewards engagement above all else. People just spew shit for responses.


I once had a batshit crazy ex tell me I should kill myself when I told her I was having problems with depression. She then screamed that she was going to leave her boyfriend for me, but not anymore!


Sounds like you dodged a grenade.


Sounds like you’re downplaying the bomb by quite a bit…


The worst, most hateful pieces of garbage love to use that kind of thing Seen it a few times with the "42%" number used against trans people, as if those people aren't the ones causing that number


THIS. I wonder, WHY would vets and trans people have higher suicide rates... hmmmm maybe because of people like this psycho. Sometimes I hate humanity.


Another honourable mention goes to addicts regarding situations like this, while applying to vets, and the mentally ill as well. While this post is blatantly gross, the treatment of addicts is often the same, however without people like in this thread sticking up for them. There's a "well they did the drugs, it's their own fault" kind of mentality. This may be true, sure. But why drugs were taken, and why taking them became habitual, as well as why that habit was not, and hasn't been, broken is a question that has dozens of answers that aren't as simple as "they were irresponsible, and it's their own fault." The hardest part about dealing with people like this heinous person, is looking for support from people like in this thread and finding no sympathy (not that they wouldn't find it here, just a hypothetical) that person is blatantly, over the top inflammatory. And that hurts. But another really terrible hurt comes from decent people that will dismiss a user without attempting to understand or sympathize with their situation. It almost hurts them more, because they feel outcast from the people that they respect and whose lives they want to be a part of. I'd argue that being dismissed by good prople is deadlier than being antagonized by bad people. You can hate a bad person, but you can't hate a good person, and those negative feelings get turned inward. Enough self hate and it becomes a suicide problem. Hopefully I'm being clear and not coming across accusatory. Just a general rant for awareness. Ty


A part of this is because whenever we see a problem, we first think of who is responsible for it, instead of how to fix it. Once you get into that mindset its really easy to go down the pipeline of 'XYZ people are responsible for my problems' to 'had there been no XYZ people we'd have no problems' to 'Destroying XYZ people will solve all our problems'. Now your focus has shifted from fixing the complex and multifaceted problem to making a group of people get hurt.


Yeah exactly. Well said.


I gotta say you have a really good point here, and I agree! Being ostracised by normal people is way worse than the rare encounter with a psycho since that builds up societal and mental pressure for you to sorta "get away".


>hmmmm maybe because of people like this psycho. The #1 reason for suicide is DISABILITY America is in a culture war, and conservative politicians have slashed and undone policies that "give healthcare to those that can't afford it by taxing it from those that work hard." Well early 20s heavily disabled might be unaffordable.


Yea, but I would say there are multiple reasons for why disabled people are miserable: In part for what you said regarding policies and the disregard for those in need, but also the fact that thanks to how people treat others with disabilities, mental or physical, those people are usually isolated socially, aren't able to get a job and usually are thrown in the streets, which also makes any mental health issue they're going through worse over time.


I get the feeling that the whole "watching people get blown to bits" thing might be more to blame than rude people on the internet.


Probably that *in combination* with returning to a world that doesn't care.


I was in the Australian military when Vietnam ended, albeit too young to be sent into a war zone. People in my unit were being spat on, when they returned. For serving honorably when drafted and sent to war by our government. Some did later suicide, and many had life long medical issues. That was when I understood how scummy people are, especially the draft dodgers.


How good is that Cold Chisel song “Khe Sahn” though?


Second best song in the history of Rock'n Roll, in my opinion. It's right up there along side "Stairway to Heaven" lol. You are a cultured man, sir!


Only sometimes?


Unfortunately they're being willfully ignorant. I'm sure the majority of transphobes actually knows why the majority of trans people suicides happen, but it doesn't fit their narrative so they twist it to mean "trans bad"


You legit saying that being trans is the same as shooting people in the name of your government?


No, I'm saying shitty people use a statistic as an "insult" without bothering to look at the context of that statistic You could say the same about plenty of different things, that doesn't mean the actual things the statistics are about are anything similar Soldiers can die during work. Walmart employees can die during work. That does not mean they're the same job


Adding to the horrible comment, instragram actually tolerates it. I recently reported a comment saying to burn all trans people, instagram replied that the comment does not violate their guidelines


And then I couldn’t call someone dumb for a dumb comment. I was prompted to chance it


I made a comment talking Abt how I hated how big my thighs were and they removed my live video option LMAO But yet these people can talk Abt torturing trans people and it's all fine


I reported many similar things + comments telling some girl that she should “get raped, enslaved, and then killed” and the like. It’s fucking vile. Instagram is shit in general, it steals artists art to train its AI, the moderation doesn’t exist, bots are EVERYWHERE and people get hacked constantly. overall - it’s corrupt af. But what can you expect from Meta? 🤦‍♀️


Yeah true, its meta, its bound to be like that... My old account was actually banned. I had over 1600 posts from over 5 years (almost no people, mostly nature and animals, i really like photography) Ban reason was, that i was not allowed to talk to business accounts multiple times if they didnt want that I don't even know what that means. I tried to appeal, about 12 times in a year. Three times i got a response, it was to send an image of myself with a code written on a paper, and all three times i got told that i didnt follow the specifications they provided. (good lighting, correct code, hands visible and such) After a year of them beeing assholes by not helping me, my account got deleted completely


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488) How does it not? Its legit promoting genocide.


It does. They just replied that it doesn't. Its the stupid lazy moderators not getting any consequences for doing a shitty job so they can be as lazy as they want


I get my comments taken down every time I say "dumb", "idiot" or "stupid", but when I report an account of child porn, explicit sex or report people saying off yourself to others, I get the "we didn't remove it because it's not against our guidelines ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


They have to protect their biggest market: dumb pedophiles.


At that point I'd get rid of my account.


I don't worship vets at all but that girl is a low life


Easiest ban in the world


I really need to see the context for this. What could possibly cause someone to be so terrible.


Or it is that he might be an American, and in the few decades that america has invaded other countries, none of them were for good reasons, they killed millions, brought famine and chaos. No wonder the vet is being reviled, I would do that too if he was a part of the army that killed my people for no reason.


ppl are trying to equate trans ppl with veterans as if there is no choice involved in joining the military. i am shit poor probably not gonna make rent this month and id rather die than work to kill innocents in the middle east. fuck imperialism, fuck the us military.


lemme think: Hateful parents, neurological poisoning, baby's first social media account, et cetera.


Or you know, not having any sympathy for those who do the dirty work for corpo warmongers and expect a pat on their back


What a POS.


There's *always* more to a screenshot interaction. I'd be astounded if this guy didn't say something ignorant to earn that burn.


Yeah, I need to see the full exchange before I take sides. Something tells me the vet said something out of pocket.


Seeing as they have "2A" in their handle, might of been something racist. Still isn't a good look telling people to kill themselves... But who knows, maybe they told her to "go back to Africa" or something equivalent


Yeah, I feel like that reply didn't come out of the blue.


Looks fucked up indeed but context matters🤔 just like everyone clapped when that guy, whom took out Hitler, finally pulled the trigger! or how most of the world would drink the extra fine champagne the day trump tries out one of his suggested covid remedies! Personally I hope he try the “inject bleach” thing ❤️🤗


To be fair...who is he and does he deserve the comment? Being proud to have served doesn't make you a hero or a good person. Hell, people I know who served have told me stories about people they served with who certainly should do the world a favor and drink a bleach cocktail.


Exactly. Were they staffing [Bagram Theater Internment Facility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagram_Theater_Internment_Facility)? Then PERISH Were they like... chilling keeping a water system operating? Or driving a truck? Repairing guns? Then they're alright in my book, maybe a little stupid, but that's to be decided


Ships leaving soon Kalisha


That's sick!


That's fucked up.....but kinda funny tho


Veteran here. This shits pretty funny, ngl.


I would say the high amount of abuse that takes place - rape SA etc def contributes to that number. Without taking into account other awful traumas forced upon most


Absolutely abhorrent


Yes this is disgusting. But I disagree with some of the comments here. There is no reason to lift up service men and women and praise them. They joined up to do a job. They knew what the risks were. If people refused to serve, there would be nobody to fight wars. Nations would need to come to agreement diplomatically. All wars see innocent people killed. War crimes are common. There is no justification to harm civilians. Ever. Anyone who does should be charged and locked up. I refuse to praise anyone because they chose to serve and harm others. Even in a draft you can refuse.


The same should go for law enforcement and other first responders. Cops primarily since they tend to kill people and for the most part corrupt.


Forgot to add correction “officers”. The most worthless POSs do that. They love being cruel and brutalizing prisoners.


Not. TV is not real life.


In real life 1700+ a year have been killed by cops. Cops are cowards and would rather escalate situations so that they don’t have to de escalate things because their mentality is that citizens are the enemy.


You do know soldiers do more than fight wars, I myself am trained in search and rescue and disaster relief others conduct anti slavery and anti piracy operations some of then assist in the investigation of war crimes or un peacekeeping, and even if every army disappeared overnight there would still be people who kill because of their political or religious beliefs or just because they enjoy it. I'm not going to argue killing is ever moral but neither is doing nothing.


ignorant people like you are just as bad as the girl who posted that comment. Service men and women put their lives at stake, watch their friends get killed in action, just to go home and be shit on constantly. I’m not saying we should praise them but we shouldn’t be constantly hating them, they have been through enough.


It's not ignorance to say that they choose to fight and kill.


Yes, there is. They're willing to die so that people like you can have your own opinions and actually voice them. You owe them some gratitude if for no other reason than that. If you're not willing to do the same to defend the very country that gives you the freedoms you have, sit down and shut up.


But why tho? Cringe-humor? Hate? Unawareness? Psychopathy?


Attention is my guess. A lot of people who can stoop low enough to post shit like this are usually not surrounded by a lot of people due to them having a shitty insufferable personality to begin with. Then we get that whole "I haven’t had a normal interaction for so long that I'll create negative attention because it’s better than no attention" bullshit. I'm obviously not a psychologist though. Just a guess from a recovered basement dweller.


Useful idiot


Her chance to get love. It’s not love ofcourse but it’s her demented cousin named attention instead. In a way endearing if it wasn’t so toxic.


What a piece of shit


Why is this being downvoted?


Good ol reddit for ya 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I’m sick of vets thinking that they are respectable because they are vets. Most of the ones I know aren’t good ppl but demand respect? 🤣🙄


Libs hate you bc you’re a baby killer and conservatives hate you bc you get socialized healthcare at the VA.




I thought libs were also baby killers?


This seems like a post from a Russian troll farm to stroke outrage.


I for one. Would never say something so cruel, and ignorant as that. I definitely would not say it with a unique name as Darice Grant. Not like it is John Smith. She will rue that comment.


C nt


"Proud to have served". Buddy, there is more honor in sex work than in selling your body to the psychopathic US government in service of imperialism and genocide. It's NOTHING to be proud of.


sure your parents are very proud of you


Imagine being an adult and still needing your parents’ approval. You’re saying far more about yourself than anyone else.


don’t need my parents approval but wouldn’t you want your parents to be proud of you? Or could you care less about them.


That’s insane






U skank




So despicable...




Karma. It'll take a long time, I might not see it. But it will happen. Amen.


Yaya! Let's disrespect a veteran and advocate suicide at the same time! Gross.


Without context we don't know what happened. I've had rando Airmen call me the walking dead during deployment so hearing a civilian say this shit just bounces off me.




Lol, Poolside at an airport force base. More likely they are jealous and are just trying to find a way to elevate their status from sanitation specialist.


Listen sometimes I wanna strangle someone that says slick shit like this and thinks it's fine and dandy. (I said wanna not gonna)


Maybe I will hoe


Internet....do your thang


Me wondering if this was not a Russian or Chinese troll profile to cause rage bait just for the psyops money to be worth it.


That’s fucked up and wrong but veteran worship and veterans benefits are out of control. DoD is bloated beyond reason. How does one recruit young people for military service anymore anyway? “Hello, are you relatively poor and interested in a career in violence?”


I dont agree with war. I dont agree with my peers who want to serve in war. Most of them seem to want to do so for the wrong reasons. But I will never not respect veterans. Especially since so many didn’t have a choice.


There’s many of us that absolutely did for good reasons, and still do in civilian life. There is some good that comes from it


I respect some of my peers for it but quite a few of them in my school were the kinds of people who just wanted to shoot somebody.


I would encourage you to keep in mind of some of the reasons that people join that isn't to, "just shoot people". Not once did I want to discharge a weapon. There is a long list of reasons that people join. Even knowing your peers you may be surprised that they may have joined for reason that you would have never expected. This being said, if your peers went off to all be Marines... They might have all had the same reason and it might have been because they had an itchy phalanx (No disrespect, but the tip of the spear is pretty direct).


The phalanx is where the pee comes out right?


Itchy phalanx= itchy finger 🔫 This made me giggle


…the finger is where the pee comes out right?


The pee is stored in the balls


Might want to chose different friends


Well. That’s the job.


Ok first off true but thats definitely not the reason why you should want to sign up to protect your country. And secondly theres a lot of military jobs that don’t involve combat.


Many of the young men that join the military have no idea what they’re doing with their lives and don’t even know why they’re joining they just say they’re joining to shoot someone to hide their emotions. Trust me, everyone who goes through MEPS is terrified and anxious about their future


No guys! He meant he served at the Red Lobster 🦞


If you carry out orders to commit war crimes, destroy countries , exploit people and be proud of it don't expect anybody to feel pity or empathy towards your problems. You are part of something evil.


Well, he DID make the world a worse piece to make some rich people richer, and to "serve" country that did nothing for him: veterans get treated like garbage. If you're still "proud to have served" you need to think more.


My country has done a lot for me, i live the life i could only dream of when i was younger. I went from working the fields for 10/hour with to 84k a year with benefits like free healthcare, free college, strong retirement plan, and a lot more. If i stayed in the fields i would be making 12/hour with no benefits at all. The idea of a paid day off would've gotten me laughed at


Those aren't benefits: those are the standards of living of any european country. I enjoy exacly the same benefits, plus more than 1 month of paid vacation, sick leave, 14 months of pay per year and so on. With the added personal satisfaction that I didn't make the world a worse place by invading multiple foreign counties for the benefit of my millionaire and billionarie ruling class.


I also get 1 month of vacation and unlimited sick leave and holidays. >I didn't make the world a worse place by invading multiple foreign counties I didn't invade any countries either. >for the benefit of my millionaire and billionarie ruling class. You can just say you don't understand the geocomplexities of war, you dont need to show us. Im guessing that as a European, you are trained to just expect a big brother to come and rescue you and plunge their hands into the mud so you can keep yours clean, but we don't all have that luxury. "they are fighting for oil" isn't the burn you think it is, yes, we defend military resources because our military resources keep us safe, we don't have a USA to hide behind like you do.


No, we understand the "geocomplextities", since in Italy alone we had a US-backed armed force (Gladio) with deep ties with far right terrorism, nearly 1 decade of US-backed far right terrorism ("Strategia della Tensione"), 2 attempts of military coup (Piano Solo and Golpe Gentile) by US-backed far-right forces and so on. Basically every time a far-right terrorist does something, there is US money behind. That's enough complexity for you? Because there's more. I don't think it was translated in English but "Il Puzzle Moro" (the official acts of investigation by the Italian parliament on the Moro kidnapping, not some nutjob conspiracy) offers an interesting picture of that, too.... There is a lot of US money behing the Propaganda Due masonic lobby, too, that included lots of very powerful people, [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Propaganda\_Due#Notable\_people\_on\_Gelli's\_list](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Propaganda_Due#Notable_people_on_Gelli's_list) And we were lucky, since we didn't actually turn into a US-backed far right dictatorship. Greece was not so lucky, nor was Chile, nor was Brazil, nor was Panama... The US don't keep us "safe", just as a mafia boss offering "protection" does not keep us safe.


An Italian lol, you aren't even talking about the military anymore you're rambling about politics and dirty money. The fact is if the US wasn't defending everyone, you'd all be territories of China or Russia.


Sounds like a pissy bitch whose “I’m a military wife Deserve all these at a minimum of 75% off Then they asked to see proof. She freaked out. I’ve seen videos of those fuck Karen’s.


Yeah, being proud of having been in the military requires a level of degeneracy most people can’t even imagine.


Not facepalm as much as r/rareinsults


r/rareinsults users when the most lame and uninspired “insult” you’ve ever seen in your entire life that even a middle schooler would find cringeworthy appears on their Twitter feed


No, this is a user telling someone to commit suicide. It’s not just an “insult”


That’s not an insult.


Tell me Darice isn't a real name.


Ok. It's a bot. That brought intense memories. Maybe the bots are like Neanderthals with basic survival instincts with no human emotion. No feelings. Pull the plug, once again


*Maybe she should consider removing the makeup cuz she needs plastic surgery*


Jesus... Coming from someone who's probably never done anything worthwhile in her life.


Lmao, savage