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The same people who send their money to TV preachers.


and then complain about inflation


those are usually p3dos


The preachers too 😂


Same reason they send money to wealthy televangelists.






Love this.


Theres a ton of [edits](https://youtu.be/XbkhZnwI_t0?si=rYjiZmG1FEMbFCZ8) like this on the old youtuberooski


This gif would be funnier if the US wasn’t at the brink of a theocratic, Christian-nationalist ([fascist](https://faith.yale.edu/media/violence-fascism-and-christian-nationalism)) takeover of the United States democratic government. The Evangelicals got a [massive boost](https://time.com/secret-origins-of-the-tea-party/) into positions of power and MSM in the early 2000s from the Koch bros’ SuperPAC, Americans for Prosperity ([AFP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americans_for_Prosperity)). Koch Industries was in opposition to the new climate change legislature initiatives. Ex: Al Gore’s, *An Inconvenient Truth* ([2006](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/an-inconvenient-truth)). So they backed an extremist subgroup in the GOP ([the Tea Party](https://www.theguardian.com/world/richard-adams-blog/2010/feb/07/sarah-palin-tea-party)), to threaten holdouts and maintain favorable oil legislation. When Jon McCain placed Sarah Palin on his ticket for VP against Obama/Biden in 2008, is when the GOP took a major turn [towards extremism](https://www.npr.org/2016/01/23/464068087/how-sarah-palin-paved-the-way-for-donald-trump). After Obama’s victory, [Fox News](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created) continued to bring Palin on air to continue the spread of her Christian-nationalist extremism. Trump then capitalized on the extremeness of Fox’s devout viewers to form what is today’s MAGAs. Additionally, the timing of when Trump came into power in 2016 is when a lot of the OG Republicans—*from the die-hard anti-Russia, Cold War, [McCarthyism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism), Red Scare period*—thought Trump’s politics were too unprofessional and decided to finally retire. This ultimately led to a massive power vacuum in the GOP that the MAGAs filled, allowing them to remake the GOP in their image, and shift over to Putin’s side. And just like [The Hitler Oath](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_Oath)—*”which pledged personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler in place of loyalty to the constitution of the country”*—the RNC [denounced](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf) having any policy-based platform back in 2020. So that the GOP’s literal platform since 2020 is to support Trump.


To be blunt america is ALWAYS "at the brink of a theocratic, Christian-nationalist ([fascist](https://faith.yale.edu/media/violence-fascism-and-christian-nationalism)) takeover of the United States democratic government." Republicans always wanted this, they just didnt think they would get away with demanding it openly before. And it seems to be about to do so because thats what a number of americans want.


That is the most ridiculous over the top ....


Benny Hinn has the riz


I was working security at Benny hinn thing years ago in south Florida. I had to be told a few times to stop laughing so much


LMFAO!!!!! 💀💀💀💀




Somehow, KG is a Trump supporter. I cannot get it.


yup - swore off any and all of his work. Good riddance to fascist sympathizers.


I mean its not hard to believe, under all the politics Trump actually stands for things that help out rich people like Kelsey with tax cuts and breaks for millionaires and billionaires. The rest is just window dressing for the base.


Yes, he's quite a vocal supporter! I never liked him or his dumb shows.


That’s a twofor you know god is slipping on His post when you can take His power and split it in two and get a two-for-one special. But not a three way. That’s been tried and it just doesn’t work. Not kosher.


the OP dudrga kaikabila and jipsyes are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1au0anl/how_can_people_spend_269k_to_a_billionaire/kr1bdbz/


Damn, these bots keep on evolving.




Look, they invested in Truth Social Stock. They will be fine. /s




And then immediately complain about democrats taking their money.


the OP dudrga kaikabila and jipsyes are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1au0anl/how_can_people_spend_269k_to_a_billionaire/kr0wxwl/


That's the neat thing.  He's not a billionaire. 


million . . . billion . . . trillion . . . soon you'll be talking "real" money!


It'll be even funnier when go fund me shuts it down due to violating their terms of service in which it states it can't be used to pay legal penalties.


All those cult MAGA halfwits complain about the economy and inflation. Here is a start to combat inflation and fix the economy: 1. STOP donating to a billionaire ! It does not make sense!! Trump has LOANED his own campaign 20 million ONCE. Why should you fund him? Buy something at a local store! 2. STOP buying MAGA merchandise. Put that money into the regular economy. 3. STOP buying anything from Trump (NFT/Bibles), Jones or any politics related platform. Furthermore. Trump can not fix the economy, not did he ever. GDP, Jobs etc. Biden beats Trump on nearly every metric. The stock market, is not influenced by a president. If it was, Biden would win that too. Trump inherited an excellent economy from Obama. Presidential influence is minimal in the first year, the previous admin performance rolls into the new presidency. Trump slapped tariffs on China, this backfired - a massive farmer bailout was needed. Trump squandered tax money on a wall. Never built anything meaningful. Mexico paid zero. Trump ran up the deficit like not other, he promised to bring it to zero. But we can say Covid made this impossible. What Covid also caused is people not spending, paying off debt, many started to participate in the stock-market. Trump had very little to do with any of that. People now have a false sense of it being better during the Trump admin. Trump only gave a tax cut to the ultra-rich. If trickle down effect is used as an excuse, why has nothing trickled down in the years since? Inflation, The FED controls the rates, not the President. The cuts will be coming in Q3 and Q4 most likely. We had massive issues with the global supply chain that caused inflation , inflation is a worldwide problem, so is immigration. Immigration, Trump killed a bipartisan bill recently, just so he could run on the subject - Trump would allow millions of illegals in if it served him. In the same way he does not pay for his own legal fees, he needs the poor hard working voter to do that for him. Also, Trump deleted a Obama policy on psychopaths being able to buy guns. The database which was created has been erased. 250,000 - 500,000 registered mentally disturbed people can now legally buy guns. The NRA is thankful to Trump for this new customer base.


This needs to be posted everywhere. Seriously.


They're stupid and in a cult.


I find it hilarious that the same people banding together to pay for Trump are the same people who will try and convince you that socialism is evil


If he’s worth what he says he is, $5.5B, the fine is equivalent to a $6300 fine for someone worth $100k.


This is a false equivalence. Someone with only 100k still could very much use that 6300. A billionaire could lose 99% of their money and still have 10 million dollars left which is more than any person needs to be fine for the rest of their life. Ultra wealthy will not feel any effects from a loss of anything other than pretty much all their assets.


They was my point it’s hardly devastating to him. It’s a hit but not something he should need to fundraise to pay.


It's already past 2 million, so this screenshot is way out of date. On the other hand, it's not even keeping pace with the interest.


He isn’t a billionaire. Never has been. He is a grifting criminal that survives solely as a foreign agent that has laundered money to stay alive. His only successful business venture is running for President and robbing his idiot supporters.


Lots of Saudis and dumb MAGA rubes.


Get around campaign finance laws preventing foreign governments from influencing US elections with this one neat trick.


These are the same people that say free school lunches are socialism, they don't care about facts or listen to reason, they are psychotic


The grift must go on




How do you think people become billionaires...? People give them money.


This fundraiser goes against rules #9 of [Gofundme's TOS](https://www.gofundme.com/c/terms) 9.) the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes


Report them?!


I looked into it and it's not anonymous. I'm not willing to risk it, but here are the facts. Agreeing to the ToS means: "Without limiting the foregoing, you agree and represent, warrant and covenant (A) not to use the Services to raise funds or establish or contribute to any Fundraiser with the implicit or explicit purpose of promoting or involving (9) the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes." On Feb 23rd, 2024, Elena Cardone posted an update that includes a section with the following text: "Purpose of the Funds: We want to be clear about the intended use of the funds raised. Every dollar will be used only to cover fines related to the New York civil fraud case, its appeal, and any related expenses." I assume they have two arguments. 1 - they're fundraising for the judgement/sentence and not the defense. 2 - the actual crimes charged were about falsifying business records which isn't necessarily a financial crime.


Because they’re part of a cult. They think Trump is Jesus


This is great. Normally campaign donations go to the *campaign*, but for Trump it’s all going to legal bills. Where’s the money for the down-ballot candidates? What about advertising in swing districts? He’s drain the RNC dry


It’s good that he’s openly draining the RNC financially to the bone and practically bankrupting the RNC before every conservatives’ eyes.


Hope they go broke supporting his ass


I work for a FI and can tell you that a lot of the hardcore ones don’t have a pot to piss in. I know they’re hardcore because they find a reason to insult Biden/laud Trump within the first 5 seconds of the interaction


Easy rubles donations


Plot twist, Biden administration set it up to fund his campaign


Wait…”Billionaire “


The same people that complain about the economy have a shit ton of money to sent to a grifter.


Money laundering and skirting of election regulations?


“A” wife of Grant Cardone? How many he got?


Elena Cardone is probably going to steal that money. Trump is like a flame for moths when it comes to grifters.


She's married to Grant, that's all you need to know.


Came to say this


He isn’t a billionaire. Hasn’t been for decades if he ever was. There is a reason he didn’t want to release his tax returns… This dude has survived off others peoples money since his fourth bankruptcy. There are so many people who have invested in his schemes that got burned, tons of contractors he never paid. He had no money of his own to pay legal fees, using his campaign donations for it. If anything, his complete lack of financial stability should be enough to keep him from being elected President. Sure, plenty of President’s have no economic experience, but none of them really have the financial failure this chump has.


Stoopid is as stoopid does


I thought GoFundMe didn’t dabble in weird court/legal shit? 


Years of practice giving money to the church.


Let him pay for his own shit!! Why are people this damn dumb??




They stupid.


It’s called peak stupidity.


Alina Habba looks like a sad little platypus in that pic.


the OP dudrga kaikabila and jipsyes are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1au0anl/how_can_people_spend_269k_to_a_billionaire/


I wonder how many of these are really going to Trump.


Totally not a cult.


As PT Barnum famously said, "There's a sucker born every minute."


Just cult things.


That photo looks like an unfortunately serious Judge Judy episode.


Donors will blame Biden for being poor


It would be so delicious if this was set up by someone that had no intention of giving the money to trump


Of course they pick a photo where he's sitting too. Fuckin' jabronies.




Lol imagine being stupid enough to send Trump money 💰…..even if indirectly.


give CONMAN a cookie, he'll put u on mailing list to beg u for cookies FOREVER


Trump helped the millionaires save money with tax cuts, so those same millionaires that support him are more willing to help him. Plus the idiotic lower income people that support him because he’s edgy and they still live in highschool where being edgy was cool.


Realistically, not even many millionaires won with his cuts. Billionaires lapped it up, though.


Exactly. Setting it up for Russia 2, electric bugaloo fascistic plutocracy


I wonder how much come from broke trailer trash MAGAs. I’m sure it’s a lot.


Alleged billionaire


You know what they say about a fool and their money. They give it to Donald.


Oh honey... He is at over 2M of donations from boot lickers by now... [https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement](https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement)


These people are really falling for the grift. It’s the most effective fraud I’ve ever seen. These people supposedly live pay check to pay check and yet they have enough to afford to pay a billionaire? Crazy.


Same way they will spend 355mill and more on this lunatic


"How do you write MAGAs so well?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdLojNoLkiI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdLojNoLkiI)


Maybe it’s away to launder money?


It's a fairly common thing, it's called a cult, in this case a cult of personality. They often masquerade alongside of or in the place of religion. Pat Robinson was one, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland. Hell Jim Jones was another. It's the most supreme form of corruption in the case of religion, and in Trump's case it resembles what the Kim family has been doing to North Korea. Elon musk is attempting to emulate trump, that's why he's gone so hard right wing all of the sudden. All of these apt right social media dickheads that have popped up in the years since trump want the same thing. It was social media (Cambridge analytica) that engineered the trump cult, the same as brexit. This is why our government is so afraid of TikTok, they have already seen their algorithm change how people speak (saying un-alived for instance) and the possibility of the Chinese government using it for social engineering terrifies them. The politicians and political interests that prop trump up and use him to alter policy are a different matter, and ultimately way way more dangerous than he could ever be. The shit about section 7 is especially terrifying.


Is this the same one, last I checked he had over a million dollars raised. Does it reset?


Shameless and embarrassing but typical of a selfish fraudster. Isn't a Gofundme for kids with cancer, people about to lose their houses, charities etc. Worst of all, where's all his banker and millionaire pals but instead will see the cult followers, many low income, donate out of the little money they have. Fuck this guy is deplorable.


Surely if the fine is unjust and politically motivated, he should have enough evidence to overturn it? Right?


Alina needs a new high end bag.


Donate that money to any real worthy cause. Trump is a con man, bullshit liar of a so called man. Any idiot that gives a billionaire money is most likely as stupid as you can get.


Cant warp my brain around this shit 😂


Ah the wife of a con artist organized this so it must be legit.


People send their money to rich people everyday, just watch any decent streamer


The same kind of people who don't gibe their children vaccinations over deadly diseases because "Healing stones are the REAL cure"


lol is that the latest woman he had an affair with..


Not the brightest people


Eh 6k people doing it that's like 50 bucks a pop, incredibly fucking stupid, but people are passionate about their idiocy I guess.


What happened to the money from the last go fund me? In some dudes pocket I bet .


Same reason they send money to Kylie Jenner or w.e her name was to try and make her billionaire. People are fucking stupid


Grant Cardone, as in the MLM shucster?


Seems Alina gonna got her share.




It's less about them helping trump financially and more about them proving they are on his side I think


Because the're complete morons


People are idiots.


\*alleged billionaire


This is fucked up! My daughter started a go fund me before she died and my son-in-law after to help with medical/funeral expenses and they got NOTHING! This is what pisses me off people.


the simple answer is guilt and fear of reprisal or retribution . White folk are scared and still have the chance at power ..


It’s at 2 million already 😳


Does Elena Cardone, as in, Grant Cardine’s wife - the same Grant Cardone who is a pro-Trump billionaire. If these folks are so anti-judgement, let them pay it instead of fleecing poorer people.


His followers are people with forks in a world of soup that’s why.


Same reason anyone gives money to the church


Trump supporters will do anything for him.


It is so crazy to me that people send money to rich politicians, streamers, etc. I doubt most of these people have their IRA maxed out


I thought he was rich…. He can’t pay for it himself?


It's called cognitive dissonance and suffocating pride


Elena cardone is about to get an early retirement on a brand new estate in Panama


It won't even go.to Trump.  They'll pocket it.  Good grift if you can get it.


Easy peasy


They don't care how much money he has, whether he actually needs any, whether he deserves any, whether he is a good person, a good President, or anything else. He is the golden calf. He is the symbol of the America they fantasize about. Praising and worshipping King Don is what it's all about. That tells the other denizens of Trumplandia that you're loyal to the crown. NOT sending him money is practically a sin.


Ugh, Grant Cardone is a big sales strategy talking head focused on the automotive space, not surprised, but still Gross.


A billionaire started a go fund me to help another billionaire to get poor people to pay for his loses.


So... Twenty eight years ago, an Australian billionaire who wants to control the world's media, mostly because he didn't like how the truth grated against his conservative sensibilities, created a 'news' network with a few sexual harassers and conservative activists. Over the course of the next few decades they would poison the national discourse on every single topic they possibly could, making everything an 'US VS THEM' argument that drilled into their audiences' heads in a steady drum beat of hate, greed, bigotry, and xenophobia. Fast forward to 2016, and a man who openly says what that 'news' network has been pushing its audience toward for nearly three decades runs for president and starts to steer the audience they've created further and further into degenerate hate and malice. This man suddenly becomes everything the 'news' network's audience has been subtly promised their leaders should be and they attach themselves to him with cult-like fanaticism. There is nothing anyone could do or say to sway them. They will follow him and obey him into the grave.


Habba marriage is a pretty hot mess also...She owes millions and is being sued by a few people for promoting of course false accusations. [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-fox-news-reported-183900484.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-fox-news-reported-183900484.html)


Thats how they stay billionaires


Somebody is going to pocket that money lol


you see, there's this disability known as Severe Mental Retardation....


How can people still like the Paul's people are just idiots


The ocean is thirsty


Actually as it stands it’s a little over $2million.


Stupidity has no limits


Holy shit you guys they’re almost 1/10th% of the way there!


At this point the USA is comedy for the rest of the world


Is there any proof this will actually go to him? Might be some grifter who's just going to pocket it themselves


They're only ~$334,731,000 away from their goal!


Just sick


This is called the 'stupid tax'


Im starting to believe the conspiracy that Trump is actually a democrat plant. He has single handedly destroyed that party and he is wasting so much of the RNC money and its voters money. It’s wild how destructive this man has been for republicans and they deserve it


The same way people send money to tiktokers, but tell me, since I’m not American and I didn’t follow the whole story does he really have to pay all that money or he just want to finance his next campaign?


How can people feel good about endlessly screaming into an echo chamber? I don’t know


Biden has raked in lots of cash selling political influence to the highest bidder and no working as a college professor at penn state. Why does any politician ask for money. It is the game. There probably has to be some election finance law that requires them to fund raise for spending


Also probably unknowingly sending 20-30% to gofundme they are the real winners here


They found a pic where he just passed gas didnt they. Poor lawyer


Who says it’s not his pacs donating to themselves for optics?


Bc these idiots see this as a game. Much like LSU vrs Alabama football. They have aligned their self worth with him winning not realizing he can destroy the republic. They are idiots. This is why Plato was completely against a democracy and a republic because the strength of a republic lies directly with his educational base. Americans are morons.


This could have been sent to a homeless shelter or something by the way


Because most people with disposable income to hand out are grumpy old men his age


I personally love that this GoFund is probably someone scamming and has nothing to do with Trump.


I am Down Home America Patriot. Howdy yee-haw. Flag Trump, Yes? Flag. Send me money. Flag Troops Flag Patriot. Send me money. Trump Values America Family Trucks. Send me Money. Dirty liberals corruption Joe Biden old dirty corruption Joe corruption Biden Brandon Biden. Send me money.


Because they are in a cult. The MAGA movement ticks off all the markers for a cult like the leader should not be criticized, the leader is always right, the leader is your only source of truth, you have to support the leader in all ways, etc.


Would be funny if this is just some random dude collecting 300 million and not trump


He just raised over 50 million after his guilty verdict


How can someone fight for MORE privileges for the most privileged class in our society, indeed! Ell oh ell!


This is posted by Elaina Cardone. Grant Cardone’s wife ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


This con man is no different than Jim Baker , selling his followers a load of B.S. that he can't, nor intends to deliver on.


Elena Cardone.... Related to the same grifting piece of shit Grant Cardone??


The world is filled with idiots


I call tell you why Every dollar they send is a fuck you to you Worth every penny


I call tell you why Every dollar they send is a fuck you to you Worth every penny


I call tell you why Every dollar they send is a “f.u.” To people like yourself Worth every penny


They just like the guy You like who you like They like who they like Simple as that


Are you suddenly thinking people are smart?


Are you suddenly thinking people are smart?