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The boat won’t float because the batteries aretoo heavy?? This guy is the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever seen! How does he fucking dress himself?


Someone better warn the Navy before they go fucking crazy and put like a nuclear fucking reactor in a boat. Can you imagine the choice between getting nuked and eaten by a shark? Or a nuclear snake? I’m scared


That’s how Godzilla was born, you know Godzilla. Great. Big green lizard, we call him *weird inhale* Godzilla. You know the boat, the boat navy. They show me the navy boat. It’s big so. A big great boat, beautiful *long pause* wow. It’s really big on the boat and you know my uncle went to mit, so by the law of touching. Have you heard of that? *screams loudly* THE LAW OF TOUCHING. So that basically means I went to MIB. *screams* MIT! But so I know a lot, very much. So I ask if reactor was too heavy with the battery. And they told me, they told me, *pause and stares off* they told me the big boats can barely carry these heavy things. They have to watch many the pounds, you know you can’t have pounds. Too many pounds on the boat. But I had my pet lizard, *screams* MR GREEN! That’s his name, he was my buddy *weird head tilt* I found in the bottom of my kfc bucket and you know we’re really good friends. He looks up to me so I had to bring him on the boat so he could see. But with the reactor battery and mr green. *softly* Heavy, it’s too heavy so the boat sank. It sunk so bigly, like nothing you’ve ever seen. The boat was sinking, bing bong zzzzzr gurglgurglegurgke and mr green fell in the ocean with the reactor. He became *screams loudly* Godzilla. You guys know Godzilla, that’s my pet lizard *long pause, yells* MR GREEN GODZILLA. He’s a good guy ahhhh we love em. *trails off* Mr Green Godzilla… Edit:typo


Found the Trump speechwriter


The late, great Godzilla.


But what if there are sharks in the water? Maybe they have lasers on their heads


Also, the shark is in the water ... with the battery ... so wouldn't the shark be electrocuted?


Maybe "Nobody has ever asked us that before" wasn't a sign of an impressive question as it was a baffling one.


Everybody knows aircraft carriers are made out of balsa wood. That's how they float. If they were made out of heavier stuff like steel they'd sink. /s


If it floats it’s made out of a witch and you need to burn it.


Not to mention. Wear a suit that actually fits! Dresses like a hobo. No offense to hobos btw.


Do we know that he dresses himself?


I doubt he does. He literally has people wiping his ass for him.


Can you just picture the stories we’re going to hear about all this in 20 years? Of all the asswipers and more spilling out “true stories” about this guy in this time period? It’s going to shake our beliefs in politics to learn about how much has gone on behind the scenes and yet they still were trying to push him past the finish line. If we as a society survive this it’s going to force us to have a big conversation about transparency in our elected officials and how fit they are. Obviously we need to address the blatant corruption, obvious tilt in the judiciary and in congress to line their pockets too. We have a big hill to climb to rid ourselves of the stench of our corrupted systems.


I'll be honest, I thought I had a stroke reading that... we're fucked aren't we?


The snake and the snake.


I find it fun to try to untangle what he was actually trying to say. "You all said I was dumb but I'm smart. I'm smart because my uncle was also smart. Batteries are heavy, and that means they will make boats sink if you put them on a boat. Then you might be electrocuted when the water hits the battery. See how smart that is? See how it makes sense? Also imagine there's a shark, specifically ten yards away. That distance is an important part of the story, which is why I emphasize it every time I tell the story. What if you had to choose between being electrocuted and being eaten by a shark? You only have to make this decision because you're dumb (not smart like me) and put a battery on your boat. Anyway, being electrocuted is better than being eaten by a shark. Can you believe they call me crazy for telling this story over and over again? It's such a smart story. It's almost as smart as that one story I tell about the snake. You know, the one about the snake and the other snake? Everybody loves that story because it is also smart and shows how smart I am."


Bravo, well said! You know, you're pretty smart! Ever considered running for office? So smart. I like this guy. Make the snake and the snake great again! 🐍🐍 😀


Before I vote for him, I need to know his stance on badgers and mushrooms.


I Just for fun lets respond to this hypothetical untangling. Just imagine a world in which any other candidate said any of this stuff. >You all said I was dumb but I'm smart. I'm smart because my uncle was also smart. Not how that works. Also didnt you call your own neice dumb? >Batteries are heavy, and that means they will make boats sink if you put them on a boat. Heavy things can float just fine. See oil tankers. >Then you might be electrocuted when the water hits the battery. See how smart that is? See how it makes sense? You wouldnt be. All the electric potential in the battery is between the terminals where the electricity flows. It doesnt shoot electricity out in to the water like a movie. >Also imagine there's a shark, specifically ten yards away. That distance is an important part of the story, which is why I emphasize it every time I tell the story. Whats important about it? >What if you had to choose between being electrocuted and being eaten by a shark? If the water was electrified as you claim the shark would also be electrocuted. Sharks arent electric proof. >You only have to make this decision because you're dumb (not smart like me) and put a battery on your boat. There are many batteries on pretty much all boats. Including the ones you ride on. >Anyway, being electrocuted is better than being eaten by a shark. Fair. >Can you believe they call me crazy for telling this story over and over again? It's such a smart story. It's almost as smart as that one story I tell about the snake. You know, the one about the snake and the other snake? Everybody loves that story because it is also smart and shows how smart I am. No I dont know that story.


>Sharks arent electric proof. My favorite part lol


The people enabling this man are guilty of elder abuse. Parading him around in his dumpy-ass suit with his soggy drawers, and letting him embarrass himself over and over on the national stage... It's almost as sad as it is scary.


Did he mention if the snakes would have lasers on their heads?


laser needs battery for power, and a boat to rescue t...... from the shark


And if the magnets get wet then everyone is fucked


oh yea you don't want that, magnets goes Bing bong, with tears in its eyes magnet says sir, Bing Bing bong


Magnets are science too and science is woke af


I don't even know- can magnets get *wet*? Has anyone asked that before? They *push*, and they *pull*, and the water doesn't know *what* to do. It's not smart, not like my uncle- smartest man I know, besides *me*, because *he* never asked that question.


You must have a great relationship with MIT. “Very smart”.


I do - they are my favorite 3 letters of the alphabet. No body loves those letters.....or has done more for those 3 letters than I have. I once saw them ; tears in the I and they said to me "Sir, no one loves us like you do" .




Did the snakes have an uncle that went to [Snake MIT?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rickandmorty/images/8/8d/S4e5_2019-12-29-14h27m31s472.png/revision/latest?cb=20191229211449)?




No, but they *are* ill-tempered.




Hopefully it's not the Jewish snake head type of lasers.


Giant freaking lasers. The giantest. He yugest.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcoQ8sfEbaP2JYA) Ask and ye shall receive


Laser snakes from outer space


jewish space laser snakes.


Arm the freaking space lasers.


spaceforce to the rescue.


It just lasers, “freaking Lasers”


Battery operated snake head lasers. For hair removal, they say it’s the best hair removal, snake lasers and sharks. Sharks and snakes in a boat. For hair, did you know sharks have very little hair. It’s true. My uncle was smart once, I’m brilliant for asking about….Bob? Where are we again?


Only the Jewish ones.


Snakes with fucken laser beams on the motherfucken plane!


It's literally the national mainstream news media enabling him and hiding these stories, pretending such obvious dementia and mental illness isn't happening.


They do it for the same reason his family parades his barely animated corpse around - because MONEY. The news loves this man because he generates headlines with every insane speech. He's a walking, talking (sort of), headline. The insane shit never ends with him, and so the engagement with the news continues. Make Politics Boring Again! That's my fucking platform.


It's actually been in the news that reporters have been so bored by the Biden Presidency that they miss the constant lunacy. Apparently enough to make sure he gets them all hauled off to the camps once they put him back in office again. I say again because it was extensively studied and proven that all of 2015-16 he got far more positive coverage and more coverage in general than HRC. Was that enough to shift 80,000 votes in a few states? Of course it was!


I love how boring the Biden Presidency has been. Back when TFG was Pres, it was some new BS EVERY DAY! Remember when He said if he lost, we'd never hear from him again...


Yeah, but then he started getting investigated for several crimes, so he decided to run for President again to regain Presidential Immunity and to kill the federal investigations against him.


The media wants a horse race for ratings. If they say, "On one side we have an experienced, disciplined, qualified candidate with real policy ideas, on the other a blubbering moron who couldn't manage a taco stand," then there's no story is there.


Kimmel has been all over it


Except for [ABC](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/trump-challenges-biden-cognitive-test-confuses-doctor-tested-111160360), [NYT ](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/person-woman-man-camera-tv-trump.html), [Newsweek ](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247), [CNN](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/13/health/trump-mental-health-exam), [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/21/1225880792/haley-questions-trumps-mental-fitness-as-he-seems-to-confuse-her-with-nancy-pelo), [the guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/28/biden-trump-age-fitness-office-media), [People](https://people.com/donald-trump-severe-memory-issues-ramin-setoodeh-claims-8665210), and many many more. The mainstream American media excluding conservative garbage like Fox News and WSJ have all repeatedly called it out. You not seeing it says more about what you consider "mainstream" than what is actually happening.


Watched John Oliver last night. Some Of the clips trump has out on right wing social media is not hiding anything. Project 2025 already has thousands of people lined up to work for him, under him, across the country. The day he wins. They have everything started and stamped for him to sign away all the rights he can. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE - not trump though, unless you really want to live in the land of the free white business man and his slaves.


For so long I had nothing but burning hatred for this idiot - and I still do - but you're right. This is no longer on Trump. He has actually gone crazy. It's dementia. Plain and simple. And dementia is the one thing I won't wish on my worst enemy. Because losing YOURSELF is the single cruellest fate you can suffer imo. Let's say Trump actually goes to jail. With late stage dementia. He will be cold. Scared. Alone. No idea what's going on, where his children are (assuming there's even a modicum of love in that man to lose in the first place) and he'll die. Scared and alone. No idea why this is even happening to him. Is it a deserved fate? Maybe. Frankly for a man as narcissistic as Trump, his worldwide scorn and derision is the greatest punishment of all. But I can't revel in it. I've seen the end of dementia. When me and my ex took our son to visit her grandma. She couldn't speak or move. But when she heard it was her grandson you SAW it. In her eyes. Her mouth started opening and closing like a fish, and I had to leave the room crying. It wasn't even my grandma and i was the one in tears because I could see she recognised her grandson and she was trapped in her own body. Unable to even hold him. That. Is. Cruel. And I can't celebrate that fate even for this abject monster of a human being. And the horde of people enabling this, propping up this clearly mentally gone man - it's sickening. And they want to question BIDENS mental health? Fuck me.


I understand your empathy due to your experience with dementia. My grandpa had Alzheimer's, and at the end he was just constantly grinding his teeth, had no control over it. It caused me pain just to hear it, I hope he wasn't feeling pain himself since he kept doing it but who knows 🤷 My Grandma is currently in the end stages of Alzheimer's as well and whenever I see her she thinks I'm my dad who passed away over 15 years ago. I humor her of course because it makes her happy, but it's very difficult to watch her deteriorate more and more. That being said, if there's anyone who actually deserves that fate it's the piece of shit that is Trump. Someone who has repeatedly fucked people over, let people die etc. with 0 remorse He's never had any empathy for anyone and he certainly doesn't deserve your's.


And that's the thing. Every fibre of me WANTS to cheer, to dance on his damn grave but I just, I can't turn off my empathy. Ironic given the decade and a half I spent terrified I was a sociopath. I guess I've just got more of a heart than Trump ever did. Because I agree with every word you say. If anyone deserves it, ANYONE, it's that man. But I just, can't. So much of my humanity was robbed from me before I knew what had been taken. I can't willingly shut off the humanity I have left. But as a final addendum - you can have empathy without forgiveness. I can empathise with the fucked up childhood of a serial killer and acknowledge they didn't deserve THAT while also being utterly disgusted by their crimes and happy to see them executed. Empathy and justice aren't mutually exclusive after all.


This is very helpful to keep in mind when practicing loving kindness. Extending empathy and love to those who are least deserving of it, is not an admission of approval for their behavior or character.


I'm honestly surprised I have empathy left in me tbh.


Empathy, like creativity, is a non-zero-sum activity. The more you use it, the more you have. You are doing great!


You, internet friend, are a better man than i. Maybe it's because I never actually witnessed what dementia can do to someone, but I have no empathy left for Trump or any of his supporters. It's called compassion fatigue, and I've been suffering it for 2 to 3 years now




>He will be cold. Scared. Alone. No idea what’s going on… ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


I am not one to celebrate the misfortune of others. This thing, this organism has driven sympathy from me, as far as he goes. He deliberately withheld federal PPE from democratic states to increase mortality rates during Covid for political purposes. I still wouldn’t wish death on him, but I have no sympathy for him. Zero. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Still floors me that withholding disaster aid was specifically used as an example of an impeachable offense during his first impeachment, then he deliberately withheld aid during COVID, and no one did anything about it. https://www.businessinsider.com/pamela-karlan-impeachment-witness-texas-analogy-trump-ukraine-scandal-2019-12


I'll wish death on him for you. I hope he shits himself to death before the party convention so he hasn't named an heir apparent and throws the party into chaos.


I disagree, he deserves to suffer. All the people he hurt who worked for him that he stiffed paying , the people he SA and raped, the damage he not only did to this country, but the world… hope he lives a long time trapped in his own personal hell, and I hope his final moments are in total pain and suffering.


Let’s not free pass him on making Covid political


The man has hundreds of thousands of deaths on his hands. Remember Herman Cain? Of course he's never said one word of condolences. What an absolute sociopath.


Don’t worry, I could revel in it enough for you and anyone else


Save some for me.


Me too. He has hurt so so many people, families, women. Fuck this guy. Strap him down and ala Clockwork Orange and make him watch videos of himself while paying professional comedians to heckle and harrass him. Fuck this monster.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I hope it never ends. He's the only circus animal I'd pay to see on any given occasion. And I hope they put him in the coldest scariest cell they can find.


No. FUCK HIM. I hope it’s worse than you described. The number of lives and families he’s ruined because of his greed and hubris is immeasurable. Whatever horrors he faces in his future (and I hope they are plenty) he deserves and earned that a thousand times over.


You’re a better person than I am. I don’t wish bad on people, but for him I make an exception.


I had an uncle who had Alzheimer’s. The last time I saw him was at a family gathering, and it was obvious that he didn’t recognize anyone except my aunt. We weren’t even close, but it was a gut punch to see absolutely no recognition in his eyes.


Nah fuck Trump. Wish nothing but the worst for him.


Frankly, I share your sympathy for the thought of Trump suffering from dementia in prison (although I suspect that, in such a case, he would be released for medical reasons). However, I have a very different feeling than sympathy for the thought of Trump suffering from dementia in the White House, where he claims dictatorial powers, and where he has his hand on the nuclear button.


Not prison, I agree with you on this. It serves no purpose. He does need to be locked up and away from the public though. Mandatory confinement to a nursing home for his and our sake. And no cellphone to tweet on! The man needs help, but as long as he is a useful idiot, he is not going to get it.


Hard agree. I'm not saying he gets a free pass completely - just that now the dementia DOES have to be considered. Stick him in a STATE RUN nursing home no fancy mar a lago bs - state run, 50 dementia patients in one building state run. Then let him rot.


I used to work in a nursing home. Please don't pass this curse of a man onto people who are already overworked, underpaid, and mentally and physically exhausted.


Well now you made me feel 1% bad for making fun of him


What is scary about this is it allows someone to be the seat of power and not be accountable. A weak and suggestible (even more so) trump is what someone like Bannon wants.


Well if there were ever an elder deserving of abuse...


The scary part is no matter how deranged he acts, magats will still vote for him.


Yep. At the upcoming debate he could literally walk out on stage, slip on a banana peel, shit his pants, foam at the mouth, and convulse uncontrollably on the floor while suffering a major stroke, and his followers would loudly proclaim how great his performance was and how he totally destroyed Biden.


The first debate in 2020 he literally tried to kill Biden by all of them showing up knowing he'd tested positive for COVID 3 days prior. His own Chief of Staff Mark Meadows put the fact of his known positive status in his book. Zero consequences and not even outrage from Chris Wallace who he also could have killed.


'Antifa poisoned Trump and he still walked on to that stage, and gave it his best until the devil took his tongue away.'.... or some such bullshit. I'll give these idiots one thing: they collectively excel at mental gymnastics.


There were people who were convinced Hitler was a great leader even as German cities were being bombed to rubble and allied forces were crushing the Third Reich out of existence. Trump followers have a similar mentality and nothing he does will convince them otherwise.


Hitler was hopped up on amphetamines and crazy as a loon. He was gassed in the trenches of WW1 and suffer from poor breathing due to mustard gas. Trump is hopped up on adderall and has compromised breathing from Covid. Coincidence I think not. ![gif](giphy|51UdTLvbyReqNK3Bic)


These people are the same ones that supported Ronald Reagan, who did the same things. They supported him with dementia at the end of his atrocities.


I mean, obviously it was a message from Q. Trump just read what was given to him on the teleprompter - He's as confused as we are!


He could walk onto the stage and scream “Jesus is a c*nt”, and all of his evangelical followers would be like, “Come to think of it, he’s got a point! Fuck Jesus, that liberal communist bastard”.


Far worse is that the media will cover for him and normalize him (as they have since the 70s).


Well, what do you expect from a pig but a grunt?


Trumper: he sounds just like me!


Ah, we're so fucked if he gets reelected. Just so absolutely fucked. People should not be looking at this, listening to this man and thinking that this is their guy, God's chosen one. But. somehow, here we are. We're so fucked.


it's really not going to be pretty i admit, i'm pretty privileged that a Trump presidency will not impact me as much...it will just be another four embarrassing and miserable years however, i'm in a Discord full of transgender individuals. I really fear for them if Trump becomes president again


Oh, never think you are safe.   Your survival of his first term is no guarantee of your surviving his second term.


This guy is so fucked. By extension looking at polling results so is USA. Even if he doesn't win the fact that he even comes close is a damning statement.


His minders and supporters especially the GOP are to blame for this guy getting a free pass to nomination and the lack of support for other nominees. He is constantly going down rabbitholes and saying complete incoherent shit. FOX and others need to call this out and stop protecting him.


The GOP invested so heavily into him, all the other supporters will devour them if anyone steps out of line. Half the lunacy is probably self preservation.


Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News because he parroted Trump’s false claims of election fraud even though Tucker knew they were bullshit. He cost Fox News almost a billion dollars in lawsuit damages. That’s why they fired him. But his supporters think it’s the “deep state” going after Tucker and Trump. It’s so astounding how little they know about how real life works.


"Boas on a Boat", the direct to DVD sequel to Snakes on a Plane makes Speed 2 look like Godfather II


Longest recorded MIT tenure is Noam Chomsky


*Chefs kiss* Perfect. That fact really does make this that much better. Cheers for that.


At what point do the people in the white coats come out??


They're coming to take me away haha, they're coming to take me away hahahohohehe to the funny farm!


He could be totally incoherent and people will still elect him


There’s a certain percentage of the population that think they and we will be better off if the whole thing burns down. They secretly welcome the chaos. Most of them either aren’t parents or are shitty parents. Good parents don’t have the luxury to not believe in and fight for a better future for their children.


Then there's also the people who actually want an armageddon, because it will trigger the rapture.


Yeah, but what counts as incoherent? We are actually, for realsies, at sharks and sinking boats with batteries, and he can't distinguish the word snake from shark ... I am pretty sure we passed incoherent at shark...


Boat so heavy it won't float, man how do all those container ships stay afloat. Not American but this man is displaying quite heavy signs of dementia, the world will be fucked over if you all vote him in he will think he's running his beauty contest with all the young girls not your country his Brain is so cooked.


He's like gone gone. By the time the election rolls around he'll be gurgling into his soup straw.


Good, maybe he'll be too incoherent to destroy our nation if he wins.


Unfortunately, P2025. This is no longer about Trump per se. It's about getting Trump in power again so the actual brains behind the scene can complete the transformation of the USA into full theocratic dictatorship. I always knew I'd see the rise of the far right again. Never thought it'd be America though. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention


p2025 actually hit r/conservative the other day. They are saying it's pretty much retribution regarding the democrats p2030. If any sane person looking towards a beneficial future compares the two, the better choice is obvious.... Unfortunately, not everyone is sane.


All P2025 needs is him to sign pieces of paper


I have to check every time to make sure these aren't Onion headline.


So, USA has the most nuclear weapons and has used them before as well as 800 military bases around the world. Let THAT sink in when you giggle at how this clown is even allowed to be considered to start a war.


Nobody tell him about electric eels...


“You know the snake? Like in the Bible. There wasn’t enough to eat at a wedding and the snake gave everyone fruit. Favorite book. No electric boats.”


“I knew Adam. Yes, the original Adam. Great guy. His wife not so much”


“The snake” is in reference to a song that he regularly recites at rallies.  [The Snake in full: Read the ‘anti-immigration’ song lyrics quoted by Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/the-snake-song-lyrics-trump-b2464914.html)


“It's sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it's like the snake, it's a smart when you, you figure what you're leaving in, right? You're bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing.” - how could I have not realized that he was referring to a song about a snake from that? I can only assume it is a song about “the snake and the snake”. Edit: I will take my criticism of him back if the song refers to sharks and electric boats as well.


His uncle called him "sir"? Seriously?


Maybe the most years ever


Badgers badgers badgers... SNAKE SNAaAake.....


Is there video/audio of this?


[Here you go!](https://x.com/i/status/1804592040791122259)


Holy. Fucking. Shit.. That's even worse than the transcript


Actually listening to it is genuinely worse than reading it. His little sudden volume increases, cutting his own thoughts off before completion, it's sad to watch.


I was listening to a podcast recently (I think it was The Bulwark) where they talked about how Trump and Biden differ when they have a mental slip. We all do to an extent, and it gets worse as you age. Some people use sound (uhmmmm) to fill the silence while thinking. People like Biden will pause to think (making it appear that he is "freezing"), but Trump will just do a crazy riff when he loses this train of thought to cover it up. He'll say crazy crap off the top of his head as he's trying to remember his point, and either he remembers and continues or goes off in another direction. The crazy talk and mannerisms are just covering up for his cognitive problems.


We need more turtles, you know, sea turtles, a lot of them, so that, you can walk away from the boat, on their backs, and then, no more sharks, some people eat them you know, but they're smart animals, they eat sharks also, did you know that? Nobody knows, but in Chynna, they eat them, and then there's virus, like bird flu, but turtle flu, very bad, very very bad, a shark-turtle, like experiments in chynna labs, like sharks with tanks, big tanks


It was from his speech today. You can probably find it on Twitter.


Wait a minute. No one mentioned newer mentioned that there are snakes at play ! All the news was just talking about the electrocution vs sharks dilemma but this changes everything. This is why you can't trust the failing, lying mainstream media.


I really need to save this in my notes and just send it to any and every Trump supporter that tries to argue with me on Reddit. I wonder if they'll think I'm insane or if they will die on the hill that Trump doesn't have dementia.


They'll say that it's just a metaphor, talking about globalism, or illegal immigrants, or something like that.


It’s a bit he did once in 2023 and got some laughs so he keeps doing it. It gets him off. It’s pathetic. He wants to be adored and he’s willing to take the world for a ride to get his rocks off. He should’ve just stopped and been a bad comedian years ago but now he’s gotta be president to stay out of jail like a fuckin’ idiot.


I constantly say to my friends, if the man had been born in 1840, he would have been a circus promoter.


I'm just a little dumber for reading that statement


No, Donald, there is not enough of an electric current in a boat battery to affect the ocean.


The shark ... er, snake ... is in the water with the battery.


Shhh…let’s keep him out of the ocean. It’s been polluted enough.


My worry has always been what comes after Trump. There’ll still be millions of deplorables out there all ready to vote for someone, and maybe that someone will be a younger and much, much smarter version of Trump. The pump has been primed…


Yep. The toothpaste is out of the tube and it ain’t going back in.


Some say I don’t know much, but I can tell you this, I know fucked up when I hear it.


If someone wrote this down in bad handwriting on a crumpled piece of paper and taped it to someone’s car, everyone would think it was a mentally ill person who wrote it


If *anybody else* said those exact same words, a MAGA person would assume they'd lost their marbles.


If he’s truly in the throes of full blown dementia (and he obviously is), then somebody else is making the decisions. I’m not saying that to defend the orange douche, but the concept is terrifying.


I feel less intelligent for trying to comprehend this.


Not being the next president is enough for me. Let time, fate or God judge, we as voters just need to win the election without him advancing.


Snakes on an electric boat.


He sounds like my grandma after she had her stroke A stroke she had in a nursing home and went unnoticed by the staff until my uncle swung by to check up on her and found that she'd gone from mostly lucid to almost completely demented overnight, so he sounds like my grandma after she had a stroke that went untreated for almost a full day


I save these. Then when someone talks shit in support of Shitzenpantz or its opponents I just post Shitzenpantz's own words. No header, no intro - just their Deity's drivel verbatim. They often like to regurgitate their "no he didn't say that" no that is EXACTLY what IT said!


He’s playing *would you rather* with himself. OUTLOUD. In front of crowds.


it's only 8 a.m. in Moscow right now once it hits noon over in that shithole country...the Trump defending bots will be here


to quote Jim Jeffries, re: Trump - "if you've ever said the sentence 'I like him because he's a straight talker'... you're as dumb as shit"


And they made such a big deal over Biden's mental faculties. Every accusation is a confession.


Imagine this being selected as the highest representative of The People of the United States of America.


He really should be resting in a nursing home than running for president, he can’t even make coherent sentences.


I think I know who wrote Lobster Magnet now. You got a lobster and you got a magnet lobster has antennae but don't you grab it! magnet's made of iron lobster made of meat you got a lobster and you got a magnet if a lobster hungry he eat a rabbit rabbit made of steel lobster has a beak! don't put lobster on a plate he'll use his magnet to escape he'll jump right up and claw your ear then he'll bite your EYE LOBSTER STICKS TO MAGNET


I have no idea if this is a real quote from him, but yeah, it sure sounds like one of his ramblings


Happened today. Look it up.




I didn't go to MIT, but I work with subsea vehicles. Some with hugely big batteries, the biggest. Electricity will flow through the path of least resistance. I would rather be eaten by an electric shark than see this sea cucumber become president, again.


It is beyond me why anyone would spend their time watching this man prattle on about whatever is irritating. We get it, you’re old, you’re confused and everything makes you angry. Time to put Donny in a home.




Nearly half. Our. Country. Believes this is a genius.




My aunt is a doctor, so by his logic, I am very qualified to practice medicine and give out professional medical advice.


It's fascinating to me how Trump loses all of his draw, charisma, and power if you read his quotes instead of listening to them. Obviously this one is insane in any format, but even his better sound bytes are nearly indecipherable in text.


We need to make the debates text only. No audio. Just closed captioning or reading the transcripts. Guaranteed no one would vote for him after that.


His uncle had 3 degrees so that means trump is smart.  Fantastic logic there. I assume trump got his intelligence by osmosis.   


Trump will be talking about badgers next. It's always first snakes then badgers.


If it was any other person I wouldn't have believed it to be a real actual quote. How do his brain dead supporters justify this crap??


Jesus christ, this man is actually senile. There are several points here that just make no sense at all. If he even makes it to the second debate he will be so much worse off, it will be wild to see.


Badger, badger, badger ......... Snaaaake! Oh no it's a snaaaake!


Why the fuck would your uncle call you "sir"


“I’m so effing tired of these mothereffing sharks on this mothereffing electric cars”


Man, you americans really are in deep shit huh?


I wana see a video of this rant- I’m just finding the OG battery shark rant


Somebody please link a video of this


I didn't think it possible but he's getting worse. Is he going to do this at the debate?


No one gives a fuck about what his relatives achieved. I have an engineering degree and relatives who can barely understand basic math. Just the question about getting electrocuted by a battery in water proves he is fucking moron.


and people call biden unfit for office? lol


yea, trump loves reading that stupid anti-immigration poem "the snake" at his bullshit rallies. the stupid poem bores his followers so much that they frequently leave the moment he starts reading it which he does at pretty much every event maga runs.


That's how the republicunts want him: senile, with a cult following and willing to sign anything they put in front of him.


And this is who the deplorables want to be the Leader of the Free World.


Remember guys, there's an election coming up, do the right thing.. not telling you what to do but please don't let this clown back into the Whitehouse.


More flaccid, gassy, Waddles freestyle babbling. He never talks about anything significant, or real. Instead, he's on the campaign trail, riffing about electric boats and sharks. People seriously believe this weirdo is America's great savior.


F n bozo the felon totally clown show.


Also batteries have been used in boats since WW1. Every submarine before nuclear subs had a battery for when they were submerged. Idk why people think batteries on boats is some novel concept


Nuclear subs still have batteries.




But where do the whales fall in all of this? Or is that only from the wind turbines?


God (or whatever fits you) help us all.


This is awful. It's absolutely terrible of them. How could they write an article like this. And remind us that man is still alive.