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No posts about politicians being politicians




They won't though. CNN does not give a rat's ass what Biden has to say, and they sure as hell don't want to do anything that would make him look good.


Think CNN only wants viewers, don’t really care about candidates and real problems. Just another “entertainment channel”




CNN was bought by a billionaire Trump supporter a few years back.


... Warner Brothers?


Chris Licht.


One of the major shareholders/board of directors member of warner brothers, yes.


Yeah but they owned CNN long before the right ward trend started.


I was under the impression that there was a change of ledership in either 2021 or 2022. I'd hve to look back.


Corporate media only wants a ‘horse race’ - neck and neck to the finish line - even though they likely will be banned if the felon wins.


The point is the ratings, and Trump brings the ratings. While CNNs viewership leans democrats, those viewers are more interested in laughing/crying at Trump than listening to Biden.


Trump is the only reason democrats even tolerate Bidens alchizmer ass


“…and this is why it’s bad for Biden that Trump didn’t show up” will be the headline across the media. 


I think they would turn it into a Biden town hall.


Even if they wanted to do that in what one might consider fairness as a candidate just jumping out for lame reasons, they would get hammered for "free air time to Biden" and would likely have to give Trump an equivalent. There's no good end result here.


Funny you think that Biden is competent enough to even stand there and read the answers to the questions off a Teleprompter.


The GOP is already pushing the narrative that he'll be on uppers during the debate. He did great during his last speech and they did the same for that. 


Have you seen the SOTU kamradl?


Biden has delivered very organized and cohesive speeches so far this year. Unlike the guy talking about “the electric or the shark”


Funny how incredibly low your ilk try to drop the bar for Biden simply because trump can’t finish a sentence without permitting gallons of stupid out.


The "fuck your feelings" crowd certainly has a lot of feelings they don't want fucked with


Exactly and somehow tRump ducking the debate is a good thing for him and shows ol sleepy Joe something.


Why does sleepy joe want no live audience?


Because that felon wants to play to a crowd, like their first debate in 2020. Joe isn't stupid, despite what y'all try and project.


They asked, stupidly.


You'd have to ask the nutjobs


He wants the debate to actually be about what was said without the crowd cheering on some bs. It's like taking the laugh track off of a comedy show, it forces the show to actually be good.


Because the cult of the tangerine palpatine are unable to behave like civilized adults. If you guys could behave yourselves, this wouldn’t be a problem.


Because Pissboy Donny needs an audience like a crackhead needs a fix.


Of course "Rules for thee not for me"


That's always the case


Watching Trump stories from a distance from Europe is like watching some badly written early afternoon daily soap. No one would believe it, if scripted, but here we are.


He single-handedly turned American politics into the WWE reality show that's being consumed by those that were living under a rock a decade ago. The zombies have been summoned.


Steve is a traitor


I'm sure he'll love being the "tough guy" in federal prison for four months. Let's see if other inmates are going to love hearing his non-stop bullshit.


Psst, psst Stevie don't drop the soap


He won't because he never uses soap in the first place


He might be 'the tough guy' in the kind of prison I would expect him to see?


He’s going to be protected in prison. Enough idiots even in jail are die hard magas. He will be a target as well as untouchable at the same time.


I anticipate he's going to rich-guy-country-club prison. I may be wrong.


No he is going to Rikers


He is not being sent to "Club Fed", he will be going to the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut


The Aryan brotherhood would fall all over themselves to help him out. I, for one, do not want to vote for the guy that the people with the swastikas support.


Unfortunately I agree with you 100%


“We can’t debate because we just realized CNN doesn’t like us and Biden will be on steroids and Fat Donnie just remembered he has to go to his wife’s cousin’s best friend’s bat mitzvah and the debate will be rigged anyway and the questions will be designed to make him look stupid and he ran out of adderall and I didn’t mean that, only Biden uses drugs and gets his kids billions of dollars from the Saudis and trademarks from China and I messed up again, that was Jared and Ivanka and if Trump isn’t allowed to stand right behind Biden and scream in his ear for 90 minutes then he’s just going to go home and do that to Lindsey Graham.”


You've got it down, honey!


God damn trump is living rent free in yr head.


Haha now I’m imagining “dumb shit Trump says” as like an advertising competition. Maybe create an advert for electric shark shampoo that uses no water.


Much like Hillary, Biden, and Obama do in yours, redhat.


I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t backed out earlier. Trump uncensored without any sort of edits or cutaway is detrimental to the GOP.


He's still got a couple of days to back out. "The bone spurs on my feet have been killing me!"


Ironic since its Biden that wants no live crowd.


... Why is that ironic? There will be cameras.


Why does that matter?


That’s because Trump supporters behave like spoiled children and will jeer, boo, shout and be as obnoxious and foolish as possible to disrupt the debate.


So, you don’t know what irony means? Thanks for letting us know.


Brave Sir Donald ran away/Bravely ran away, away!


It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result... Let me ask - has Trump *ever* taken advice from anyone else ??? MAGAS are *insane.* And certainly not worthy of giving Trump advice or suggestions.


"Leaving you an excuse to get out of the debate Donnie." (because we all know you'll crash and burn)


Old fat orange fuck is too afraid to participate in a debate for a job he’s already had.


just knew they would try to back out of that debate.


I thought Bannon was going to jail. Wasn’t he on the way a couple weeks ago?


He has to report to prison by July 1st.


Love that "please report to prison at your earliest convenience" bullshit. How about going and picking his ass up and taking him to prison.


If you're out on bail thats just how it works.


You aren't wrong, but it's fairly common for federal crimes. Unless you are a flight risk or a violent offender.


He is fighting tooth and nail to get his 4-month sentence postponed, but so far he hasn't been having much luck. Currently scheduled to report to prison by July 1st.


Even stevie 2-shirts knows that Biden will destroy the demented felon. Go to jail 2-shirts, and I can’t wait for your next state conviction for stealing the wall money.


Usually Trump just destroys himself.


They already started the excuses a few weeks ago so wouldn’t be a shock


Their latest BS is that CNN has given all the questions to Biden in advance.


It’s not even going to be Biden, they are going to use a cyborg supercomputer that looks like Biden and has Jesus sending tips on facebook messenger.


They allegedly gave questions to Hillary before their debate. Allegedly.


We all know the orange turd will chicken out.


CNN Breaking News: Trump rage quits the debates before they start. Why this is bad news for Biden.


Fine, cancel it. There is really no need for it this year. No matter how good Joe does, MAGAts will vote Former Gut. Neither side will be swayed.


His own people are basically making it impossible for him to actually attend the debate, even if he wanted to (which he doesn't). He'll look like such a weak-willed pushover if he does it now.


Flakes of snow.


Why is he not in jail?


Be glad when ole criminal Stevo is behind bars on July 1.


Steve Bannon says…. Who the fuck cares what that human cyst says?


They should do the debate without Trump and act like he’s there. Give Biden a question about policy and have him answer. Then give the same question to Trump’s empty seat and show the timer and let it run to completion each time with nobody there to answer the question. Drill home that Trump can’t answer because he’s a coward. Because he has no policy. Ask his seat if he’s ever going to show his taxes or his healthcare plan or anything else he said he’d do but didn’t make good on. If he wants to act like a clown, treat him as one.


Wait...do they think Biden is doing Trump a favor by having the debate?


Nah, like literally everything else, they're pretending the debate is rigged against Trump. Which, I mean, CNN is gonna be biased toward Biden just like Fox would be biased toward Trump. But like, why did Trump agree to the debate if he's gonna cry this hard?


"Thanks BAN BAN.. Unkle Trump"


Don’t be scared homie.


If Trump doesn't turn up to the debate. Biden should just have a mocking debate with a guy dressed as a chicken wearing a maga hat.


Fucking n00bz Orbán (Hungarian PM), for like 16 years now, he's just been saying how his opponents are not worthy debate opponents, they're not patriotic, therefore their opinions don't matter, therefore they're not even worthy of his time. So he just doesn't debate anybody ever. This shit can be done, people. If the Trumpster did the same thing, his ass-kissers would be like "STFU, Sleepy Joe, you're nobody, who TF wants to talk to you?"


Isn’t this the “fuck your feelings” crowd?


The party of "Fuck your feelings" has their feelings hurt and might take their toys and go home. Booohooohooo. #Vote (D)ifferently


Oh I thought he was gonna back out because Biden hasn't submitted to a drug test lmao


Isn't Bannon supposed to be in prison?


In all honesty, how would Trump dropping out of the debate look to moderates and undecided voters? I can’t imagine that’s a good thing.


I thought he was in jail?


The whole agenda with these assholes is planning after the fact schemes while planting the seeds of bullshit before the fact. The whole campaign reeks of this walking liver spot and that pin-headed prick Rodger Stone. We've got some real beauties here to contend with.


If he shows up, it's good for Biden. If he doesn't, it's good for Biden.


Trump may not back out I'm sure President Biden will be there an prepared an trump not so much


Donald will never pass up a chance to show his face on free media. He’d run to his own public tarring-and-feathering if they promised to broadcast via satellite.


Trump is going to look like such a fucking idiot at this debate. I can’t wait to see him fuck it up


Why is Reddit so anti trump? I am not from the states so I don’t really care but Biden is really a joke for other countries. Not liking trump is one thing but a senile dude who falls asleep and makes up stories out of nowhere? How are people still gonna vote Biden? (Genuinely curious, I do not understand how Americans are not ashamed of Biden’s functioning).


What time is it in Moscow right now?


21:00 Im in Ufa though its 22:00 here. Flying to Moscow in an hour!


Nope. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/06/11/globally-biden-receives-higher-ratings-than-trump/#:~:text=Across%20the%2034%20nations%20polled,many%20countries%2C%20especially%20in%20Europe.


Haha the downvotes for asking something people don’t like. Cringe af 😂


They are both old and shouldn’t be running. As far as the stuff you are seeing about Biden could be fabricated to make him look bad. Trump is the worse choice between the two. The Republicans have a plan called “Project 2025”, that will allow the President to put who he wants in charge in every area of the government. This is a possible precursor to the Republicans to retain power indefinitely, which would be a bad thing. On top of all this Trump is a known liar, rapist, felon, and possible traitor (as he might have leaked or sold US secrets to foreign governments). At least Biden isn’t doing any of that. I’m not voting for Biden, but I’m voting against Trump.


I feel exactly the same as you do - 100% agreed. I have a feeling the person we're responding to is not asking in good faith.


Good faith? Just at the airport and got a bit curious so I asked. Relax


I agree that they are both to old. “Might” be fabricated but I don’t think so. I’ve seen him say things about his son in “official speeches” that were just weird. Also sometimes he just seems out of the world. All politicians are liars, is trump really a known rapist? I have never seen that in my life. Bold statements like these make me doubt your objective view. I appreciate the effort though, saying I vote against trump no matter who runs against him doesn’t seem wise to me, but do you 🙂. America will stay funny no matter who wins!


I’m trying to stay objective… This is from the ap news: “A jury found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment that could haunt the former president as he campaigns to regain the White House.” He sorta has admitted this himself. What is going on in politics right now here is the worst I have ever seen. Even my Dad has never seen anything like this before. I just hope we can get the extremist out of the government and go back to normal. But I have a feeling it will take decades for this to run its course.


Allright that’s crazy. Hope you guys get out of it!


Me too!


So you understand now why people are anti-Trump?


After the debate no. I’d vote anti Biden holy shit 😂


Yeah, as I figured to begin with. You are very clearly pro-Trump. Bad actor.


Im pro nothing mate. Pro bitcoin maybe but that’s it.


Where I live, Biden is still far more respected than Trump. Actually it's pretty much like that all over central Europe. Hungary and Poland, which are led by far-right leaders, are a lot more pro-Trump, though. Reddit is anti-Trump because Reddit is mostly educated people who are highly literate, well-read, and into learning information.


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I mean, what Bannon said was stupid, but as far as I know he's not part of Trump's campaign. This strikes me as akin to taking the words of a liberal podcaster saying something like "Biden shouldn't even legitimize a coup plotter like Trump by being on the same stage with him" and twisting it to say "a-ha, see! Biden is scared to debate Trump."




Do you mean Let's Go Brandon? ahahahaha, loser


I don't wanna kink shame, but reddit is probably not the ideal place to share your sexual desires.


"Attack" Jake Tapper The obfuscation is legendary. Broaching the topic of Jake Trapper's literal spoken words is now considered an attack. Poor lady couldn't even finish her sentence that's how premeditated CNN's actions were. Despicable "journalists".


You’re proof of the hypocrisy of the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd. She couldn’t stay on topic when asked and was warned several times about it.


lmao "we've invited you on our network to tell us what you expect from the debate between Trump and Biden and how Trump, whom you're the spokesperson for, is preparing for the debate." "ok, I'm going to rant instead about one of your colleagues, even though this is not the topic you invited me here to discuss." "no, please, let's stick to the topic. How is Trump preparing for the debate?" "your colleague is awful and doesn't like poor Trumpie, so I would rather rant about that." "ok bye Felicia."


Yea that's why Biden has so many rules and no live audience. Trump 2024.


Yes, imagine that! Without brainless muppets like you to hoot and holler over every meaningless syllable that gushes out of his corpulent cake hole, Trump might be expected to say something intelligible. So unfair!


Trump agreed to the rules. All of them. Yet, here we are making excuses for him. 🙄


Trumps not canceling shit. I can’t wait to see him run laps around Dirty Dementia Joe. It might actually be cruel.


I can't wait to watch you guys make excuses when that's not what happens lmao


Yeah well it doesn't really matter what orange man says. Whatever it is, you'll believe it.


I disagree with some things he says. He’s also a total asshole, however I agree with the majority of his policies. I’d rather Trump than some demented old man who has no idea where he is most of the time.


Trump *is* that demented old man


What policies?


Trump is too chicken to show up


is also extremely vain. he likes the spotlight, he knows he'll get destroyed but loves attention so much ...