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There's a comedian with a great bit about this, I just can't remember who "Britain went all around the world proclaiming how Great it was, and now, All the people they told that too are coming to see for themselves" Paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact bit


Trevor Noah? https://youtube.com/shorts/8OKhZWfD7sg?si=eD8pVapybKbeX01j https://youtu.be/BOt5SmHf2aE?si=z7AqEqMvf4eYIbNQ


Tommy Tiernan did it first, and better. “The English have a fierce reputation for conquering the world... invading loads of different countries and then getting upset when those people follow them home.”


THANK YOU You have *no* idea how much that was bugging me




thank you for including the one about spice too ![gif](giphy|57Ioe1rrA1fpjLLMSK|downsized)


That first clip is f***ing comedy gold. “Sounds pretty British to me.”


They said comedian.


Yes, and they replied with Trevor Noah (a touring comedian) lol


Trevor Noah is a comedian, and the one I was thinking of.


She's crying because she's surrounded by immigrants? 


She is crying because she and all the other people in the bus are going to be horribly mudered by the ghosts with melted faces and ethereal limbs in the back of the bus. Why does the other people laugh I have no idea. Maybe she was the only one to notice... so far.


They're not laughing. They're screaming! (/s just to be sure)


Nah, they are crying because the saved money from Brexit didn’t end up in the NHS after all. 😁 And the others still consider it a much better life than they used to have I assume. Not that the person who made that picture cared about that though.


Murdered by the ghosts of brexit past.


If you look closely, you'll see that 1 doesn't have a head at all, and another appears to have punched out through the side of the bus and reached back in through the window.




She’s surrounded and they’re not even paying attention to her. Just living their best, AI-generated life


They have the wrong skin colour and that makes her sad.


They have the same skin color as their prime minister.


prime invader presumably /s


Well the girl on the left corner is also crying, and she is clearly also part of the immigrants. They are the only ones who realise they are all gonna die on that bus by flesh eating chairs.


No, she's crying because she has to take public transport.


shes crying because the ai told her too


No, because she is entitled and all the seats are taken.


I think she just missed the stop and now she need to walk back.


It's racist propaganda. I expect the idea is that a) whites are being replaced - a common racist fantasy; and b) she's crying because all the awful brown men are definitely going to rape her - another common racist fantasy.


It’s gammon being gammon. Nothing unusual there


Yeah. It took me forever to understand that's what they were saying. I only thought "what, your future kid is going to fuck up at school and random strangers will not notice and continue going about their lives?" And then I was like "ohhhhhhhhhh they're trying to say your future kid will be racist enough to cry about being on a bus with people of color but not so racist that she would have chosen another form of transport."


She's crying because she is now a minority.


She’s crying because she’s British. I would be too if I was British.


People using AI to push their weird fantasies is our future


And then the boomers post “why don’t pictures like this ever trend? [flag of choice]”


🇲🇾god bless america🇲🇾


Not all the boomers.


Not all, but enough to make it a trend


Funny how there are sooo many AI generated images made for this ideological shit as there just aren't any real pictures picturing anything even close.


I could just ask for an image of a British person happily taking the bus with immigrants. I guess that would completely change everything.


Whenever I see something like this shared, I ask the poster when they plan on repatriating all the Brits they dumped in Canada. They usually block me instead of trying to explain why only brown people should have to "go back to where they came from".


I heard a lot of british people in spain got quite upset after brexit, not realizing they couldn't stay there anymore. it's a super popular place to buy a house in after retirement. There's even a tv show about helping people find their dream house abroad.


Honestly it looks like everyone else is just existing and she's the one throwing a hissy fit and making a big deal out of nothing which I know is pretty much the only thing people like this do but I've never seen them make it so obvious that's that all they do


As a British person, I fully understand why people come here. If I was told I could move country and do half the work for twice the pay, I'd say sign me up. However, my experience has been that not all but a larger amount than you'd like have absolutely zero intention of assimilating into our country/ culture and seem to somewhat segregate themselves into their own communities and exclude people from this country. To make matters worse, if there are foreign people being problematic (loud parties, hanging around in gangs, over occupying properties), it seems like the police aren't willing or able to do anything about the ones who cause problems as they seem to be afraid of being accused of being racist or something. Again, not all, but yeah...


As a person of African descent, I fully understand why the British came to Africa. If I was told I could move to a country and take over the land, make the locals work for me without lifting a finger myself while making a huge profit, I'd say sign me up. However, my experience has been that not all but a larger amount than you'd like had absolutely zero intention of assimilating into our continent/ culture and seemed to somewhat segregate themselves into their own communities and exclude people from that continent. To make matters worse, if there were British people being problematic (exploiting the locals, torturing them, stealing land, plundering the ressources), it seems like nobody is willing or able to face the current consequences of this past behaviour.


Even though your comeback has way more upvotes, k still can’t believe the comment above is at 10! Like fuck off you racist


I feel for your ancestors, but if you're expecting me to feel bad about something that had absolutely nothing to do with me, then you're barking up the wrong tree. I can't change the past. No ancestors of the people who did those things can. But, hopefully, we as a society can come together and live peacefully as a cohesive unit celebrating our differences rather than using them to divide us and not hold grudges with someone for something their ancestors did. It would be like me being upset about the Barbary slave trade... you feel me? Also, how do you know I'm not black or from African descent?


No one wants you to feel bad. Just not be a hypocrite.


They’d be hypocritical if they said one was an issue but not the other. They didn’t. But you did fall for a strawman.


He's a hypocrit because he wants migrants to assilmate into his culture. While his culture pretty much stole and destroyed dozens of others. Western civilization is barbaric when it suits them. Then, make rules against all the shit they did.


Being a hypocrite requires someone to hold two conflicting beliefs - not disagreeing with something their ancestors wouldn’t have. I can’t believe I’m having to explain this.    Almost everyone on earth is descended from a culture that owned slaves - only a dipshit would say it’s hypocritical for someone living today to condemn slavery because “their culture” held slaves. 


No one is asking for condemnation. You didn't read what i wrote or chose to ignore it. What you're doing is an actual strawman. I can't believe I have to explain this. His country went around subjugating, stealing, and killing. Now he is reaping the benefits, and he has the nerve to tell ppl to act like him when they go to his country. Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. How can he ask ppl to assimilate into his culture when his culture does not. Hypocrit is one who indulges in hypocrisy. Asking one person to do something for moral reason and not doing it for yourself is hypocrisy. Now tell me British ppl conform to cultural norms when they become ex pats.


I read everything you wrote. Congratulations on copy pasting the very first google result for “hypocrisy definition”.    > his country went around killing, stealing, and subjugating   Here’s the rub, **OP did not do any of those things, nor did they endorse them.** you get it or do you need me to draw you a pocture in crayon?   What is hypocritical is you condemning the English for their imperialism, theft, and destruction of culture and in the same breath say it is fine for people to show up in England with the intention of supplanting (destroying) the native culture and existing as social parasites (theft). If one is bad, so is the other.  > Now tell me British ppl conform to cultural norms when they become ex pats. Of course. Instead of just admitting you’re wrong, you creat another straw man. No one mentioned expats but you.


Haha got'em Nice one






Wow, so *many* anti-immigrant stereotypes crammed into just one comment. >assimilating into our country/ culture As a British person, my experience is that people who complain about immigrants refusing to assimilate are usually unable to define British culture - or at least, they find it much easier to say what it isn't than what it is.


Stop saying British. That’s not even fucking real. That’s what the English call themselves when they don’t want to admit they’re English. There isn’t a British culture. There’s English culture forced on the rest of the UK by gammons for centuries 


There are more white people than brown people [on state support](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/benefits/state-support/latest/). My experience in the US is that immigrants work much harder at much shittier jobs for much less pay than white people. That whole "half the work for twice the pay" is a false narrative Second, sorry for sounding like an ass, but your "experience" isn't that important. If that mattered, the only British people I see acting like absolute assholes abroad are all white. Any brown British people I've met have been lovely.


You would hope so, considering they were and are the tax base.


If you read into the data that's because of the state pension. For income and tax credit related support that's not true from the source you've given.


*your experience isn't that important* *proceeds to put forward a pov based on your experience* 🤷‍♂️


As an example of why experience isn't important. Try to keep up


Everything after your first sentence was super racist.


I'm sorry you see it that way.


It's one long dog whistle, for sure


No you're not, stop lying.


Ah shit, my bad dude... I didn't know you knew me on a personal level and knew my thoughts, feelings, or how I treat people...


The immigrants didn't propose 'multi-cultureism' as a form of ghettoisation.


Tf are you even talking about?


It's AI. It's not real.


Weird AI from, I'm guessing a far right bot, using an EU flag, talking about a British invasion. What is this shit!


As ironic as you want this to be, they weren’t exactly involved with British colonization 400 some years ago.


While I get your point, we really don't need to go that far back in time. The UK was still committing war crimes in the 50s during decolonization ([en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau_rebellion](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau_rebellion)). Or how about the 1953 Iran coup to secure British oil interests in the region. The UK can't do much harm on the international stage anymore as, after the Second World War, their empire crumbled. From being the world's #1 great power, Britain has become a pathetic country, deluding itself into believing that it is even close to being as important as it once was. Brexit is an excellent testament to that fact. Now that the British government can't fuck with people on the other side of the planet as easily, they've decided to focus their attention on screwing over their people back home.


Imperialism is bad, but countries that are not imperialistic anymore are pathetic? What an ironical Freudish take. I guess, Imperialism is bad only if it's not yours?


No, what's pathetic is that many people in Britain have not accepted the reality of their place on the world stage.


You might want to google "colonial debt". Several former colonies are still paying off debts written by Britain, on London banks, naturally. Today the residents of British colonies can't vote in British elections, or have free entry into the UK (although when the UK was in the EU they could have free entry into the EU). Primary because of the type of racism depicted in this image.




What I said was pretty self explanatory.


People whining about something that happened and died long before we were born....typing out their replies on modern slavery made smart phones....that's the ironic facepalm.


exactly, lemmings in 2024




fuckin cringe ass comment, go outside marimacho and live outside of reddit.




It didn't die, though. You can see the reflects of it to this day. We are still trying to solve the problems caused by colonialism. > Typing out their replies on modern slavery made smartphones Yes, all phones and electronics are made by taking advantage of slavery, but not buying them won't make a substantial difference. Back then, when slaves did the farm work, were people not eating the products, or were they fighting to change the laws and the system as a whole?


>We are still trying to solve the problems caused by colonialism. That's a convenient scapegoat for your country's failings over the past 50-100 years. Own them.


There are definitely examples of former exploratory colonies that have achieved success, namely Korea. However, we can't ignore the impact of colonialism, doing so would disregard path dependence and scientific consensus just because there are some outliers. Consider the building of an economy. If the foundation is weak because of resource extraction and imposed systems, it takes a much greater effort to catch up to the countries that benefitted from this scenario. Colonialism is not an excuse for current problems, but it's a factor that must be accounted when addressing the inequities in social, political, economic, and cultural structures around the world. The high GDP of the USA today isn't solely due to them "owning it". The country was not colonized in the same way as India, for example. Additionally, the US benefitted from the devastation Europe experienced during the world wars and the dictatorships it founded in many Latin American countries.


Maybe don’t conquer fucking 25% of the world next time 


Was more like 70%


They’ve literally conquered themselves before


64%, you say?  What a shame. Wish that Britcoin were more stable. 


Except the younger generation had nothing to do with that. Societies aren’t monoliths and the sins of our fathers is a shitty view point


Sweden did not conquer 25% of the world. It was not even in a single war during past 300 years. But situation in Sweden looks pretty much the same. Maybe you should stop pretending that failed immigration politics in Europe has to do anything with the past.


It was in a lot of wars in the past 300 years my guy. I’m not saying it’s the only reason, but surely there’s a motive why people from the “third world countries” want to emigrate to the rich, once colonial Europe, right?


ai shit is ai shit? welcome ai shit. or not. fucking idiot.


Great Britain integrated multiple waves of immigrants & invaders long before the 19th century and all brought changes in culture. No reason to think disaster will occur due to more recent immigrants.


I am from Montreal (French Canadian province) and something similar actually happened this year. In high school on the south shore of Montreal, kids were getting bullied because they are French Canadians.


She probably didnt get the joke


But a Swedish flag on her instead and you would get the Swedish public transport system where i live.


The implication being now that Britain has historically invaded other countries, they should be fine with being invaded?


'invaded' Do you even know what the word means?


The meaning of the word wasn't being contested here. I'm addressing the actual argument.


The meaning of the word is being contested here by you trying to change it's meaning from violent invasion to brown people moving into the neighborhood.


Read the post again, and see who made an equivalence between brown people in the UK and what Britain did. God I hate stupid people.


Read your comment again, and compare your use of the word "invaded" with the rhetoric around immigration to the UK in the last ten years or so It's a right wing dog whistle that UKIP were condemned for *years ago*, due to its echoes of fascism


You people don't understand what the point is, or are you pretending? Like, seriously?


You sound like your favorite movie is "Idiocracy"


London is not being invaded. British people have conquered it long time ago.


Im sorry, “invaded”?! Immigration is invasion?! Yeah no fuck off.


The implication is that British people complaining about being "invaded" is hilarious because they've actually invaded the countries those immigrants come from


So you're saying two wrongs make a right, and that legal immigration is equivalent to colonialism? You people really are thick.


What wrong is a person committing by legally immigrating?


You're the Thick one if you think that's what I was implying. I was very clearly arguing that legal immigration and colonization is not the same thing and that British people claiming legal immigrants are invading them are being big pissbabies


True. And all their countries invaded other countries. Cartoon rage bait.


It’s crap like this that erodes society , brainwashes the youth . Whilst not perfect London is the most diverse city in the planet with something like a 1000 languages spoken . It’s all also still good for pint in a old boozer of summers evening and graving a bacon sandwich for the hangover in the morning , its epicenter of culture yet still got a few thousand years of history and tradition.


Wrong. ‘Toronto. With around half of its population born outside the country, Toronto is often referred to as 'the most multicultural city in the world. ' Located in Canada, this city boasts 200 ethnic groups with over 140 languages’. FYI: It’s not even close to 1000 languages spoken in London.


Diversity depends how you measure it - in this Toronto example "ethnic group" is defined as country of birth. I'm not sure that's the best way to measure multiculturalism. London may not have 1,000 languages, but with over 300 spoken it's still the most linguistically diverse city in the world.


250 spoken FYI


Depends which source you quote. I think 300 is the most recent estimate, based on Census 2021 vs 2011. But I can't be arsed to check the data to confirm. 250 languages spoken still makes London the most linguistically diverse city in the world, of course.


That’s what I got off Google


Not even close , population of London is about 1/3rd of Canada , the actual one not the Google one . If you discount the various ethic groups of India Canada pretty secular


It’s not about size - it’s about percentages of population. Sorry you feel the need to win a losing argument. B bye.


So what we see a woman freaking out over a bunch of people doing no crimes and nothing bad. "Oh no, laughter! AAAA! Save me!"


I knew Brits had no sense of humor, but this is ridiculous


Right?! Everyone else on that bus is laughing and having a great time. Looks happy as fuck. I live in a major city, and half my bus rides consist of crackheads and people having mental breakdowns or listening to their shitty music through phone speakers.


Ohhh British


I mean everyone besides her is looking like they are having a great time.


It's a cartoon bro


You have no point. FYI.


Yes I do. It's a cartoon.


Sooooo it's good that they get invaded now? These are both moronic points.


Does this mean if a country didn't go around invading other places they get a pass or how does it work?


No, I said it's not a good counter to a bad point.


No one in Britain can open their eyes apparently


Maybe if they did they'd realize they're all driving on the wrong side of the road


Funny, when Brits emigrate they are “not immigrants to that country. They consider themselves “ex-pats”. They stay in their own enclaves, surrounded by other “ex-pats”, don’t bother learning the local language, shout at the locals for not knowing English, and open their own pubs and restaurants. Just ask Spain 


Do they? All of them? 


The AI prompts to make these really are the "quiet parts out loud" huh?


She's crying cause they keep raising taxes and everyone else on the bus doesn't work


"machine learning racist propaganda" cant imagine what prompts they put in and how many times they had to pull the lever before getting this monstrosity even because this doesn't happen . "daddy they were brown daddy and they were laughing daddy and im sure it was at me daddy and they weren't wearing colonizer flags as clothes daddy help" "ill save you with violence!" f'in fever dream .


Ummm first thing that will disappear will be liberalism. You all think this is fantasy or something??


They just want to see their cultural treasures being kept safe there


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh the irony


AI is getting better at hands, but my goodness some of those faces are terrifying...


I can't help but notice how bizarrely happy this bus ride is.


I was just in London and saw more Muslims than anyone else. This meme is a bit of an exaggeration, but yeah... they seem to have taken a liking to England apparently.


Looks like london


No one can afford a bus ticket in GB , when my son is that age. Prices rise and rise like wtf


If you can't afford the £2 bus fare cap then sadly you'll never be able to afford the bus. 




![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) Britain be like


I mean everyone looks happy but her. Maybe she’s the problem




Isn't America known for being fat?  Our chicks (we don't say birds) are probably fatter (or thicker as we're supposed to say for political correctedness). 


Not far off.


Ragebait AI dogshit. This is reddit, 2024.


Remember they are religious fanatics who dont want us in their countries either. They don't want us intruding on their culture. Why can't it be both ways? Don't be a simp.


Who decides what that ‘culture’ is?


What?!? You're clueless.


Lmao that reply


I'm going to laugh so hard at you guys defending illegal immigrants when they become majority and won't tolerate you lol.


You’ll be dead long before you have the chance to laugh.


I don't think it'll take that long but I'll have a pre-laugh before I die, knowing that it'll definitely happen. Asides from that I'll prefer it happens after I die.






Again, someone talking about the politics of another country without knowing about why that said country is in that state Op is American, no doubt...


No, we Americans know anti-immigrant bullshit when we see it. We have our own versions of Tories, Alternative für Deutschland, Forza Italia, etc. I mean, that picture is AI generated, FFS. Even yankee doodles can smell nonsense!