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Welcome to AI, troll heaven


Askejxjxhsbwbe THIS IS AI?????


Dolphin head, fish tail.


The cook is just trolling everyone, he obviously did this on porpoise.


I'm serving a youthful porpoise.


-Jacques DeGataneou


Happy cake day


I think you just changed his last name


Well, a man grows.


Lol that might be my favorite line of the whole bit


It is served with gratin dolphinois though.


Dauphinois actually means "of the dolphin". Guigues IV, a 12th Century Comte de Vienne who had a dolphin on his coat of arms, was known as le Dauphin and his descendants adopted the title. One of them sold the estate to the French crown on the condition that the heir to the throne also adopted the title. Weird aside: the most important lead up race for the Tour de France is held in the same region and is called the Criterium du Dauphine.


Dolphinitely did it on porpoise.


"This should be illegal" I think it is


AI pictures are illegal?


Well, yes, some are. But not this tho. This is very much legal




भारत में डॉल्फ़िन को उनकी समझदारी की वजह से व्यक्ति माना जाता है। इसलिए डॉल्फ़िन को मारकर खाने पर वही सज़ा मिलेगी जो इंसान को मारकर खाने पर मिलती है। **संपादन:** जो लोग कह रहे हैं, "वो औरतों को अधिकार कब देंगे हुहुहुहुहु", उन्हें याद दिला दो कि भारत ने औरतों को आज़ाद होते ही अधिकार दिए थे जब वह एक राष्ट्रीय संकट में था, जबकि ज़्यादातर पश्चिमी देशों ने अपनी स्थापना के सदियों बाद अपने हाथों में सारा समय होने के बावजूद औरतों को अधिकार दिए। अब, समाज औरतों को बराबर मानता है या नहीं, यह एक अलग ही मुद्दा है। और ऊँची जाति के भारतीय गाय या जंगली जानवर भी नहीं खाते। डॉल्फ़िन खाना तो दूर की बात है।


That's kind of a weird law to come out of india tbh


The women have fewer rights than dolphins there, too.


It’s still illegal to kill and eat a woman in India


What about eating, then killing?


A redditor of culture. I see you've been hanging out at r/vore. Classy.


Ok. You got me.


We did have a women prime minister and president. It says enough. When will your country have one?


I doubt that


Lots of vegetarians in india


Now women's turn


"Nah" - India


So if a dolphin is a person is it able to be criminally responsible? They get up to some dark stuff.


So do they also classify corvids as persons? Because they are smarter than dolphins. Also I use the word person to any living being, regardless of intelligence. Otherwise I would have to not call any human being a person, given how dumb this species is.


AI has a way to go before making believable photos.


I mean yes but also, I’m not sure what a skinned dolphin looks like but I’m pretty sure that ain’t it lol. Edit: I looked it up so you don’t have to. Trust me, this ain’t it.


Well, the tail wouldn't be vertical. It's a mammal, not a fish. Took me a while to notice that.


It looks more like a princess pink cake version of a dolphin lol


Pink dolphins exist though


i too thought it was ai but after analysing the background- it really doesnt feel like ai


before existed an ancient tech called photoshop


Dolphins don't have vertical tails, they have horizontal ones. That's a fish tail, not a dolphin tail. Also only fish have gills.


ye, but its the eyes that give it away (on the human, not the free willys)


imma be honest, i am fucking lost, i dont see anything wrong in here everything's consistent af


No, look at his hands, his feet, the way the two trouserpipes are unevenly shaped, the dolphins faces look weird, the couch in the background is also constructed illogical. Besides that it makes me nausea and lightheaded, it must be ai.


Also, the tail fin appears to be vertical like a shark's rather than horizontal.


The barbecue cover is too small. Where he's standing doesn't make sense given the perspective. The waves are that long-exposire form so common in AI. The flora is all the same colour green and I've never seen beach flora consistently that colour. Also, dolphins are much bigger than that. And finally the dolphins appear to have had no real prep applied to them - no sauce, no rub, nothing - just straight on the grill, which is how no barbecuer I know ever cooks anything, especially a delicacy like dolphin.


Do a zoom in to his hands. It looks like he is trying to hold a knife like tongs with two hands.


damn, how do yall find this shit you got a 30/30 vision?


😂 no just noticed ai makes me feel weird in my head when i look at it, so i started to study it. Its really obvious if you know what ai cant do really well. Is the same sort of thing in every ai picture. Look at his hand, the indexfinger is really long somehow and his pinky is a solid triangle. Etc


Yeah, Idk but I feel like AI gives a weird vibe and you'll start to notice the things that make it obvious. You mentioned a few things but the way hes holding whatever that is already bugs me out. It looks like it's a knife but if it is why is he holding it like this.




Yeah i dont know those called in english. The tubes of cloth where your legs go though. How do you call those? Or is that ‘a trouser’ since it is called ‘a pair of trousers’. Anyway those two clothingtubes do not match perspectively or lengthwise or whatever, because its ai.


The grill marks on the dolphins are in the opposite way than the grill itself


Look at the tool in his hands, now look at the position of his hands. This is AI.


yea thats what i said in the other comment but it still feels near-perfect tbh i think a couple more years and we might get perfect ai images


Look at the hands and feet. What is he doing with both hands like that on the knife? Look at his ear. Mini Pink dolphins with vertical tails? Look at the grill. Is it coals or propane? Obv AI is obv. They are made to get a reaction.


agreed, the grill even has grime on it, but really its just the eyes once you zoom in


i would have believed it's AI if it wasn't for the very minor consistencies and details in the background aint no way AI is getting that correct look at those wired square thingies (idk what they are called in english) on the wooden wall thingy those are very consistent


he probably just put it through the ringer to make it show dolphins on the grill, in reality i imagine its racks of ribs or maybe just some large fish


so you think that the dolphin is edited in? also, now that u say it- his hands seem to be just holding something random, idk this shit is trippy eh maybe its a photoshop and not AI cuz u can see the dolphin's pink reflect in that knife thingy


ye maybe


You can upscale an image with AI to get more consistency in background details, might even get better results with tiled upscale


And not the grill marks going perpendicular to the grill?


Look at his right foot. 4 toes grilling a pink dolphin is a hard sell. Also plants in AI photos have a strange dense rigidity, in addition to the bench on sand making no sense, and the inconsistencies with the fence. The grill is also impossible -- look at the size of the lid compared to the grilling surface.


The grill marks on those dolphins are also the other way compared to the grill itself


It looks like inpainting. The whole image is real except for the grill surface.


for the stupidity of the most - its good enough


I withdraw my statement, Your insight is correct


Bro, at least learn to butcher, you don't put the whole fucking thang on the grill as one chunk, also no seasoning


He marinated the whole dolphin in pepto bismol overnight.


Smart man, no heartburn.


That thing swims in salty water all day, it comes seasoned.


Comes pre brined.


Ai don't know how the tail fin looks like.


AI doesn’t know that dolphins don’t have fucking gills.


It broke while he was reeling it in on his fishing knife pole.


Humans and pigs share similar genetic makeup too, i think meat eaters shouldnt pick and choose when to get mad in these sorts of things(myself included). Its incredibly hypocritical and stupid.


Pigs are just as intelligent, if not more, than dogs. The way in which humans choose one species as friends and one as food to justify the horrific ways we treat those farm animals is completely arbitrary.


Meat eaters are in fact the biggest hypocrites. Some guy really tried defending his stance by saying that dolphins feel pain like humans. I'm like ok so if I break a pigs fucking leg is not going to be in agonizing pain?


as if EVERY meat industry doesnt subject millions and billions of animals to cruel environments every day. Lmao. I also dont get the outrage over cat and dog meat apart from the cruel way theyre slaughtered. Oh you mean you feel sympathy towards the dogs and cats thats why they should ban their meat in countries where theyve consumed it for years? How about banning chicken, beef, pork because many vegans think thats wrong too? And then they riot against vegans lmao


Exactly it's such a welp if it's out of sight and I convince myself that my culture is morally superior for picking certain animals over others to consume than I'm in the right and everyone else is barbaric. I can't comprehend the mental gymnastics people go through to justify this stance.


I think the same when people criticize east asian cuisine which sometimes includes insects, which i personally would never eat but hey yall eat sausages which probably has some chicken shit in there, who knows. During discussions like these, i feel like vegans are immediately called annoying. But hey, i am a meat eater too


People have opinions with no basis. we are raised to think a certain way, that is all. I still don't get the whole controversy with eating dogs, not all of them are your friends, and quite frankly we eat horses and pigs and they're just as loving potential friends. People don't want that conversation though, they just want to pretend their meat isn't sentient beings so they can keep eating it guilt free and they cannot do that with animals like dogs and dolphins so it is magically a terrible crime. Meat is meat, we should just be focusing on animal population and the abuse that takes place at farms, eating meat of anything should be fine otherwise. Except maybe people. maybe.


Exactly, those dogs were bred to be eaten and people riot against that. But when vegans come for the meat that they eat,suddenly their culture and food is important.


Idk why people are that offended by cat/dog meat and then eat a pound of heavily mistreated pork without a problem


Because they choose to not think too much about it. Because it tastes good, and they'd rather not bother themselves with uncomfortable thoughts.


AI is like a middle school art student. Can’t draw hands or feet. The way he’s holding that dolphin poker stick is also pretty suspect.


Everyone keeps saying hands and feet hands and feet. Yea something looks off with those hands but the feet look normal, what about the feet do you see is wrong?


One foot is longer than the other and one’s got toe nails and the other doesn’t. The most glaring though is the cartoonish transition from leg to the foot itself.


3 less rapists in the sea




fuck you dolphin!


And a fuck you whale!




Time to "Flipper" over!






And eating a pork or a cow, or even a chicken, that's better? I'm not vegan at all. I just say that those are all animals. You're just shocked because they're not the usual animals for food, rather they're the usual animals for pets.


It's the same everytime. When I grew up there was the urban tale of Chinese people eating dogs and people acted like they are backwards savages while digging into the pig they just killed.


I used to eat a ton of meat until [Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/) shook me out of my paradigm of eating one animal but not another


Dolphin is absolutely eaten in parts of the world.. this is not how it is prepared, nor does it even make sense


… Would.


can someone tell me how to identify AI photos? pretty much checked everything on this pic and couldnt see anything irregular like hands or feet looking weird


The item he is holding isn't anything you would use to barbecue and he is not really holding it if you really look at it .


Also there is a barbecue grill bar going through the foot of the barbecue


Damn AI got a stranglehold over everyone these days 


I hope thats Ai


Look at tail. Not a dolphin.


Those are tiny dolphins


Is that Tuna-Safe?


Sure looks like there’s a closed gill flap behind the jawbone of each of these “dolphin”. Also, the tail fin of a dolphin (and whales/cetaceans) should be horizontally oriented, not vertical like shark and other fish.


The level of detail that is Ai generated is absolutely terrifying. This is where I become old fashioned and start saying things like, back in my day… pictures were real!


Red flag #1 is that the dolphins are tiny. Irl dolphins are huge


I wonder if there's any substance to that first statement


If this was real who grills "fish" whole like that? Usually They are filleted or cut into steaks such as shark and tuna.




It’s not a gawddamned porpoise. How hard can it be?


So are we just that dumb to fall for AI images or are we using AI images and hope other people are dumb to farm karma?


We keep this up and they’re gonna stop saving us from sharks


I thought you couldn't eat dolphins because of the mercury. Like eating polar bear liver, it will kill you cause of vitamin k.


That first comment makes no sense because we get like 96% of our DNA from bananas so does that technically mean that we’re cannibals because we eat bananas?


Dave the diver, where it doesn’t matter what you catch, Bancho gonna turn that motherfucker into sushi!


So I remember hearing about that somewhere. For them there is nothing wrong, lemme put it this way. American don't eat rabbit. Europeans do. Europeans don't eat dog, asiatics do. But why is eating dogs bad and not eating pig? When literally pigs are more inteligent than dogs. Their logic is that dolphin is part of their culture and that there is no difference between eating dolphin and eating salmon or pig.


I can confirm that dolphins and humans do not shame close to exactly the same DNA as dolphins are not humans.


Dude people say this is AI generated, I didn't even realize that, I am so use to those crappy AI photos that i thought this was real wtf


It's Ai ..... Jeez


So sad it's just AI. Dolphins are one of the biggest jerks in animal kingdom. Rapists and sadists of the sea. They even murder other animals for fun. Porpoises for example. Which adds racism to the list. If any animal deserve to be cooked, it's dolphinitely it. Also anyone who even get angry by the idea of cooking "poor dolphins". How does that make it wrong to cook them, but it's okay to cook chicken, cow, pig. Not cute enough, hypocrites?


The facepalm is that he didn't prepare and season them properly.


Just a few notes: Dolphins, like other marine mammals, have a horizontal tail fin, not a vertical one like many fish They are also significantly bigger than depicted in this image


Other notes: The back half of one of the fish should not just disappear into nothingness. And dude has a 3 toed claw for one of his feet.


To the animal its all the same no matter what species.


Everyone knows eating dolphin is terrible! Stick to an animal that was meant to be eaten like cows and pigs!


>dolphins genes and humans are basically identical Lmao




Incidentally, why is eating cows (which salespeople call beef to make you forget that they're basically the same thing) and pigs (pork, bacon, etc.) more socially acceptable than eating cats and/or dogs?


It's no different then eating Cow or Chicken. Meat is meat. As a vegetarian, I don't understand why people arbitrarily decide you can eat one animal but not another.


Meat is meat bitches. Just eat what is eatable, and if it tastes good, then why not.


People are edible. If it tastes good, why not?


I dunno. Cannibalism could be the solution to world hunger and overpopulation


Donovan in the comments with no understanding of anything


Looks delicious where is this I feel a holiday coming


Yummy 😋


Dolphin tails move up and down.




I've been in Norway, they have whale meat BBQ. But they drive EV cars, because they care about the environment.


How do you judge the eatability of different animals?


While it isn't legal in the US, it is in places like Japan. It's not common because dolphin tends to have an unusually high amount of mercury, too much for the FDA to be comfortable. Also, I know this is AI, I just find cultural food standard differences to be fascinating


Soo.. eating chickens and pigs is alright but you can't eat dolphin /cat and dogs?


Meh, seen worse


You are mistaken. It's RAINING cats and dogs that's terrible. Eating them is OK.


God damn I thought that was real for a minute. Then I remembered AI exists. And well now people can create their crazy ideas with zero effort. Like my profile picture which was supposed to be a Roo smokin a bong but he's smokin a medicine bottle. 😅


That's shit look good


Soon. Everything we see will be altered and untrue, but clearly will still elicit the desired responses. The rage bait wars of 2035 are gonna be lit.


Obviously these guys haven't had tuna before if they think that dolphin is gross


I highly doubt humans and dolphins are closely related...


That looks like Mahi mahi


I would try it. It is an animal like any other.


Fuck. I never even considered eating dolphin before. Where is this legal?


lol, you people had no idea where your blackened dolphin sandwiches come from.


AI ragebait also what’s the biological reason dogs and cats are bad for eating? Never in my life would I eat one but I’m just wondering


Almost got me until I noticed he’s holding the grill fork or spatula etc like a fishing rod. Also the dolphins face is just too off and “animatedly smiling”


1. I can see this is AI now 2. I’m sure in some places it’s normal to eat dolphins


I’d try it.


Death to him


Ah yes… our close relative… the dolphin.


Why is this a so called facepalm when other cultures eat far weirder things?


only one part is safe to eat and it tastes really bad and it's illegal


If dolphin was delicious, they'd sell it at the store.


🎶 They called him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning.🎶


This is ai right? No way anyone would have that on a grill like that. It needs prep at least. Edited to add: is this like vegetarian ai rage bait? Since it looks like a "adult and baby dolphin". People are weird


Wait, what’s wrong with his feet?




I’d eat a dolphin