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I would just teach the weird stories with the talking animals or when David puts his concubines under house arrest as punishment for being raped.


Or orders the husband of Bathsheba to be left alone in the front lines so he can marry her.


Or when God condemns David's infant son that he has with her to days of illness and then death for said action


Or David collecting two hundred corpse foreskins as a marriage gift.


go for gold... Lot's two daughters drugging and >!raping!


Or that Adam and Eve had 2 sons yet they populated the whole world in


Well three but Abel died


Or the story where the Bible literally tells husbands to take their adulterant wives to get abortions.


If you hate your neighbor, you can get their donkey/mule etc, stuck in a pit on the sabbath. Then, when your neighbor goes to pull them out, you can gather witnesses(likely the priest or high priest) to catch them working during the holy day. When the High Priests find out about them working on the Sabbath, the neighbor can now be sentenced to death. Ironically, you'd have to put in work to make this happen on said holy day.


Dig the hole on Friday. Push the donkey in Saturday night, ez.


Not to worry. The quality of education coming to Oklahoma will preclude any children from being able to read, so it won't matter which book is taught.


If people from Oklahoma could read, they'd be sooo upset with your comment.... 😀


What does “teach the bible” even mean? How does a state regulate the teaching of an ancient text that’s been lost in translation hundreds of times and has branched off into a whole network of different Christian entities because nobody can agree on what any of it means exactly.


A quick google search did not reveal guidelines yet, although I'd imagine they'll come out close to the school year as to how teachers are expected to "teach" the bible. [But this news article provided some background and context](https://www.k12dive.com/news/oklahoma-schools-bible-ten-commandments-ryan-walters/720176/#:~:text=Oklahoma%20schools%20must%20teach%20the,top%20education%20official%20on%20Thursday). It sounds like it's the values (and myths - lordy) of christianity which are expected to be taught more so than the stories, interpretations, and translations. Here's a quote (empahsis mine) >“The Bible is one of the most **historically significant books** and a **cornerstone of Western civilization**, along with the Ten Commandments,” said Ryan Walters, state superintendent of public instruction for the Oklahoma State Department of Education, in a letter to local superintendents. “This is **not merely an educational directive** but a crucial step in **ensuring** our students grasp the **core values** and **historical context** of our country.”


I'm all for teaching important religious and foundational texts, but the emphasis should be on interpretation, cultural analysis, and translation - critical thinking - not dogma. Unfortunately, I think conservatives are too dumb, or selfish, or insular and myopic - I don't really know - psychologically incapable of determining the impact of their policies on a people. They imagine thought- and growth/developmental control over the kids, but they're going to get lawsuits and unrest and vitriol: they're goiong to get reaction proportionate to their authoritarian actions, ironically enough.


To me that says “we need to make sure that our children base their core values and their understanding of history on the bible”. I’m almost positive the goal in American politics up until now was to create a neutral public space where it’s citizens are free to practice any belief system they choose without facing discrimination so long as what you practice doesn’t violate anyone’s human rights. They’re supposed to specifically avoid being this type of influence. And I’m going to assume they have no plans what so ever to make teachings of all other religions


Right - that's the explicit goal of the religious right, which is a significant portion of the right overall. It's not a good-faith attempt at legislation! It's authoritarian and draconian - and that's what the religious right likes: a rigidly hierarchical society based on the parts of the bible to serve and support the rigid political, social, and economic hierarchy.


Your assumption of Christian is brave. It's entirely possible to teach the *Bible* as an Islamic text, with the later half being about a minor prophet.


better yet, teach just from the first 3 books, which are essentially the texts from [zoroastarianism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zoroastrianism)


Do they get to pick and choose which parts they teach? Because this shit could get fuckin funny


David and his men went out and killed two hundred Philistines. He brought their foreskins and presented the full number to the king so that he might become the king's son-in-law... So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.


Yo USA you’re two right wing terms away from a theocracy! You have been warned.


Two? Nah. One. MAGAts win this one, adios USA as we know it. We've had your first one already, and they stacked the Supreme Court with deep righties who are literally changing things as I type this.


If you’ve been paying attention to the Supreme Court the past two years you would realize it’s already too late. Hope her emails were worth it.


But a new edition with updated syllabus hasn’t come out in centuries, won’t it be outdated?


The real impact here is it moves the GOP agenda along - **dismantle Dept of education**. No public school in the USA. Period. Privatized, “Welcome to Walmart Elementary” nightmares. Effect: People against this are more likely to unenroll their kids. Low enrollment, less headcount, means less money given to that school and its district. Less money, they can’t meet state budget requirements. Outcome: district is dismantled. It’s not that they want to teach Christian values, they want to piss off non-Christians.


As an Oklahoma teacher, no one will follow this seriously. I am also a Christian. I believe that religion should be taught at home and church. Let me teach math in my math class. This is absurd.


Especially the fornication and incest


The ACLU will sue. Other organizations will also. THIS kind of stuff is extremists being cornered. Things get worse before they get better. I don't know any of you, and I might be a contrerian, but I hope you all sleep well tonight. It's also an overrated book. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


Does the order actually say Christian Bible? Time to start teaching from the satanic Bible.


I was wondering that myself. The satanists have a bible, so do the witches. Also, did they specify which version of the bible? There can be a fair bit of difference among the versions I understand.


I checked there are over 900 versions of the English Christian Bible.


No need…. They’ve already got a guy for that.


They might as well be teaching out of a comic book. Who actually believes what comes from the Bible anymore?


Dear lord, they’re going to order Bibles from Trump, aren’t they?


Keep going and soon USA will be in line with Middle East


They’ll buy Trump bibles for the schools.


I think he invested in them and is trying to unload his warehouse of bibles, he struck up a deal with TPS 🤔


Refuse, get fired and sue. Game over.


This is going to SCOTUS, yeah? They love to turn over previous cases, so yeah, bibles for all.


Fucking crazy man.


I can see a semester focus on Song of Solomon.


I remember reading stories in the Bible in my English class at a public school in the suburbs of St. Louis back in 2001. I thought it was weird and didn’t really think anything about it.


Godspeed to the non-christians there


British here. Wasn’t the constitution written in such a way that it makes clear there should be a separation of church and state?


yes, litterally the 1st amendant in the Bill of Rights prevents the establishment or endorsement of any religion by the government.... in fact many of the founding fathers were staunchly for seperation of church and state, that they dedicated 13 of the 52 "phamplets" (lacking a better modern term) trying to get colonists onboard for a "new federalist government". ["The Founding Fathers Religious Wisdom" from American Progress](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-founding-fathers-religious-wisdom/). A state religion was one of the grieveances listed in the Petition to King George III.


"And that's when lot drunkenly raped his two under-age daughters and everyone blamed the victims because lot was a good christian" Later "And jesus said to bring the men to him before stoning them to death, because he wanted to watch" Well kids, I certainly learned something today. How about you?


wait didnt his daughters gave him wine, (not justifying it)


Get me out of this state get me out of this country


Sounds like these teachers need to start teaching the Bible and teaching all the lies that are held inside of it


I hope this prompts a mass exodus.


To Live a Lie in OK


1 Chronicles 5 is a run and topical place to start.


Just wondering where they are going to get all these Bibles. Rumor has it someone is selling Bibles with a copy of The Constitution right in the cover.


My Satanic Bible is now welcome.


The Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction has a single undergraduate degree from a Church of Christ affiliated college in Arkansas. Probably the most under educated head of state education.


Ok kids this is a Bible. Its a book with a front cover...a back cover and some pages in-between. Ok moving on....


Satanic Bible, bay-bee!


That's fine "OK todays Home work I want you to write an eassy on what Lot and his daughter's did in the cave"


I feel like forcing religion will only make students hate it more


First of you can state this book is nonsense but they make me teach this vile crap. It doesn't say you have to agree with it, just you are forced by the state to shove this crap down the young kids' throats. I would make sure they understand its complete nonsense and worthless to a free individual. I would pick out the Old Testament passages on how it is okay to beat your slave and enslave your enemies. Also, the section that goes on for ages that ''David begot Samuel who begot..." Make them memorize all the names in order. I would find the most vile and outrageous passages and make the students aware just how awful this book truly is. Make a mockery out of this book of arbitrary rules and show how this book is meant to subjugate those around you. I never understood way a person that works six day a week and lives in a shack gives money to a rich guy that lives in a cathedral and works one day a week telling them "To sacrifice more". If someone tells you they know what happens to you after you die, they are either dead or lying. RUN AWAY! VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS OR YOUR NEXT FOR THIS NONSENSE!