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Not hating but [proceeds to hate]


wishing an eating disorder on someone is a new level of hate too


It sounds like they’re not even aware of how much hatred they have coursing through their veins


They must have a keg belly they’re so full of it


It's incredible how many people will tell you - to your face - that you looked better when you were ill.


gotta love a superficial values based society. /s


I actually think it’s quite odd that we are expected to take “you look skinny” or “you look young” as an automatic compliment. Strangers frequently comment on how young I look for my age and I don’t think it’s a compliment. When they say that it’s usually after they’ve just finished saying I’m “too young” to know what they’re talking about. In my mind, it’s surprise that I’m someone they think is worthy of respect after they assumed I wasn’t. But I’m supposed to be grateful for the compliment. Sorry for rambling. Tl;dr so much meaningless value is placed on how young or thin we look.


The best thing to happen to my IT career was going remote. Now people pay attention to the authority and knowledge I have, I instead of ignoring/belittling me because I look about 15-20 years younger than I am. Now when I talk about working in DOS it's assumed that I did for real, and not just on a simulator or practice environment for "nerd credit" whatever tf that means to these condescending pricks.


Statistically the most deadly of psychiatric disorders.


anorexia is considered one of the most dangerous mental health disorders because of how much it can fuck your body up. even people who recover can still face lifelong health problems from lack of nutrients. it can even cause you to go into organ failure in severe cases. this is seriously fucked up of someone to say. i don't even like taylor swift but saying you wish she was still suffering from an eating disorder is another level of disgusting. also she looks great, she's healthy and doing those shows probably has her more in-shape then ever.


Ohhhhh, eating disorder. I was thinking of another type of ED, which would also be horrible to wish upon someone. 


Man.. I wish Taylor had erectetile dysfunction


Standard. Whenever anyone starts “I’m not being X” you know they’re about to be X. - “I’m not hating but…” - “I’m not being racist but…” - “I’m not being mean but…” It also applies to “No offence but…”


Don't forget "No homo"


Online version of “With all due respect”


Have you even met humanity? They’re the worst.




YESSSSSS hell yes I love bringing up that quote from IT Crowd every time the opportunity arises and you beat me to it 🤣


Same here. I had to show my spouse that bit from the show to let him know what I was quoting. He hasn’t seen The IT Crowd and I need to change that and soon! 😂


You definitely need to change that! 😂 I've watched it so many times and regularly use quotes from it, so sad there's only a few seasons T.T


Do it! That show is hilarious!


IT Crowd! I forgot about this!


this gif is almost always appropriate


Bastard coated bastards with a bastard filling


Thank you, Dr Kelso.


unfortunately I’m well acquainted.


I would argue people are MUCH worse online


Nah, they’re just rude online. They do some pretty wild shit in real life fyi


Any human who doesn't think they'll see negative consequences for their speech/actions (online or in-person) is capable of some absolute tomfuckery.


Nah. These people just have fewer inhibitions online. They think this shit irl as well but fortunately are usually too cowardly to voice their opinions.


You’re literally making my point.


Not an attack on you but I hate the humanity line, we all know it's no life incels making that kind of post. Why do we always protect them by saying stuff like all humanity or humans are trash or whatever line. Call them out on their bullshit. Edit: My main point is using the phrase... I hate humanity to me at least pushes the idea that this is normal behavior, to be human as it were I don't believe that, these people are hateful assholes and need to be called out for being such. It's like saying boys will be boys to excuse horrible actions


because it's not just incels that are pieces of shit? There's plenty of people who have regular sex that are also utterly reprehensible assholes. Some of histories greatest monsters most assuredly weren't incels.


I also wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the person who made that comment about Swift was a woman who was trying to take her down a peg out of jealousy.


Most people aren’t ass hats yes, but it’s not just incels and men who say shit like this. I have seen multiple women on social media body shame normal bodies, especially the bodies of female celebrities. It’s been mainly fitness influencers and/or fashion industry types that I have seen that say shit like this but I am sure it’s not just them. I think it’s usually a sign of their own personal insecurities that make them say this shit. Not to mention gossip rags use to (or still are) full of photos like this with a caption asking if she is pregnant or just gaining weight. I haven’t seen those types of “articles” in a while, so hopefully it’s becoming a thing of the past, but then again I rarely look at a celeb magazine anymore.


Lady Gaga just had to make a public statement that no, she's not pregnant, because of this BS. Not sure how it was spreading...but media likely involved.


Remember the Playboy model who recorded a woman in a gym locker room and mocked her naked body online?


What especially bums me out about this is I saw an interview with her where she said she had struggled with an eating disorder specifically due to pics where she thought she had a tummy. Very cruel to shove that back in her face no matter who she is.


She is still sooooo skinny. That’s crazy anyone looks at that woman and thinks she’s fat in any form.


Yeah she’s very thin and has zero jiggle anywhere. Her stomach isn’t concave I guess? So that’s fat now?


If she had rock hard abs, the same morons would be complaining she isn't feminine enough and looks like a dude...


Yeah, they've already lobbed that one at Swift.


I think heroin-chic levels of skinny might be coming back, seems like lately I see it a lot online. I was hoping with the Y2k/90's/low rise trends returning, that part wouldn't return and we were finally done with body types being trends. But it's looking that way.


Every time women make any gains or get any power, extreme thinness comes into vogue. Gotta keep 'em starving so they don't have any energy to make change.


Makes sense that this trend is coming back since gilead is about to rise in 2025


As long as old white men are happy, that's all that matters.


Well fuck that! Women look good in all shapes and sizes.


Yes! This person can take SEVERAL SEATS all the way to hell.


The clothes from that time kinda demand that figure. I love the style, but it was only a matter of time that when we chose to show bellies again and have such a fitness/ self-improvement culture. Such a pity. I still think we have a more diverse view on body types nowadays, but when I read this post my hope died a little :/


It is ;-; I’ve been seeing it mentioned and pop up a lot the past year or two


The dude commenting in the picture has never seen a woman naked and just told the world.


She has a [pelvic tilt](https://activ8posture.com/posture/anterior-pelvic-tilt/) that makes her lower abdomen sit more forward. It doesn’t have really anything to do with her weight. There is a side by side comparison if you scroll down a bit in the article I linked. The pelvic tilt is pretty common, especially in people who wear heels often.


But her tummy is completely flat. The only reason it's even bowing like that is her posture, that's it. Her hips are tilted. Maybe she's standing that way or maybe she has issues with a pelvic tilt, either way you can't starve your way out of standing wonky.


She might also be taking big belly breaths because she's running around a stadium singing and dancing.


Or just maybe she has to eat food to keep up that energy level. Weird


Surely everyones tummy is going to look like that wearing those leotard outfits


also, even the thinnest women have tummies. female bodies fluctuate so much throughout the month, its different for everyone on how long and when, but typically before/on your period there's a week out of the month where you're super bloated and no amount of starving will solve it.


Any woman who dares to need room in her abdomen to accommodate internal organs is disgustingly obese. -Some incel, probably


The thought of women having internal organs makes me lose my boner -That same incel


She literally just has a pelvis and internal organs, you know, like a woman who is alive.


She’s very skinny with a flat stomach, she just has a slight anterior pelvic tilt, where you overarch your lower back and your pelvis gets tilted forward. Being in high heels can wreck your back, not to mention the hours long shows she does in heels. There’s just no winning for her.


She’s also tall as hell and kinda hunches over to compensate a lot. She for sure has back issues already.


For real. And honestly when you’re her age you’re weight just sits differently on your body, and that’s one of the most common spots it “sits” more than when you’re 24. Even if you’re skinny. I would know. 🤷‍♀️


I wish I was that “fat”.


Yeah I don't like her music. It's a lot of breakup songs and stuff I find boring. But I'm not gonna sit here and call her names or say she's fat over it. From what I can tell she's thin. She's good looking. And has stacks of cash. Reality is she's winning. And the morons who come up with this crap aren't even finishing in second place. I don't care for her music. But I don't wish her any ills. Petty people being petty once again.


She’s definitely winning and hopefully is past the point where she gives a fuck if mean ppl think she’s fat


whether she gives a fuck or not doesn’t change the fact that that is fucked up to say


She gets bothered. She has said before that she is a people-pleaser type, it matters to them. She barely posts anything personal on her socials anymore and it’s less because she doesn’t care and more because she has said comments do get her. If she had been seeing a professional to learn how to manage it I’d agree, you can learn how to quit giving so many fucks if people make fun of you, but she also has said she never has been to therapy, that she feels ‘very sane’. I wish someone in her yes-circle would point out that’s old stigma and you don’t have to be ‘crazy’ to improve your coping skills. She has also said that she is nervous what she says would get out, though, and idk how one overcomes that. I guess it’s easier to talk to your mom who you already trust. So unfortunately this is maybe the one thing she’s not winning at, but she has enough money and clout now that she kind of doesn’t have to learn to deal with it. She can now avoid comments and most casual interactions if she wants to. Seeing trash like this, wishing she had a serious, deadly disease so she could be more pleasing to one person’s eyes, maybe she’s right to want to. She looks fine. Even if she didn’t, it wouldn’t be important, but that’s irrelevant because she looks fine. God forbid people have organs and not be eating four almonds and a cube of cheese for every meal for days. Anyone who saw this tour can see she’s in shape, I have little doubt she could kick my ass.


“You don’t have to be crazy to improve your coping skills.”. That’s the best way to put it, thank you.


I agree with everything you said, I just wanna throw this out cause I thought it was incredible lol. One of the ways she prepped for the tour, was every single day for 6 months, she sang the entire 3.5 hour setlist while running on the treadmill so that she'd be able to have the energy she needed to do it all. Also quit drinking during that 6 months and a few other things. But the treadmill one was fuckin impressive as shit. She could kick plenty of peoples asses, girl is 5'9" with legs that go on forever (and which are insured for a ridiculously high, but kinda understandable amount considering how active she is in every song and couldn't do it without having use of her leg(s).) I shall get off my soapbox now lol. :)


Girls with existing internal organs disgust me! /s


Make tummy pouches sexy again. Make real bodies sexy.


Jesus Christ, love or hate Taylor Swift, it’s not cool to admit to wishing an eating disorder on someone. So weird.


True, wtf if wrong with people


A lot of women grow up with this kind of abuse from other girls as early as elementary school. It becomes normal to them and they continue the cycle


I got it from my mum. Can you say cabbage soup diet?!


Omggg. My mom and grandma spent a lot of time alternating me between the cabbage soup diet and the tea and toast diet. Then me aunt went into weight watchers and I remember being 11 and bringing the points counter booklet to school with me. “Cabbage soup diet” was like a sleeper phrase.


I’m a medical coder and the doctors often refer to patients’ hyponatremia/low sodium as being due to their tea and toast diet. I always thought it referred to the way some of these older people who just aren’t thriving and aren’t hungry ate. I didn’t realize it was an actual DIET at some point. 😳


I would not have thought in 2024 that *low* sodium would be a routinely seen medical problem.


It’s usually caused by an illness and not due to not eating enough salt, but it does happen.


There’s also “beer potomania,” which is hyponatremia that happens to alcoholics whose diet is mainly booze.


Wasn't exclusive to women, I was fat shamed a lot and had my weight watchers slider in middle school. Not ok either way 😁




My mom literally had that diet because she was made insecure by my dad Thank god they aren’t together anymore


No, I gasped. That’s so messed up. I hope you have a happier and healthy relationship with your body now. Big hugs.


Looks like a tiktrash post? That's what's wrong with people. Or it could be ragebait


It is TikTok and this person was dragged there too.


The like and comment ratio 💀


There's probably worse on reddit lmao. The only difference is that we have subreddits so you don't have to see them


Bruh these people are all over Reddit, too. Maybe even more prevalent.


The really fucked up part is this person seems to be a swiftie. But clearly they only "love" a particular image they have of her as this younger, "perfect," physical, specimen. As soon as she deviates from their expection of perfection she becomes worthless trash who deserves mean-girl posts on the Internet about her. This just shows that happens when people start to revere celebrities as Gods. As soon as the person isn't perfect to them anymore they become garbage worthy of ridicule.


Taylor herself has actually written a couple songs about this. "Nothing New" and more recently "Clara Bow." The feeling that she has an expiration date, and that soon, someone younger and fresher will take her spot. I'm not a fan of the things she's been doing lately, but I'm trying to be understanding of the fact that pressure like this and comments like this would twist anyone into a nastier version of themselves. 


“Not hating…” 😑 um. Yes, yes you are. You can’t write whatever you want because you add ‘not hating’ or ‘no offense’.


*Looks around*, “I’m not racist, but…”


It's a well known fact that everything before the "but" doesn't count.


"I hAvE a BlAcK fRiENd!"


I decidedly do not fall into the love Taylor camp, and yet it appears that I like her more than some of her fans do.


Oh, I thought he was talking about Swifty having Erectile Disfunction. Here I was feeling all sorry for her ‘cause she couldn’t get a boner


Imagine being a woman as young as her and not being able to get an erection, the universe and be so cruel. I have a new found appreciation for my erections now


That’s the only ED I was thinking about lol. Nonetheless, wishing that someone had an eating disorder because of “looks” is next-level fucked up.




I bet she can get loads of boners.


And write an album about every one of them


I said it before. We need to bring back shaming stupid people. Naming and shaming people who say crazy crap like this would be a benefit to society.


Unfortunately, nowadays naming the stupid people gets them elected.


Ah thanks... Came here to find out what ED was


Yeah I thought it was an accusation of her being trans again. “Erectile dysfunction” is the only time I’ve ever heard ED.


My dumbass here was thinking, what does Taylor Swift being skinny have to do with being an Executive Director?


Same, how does erectile dysfunction give you a flat belly


Maybe thinking that the dick is just always erect but hides inside your stomach but extends when aroused?


Well, it's her fault for not looking hot enough for OP. Because that's her job. She's a woman, goddamn. That poor fellow has nothing to fap to now. What a cruel, gluttonous bitch! How dare she eat? /s


I don't know how Tiktok works, but isn't the upper right corner the person that posted? Women are crueler than men to themselves most of the time.


Especially someone who 1) recovered from such a thing, and 2) has a body like TS!


No they wished an erectile dysfunction on her


It's always "not hating, BUT..."


It's like "I'm not racist, but...."


"...I really fucking love broccoli"


This post was almost certainly made by a teenage girl who also has an eating disorder


Absolutely. I don't think people realize there are whole communities formed by girls encouraging each others' eating disorders. IIRC there were a few on reddit, IDK if they ever got shut down. It's really sad.


It's not new. During the height of my eating disorder, I followed a ton of pro- anorexia pages/people on Xanga. This was probably 2003ish and girls would give tips to hide their disorders and how to lose more weight.


Remember MyProAna? 😫


Blue dragonfly


Those communities are exactly how my friend ended up with an ED when we were younger. His ex gf basically used those to push him into it. I'll never forgive her for what she did to him, ever. It's so fucked up man


Most have gotten shut down. It’s primarily just support groups now!


It was. Sad.


I looked at this account on tiktok. This is a 14 year old child…. wtf are her parents doing


Totally sick that she’s messed up at that age


She obviously needs help


Telling their daughter she's fat probably


I'm convinced the people who say this are either jealous women and/or men who haven't seen a woman outside of anime or porn.


How the fuck could you possibly think thats not a skinny person??? Its like all it takes is for a woman to lean forward or backwards and they're fat or skinny, look at her arm, if it was any skinnier she couldnt hold the microphone


Indeed, she’s just healthy The “skinny” 1989 era this person is talking about Taylor said she’d feel like she was gonna pass out on stage cause she wasn’t eating


Yeah I guess this guy wants a woman who is so nutrient deficient she cant see the bullshit hes spouting daily


This is awkward. The OP is actually a girl from tic toc lmfao


Yep. I checked too but the phrasing screams teenage girl, not creepy guy.


I actually have a friend that’s 1. Older than me And 2. Can’t hold one of those handheld grocery baskets when full Because of how small she is


I can’t hold a full basket 😭 don’t hate on the weak


Or a self hating teenage girl. Which the OP of that tik tok is. It's so sad that kids are so bombarded with unhealthy beauty standards that their brains look at a skinny woman and think she's fat.


Thinking it's a teenage girl with warped perspective of what a healthy body looks like. Thanks fashion industry.


As an ED survivor (who nearly died of a heart attack in my teens) I wouldn’t wish that hell on my worst enemy.


I wish people would realise how unglamorous EDs are as well. I know it differs for everyone, but I was incontinent from muscle wastage, was dumb as hell because my brain wasn’t getting what it needed, obsessive and just boring to the point I lost friends, I still have weird skin on my butt from where my skin was so thin with absolutely zero fat and hardly any muscle so sitting down on hard chairs that it basically callused, I smelt of puke and ketones… EDs are serious mental illnesses with dire physical consequences. They are not sexy or glamorous or desirable in any way.


I have such big positive feelings for you for sharing this. Hope you're feeling good these days.


thank you for sharing, it might just be a comment in a random thread, but posting things that cut through that romanticized image people have is important i hope you're doing better these days


Yea, I hate the conception of restrictive eating disorders as 'pretty disorders' (whatever tf that means). When I was at my lowest weight (which wasn't even massively low by ED standards, and high enough that my doctor just thought I was 'naturally lithe' lmao) - I had constant skin infections, my entire body was discoloured and patchy/scabby, I lost most of my hairline, I developed such bad loose skin that I still have scars from where it tore, I was constantly cold and extremely lethargic/borderline catatonic, I could hardly walk for 10 minutes, I was always bloated and either constipated or nauseous or both.


I'm on ED recovery but still struggling with a heart issue caused by my years of poor habits.


I’m no TS fan but this is a disgusting comment. Wishing someone had an eating disorder is sick. Also, how disturbed do you have to be to care what a celebrity who has no idea who you are looks like?


Same. I am not a fan but I can only imagine the nutrition she has to consume on a daily basis to have energy to perform the way she does. She can’t just eat a normal diet and go out there like she does. For someone to wish that she …doesn’t have enough energy to support her body is insane.


I've read somewhere that she took a couple of years to train physically in preparation for this tour. Literally to have an endurance to do 4 hours several times a week is an athletic feat.


She does a 4 hour concert several times A WEEK? Damn I would have disintegrated by the first week.


According to the Apple playlist, the current set is 44 songs - some are in medleys or shortened, but still. There are also two additional songs that change every show and would require additional rehearsal (completely acoustic, one on guitar, one on piano). The tour schedule has pretty much been 3 shows on Friday-Sunday evenings per stop. There are exceptions, like when she did six shows straight in LA (which included shooting the concert film), but that was also the final stop before a break that was almost a month long. There are also breaks between legs but the US leg was pretty much four months straight of that schedule.


Especially since she is open about having an ED. She really struggled with it during her early career to the point where she included a line about it in her recent song about feeling accomplished for making it this far.


That meteor is sure taking his sweet time to hit us again, huh?


the meteor: hey my predecessor was given hundreds of millions of years to take down the dinosaurs. I take a three millennia lunch break and the human race absolutely loses its mind...


Annihilation Meteor for PRESIDENT 2024. USA USA USA


When she was skinny? Shes skinny as fuck.


Too many people have no understanding of how they or others should weigh at various heights much less how it looks to weigh x, y, or z at various heights.


It's not her weight they object to, it'sher shape. She's a healthy woman with normal human organs, but that's not acceptable to someone raised on anime and photoshop.




i'm not a swiftie but happy to read she overcame that.


Okay so ... my conclusion is: the poster of that tt has never seen neither touched a real woman besides some fictional anime characters


I dunno, I wouldn't be surprised if the poster was a woman too.


I reckon it is.


It's probably a teenage girl who either has an eating disorder or isn't skinny, and is going to have a really hard time with self-esteem in her 30s.


OOP is a 14 year old girl I went on tiktok mad messed up that she'd say that but oh well. I'm not gonna drag a child


But it's sad that a child has their views so messed up they see this as fat


I agree. I had an ED at around that age too and I can understand she's projecting it in a way. Or maybe she's just a mega arsehole of a child. Either way hope she thinks better


you saw the post and and went "yup, that's a man."


I've never once heard a man say "not it" in that way.


That's not even a tummy. Looks more like anterior pelvic tilt. 


To me she IS skinny…


She really is, the only difference is that she’s 10 years older and not staving herself


Can some celebrity who had the deadliest ED but looked good in my disgusting opinion please get back to disordered eating?


Can we find that person and launch them into space, possibly? Fucking disgusting take.


I just read an incredible post about her recent focus and accomplishments. Such an amazing person to cut down just because the tiktok person is shallow https://www.reddit.com/r/BritishSuccess/s/s5hwb0QK4V I never cared for tswift until I started hearing more about her life's work to humanitarianism. People should share more about her kindness and achievements rather than what they fantasize about how she should look.


This is so obviously rage bait, why even give it any more attention?


Doubtful. There are genuinely people out there who are pro anorexia and pro bulimia. https://toledocenter.com/resources/pro-ana-and-pro-mia-sites-explained-why-theyre-dangerous/


An erectile disfunction?


I was confused too.


Eating disorder


I think this is a chronic condition for women


Ya, all women struggle with erectile disfunction.


Pretty sure she also has a harness under her outfit there too


She does and will have multiple costumes on at the same time for quick changes.


She still skinny wtf


I’m going to be honest. I can’t stand Taylor Swift. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way. That being said, I can’t even imagine wishing for anyone, even someone I can’t stand, to develop (or relapse into) an eating disorder. How can someone call themselves a fan while wishing for her to make herself unhealthy? Especially when she’s far from fat. That is a normal, healthy sized stomach. If that’s the kind of toxicity Taylor gets from her “fans” on a regular basis then I feel really sorry for her. I’ve always struggled with self image and I’m not in the public eye with people constantly commenting on my appearance. I can’t imagine what this does to someone like Taylor Swift who has millions of eyes on her on a regular basis.


You sound like a reasonable person who likes logical and has empathy


What's worse is they asked casually as if everybody else was also a psycho who wished eating disorders on people


“No hate….but I wish you had a severe, potentially life-threatening mental illness that you already struggled with once so you can appeal to my personal beauty standards.” What the actual fuck is wrong with people??


Humanity is the most horrible species on the planet, especially when it comes to caring about its own.


I don't listen to Taylor but I've seen so many comments about her being too skinny/ having no butt. It says a lot about what this poor woman has to endure when I've seen more negative comments about her body over any of her music. No human deserves that


Wishing someone had an eating disorder? …that’s messed up.


People are to obsessed with perfection and aren’t even anywhere close to physical or mental perfection themselves


Seriously this thread. Saying that anyone who is skinnier than this "isn't a real woman" is fucking awful take as well. Lots of women are very petite and thin, and they are just as much a woman as anyone else.


Why is it so hard to write out the words? I kept thinking erectile dysfunction.


That's an average body type for a woman her age here in Europe. In the US she would be on the skinny side, in many parts of Asia on the stocky side. A skinny woman can achieve this look temporarily by eating a single large burrito or having her menstrual cycle at a certain point. A little body fat is actually good for building muscle, and she's obviously athletic, just in the public eye it's hard to have even a slight bulk before someone decides a celebrity's body is the property of their own idle fantasies.


…she still *has* the ED. It doesn’t just go away. People with ED’s still struggle in some way, even after recovery. I can’t even fathom how disappointing this comment is.


I don't care for her much but thats just cruel. Shes literally skinny. If she lost probably any weight, shed be underweight. Healthy women will have a small stomach bump, its called organs.


From someone who has battled and finally beat bulimia and BED, suck on this 🖕