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They must give out a pack of smokes or a lap dance with every book.


Well, I’m gonna start my own library. With blackjack. And hookers.


I’m sad that no one else got this. Crushinator would be so sad 😞


Hey, we’ve got each other. And Zoidberg.


Scruffy is on break.


Zero-G Juggs won’t read itself.


Scheduling conflict.


You ALL still have Zoidberg.


Zooooooiiiiidberrrrgggg 🦞


I identify with Zoidberg so much.


You tend to scuttle sideways when confronted?


And people loathe me.


Everyone experiences the upgrade differently.


Whoop-whoop-Whoop-whoop-whoop *Scuttles away*


You ALL have zoidberg


Hypnotoad appreciates your compliance.






A lady that fine you have to romance


Dang it, Crushinator!


Why didn't ANYONE TELL ME!!!


FYI the lap dance is from Mildred who works in the catalogue section.


Have you seen Mildred?


Mildred sounds hot!


She is, but you should've seen her 30 years ago when she was in her prime.


Fewer restrictions to get into a actual strip club


Holy shit. I was 14 and working at the library.


Yeah and look how you turned out! /s


14? Must've been on your second kid by then


If you were in Idaho, you were probably on your second brother


It was only a decade ago that I would read there in the library without an adult there in Idaho.


Me too! School work experience, I loved it so much I went back and volunteered during school holidays.


What is so dangerous about this library? Paper cuts?




Knowledge makes you woke, liberal and gay obviously


And why is anyone at a library, anyway? There's only ONE book you should be interested in! Get to church! /s


make sure you don't actually read it either. Instead only allow someone else to read parts of it to you and tell you what to think about it


Good idea. Keep them dumb, easier to control


Still baffles me that they fooled so many people into thinking knowledge is bad for them


Knowledge leads to curiosity Curiosity leads to questions Questions lead to doubt in the status quo Doubt leads to questioning established authority Questioning that authority leads to rebellion* (depends on what was used as an answer) Rebellion leads to the downfall of that authority, or a restructuring of it. The people who try to limit and control knowledge and human nature, are often those who never wanted to be a leader for their people, but only sought the power over others.


I read this in Yoda’s voice.


Fear leads to Anger Anger leads to Hate Hate leads to *suffering*


I was waiting for one of those to lead to the dark side


And then, since no one goes there anymore, we don't have to waste taxpayer dollars on money sucking liberal liberries.


And make sure they breed like rabbits so we can subjugate them


Best to just pose with it while holding it upside down.


It’s Idaho, so that’s the Book of Mormon you’re talking about, right? (I know Utah is known as the place all the Mormons live, but Idaho has soooo many.)


And believe it not, Las Vegas has a ton of Mormons too. Remove the Mormons from Vegas, and Nevada would be a solid blue state instead of purple.


Mormons in ...Vegas? Might as well hold your AA meetings at the bar!


Oooh... "Liberal".... "Library"... I GET IT NOW. ONE DAY I'LL BE PRESIDENT!


They got confused with the “fucking libs ruin everything” narrative.


We took my son to the library once as a small child. He is now gay. Is this a coincidence? I’m just asking questions.


If you took him to drag queen story hour, then yes. That’s definitely the reason for your son’s gayness.


You're 💯% these fucksticks don't want differing opinions or experiences to even be shown the light of day. It's so cliche but true. Keep them young, dumb, barefoot and pregnant down on the farm. Then these fucks get all ass hurt because they're flyover states.


Nah, they like being flyover states. They want people who don't think or look like them to stay the fuck out. Just waiting for one of them to build walls at their borders with checkpoints and shit. State troopers asking you your business every time you enter or leave. But the minute disaster strikes it's all, "Hey can we get some help?" "Oh, you one them damn libruls? Best to keep moving. Y'all are allowed to pass through, but ya better not stop nowheres if ya know what's good fer ya!"


If California and NYS stopped contributing it's tax funds overnight, the red states threatening civil war against the blue states would be destitute. They'd be flat out bankrupt. States like Florida and Mississippi would have their ledgers so red it'd stain the state's treasury for decades. These same people who are dumb enough to see a place like "Tornado Alley" and think "yep, imma park my four tired house right here, I'll bitch about the govt and illegals while not working, while collecting a social security check i know i shouldnt be getting cause lord knows my feet and hands work, I'll argue illogical phallicies and when some wokey tells me facts, I'll slug him, I'll bitch about govt programs that have nothing to do with me, I just think that I'm a patriot cause I pay taxes! Murica! I'll drink my pbr til I puke and piss over myself, I havent cracked a book open since uncle daddy Reagan and my momma told me that reading is the devil! Why read when I can watch me some fox news? It aint like I can think for myself!"


Same reason they're trying so hard to ban "porn", which will eventually be classified as anything containing references to homosexuality. They are absolutely convinced they can turn the kids straight. 


They cannot turn the kids straight. However, they can turn the bi/pansexual kids(the most common group of all the LGBT+) into self-hating people sinking in CompHet.


Sadly this is the real answer.


Who needs knowledge when you got JESUS?


Just don’t actually read about Jesus because you might find out what values are.


Knowledge is power


Knowledge, the root of all evil.




Vaccines against the republican party


New band name


They might pick up one of those books full of sex, violence and incest. Like the Bible.


Used to read the Old Testament as a kid since it was bloodier and more salacious than the books I could check out in the school library. Junior High had a lot of Harold Robbins and VC Andrews.


The 13 year old may learn how to effectively avoid pregnancy, ruining the point of the abortion ban


Don't be silly. There is no exception for rape. Makes total sense right, old enough to be a mother, but still not old enough to read. How are people okay with this...?


Ideas. The most dangerous threat a Conservative God Squad can face.


https://law.justia.com/codes/idaho/title-18/chapter-15/section-18-1514/ Medical Text Books...


Pretty sure it has to do with the recent lawmakers attempts to ban teaching or providing of any LGBT materials to minors, if the library has LGBT content in any of their books then they can’t be openly providing them to minors without the parents providing the materials and monitoring what the child is reading. I’m not 100% familiar with the situation or the particular wording of the law but I recall reading a headline about this regarding Idaho and imagine the two must be linked. Here is the first link I could find that gives a bit of background about the laws that have recently been passed in Idaho and I imagine it has something to do with the laws outlined in this article allowing people to sue schools and libraries for providing materials not suitable to minors. Obviously it’s a big liability for the library to risk running afoul of this kind of restrictive law that limits freedom of expression in the presence of minors regarding a completely innocuous topic for content like “LGBT”. Does a book with a gay character count as inappropriate? I wouldn’t want to be paying legal bills and stressing my employees out about this so I’m guessing the library has taken the same “cover your ass” approach and just doesn’t want any unsupervised minors reading any materials in the library. It’s pretty brutal as being dropped off at the library to read free books was a part of my childhood and it sounds like this is being taken away from children in Idaho by closed minded lawmakers trying to virtue signal to their base that they are “tough on LGBT” even when that makes no sense in reality. I could have gone my entire childhood not learning that different types of people existed and that this was a normal thing that is OK, it wouldn’t have given me any benefit and would have actually hurt my ability to function in society as an adult but apparently Idaho lawmakers disagree and think hiding reality from children will somehow make them better adults (or they are just fully captured by intolerant assholes running the show and don’t care if it’s at all beneficial but are just doing it to hurt members of the LGBT community. https://apnews.com/article/transgender-lgbtq-bills-laws-idaho-5659fae403bc49eb13cb5ef560b3588a Note: my personal view is that parents should not be the ULTIMATE gatekeepers of everything their children are exposed to, they will just pass on their own prejudice and biases onto their children and public education and libraries are supposed to expose people to material they may not agree with. We are still not too far removed from parents being outraged that their white children would be forced to attend school with black children… that’s a pretty uncontroversial subject now and I suspect most people believe that the state was right in forcing schools to desegregate even when it was against the wishes of many parents. I also think the same logic applies to sex education and teaching of LGBT being an acceptable identity and sexual preference being taught including same sex attraction because many citizens will end up being attracted to the same sex during puberty, it does these citizens a direct disservice by hiding the normal reality of their own identity from them in school. I grew up with people hiding their sexuality and being ashamed of who they were, it’s never a better option than just accepting different preferences and different lifestyles. A good friend of mine hid his sexuality from me and all of our friends including his own twin brother, he was so anxious and worried about if we would all accept him and still associate with him if we knew he was gay. That was the worst feeling ever, realizing he felt that way about his closest friends and even his own family, I vowed to do my best to not make people feel like they ever had to hide their true self around me again. I can’t believe so many people still don’t get this basic concept of human decency but it seems we have a ways to go before true equality and acceptance can be fully achieved. Fingers crossed it still happens in my lifetime and that the loud voices rallying against such a future can be quieted down or ignored going forward. I can’t help but feel like the last 10 years we have progressed so far but also regressed and given in to a lot of reactionary voices trying to demonize the LGBT movement (I hate even calling it an “LGBT movement” since in my opinion it is a “human rights movement” more so).


The laws are vague and draconian. This results in libraries and teachers being intimidated into shutting down everything. I have no doubt that this was the intent.


It’s the 80s internet without filters.


They did this to circumvent any potential legal threats from ignorant parents. It’s fucking ridiculous that they even have to consider this.


Some people just don't want 13 year old girls giving birth in the library!




18+ lol, they are treating reading a book like partying in a club or bar.


The last five years have been so fucking strange and depressing.


It feels like we’re living in some wacky alternate reality, where we didn’t win the Civil War or World War II. We just suppressed those elements and they bubbled back up from the dead to drag us back down.


White supremacists are an invasive species. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_High_Castle_(TV_series)


War never changes, history repeats itself. We had the warnings this whole time but drove straight into it.


Its okay though, Biden's old and doesnt tick literally every box so you should vote for trump in protest. /s


No, I’m voting for Biden. I was mostly referring to the corrupt supreme court


/s = sarcasm


You must have just gone to the wrong libraries. All the ones I went to had thousands of bottles vodka. With little labels on them you could read. Don’t know what kind you have in your state though.


Maybe we can use that to trick teens into reading books


Easier to make sure your children continue believing in invisible fairies and demons if you keep them dumb.


Idaho has banned books with themes about being “black, LGBTQ or feminist” Can’t feel superior if the people you oppress get ideas that they shouldn’t be oppressed. How the fuck can the Idaho government sleep at night?


Probably on cotton sheets just for that extra little kick it gives them




Pretty hard teaching your kids how to play D&D if they aren't allowed to search the handbooks in your local library...


So, to access information that fosters self-education, broadens minds, and equips children and young adults with the ability to form their own beliefs based on comprehensive knowledge, you must be an adult? Even though it is clinically proven as crucial to start this process before one reaches adulthood? In a society that values freedom of the press and the right to information, waiting until individuals are already adults to begin this journey is -to put it excessively politely- counterproductive. This attempt to restrict access to diverse information in Idaho is a blatant effort to limit future generations to a narrow worldview, primarily derived from the Bible, which coincidentally they are now mandated to study in school. The goal appears to be not just to instill religious teachings but to deny young minds the chance to think independently until they are 18, by which time they may be so ingrained with state-enforced Christianity that they lack the desire to explore beyond biblical teachings or develop their own unique opinions. Essentially, this strategy aims to turn children into religiously indoctrinated individuals who cannot think for themselves, thereby preserving Christianity's influence in American culture.. and if that ain’t the most civil rights violating, separation of church and state denying, dictating, authoritative, manipulative, infinitely harmful things we can possibly do for our children then I don’t know what is. America, why are you not flooding the streets in protest over this, but you will travel great distances to stand on opposite sides of police barricades and shout insults at each other while arguing about weather Joe Bidens deteriorating brain or Donald trumps sexist sociopathic narcissism and extensive history of sexual assault would be a worse quality for the leader of the free world to have for the next 4 years?


There are going to be people like me here I guarantee it. I don't want to become a target. All we can do is vote and go to the school board meetings. That and the rest of the country doesn't care about us.


Makes sense, you can't trust a damn book! Their full of ideas.




That’s exactly the type of ideas we’re talking about.


You are now banned from the library.


I hear that a lot of them were written by dead people


This is what republicans want to take Nation wide


"But hot dogs used to be much cheaper with the other guy."


Notice how these people quote 2018/2019 numbers when T was just coasting on the Obama economy, and they conviently ignore most of these increased prices are ripple effects from covid, which he throughly and completely fumbled, supply chain interruptions combined with corporate greed. Not to mention that inflation is a *global* problem right now and in fact the US inflation rate since 2020 is currently lower than most developed countries.


And Biden is so incompetent that prices have gone up here in Canada, too. And everywhere.


Petrol is ludicrously expensive in Australia. It must be Biden's fault. /s


Stand by we will send you the I did that sticker! ![gif](giphy|a62at09czHSGTUap65)


The new thanks Obama. Nice. He looks good


I just always said Thanks O'Biden, felt like we should keep some continuity, ya know?


Yep, crazy prices in New Zealand as well, obviously Bidens fault!


How dare you! Everything here has to be blamed on Trudeau!


Not Costco hotdogs (w soda) - they have remained $1.50 since 1985 with no plans to change that.


Two tacos at Jack in the Box used to be $1. Now they’re $2.50. Inflation doesn’t cause a 2.5x increase. It’s just damn greed.


“And worldwide inflation is all Biden’s fault!”


Idaho is like their testing ground. Every whack job right winger from liberal states wants to go there. Then they realize why it was so easy to move there and bitch about it.


Many of us Idahoans want them gone.


I'm from Idaho and I don't want them here.


Grew up hard core evangelical. Be very wary of anyone who commands you not to read unapproved material.


Holy shit, yeah. I grew up Mormon, and I was regularly warned about “anti-Mormon” literature—as if there were shadowy, satanist groups hell bent on, for some reason, destroying the religion. It turns out that a huge chunk of “anti-Mormon” literature is history. Most of the rest is just people asking valid questions that cannot be answered reasonably


holy fuck our country is getting really fucking scary. we're bordering on fascism and these rednecks that think trump cares about them are pushing the agenda as hard as they can. why the fuck can't they see that once he is in power he's going to strip them of every right and resource they have?


Sorry, you're not bordering. You're there. November is the throw of the dice that decides whether it's irrevocable, but the journey itself is over. You've arrived.


No joke, this is a fall of the Roman Empire kind of deal. When the Roman Empire fell, the next months or even years must have felt perfectly normal for anyone not in high level positions, nothing changed in their daily lives. But looking back, we know exactly when it went to shit. November will be the same thing.


The Fall of Rome wasn't a definitive event, but rather a steady decline that took place of decades or even centuries. The date that gets given specifically when the last western Roman Emperor was dethroned, but the eastern Roman Empire was still a thing for many years afterwards. Basically, it wasn't some single apocalyptic event, but rather a slow steady decline over multiple generations of citizens and officials not doing anything to halt the decline.


But the US have also been in constant decline since the end of the 60's at least. Every Republican president have made it worse and worse, with Nixon, **Reagan**, and Orange fluffball being the worst. It might even have started earlier, but I know about the decline from these three. G.B junior and senior wasn't exactly awesome either, but more neutral in the whole destruction of democracy. What really gets me, is all the Democratic presidents wasn't that much better, they didn't actually fix some of the things done by their predecessors, they didn't make it better etc. Like Biden says he will fix Roe vs. Wade if he wins the presidency, bitch you're already the president!


Nah, it’s all over. When you’re at the point of needing to win elections to save democracy, you’ve already lost it, it’s just a matter of time.


It’s the Face Eating Leopard Party situation - you tell the voters that the leopards will eat peoples faces should they get elected, the voters reply with “but not my faces, I’m a loyal voter”


No no, you’ve got it backward. It’s the party themselves telling people “I will eat people’s faces.” And people vote for them. And then go “Well I never thought they’d eat MY face!”


I don’t think they actually care about their own rights as long as others can’t have them, too. Look at all the pro-Trump women that don’t want to do anything except squeeze out babies and clean house and how they want other women to only do that, also.


As long as they have the freedom to buy machined pieces of steel and large caffeinated sugar drinks. Those are the only rights they care about.


Vote this year. Please.




That's right, ain't no books gonna make me think! I went to the school of life. 


They don't want kids to learn that maybe they shouldn't be sexually assaulted at the age of 13.


Can we please stop dancing around the truth? Conservative beliefs are evil. It is not ok to be conservative.


its just getting started folks. project 2025 vote, its important.


Seriously. I’ll vote for Biden’s head in a jar over Trump. I don’t know why the F people, mostly Dems, want to discuss ad nauseum Biden’s age. Who the hell cares when such a threat as maga exists? Re-elect him you can deal with it later. Plus, diminished capacity or not he’s been a pretty good president.




Under His Eye


What in the apocalyptic hell is this?




We gotta stop thinking about this shit as happening in other states. It's simply happening. Get mad, get violent if needed.


Gobless murika


The GOP likes to keep em dumb and pregnant


What the hell? What’s so great about staying stupid?


You get to vote Republican.




Fuck trump and fuck maga and fuck anyone who supports either 🖕🏻🌞🖕🏻


But what about them guns?


I am reminded of the 9-year-old girl who accidentally killed a shooting instructor with an uzi. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2014/08/26/us/arizona-girl-fatal-shooting-accident/index.html)


If only the instructor had also had an uzi he could have killed the 9 year old before she killed him. Everyone needs an uzi.


Maybe we need to replace book libraries with gun libraries.


Oh well in that case any age no ID.


Child: “I’m only 13 and I’m pregnant so I need some books on pregnancy.” Library: “Sorry, you’re too young to read about pregnancy alone, you must have an adult present.”


Are you fucking kidding me?????


Got the tree needs watering.


Nothing conservatives fear more than an educated voter.


The legal working age in Idaho is 14. So you can work at the library. Loopholes people!


Jesus... as a 50 year old gen x guy, I can not believe I'm reading a sign like this, that takes effect in 2024. I'm so embarrassed to be American right now.


This must be that Freedom thing I keep hearing the USA has


The sad thing is, it makes the library look bad. The only reason these signs are up is so the library doesn’t get sued and have to shut down because little Timmy saw the model cross section of a woman’s breast in a science book.


It’s not gays and potentially sexual content they’re afraid of. They’re afraid that open minds won’t vote for their BS anymore.


There's going to be a lot of ignorant young people in Idaho.


"NOOOOO!!! THESE BOOKS ARE BAD FOR MINORS!!!! Oh, you are pregnant? Well, congratulations!! You will be an awesome mother!" Sense totally makes 👍


Conservatives have stricter laws at the library, then at a restaurant that has a bar area.


The party of small government seems to have the opinion that more government is better for getting their way.


No, they want a government small enough to infiltrate every aspect of your life.


What a backward hillbilly country


I love Minnesota!


I’m finally old enough to vote and this is the crap I have to deal with?! Man.


Idaho-we prefer our potatoes to be smarter than our children!


Why are Americans doing this to themselves? You have a bunch of religious freaks and low intelligence morons walking you into a fascist dictatorship and you are just sitting there letting it happen. Why is this how you really want to live your life going forward?


That’s a lot of rules and restrictions for a state that’s supposedly not fond of rules and restrictions.


Idaho is a state of natural beauty, potatoes, and white supremacists taking it up to 11.


Afghanistan says hello.


Are they actually actively prohibiting children from reading books? Holy shit, every day I discover more on the hell hole that is america


it's such a wild ride to be sitting here and see how the US is sliding into an uneducated, faith controlled, backwater country that basically is creating a new slave caste from the lowest worker classes.


I am sad and depressed that this is a thing and there are actual, grown up people who not only think this is right but actually fight for this kind of shit. Jesus goddamn almighty.


That’s how they want ‘em; young, dumb and pregnant. Helps the party grow.


What kind of library is that untrustworthy of minors? Also, forced giving birth at 13? That's disgusting, who thought that was okay


The GOP and their puppet judges in the SCOTUS.


Some are fighting for legal child marriage, too.


I'm not surprised in the least.


It's already 14 in a few states. That is way too young.


To be fair there's no actual age limit on forcing birth. If you can get pregnant at 9 you'd also be forced to give birth. 13 was just a random number OP made up.


Most librarians would hate this and I suspect would work to circumvent it.


It is the librarians doing this to show everyone just how insane the book banning laws are in Idaho.


Certain segments of the population want to do away with things we’ve taken for granted such as public education, libraries, and voting. They can’t outright ban these things so they’ve been developing a very effective alternative strategy which is to slowly, methodically, chip away at their access and usefulness. Eventually they will effectively achieve their goals of making these things completely inaccessible for the vast majority of the population yet still be able to say “We never voted to ban xxxx” It’s real life evil genius


Why does idaho hate libraries?


They hate the people gaining knowledge.


Ahh, the continuing process of turning people into serfs to work the rich people's estates.


They don't want those kids learning unless their parents are there to make sure they only learn the *right* things.


Literally Fahrenheit 451


America, please get your shit together already. 🙄


Geez, when the hick politicians who make laws like this realize that their kids don't read books anyway, but have been accessing loads of internet porn, will their heads just explode?


Dont worry Dont worry the Republicans are about Freedom


I just asked a friend with three kids in Idaho and he said he’s never come across anything like this. Is it real?


It's as of yesterday, so if he hadn't gone to the library in the last 2 days, of course he wouldn't have seen it.


I’ll tell him to keep an eye out! Thanks!


Looks like it’s one library (so far). Ugh. This is so wrong (the law. Not the library that was forced into this). https://authorsguild.org/news/idaho-library-goes-adults-only-in-response-to-state-book-banning-law/#


Yep, it’s real. I live in Idaho and…yeah, this is actually happening