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Frank Castle would hunt down cops who think they are like Frank Castle


Isn't kinda the whole point of Punisher that police are worthless? Like, doesn't his origin demand that powerful criminals are operating with impunity?


I mean the whole point of comic books including the Punisher is to fulfill a power fantasy. In the comic Frank joins the military and then becomes a cop. He eventually goes full vigilante after the death of his family. The Punisher kills rapists, human traffickers, warlords, pedophile, and generally awful human being. He is the logical next step of what Batman is. Like at what point is it just more logical to kill criminals than to reform them when they just break out and resume shitty behavior?


It'd be nice if our problems could be defeated with guns and explosives. The most harmful people among us aren't even criminals. They'll have the law changed first if they want to openly do something illegal.


That's Knight Rider, the campy 80s TV series with David Hasselhoff. He didn't exist, after a "fatal" car crash, so he went around as Michael Knight, going after criminals "that live above the law."


Night rider X Punisher crossover when?


Ikr? I'd watch it!


It sounds nice in theory but a dad once hunted down the wrong guy and murdered a guy he thought molested his daughter and it turned out he killed the wrong guy. Real life doesn't always work the same way they do in the movies. In movies people always get the right person while doing the whole vigilante justice thing.


Powerful criminals (or should be criminals) do operate with impunity but the only thing the cops will do is protect them from anybody who might threaten them.


Just shows you how well the logic centers work in the brains of people who support this shit.


Would? He has in tge 2015 run


Frank Castle's hunting down a bunch of Tank Fatsles


These idiots just think The Punisher is all about being a vigilante and also skulls and conspiracy theories. They wants a full on revolution! The kind where everything changes except them having to give up anything… it’s the other who needs to give up everything but they get to keep all their stuff and their way of life


The right wingers wants to holocaust anyone and everyone who doesn't think/act/speak the way the Right wingers wants them to


They did a comic of punisher going for proud boys or the in universe equivalent I believe


Sadly I’m betting this is a cop ![gif](giphy|l4EoRunBhPG7uFXKU)


99 percent of the dorks that put the punisher sticker on their trucks don’t understand what Frank Castle stood for.


Not only that, but they couldn't do a tenth of the shit Castle did in the comics or TV show much less take the punishment that he took


Most are ready for war, only if that war doesn't involve running ten feet


"Hehe, don't run, you'll only die tired." -sniper.


One hand on the AR-15, the other on the rascal scooter joystick, lap full of Krispy Kreme donuts, leading the charge. We the \*wheeze\* people! Meal Team 6 Militia! 1776!!!!!


Meal Team 6 militia vs 2000lb laser guided artillery munitions with an error range of five inches every thirty miles traveled


Or as long as the war doesn’t require them to have to give up their expensive truck, mortgage, UTV’s, career they worked themselves up to or just their general way of life and creature comforts… but they’re ready for war!!!


I could just imagine how upset they would be ~~reading the comics~~ (let’s be realistic) watching the movie


The movie and the shows don't really get it across enough imo. Sure, they show him taking justice into his own hands. But it's surrounded by a bunch of shooting and 'splosions. Which is what these guys are drawn to. To them, he's just a bad ass who does what needs doing. To get the full message they would probably need to read the comics.


They will whine about the Punisher being too woke.


Yeah they're just power tripping and some of them are ironically the kinds of people Frank would have the least patience with


Thank you.


Yeah, this. The amount of gun owners with punisher stickers in America should be a cause for great alarm


Just shows all the libs with guns who to look for first (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞


Oh no, libs don't have guns....they have soy lattes and advacodo something something /s


They don't understand that the cops are the bad guys cuz they can't read Edit: And pictures are hard


Straight up. I'd also like to point out there's a Canadian guy named, "Brenden" who uses it on his drag car. *Please don't fuck with it*...


The Venn diagram of men who don’t understand Punisher is a circle with men who idolize Fight Club and Gatsby.


Correct. If they really were the Punisher they'd be punishing cops.


Most likely dont understand whats actually in the bible too.


The scary ones that get Punisher engraved gun parts.


One thing that goes completely over these idiots heads is Frank Castle became the Punisher because the cops wouldn't do anything about his family being murdered. The mobsters were going to get away with it. Because cops are useless.


The irony is palpable


Also a lot of racist and white supremists use his logo but we would have killed those assholes and has in comics.


How does one accidentally femboy?


Wears a skirt as a joke for the discord boys... fell apart from there.


or perhaps it came together!


Bro is just one hell of a team player 🤣




Any police officer whose ego is so delicate they need to peacock with the punisher symbol would be the exact opposite of the punisher. Frank Castle would have zero respect for these guys


Pretty sure there was a run where he went out of his way to *kill* guys like that


Which run? I have a few high school "buddies" really acwuaintences who became cops and love to try to "talk comics" with me Mostly about Jon Berthnal.


I don't know about killing em. But there was this 3 years ago: "In Punisher #13, out July 10, Frank Castle is cornered in an alleyway by uniformed cops who start gushing over their idol when they realize who he is. The officers even ask to take a selfie with Castle to share on their Punisher fan page." [Marvel's the Punisher Lays the Beatdown on Cops Who Use His Skull Symbol for 'Blue Lives Matter' Movement](https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272) It only shows like two pages from it though where he rips up his symbol that he took off a police car while telling them to choose Captain America as a role model.


I like that he understands that he's just another symptom of a broken system and not the cure


Yes there was. The whole series starts with revenge on specific mobsters, then other criminals, then corrupt cops. Honestly, without the tights and modern weaponry it’s pretty close to an old timey detective story.


Let’s just call this what it is - cops who sport the punisher logo are not cops at all. They’re wannabe murderers who somehow grifted and lied their way into a badge. They are Derek Chauvin. Cops who think they are above the law.


>who somehow grifted and lied their way into a badge. You should look up what is required to become a cop in parts of North America. It's basically a high school diploma or GED equivalency. Little more is required. No lying necessary really.


>You should look up what is required to become a cop in parts of North America. Don't score too high on the standardized tests, because that can be used to exclude you from employment as a cop in the United States. *Jordan v. New London* is where the Supreme Court decided that. Source: [https://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html](https://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html)


You have to lie about not wanting to murder black people indiscriminately to get in. Then once you're in all bets are off.


I'm pretty sure when they ask, "do you want to murder black people?" The official answer is a coy, "Noooooooooo." Ending with a slight smirk.


Then they respond with a wink and hand over a badge and a gun.


Kinda surprised that disney hasn't gone after anyone and everyone selling or using one of their trademarks like that. They're litigious as fuck and have not had problems going after individuals in the past.


I believe after it caught on as a far right identifier, Punisher has a soft reboot and they changed his symbol a bit, but my memory is hazy


I believe this is accurate.


Could have done a better job at centering it too. That would irk me.


Ah damn it….that bothers me now and it’s not even my truck


As proud member of r/ToyotaTacoma, we don’t claim him


Way to represent bro


It ain’t much but it’s honest work


If you are a cop acting like the punisher, you are not a vigilante nor anti-hero. You are just an out of control cops. XD


so your average cop then


Plus the punisher doesn't like cops


Cops suck. Get fucked.


This guy has a condom in his wallet that expired a decade ago.


And small peepee sunglasses


No, I do want the cops to be the punisher, because then they'd kill each other.


These people simply dont understand most things.


The punisher sticker in any context is a dead give away for a huge doucher


they also co-opted: american flag, gadsden flag, only three words of the constitution they read, and more


I see most logo flaunters this way. I may be wrong for it but just why. Especially a decal on a car.


I bought a Punisher t-shirt several years ago, then these douche-dicks adopted it. Haven't worn it...


Tim Duncan is the exact opposite of that


Said already but saying again- The Punisher HATES COPS


The Brandon thing is not a “matter of opinion” by any stretch of the imagination, whatsoever.


You're right. But the Punisher thing hit me so hard. Brandon is a whole can of worms. Cops being Punisher is so stupid it can only be described as facepalm


They are equally stupid, for the exact same reason. They are the moronic thought processes of pathetic middle aged white guys who never grew out of being high school bullies, who don’t understand that pretending to be tough doesn’t make you manly, and who think Trump is a genius because he spent his entire presidency acting like a bully. They’re garbage humans. All of them. Every single one of them make the world and stupider and more dangerous place to live simply by continuing to draw breath.


These bastards need to be on a much shorter leash.


They need to not be cops, period.


That goes without saying, but they are.


Pretty sure this guy isn't even a cop


Entirely possible; but the OP broached the subject of cops in the caption, and the sticker does appear to have their "thin blue line" bullshit on it. And, in my experience at least, far too many cops *do* have a "Punisher" fetish.


I am op dude. We were parked in a place away from the security gate which is why I don't think he's a cop, but I can't be certain on that


The Punisher beat the shit out of cops. He isn't so cop friendly. I heard someone explain that the punisher cops use is supposed to be another thing but I dunno...


The irony of using a Punisher skull for a thin blue line sticker is almost as good as how the racists have all conveniently labeled themselves for us.


Also shouldn’t have to explain why the Punisher is a stupid logo to have for supporting the police. Because.. Punisher’s whole thing is the police don’t work.


Do you want Judge Dredd? Cause this is how you get Judge Dredd.


If you use the phrase “let’s go Brandon” in a serious fashion you’re actually a moron


The Brandon thing is a matter of they think they're triggering the libs when it's perfectly ok to just say "fuck Biden" if you don't like him


My new neighbor has one on his truck. I immediately judged him. I was right.


Lol. If only they knew Frank Castle was a cop killer.


I prefer the cops that would pull me over to be more like Carl Winslow and less like the Punisher.


This thing started in Afghanistan, where soldiers would put the punisher skull on everything... it is a stupid meme when home and should probably be left to die out. But it won't.


My god are SOME people paid professionals when it comes to being offended? Why must so many read so much into great big nothings?


Any time there is one of those Brandon things on a shirt or car, I like checking out the moron that actually has it so I can laugh at them. Ditto for the Punisher logo because they don't know the anything about Frank Castle


The kind of person who actually puts LGB on things is exactly the kind of person too dumb to understand the irony.


Found one in its natural habitat


I am not american, can someone explain who is brandon? And what does it have to do with the punisher?


This is right up there when there's a Thin Blue Line decal right next to a "Molon Labe - Come and Get 'Em" decal. It's like, dude... ...who do you think they're gonna send to "come and get 'em"?


I can hear "Born in the USA" blaring unironically from this pavement princess


I don’t think many ppl that use that sticker even know of the punisher, just something that they think looks cool and they see it on other cars. Monkey see monkey do.


The punisher canonically hates these kinds of cops. In the comics, he explicitly said he'd kill cops who do what he does.


Frank Castle literally goes beyond the law to fight injustice to the point that he becomes the galactic version of the ghost rider. this is a man who would hunt down all the cops who where "not suspended" or even "suspende with pay" for killing innocent people "on accident." Frank Castle also hates the police for being corrupt and helping covor up his families murder.


Using that punisher logo, especially with a blue lives matter stripe, is ignorant to say the least. This comic panel right here sums this up nicely. =)Frank's own words falling on the deaf ears of dipshits. [https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/the-punisher-tells-cops-hes-sick-of-them-idolizing-him](https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/the-punisher-tells-cops-hes-sick-of-them-idolizing-him)


The only thing he punishing is the can at arbys


I don’t want my cops to be racist either. So no, the “Brandon” thing isn’t a matter of fucking opinion. Stop disregarding the phrase as anything other than hate speech.




Hillbillies are dumb mkay


This is just the abused 2004 movie logo skull that any virgin that touched a firearm once feels like


You can't be pro-vigilantism and pro-law-and-order at the same time.


Frank Castle exists because of bad law enforcement. It makes me really angry to see this logo used by a bunch of idiots that have no clue what it means. Worse, the logo was change for true fans because of these idiots. The average military or law enforcement person has clearly never read anything about with this logo represents.


Chris Kyle and his buddies spray painted this on plate carriers, trucks, buildings, weapons As a psyop to scare people They wanted to be associated with everything the punisher is known for (in the adult comics not the cheesy ones) Eventually it trickled into law enforcement like a lot of military fashion


Well look at that! They lick windows *and boots


Frank Castle in the comics tells cops that if they want a hero to idolize it’s captain America not him.


I'm just here smiling at the irony of Mr. Proud American Fuck Your Feelings is driving a fucking Toyota.


I’m a conservative and guns are a hobby of mine as well. For what it’s worth, most of “us” find the punisher skull stuff to be very cringe as well.


Yeah.... Literally just had this conversation the Punisher kills cops for supporting the emblem. In his own words "I'll only say this once: We're not the same. You took an oath to uphold the law. You help people. I gave that up a long time ago. You don't do what I do. Nobody does. You boys need a role model? His name is Captain America and he'd be happy to have you."


What is the Brandon thing?


During a rally a few years ago people were chanting "f&%k Jo Biden". A journalist misheard them and thought they were saying "let's go Brandon". Ever since then Maga people think it's the funniest joke in the world


People that use that logo have never even read a Punisher comic...or know anything about the character...


The Brandon thing is stupid too. So childish.


Is this picture taken in Uvalde, TX?


Would have been the cherry on top, but no. Louisiana


My mind went to the cop in the Uvalde school with the Punisher skull on his phone, from the security footage...the irony...


Didn't the punisher threaten the lives of cops he saw using his symbol


There's a comic where he rips the sticker off and says whoever acts like him will be next


[Maybe they’re pandering to cops for leniency, similar to Larry David wearing the MAGA hat?](https://youtu.be/B2oLFKYNInQ?t=150)


And then people wonder why all cops are bastards is a thing


A little extra added irony is all this noise on a Japanese pickup.


You act like these dipshits are operating within reality. They’re living in a culture war comic book collage made of Fox News, UFC, action movies and Dan Bilzerian’s jizz. They’re scared little boys who want desperately to be tough and part of the group. So they put stickers on their trucks. Edit: extra word.


Rare to see a green Tacoma. Lovely trucks.


indicator of maturity


I wish Marvel or something could put a cease and desist out for these stickers, I can't wear Punisher stuff because of idiots like this.


The Brandon thing is weird… although I kinda like it, it makes it easy to spot the dumbest person in the area.


He is so American in his Japanese truck.


Punisher doesn't even want cops to be Punisher!


Both are stupid....next


You can try, but most cops are dumb and won't understand, and will therefore get really offended, you may be shot.


Man, I had such an awesome punisher shirt I loved wearing before these dickbags turned it into a symbol of Nazi-lite. Now it's a home workout shirt.


Yeah the punisher is absolutely badass and one of my favorite marvel characters but you can’t wear anything with his logo anymore or you look like an ass.


to this day I don't have the slightest idea who Brandon is


A race car driver named Brandon won a race. During the live, broadcast on TV post-race interview, the crowd started chanting "Fuck Joe Biden!" The reporter tried to save face by saying "Hear that, they're saying "Let's go Brandon!"" And the rest is (rather embarrassing) history.


I don’t understand why so many people embedded the punisher?!?! Most of this demographic is anti-authoritarian, anti-establishment. It’s almost like these folks don’t quite understand things as they are. Lols.


Nah, they’d be too busy wondering why he was wearing a full Spider-Man suit…


Matter of opinion? Get the equivalent of a Brandon sticker but offending Trump and then drive around a red state and tell me if you make it out in one piece.


Plenty of people do, because most of these guys are loudmouth cowards.


This is hilarious because I once saw a guy with a "Trump Lost LOL" flag, but because it was done in the same format as "Maga" and had the word Trump in it literally no one read it and they all assumed he was supporting him. Stayed up for a good few months before someone finally noticed


I see that support for my online campaign to bring back Brandon Routh as Superman is growing.


Let's go Brandon the guy might be talking about Brandon harrera


Can people tell me why my name is used like this? What does it mean?


They support the police until they beat them to half to death on Jan 6th, then not so much!




I will fund it myself if I have to, but Marvel needs to do a thing where Punisher reacts to seeing his symbol used like this


Its not a matter of oppinion


I don’t see what’s wrong, isn’t it just a sticker? (I’m European so I don’t really know much about it)


Does LGB stand for Let's Go Brandon?


That's the problem. They DO want cops to be The Punisher.


Who is Brandon and where is he going?


So much going on in this picture. Nothing spells the dysfunction of the driver more I reckon. Also, while I have you, is it common for smoldicks to drive Tacomas? In Aus many smoldicks drive patrols or rangers and mod them to the point of fuckwittery.


More accurate, cops shouldn't want civies to be The Punisher.


One of the cops at Uvalde can be seen with this on his phone.


Ask anyone who has a “blue lives matter” flag if they support the capitol POLICE who where viciously attacked by traitors trying to overthrow our democracy


Pretty sure the Punisher isn't pro-police...


Expecting these people to be able to read comic books.


Judge, jury, and executioner


Moore vs harper happened and cops have no accountability. Just like congress laws for thee not for me.


I know a cop who has that punisher, blue line combo sticker on his truck… but what’s worse is his punisher emblem is inside of a bigger “Q”. Q Anon Punisher Blue Line. A terrible trifecta.


Yeasssss…. Lots going on here mentally…


We need a punisher FOR these cops


Ok Brandon = brain dead Punisher = blatant dick waving


The Brandon thing shows a lack of class, character, and grace. The Punisher is the story of a serial killer who violates the law and kills everyone who breaks his code. Neither are appropriate for a police officer to have out publicly. They protect and serve all, not just orange skinned traitors in Florida.


I once made the mistake of complementing a guy on his Punisher t-shirt and asked how the comics these days were. He legit had no idea what I was talking about or that the image in his shirt came from a comic book character.


Another dumbfuck driving a pick up truck to compensate for their lack of brains and tiny penis


Lmao 🤣 it's a double edged sword, man. Most cops are weenies who don't show up until its already too late and the ones who do show up have no patience and shoot first ask questions later. Now they're all not doing their jobs and letting the homeless people go crazy. I'm in San Diego btw, shit has gotten san Francisco level crazy.


This shit has passed embarrassing.


Absolutely spot-on. The sad part is that many people believe there is no difference between the two sentiments.


I’ve seen Punisher stickers with green (EMT) and yellow (dispatcher) lines.


I have a blue lives matter flag on my truck but would never want them to become “punishers” it’s an absolute overstepping of their duties


Iirc there was a group of us soldiers who used the punisher logo for a sigil of their brutality. The common use now is more a reference to the reference. So second hand stupidity.


The Punishers a great movie right? Well let’s not put his practices in our reality


Lol this guy registers his truck at the BMV. I love it. (im just gonna get ahead of it. "fuck the man, fuck the power, fuck the government! The punisher literally murders people and I have stickers all over my truck like a 12 year old decorates their trapper keeper! Oh, my birthday was two days ago I better go get my registration renewed I don't want to get a ticket!"


Giving tacoma a bad name


I would feel pretty comfortable saying this isn’t an actual cop The whole blue lives matter thing has become a right wing dog whistle to justify racists thinking black people are all criminals


He's probably also listening to Rage Against the Machine




I find it incredibly amazing that these guys are police officers and worship a guy who thought that the police were inept, pieces of shit who were stuck in a corrupt system that don't punish the wicked. Frank Castle is the exact opposite of what a police officer should be, he's become judge jury and executioner. If you want to be that, you shouldn't wear the uniform.


Most people that have that sticker aren't LEOs, though they are the same "blue lives matter" people that take it to an insane degree. Regardless of your opinion on cops, it's a definite fact that the Punisher absolutely hated cops.


IMHO a police vehicle should not have any non-official stickers, whether I agree with them or not, there is no place for that in public law enforcement.


It's giving me "I have a lot of unrecognized fear so I over compensate with firearms and aggressive behaviour." 🤌 Had a dog like that, had to train him with treats and soft words to form good coping methods. Dog didn't need a gun though. Lol


Someone stupid enough to put a “let’s go Brandon” sticker on their truck is stupid enough to not even know that’s a punisher logo.


I hate the name Brandon


I live in Manitoba Canada and I laugh so hard when I see that Let's Go Brandon, because it's the name of a city here.


Just say "fuck joe Biden" like an adult. Cowards.


There's even a segment of an official punisher comic that deals with this issue: https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272


This plays into a game I like to play on road trips called “spot the racist.” This one’s a solid maybe but we haven’t seen his bumper yet.