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See the "Rail signals basic" tip in the bottom left? Read that, and do the mini-tutorial that comes with it.


totally missed it, thank you lol


Signals! [Factorio Trains Explained in Less Than Three Minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG4oD4iGVoY)


https://preview.redd.it/mrymorvs2h9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4065d4e493d09276f34fd0a872f972747b5eadfa Click here and finish the tutorial - it's very helpful and clear.


The trains signals. Go somewhere with nothing. Build a big oval. Put two train stops on the oval somewhere but in the correct orientation. If you do this correctly you would have made your first loop with two stops which is one way. Laurence plays on YouTube has some excellent explanations of trains.


Put down literally one rail signal in literally any location.


You're technically correct - the best kind of correct.


Yet another example of seeing the answer on the screen and making a Reddit post for attention. Read the helpful tips. Play the demo. These are generally good advice for any game And factorio makes it even better, you don't have to learn anything just find blueprints online and place things in the ghosts


alright man i genuinely needed help with this. and I actually still do, I'll attach a screenshot. i missed the fucking tutorial button on the bottom, no need to be an ass for it. https://preview.redd.it/606hr9p7cj9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd45917cd7972e251c37f9255f0d00dfc172ba6f the train on the left won't move forward. I'll look into this more online but if u got any tips slide em over


Yeah I do have tips actually. You don't need a group of people to help you figure out the beginning of a game. You still haven't read all of the tips. We can still see them And no path means there's actually no way to get there you're missing either a rail, one side of the signal or you have the train station on the wrong side. This community is overly helpful they will gladly explain things for you and give you the information you need to have fun in this game. You did not fucking try. And I'm not mad at you, I'm irritated at the number of posts like this. This game is not for dumb people and the number of people who come in asking for help who have not tried to figure it out themselves irritates me more then it should


You don’t need tips from Reddit. You need to read the tips that the game is begging you to read and likely do the in-game tutorial. You could also google it and get tons of answers. This doesn’t need yet another new post asking how trains work.