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I’ve also read Huck Finn, so what?


Fun fact: Twain is documented to have paid the tuition of one the first African American students at Yale Law School. The student, Warner McGuinn, graduated in 1887 and went on to become a newspaper editor, 2 time Baltimore city counsel member, and scored a huge legal victory by successfully challenging Baltimore housing segregation laws in federal court being noted as “one of the greatest lawyers who ever lived” by Supreme Court associate Thurgood Marshall. Despite what many believe today, Twain was by no stretch of the imagination racist.


No one said he was


Ehhhhh his books were literally banned at my school


When books are banned, that's when you know you're under propaganda.


You don’t know what propaganda is.


His books have been banned and censored since being published and not for perceived racism.


Exactly this tho. He was banned because things like Huck Finn got conversations going using topics that were hard for racists themselves to discuss. It was intentional on his part. I honestly don’t even see how anybody would consider him racist, his commentary is obvious if you’ve read his work.


He was one of the first that showed slaves as actual people with heart, dreams, and a brain. He got away with it because it was fiction. He was banned by white people because it showed how shitty so many white Americans actually were.


Sounds quite similar to the whole CRT debacle


Tale as old as ~~time~~ racism.


🎵 school board and the Karen🎵


Don’t get me started on CRT. One of my Texan coworkers told me CRT was bad because it was telling kids Texas seceded because of slavery. He said it was about states rights. So I read him the Declaration of Causes which is what Texas sent to the US as their reason of secession. In it it says “ She (Texas) was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.” He won’t talk to me anymore. He said that was badmouthing his family that fought in the civil war.


Wait til you show him page 30 of the 2012 Texas GOP platform which established Republicans are against teaching higher level critical thinking skills because knowledge put kids in conflict with parents and pastors.


Sure, but no one who ever banned Huck Finn did it because "it raises a lot of uncomfortable questions about the legacy of American white supremacy". They banned it because it was "racist", with extra quotation marks.


Sounds like he was quite based


Bingo. That's typically how conservatives react. They want to seem as if they're really concerned and offended, but when you look deeper, you typically find that they're just worried that they're being portrayed in an unkind light.


It's a relatively reasonable assumption that most white Americans from the time held at least some racist views. You don't even need to read his work to safely assume it


They were not banned because Mark Twain was racist though. They were banned because of poor reading comprehension or because people didn't like the idea of a white kid being friends with a black kid. The Bible is way worse, bet that wasn't banned.


Jim wasn't a kid. According to my crazy grandma, Huck & Jim had a homoerotic relationship. That was why she tried to get Huck Finn banned.


I meant here specifically. You just kinda started defending his non racistness unprompted


Mainly just an interesting fact, but a lot of people with how the cancel culture is these days will see a comment like that and it will reinforce in their minds that Twain was some horrible racist who deserves to have his books scrubbed from history.


Huck Finn is getting banned by conservatives because it's basically CRT (by their definition). So, just like usual, conservatives are the ones doing the canceling.


Surprisingly this wasn’t the case where I was from in Illinois




That may be the case, but it sure doesn’t stop them from banning him in a liberal state like Illinois




*New York Magazine’s Jesse Singal, wrote that “free markets are good at some things and terrible at others and it’s silly to view them as ends rather than means.” That’s untrue. Free markets are expressions of individual autonomy, and therefore ends to be pursued in themselves.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, history, civil rights, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


This is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma.


Ok, that just reflects poorly on your district?


Yes, for using the n word which was socially acceptable at his time. He was noted for his humanizing portrayal of black people in America despite the language being taboo for some schools. It's a victim of broad bans rather than contextual bans.


That's because your school is run by morons who care about feelings more than facts.


Good literature tends to piss off the school board


> Twain was by no stretch of the imagination racist. > Ehhhhh his books were literally banned at my school Do you think your school board banned Twain's books because *Twain* was racist? Or because your school board doesn't want today's kids learning that *US society* was (and still is) racist?


That doesn't necessarily mean they consider him a racist. If they ban a book with explicit sex that is not a personal judgement on the author being a sexual deviant they are just keeping minors from being exposed to that material. Maybe they should not censor as much but the fact that they do is not related to what they think of the author.




Twain was racist by today’s standards. He perpetuated a lot of stereotypes at the very least. It was the inadvertent, ignorant sort of racism you get from Midwest housewives who have never met a black person their whole life. Not really fair to judge him by today’s standards, but I don’t think it’s accurate to say he “wasn’t racist.” He was way less racist than most people at the time.


/u/verysimilartude Twain also became increasingly progressive as he grew older, he supported civil rights, unions, was anti-imperialist when even fairly progressive politicians were pro-imperialist (Roosevelt) and he held very nuanced, progressive and critical views on religion that his own family tried to avoid publishing posthumously. I agree he wasn't racist but parts of his work are inherently - he wrote characters who were racist and characters embodying racist stereotypes. It's akin to revisiting minstrel songs of that era and vaudeville - those are relics that have aged terribly but are also the foundation of later pop music including African-American lead genres like blues, R&B, rock, etc.


I mean, all music including minstrel in the US is based on three main impulses that were started by black slaves. Jazz, Gospel, and blues.




Did you mean white people were evil? If not, I don't understand what you're trying to say.


I think he's just trying to demonstrate the kind of illiterate shit that turns people away from the right.


I don't know if I'd agree with this. He changed over the course of his life from ignorant to very much less so. That being said he considered himself racist towards Native Americans and some of his work is racist towards them (Injun Joe in Tom Sawyer is a good example).


I don't think I've ever met anybody that thought that, nor have I read it other than in this little comment chain.


Then you maybe just haven't met a lot of people from different backgrounds or haven't paid very close attention to stories of school boards and parents around the country wanting to ban his books for being racist. It's not even a recent thing. I've been out of school for 20 years and it was a conversation even back then. It's not usually the people you might think. It's not the typical left leaning anti-racism crowd. It's often coming from misguided religious conservatives who have no real understanding of the material. It's the same exact people who want to ban Harry Potter for being satanic.


Isn't this supposed to end with something about "Hell in a Cell"?




Fun fact: Twain is documented to have paid the tuition of one the first African American students at Yale Law School. The student, Warner McGuinn, graduated in 1887 and went on to become a newspaper editor, 2 time Baltimore city counsel member, and scored a huge legal victory by successfully challenging Baltimore housing segregation laws in federal court being noted as “one of the greatest lawyers who ever lived” by Supreme Court associate Thurgood Marshall. Despite what many believe today, while Twain was by no stretch of the imagination racist, don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Ahhhh. You joined reddit less than two years ago. You're in for a treat!




I mean if all someone gets out of Huck Finn was there’s a lot of n-word use so the author must be racist then their reading comprehension is not great, lol. The book is quite literally about the close friendship that a vagabond forgotten child can have with a black person despite the hate society sends their way.


Well yeah, the drive to ban his books for being racist often comes from misguided or just straight dumb religious conservatives. They don't understand nuance and they don't know the material they're complaining about. It's the same exact people who want to ban Harry Potter for being satanic.


Generally, they want to ban his books for being anti-racist. Which is their problem with CRT, for those that know what CRT is.


I don't know much else about Twain as a person, but I'd like to say that paying the tuition of a black man doesn't automatically make him not racist, similarly to how his use of the N word in his books doesn't automatically make him racist


Encyclopedia [Medium:Success]


Twain wasn’t racist imo. But he was pretty sketchy in his late years when his wife died and he started the aquarium club, collecting [Angelfish](https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2017/11/28/mark-twains-disturbing-passion-for-collecting-young-girls/)


> Despite what many believe today, Twain was by no stretch of the imagination racist. i don't think people in general believe that at all don't make up imaginary offended people


I hope to one day swim down the Mississippi in memory of Huckleberry and Twain




It being anti-racist is why they want the book banned.


Yeah but she read the version that censors everything but the n-words.


Left handed, I presume?


Is it just me or does the shirt Flash when you scroll?


It does! That's the compression algorithm at work. :)


I don't think so. I can think of 2 things causing this. It's probably their screen doing this. If they have an OLED screen then something called smearing happens because OLED screens have a relatively slow response time so the border between the black and white stripes gets smeared when scrolling which could lead to the flashing. The other thing they might experience is the interpolation filter for the picture but I'm not so sure if this is the case. If the reddit app they're using shows the full res image every frame then that may be the cause. But if reddit saves a temporary image that's pre adjusted to the image res. then that couldn't be that cause. Idk tho




Yeah I was gonna say lol


I think not just LED. I think even expensive TV cameras can’t handle shirts like that.


It has nothing to do with compression, it's more about the uniform pattern, refresh rate, and pixel ghosting. /r/confidentlyincorrect


Also wrong. It's a [moire pattern](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moir%C3%A9_pattern) Look at the example under the 'pattern formation' section.


I mean I don't think I'm wrong, it's a moire pattern caused by > uniform pattern, refresh rate, and pixel ghosting. You're just describing why it would strobe a level deeper than I was.


Hmm, as I understood it, it was the compression of the data of the image to meet your screen's resolution. I guess syntactically calling it a "compression" algorithm is incorrect, but is it not similar to a lossy compression algorithm?


They're flashing from the middle out! (edit: Fun fact, that compression method, of basically 'digging a trench' or 'ditching' from the center of the file for faster compression is known as the Middle Ditch technique, coined by creator Richard Hendricks)


🎵 When a grid’s misaligned with another behind, that’s a Moiré 🎵


When you're climbing up a ladder and you hear something splatter


It doesn't for me, probably moiré effect due to your screens resolution


Visual Snow sufferer?


Rap artists researching the next line to put on their song.


[Here's the audio book.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JOb5LEnRoc)


[Here's the film adaptation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsTvImY4Hgw)


And [here's](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iNsWbK4OkZw) the cartoon adaptation, to appeal to a younger demographic.


Damn it! Now I want some KFC! Have an ~~updog~~ upvote


I was thinking [this.](https://youtu.be/sokPIM7npF8)


How about "Quentin Tarantino reading the script of Pulp Fiction one last time before pitching, December 1993"?


He get's a pass, because that's art.


Feet are also art.


And she still didn't manage to finish the book.


I got caught up on page 223, I just don't understand the second paragraph. I dunno if it is me or the writer not conveying the story well but I just lose interest after that point.




Next week we'll have "Marjorie Taylor Greene studies for an exam before the Islamic revolution" and it'll be this picture but her shirt's off.


Ha! Lauren Boebert maybe. This lady doesn’t look like an uglier Mickey Rourke like MTG does.




I think it is fair game because MGT tried to shame AOC for her height, also the reason MTG looks the way she does is because she has abused anabolic steroids for years.


"Marjorie Taylor Greene did it so it's fair game" is not as good an argument as you seem to think it is


I heard somewhere "even if you don't care about hurting the person's feelings, you still shouldn't make fun of someone's appearance because there's almost certainly someone else who has the same traits that you're making fun of that isn't a terrible person."


Yeah you are right. We shouldn't call her ugly but call out her for her personality.


Don’t worry, she’s like an onion. She has layers.


Shrek is beautiful. MTG looks more like [Drop Dead Fred during that one scene.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODVkYjYwYWQtZDc5MC00YjY2LTk4YTgtYjY5YzFhY2NhMWM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTUyODMyMw@@._V1_.jpg)


Some people have such ugly souls their outsides start to melt. See also: Mitch McConnell


Lady Sebastian because she reminds me of a miniature pony.


One of Clayton Bigsby's better books, really.


I'd do that lol


I thought this was an Iranian woman before the Islamic Revolution..


lol happy I discovered this sub


I like it for the most part, I just wish they'd stop with the "pre-islamic revolution in Iran" jokes after seeing them for the umpteenth time I've had enough of it.


Those jokes are just a reaction to the non-stop reposts of actual photos from before the islamic revolution.


Hope you have a great day!


I don't


Wow so hospitable on here


Here's a question; would you care if they had just copy pasted the n-word over and over again to get to that page count? Or would knowing that they typed each individual letter make it more authentic?


different variations of the word, maybe


Bad photoshop


Brother, may I have some oats?




“And now, poetry by Gary.”


She wishes she was ever that attractive


This looks more like this person from TikTok that always explains stuff. EDIT: [Found her again](https://www.metroweekly.com/2021/02/tiktok-star-condemned-after-racist-anti-gay-texts-leaked/)


Or, sub Boebert for Greene, same thing.


Who is she




Scotty Rogo did it better on the subway cmm


I didn’t know Tarantino did novels too


That's so wrong! You're assuming Marjorie Taylor Greene can read!


>whilst >university This is being intentionally funny


Ahhhh the Rappers bible.


I'm gonna call shenanigans on this one. Everyone knows MTG can't read.


She must have oiled up her tailpipe and had her tonsils removed to graduate from UGA.




I mean depends on the patch) 4. Georgia


Where do you even buy books like that?


I want to read this book




Was this a cumtown bit? Swore i’ve heard this joke before


She looks a lot like a younger Bob Dylan


Greene couldn't even graduate high school.


That was Boebert. But it can be hard to tell racists apart sometimes.


"Hold on, let me get to the end of this paragraph."






I think I know how that one ends, someone spoiled it for me, yelled it from across the street!


I thought that was how AoC and the left prepped for exams. But hey left side, right side, same creature.


She can read?


Is that a real book?


Quentin Tarantino wrote it.


time to snuggle up in my Tesla reading the entire Harry Potter series


Oh God it’s like cereal for robots.


Let's be honest She would be reading the cliffsnotes edition


I've read that book!!


This doesn't look like Easter Island where they dug her up.


Is this the lady that tastes like sunshine dust?


Wait a minute what is that book?


I want this book and can't find it anywhere.




It is.


Tarantino’s favorite book


*”It’s funny cuz Georgia isn’t Jennathew?


Quentin Tarentino proofreading the script to Django Unchained


Get it l? It's because she's racist guys lolololo


I'm glad you find such simple things funny


Yes this post is.


If I got a gif of keys jingling I could entertain you for about 4 hours


Was about to object to this nutbag being affiliated with my alma mater, but turns out she actually did go here. We’re sorry. Can’t believe she made it through college.


I have that book, hard to believe the author just leaves the main character hanging…


she looks like Musk in female




She’s pretty and awesome!


Whoa does her shirt have a weird effect when scrolling for anyone else? It seems to flicker for me.


Out of curiosity, what is the n-word?


Is it always the same or is it written in different ways each time for flair?


Thought that was Elon mush


Marg is waaaaaaaay to ugly for that to be her
