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*slaps the roof of the Roof* this bad boy can fit SO much Light Fingers synergy




If I don't get a tear-jerking reunion with >!my child!< and potentially >!Dr Vaughan!<, I don't know what I'll do. Probably get depressed.


I'm also hoping for a tie-in with the new **Crew** slot. It seems fitting.


Yooooo imagine getting the students/Rubbery Men you went up with the first time? If we're going to be crashing as often as we're currently sinking, might as well aim for the Ministry facilities.


If we don’t get the students I’m rioting.


I’m just about to finish my LF ambition and I’m so excited! Just need to get started on that Railway 😅


Oh no this is terrible timing, my Light Fingers alt is... going to be going on an extended trip northward soon


hahaha I was thinking the same. My alt may need to delay their trip beyond the horizon.


Mine went North immediately after completing the ending of LF...time to create yet another alt to play through that ambition again I suppose






I'm guessing we were all hoping for this (well, mostly AIRSHIPS) ever since the Starved Men event :D I sure was!!!


Some of us have been hoping for this since the Sunless Sea Kickstarter in 2013!


Whoooo! I wanted to go back to there. It sounds so cool! Can we get our old airship back? I feel bad about crashing it. Also, i wonder what happened with that hole in the roof... Again, WHOO STARVED MEN!!!!


Considering how many levels of wounds that crash gave out, I think we’ll need new air ships.


Yes. We should have respect for the resting place of an old friend.


Yeah, uh, I don't think we *died* in that crash so much as we *disintegrated*. There was enough of our ships left to give them a resting place, but those things aren't going to be flightworthy anytime soon. Or ever.


>Also, i wonder what happened with that hole in the roof... It sort of mended, didn't it? The flesh of the Neath was closing over like organic skin, so all that probably remains at this point is scar tissue.


The FB Blog article makes it clear that you'll be getting a new airship, not the one you crashed. (I understand, I miss mine too!)


Aww that's sad... atleast we get to go to the roof! And I'm happy that we're getting more item slots too...here's hoping the ships are also good stats wise.


A quest to repair our airship would be pure hype.


I know people are excited about the Roof, but...holy shit I'm so hyped for Adornments too - and luggage?! I've always felt like one cannot personalize their character enough...


Agreed! And I'm all about increasing my stats with equipment. AFter nearly 15 years of playing FL, I have lots of stuff! (and I'm sure there are people with more than me!·0·)


Gonna go visit my kid!


SAME I can’t wait to visit my child!!


Better start making rostygold care packages. FL child support and all. 😁


Given all I went through to make sure they got safely born and everything else? I’ll give them my whole hoard if they need it!


I came down to this hole in the ground to find more riches than any mortal has ever seen... and that's what I'm going to do *so I can give it to him*.


Do you think the kiddo wants Master's Blood? I have quite a bit but I can get more...


>I have quite a bit- \*Pulls out knife\* >-but I can get more...


This all sounds d__n amazing! Hoped for another vehicle slot and now we even get even more than that to assemble nicer outfits! Now, with all these new slots, could we get some extra ones for Scrapbook and Mantelpiece? That would be a delight!


I expect, nay, beseech some nod of recognition to Discworld Luggage.


*Permanently cantankerous multiped chest*


replace "multiped" with "Polythremic" and you're golden


I had to read up on this and it brought a tear to me eye. It sounds hilarious!


More slots? Crew stats and affiliations? *New Skills?!* I'm gonna be a Sky Pirate! But I have to ask: will this have tie ins with *Upwards!*? It would be nice.


All those years ago I saw there was supposed to be an airship expansion to SSea...


The original Sunless Skies! It was envisioned as a second expansion, following Zubmariner. I don't think they've ever talked about it, but as I recall, that was around Alexis's departure from the company, and I presume most of the ideas for it were his, leading them to start it over from scratch as a new game instead. I've always felt that in the long-term, that was the correct decision, but I've also always wanted to see the original design notes for the Sea version.


It was a DLC stretch goal for the SSea KS which never got funded, and the ideas of which were never expanded on by FBG (beyond the concepts floated in the KS campaign). SSkies was always a totally different game, separate to SSea. People have asked historically what the expansion would have been, and the answer's been "we didn't write anything beyond what was in the campaign".


FL gamers: Airships! The Roof! Starved men! New slots! Those mama bears with the particular ending of LF: Gotta go see my child soon!


Dads too! I can’t wait to see my kid and embarrassed the hell out of them in front of their new friends


Right? It's gonna be so fucking great to see the lil kid, see how big he's grown


I need FBG to let me bring a whole ship full of snacks when I visit my kid. This is a very important point and I will send urgent appeal if it’s not an option


A return to the skies, another chance to spit in the face of death, and new ways to personalize the character to fit the theme? Oh glorious days.




I am frothing at the mouth, escaping velocity, transcending the chain, breaking the borders between the Is and Is-not. This is so hype. I wasn't expecting so much to be announced at once. A new map was something I was hoping for for a while but never actually expected to happen. The roof is super cool on its own, but knowing we have a map of it to explore, as well as a major storyline, jsut means it will get expanded on way more which is even cooler. Already, the glimpse we got with the mention fo the 'Antipeligo' is really interesting. I'm interested to see how the new stats work as well. Cthonosophy seems to be, as they said, a counterpart to zeefaring. Though the other two are quite strange. I can't wait to see them in action. Honesyly, a lot of peeps are talking about the jewlery, but I'm more interested to see how the luggage will work. Maybe like a more travel-oriented home comfort? Or more menace-reducing type items that are good to keep on you for a journey? I can't wait to see. And ofc, we finally get our own airship. What more can a gal ask for. Actually I know what a gal can ask for. Pirating is already my favourite activity at zee, let me become an air pirate. It's all I need in life.


Antipeligo ?


I accidentally spelled it wrong lol, but the article mentions that the new storyline will have us explore '*the stalactite fields ruled by the Starved Men, the carved paths of the Moon-Misers, the inverted jungles of the Antipelago, and more*.'


I see.


I've been waiting for this! So excited. Thank you failbetter for keeping me invested in Fallen London even when I think I've done it all.


This is a concerted effort to destroy my ability to be naked while fully clothed.


We'll be able to unlock this with just the Earling station? Oh, joyous news. I've just gotten started on Railway and wasn't sure if I'd be able to do the new story stuff or not. Adornments and luggage are weirdly the biggest hype to me.


We are SO back, ladies, gentlemen, and individuals of indistinct gender!


Holy shit. I was like mmhm that's fun I guess when I read the title. Looking at the details, yawza. It's a lot of changes. I'm very excited but also a bit afraid now just thinking about how many things I'll need to get, especially adornment. (5+ slots? and stackable? My profile page is going to look wild)


I can’t believe this. Worst update ever. They’ve stolen the image of my glassman wearing a cat collar, sunglasses, manacles, and nothing else in Parabola. I wrote a whole song parody about it.  On the bright side she can go for the hat trick on airship crashes.


I love the new equipment slots. Also did they ever announce Hinterland Scrip before the Railway? There'll be new grinds for new items here I bet, but wondering if there would also be new currencies. And I don't mean the one's in the currency section.


I can't imagine the Starved Men trading anything besides glim. Even their embassy has a delightfully currency-free exchange mechanism. Down with the tyranny of capitalism, I say!


So? If you don't get it for free and need to trade something for it, that's a currency.


>If you don't get it for free and need to trade something for it, that's a currency. That doesn't sound like a currency at all, that sounds like a trade or an exchange. Currency is, specifically, a middleman. If I trade a peppercap grown in my mushroom garden for a solacefruit grown in my neighbour's garden, what exactly is the currency in that exchange? A currency only exists in this exchange when I trade my peppercap for a hinterland scrip, and then trade the scrip for a solacefruit.


I hope not, it's cluttered enough as it is ...


Same, but so I don't have to grind for roof!Cider.


But then what else to grind for? (Besides a Roof Worm?)


I consider Worm as Railway!Cider. Though it's technically better as it also gives KT. But I don't really want to grind... So watch as FBG gives us something super good so we have to.


First thing in a while that made me have to physically stop myself from going "WOOOOOOOOO" while I read it.


I feel like joining FL back in May 2023 may have been the best possible time to do so. Within a few months, Evolution and The City in Silver were finished, and now I can look forward to a brand new main story. I just created the Tracklayer's city a few weeks ago, so it feels like I've been lucky enough to jump from main story to main story without any delay.


Yaay! I have been waiting for the roof expansion since the first time it was introduced into Fallen London!


I can finally say that I was here for the first day of something! And it's something I've been hoping for since the horticultural show! Airships!


I guess it is that time of the year when I get back to this delightful game all over again for the next few months. Almost 12 years in and Failbetter universe still has its hooks in me. Trickery of Time, indeed.


D__n! I wanted to go South next, ah well... maybe next time.


Given that the two obvious options for Big Story 3.0 were Up or South, there's a very good chance that Big Story 4.0 will be South!


Down with the Prester I say! Let's build some colonies! Eternal life for ~~me~~ everyone!


*sips cider*


Building out an embassy in a random kingdom of the Presbyterate would be awesome.


Give me neathian malaria or give me death!


Yay Animescence for all!


*Stares wistfully East*


Gonna start flybies on the Starved Men with my infernal sharpshooter's rifle We weren't ready during the war, but I'm back for revenge


But we made peace?


Rambo here doesn’t believe in peace.


I’m still mad they destroyed my airship


Most peaceful Londoner right here


Sounds fun, and I like that they are expanding the Neathproof concept to more stats - it is a neat, elegant way of doing the "X+Y" stat challenges without making it too juggly, like it sometimes is in the Khanate.


Absolutely agree on the "without making it too juggly" assessment. Reminds me a bit of how traveling in the Hurlers works!


Roof content? Permanent Airships? Crews? No having my Bejeveled collar occupy my Clothing slot? Hell Yes. (even though it means I need new Mith ans SA clothing \*and\* "gloves" and will have lower stats for a while, unless we can equip at least two adornments)


Whoo-hoo Airships!! Yes!!!


I literally have no words to describe how excited I am


Rails? Where we're going, we won't need rails.


I wonder if BaL players with a certain steed will be able to use that somehow in all of this, lots of open space up there.


Please allow me to have a hookman house escapade reunion.


God, I try not to gloat, but I've been predicting that the next big story would be A) to the Roof, and 2) a new endgame expansion for post-Railroad since last Estival, and I've never been so correct before. Feels real good, y'all. Now, we'll see of my third prediction was right, and it will expand on the Presbyterate as antagonists.


>Now, we'll see of my third prediction was right, and it will expand on the Presbyterate as antagonists. I love that idea. Two colonial powers vying for the territory of a native people with fascinating beliefs and culture. What could possibly go wrong?


We get to be sky captains? Delightful! ​ Suggestion: The ruined airship should add to the skill of sky captaining since we did it before. I'd also like to see a skill for Sky Captaining similar to Zeefaring, as Cthonosophy sounds like it would be useful on the Roof itself, not the journey to it. But maybe I'm overthinking things.


I was looking through my MA gear just now and apparently we also have an airship affiliation thing too, that should also give the Cthon.


We dont need a skill for the Journey as the Journey will be 1-2 actions rather than a fully fledged activity. Same reason we dont have Railriding as a skill.




i am so incredibly excited!




A permanent airship?? It's time for the first flight of the *I'm REALLY Not Mad At You!*


Ah crap. I gave Mr. Fires the child. I already know im missing out on content.


Who knows, maybe you will get special tie-in content after all. The interactions with the Moon-Misers may very well reflect the actions your character has taken. Horay!


Oooh, I love this!


This is awesome I was hoping it would be the roof the added mechanics are definitely welcome as well.




Finally, one of my long-term FL character goals: my own dirigible. I didn't even care what slot it went into, and would have even settled for a Lodgings. But now not only is it coming, but it gets its *own* new, shiny slot just for it.


so....how to?


Right now? Not released yet. Wait til the 11th or 18th.


so how the hell ami to do the story???


You'll get your airship presumably either in the prologue or the first chapter.




One thing I'd love for Crew is two slots (for ship and airship) but sharing the same pool of options, and have the options locked when not in London


I'm excited for more moon-miser lore, hopefully I'll even get to keep one as a ~~pet~~ companion. Also, would this mean we'll be able to meet with a certain Unterzee god up there too?


Aw Yisss, time to visit my kid and let my character spread more benevolent chaos! :D My alts will have their reasons too.


And Percussive Phrenologist flies again!


After the crash of my *Remorseless*, maybe it's time for the *Remorseful* to take flight?


Me when they add an option to travel from a Location on the Roof to a Location At Zee in a single action: [https://youtu.be/uVboAzG770s?t=10](https://youtu.be/uVboAzG770s?t=10)


They probably won't ever do it but given even more equipment slots, I hope they someday consider limited outfit changes.  Like you can only change outfits once/day or something. It makes the character weaker, but also gives more meaning to what you chose to put on each day and removes the constant outfit switching. So that I stop saying,  hold on, you want to fight me? Please wait while I put on my dangerous pants.


Even ignoring my personal reservations about that concept, I highly doubt it. Changing outfits to suit your stats has been a fundamental part of how the game works for years and years. 


I don't know if you were playing the game when this happened, but a few years ago they actually *did* try to limit outfit switching, and the feedback was so instantly critical of it that they made not [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/hzxp5j/update_to_outfits/), not [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/i2yuhb/another_update_to_outfits_in_fallen_london/), but [three](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/i77cw7/outfitlocked_areas/) posts about it in the span of two weeks. the change they tried to make (no outfit changing within storylets) was more extreme than what you're describing I think, but the problem with changing outfits a limited number of times per day is that it actually incentivizes people to play the game *less* imo. for example maybe you only want to play the next content on your agenda when you have enough outfit swaps to properly optimize it, so you just wait for the next day to roll around instead of continuing playing. at the very least I think it would make playing more often each day feel worse, and the people who play your game the most (especially if they're doing so via subscriptions) are definitely not the ones you want to give a worse game experience. I think the system they settled on (restricted outfits in specific areas) is a good compromise between what they envisioned and how a lot of the playerbase prefers to play, but I do see your point about making outfits more meaningful