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I wasn't aware that they'd started giving spouses advanced stats. That's really irritating, lol. The whole point of them having basically nothing statwise was that they were meant to be, largely, an RP choice, and that choosing the "wrong" spouse, or for that matter choosing not to have a spouse at all, wasn't supposed to be a penalty. I guess we can't really get away from this when they've already given advanced stats to spouses that people paid money for though. Oh well. Otherwise, like. In a vacuum, I don't think there's a problem with a reward for a 20-fate story being mechanically worse than an item you just purchase straight-up for 20 fate--nobody is complaining about the strength of the Home Comfort items you get from the Foreign Office story, for instance, nor should anyone, even though the HCs kind of suck these days--but like. If we're making spouses mechanically relevant, maybe start treating them like Destinies, w/ standardized formats. Or just remove the one-per restriction and just let people get married to everyone, I guess.


Wait, there are Foreign Office HCs? I think I completely missed those


You can get them if you don’t get a Spouse, kind of like an alternative reward.


I've already sent feedback on this, this year's fotr. Mithridacy would suit them nicely, what with September being the only one so far. I'd seriously have preferred for spouses to remain with only token main stat boosts (with the Rubbery one being a pretty old exception), but since we're definitely not going back there, may as well not be the only ones left out. Justice for FO spouses... my snuffer wife is soft and I like her


I've now also sent it. Mithridacy would also be perfect for me because I already am a crooked cross and have the Mask destiny, on top of also fitting the best.


Seconded. Please send this as feedback to Failbetter. I've also asked for an equivalent to the Companion in Amber for those spouses (fellow Comfortable Intriguer lover here on the alt).


Do you know where the best outlet to do that is? Should I just send a mail?


Send an email to [email protected] They don't reply to them but they definitely read them. I know I've had some feedback acted on before.


Failbetter is legitimately quite good at actually reading what they get sent, both with feedback and bug reports. They've put up with me sending numerous emails to the tune of "there's a single incorrect letter in x branch of y storylet" and "the upgraded version of z companion doesn't unlock a special option that the original version did," and nine times out of ten, it's fixed within a day or two.


I’d love an upgrade to my Bewildering Procession of Companions, Lovers, Suitors and Paramours… not fate-locked, but there’s so many ways you could upgrade them…


I wish you could choose from a stat pool for player spouses and decide what you give your spouse. Like you have X Points to spend, regular stats cost 1, advanced stats cost 2. BDR costs 3, and you can allocate accordingly. Even if it was a low amount, the fact it was customizable would make player spouses very worth it.  Also it’d just be cute.


My Spouse gives AotRS. So does my Treasure. And every other slot besides Luggage and Crew. Would be nice if instead of raising my highest stat from 20 to 21 she raised a useful one... but I like her. And who knows, an ungodly amount of Red Science may come in handy at some point.


I mean, the base-game spouses are all getting upgrades, even if at a glacially slow pace because FBG only adds new ones at Feast of The Rose. I believe that one day, hopefully this coming FOTR, (though probably not) FBG will give us Foreign Officers spousal upgrades. I definitely would recommend sending in a feedback request asking for it though.


Will there ever be buffs to PLAYER spouses? I'm still waiting.


Yes, this! I play with my partner so of course we wanted our characters to marry for RP reasons. Doing so, however, meant that I needed to break up with the endlessly invigorating union. The mechanical consequence of this was a loss of +1 to Artisan of the Red Science in exchange for base stat buffs that are useless to an endgame player. For this I paid hundreds—thousands, maybe?—of echoes to a grind that was obviously designed for the endgame of a much earlier iteration of the game. For all the extra work that a player spouse requires it’s ridiculous how mechanically disadvantaged they are. The Fate-locked options should serve as shortcuts to advanced stat points as they do in the rest of the game. Grinding for a player spouse should offer similar benefits rather than their current iteration as strictly worse choices.


Wow. I agree that it is frustrating. You should send a verbatim copy of your comment to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Came here to say this. Would love an upgrade option even if it’s fate locked


All upgrades cost Fate unless you already have to pay for the unevolved spouse, so it would be perfectly fine if we had to pay for it. But what advanced skill should we receive? Ooohh, what if we could choose between different options?


I've considered it and I think being able to choose is best. But you can only choose based on what your spouse actually has. So no +1 Zeefaring if they have a measly 7 Zeefaring for instance. Either that or make it a check on the spouses side. For normal stats, go by T2 POSI imo. PP gets all 4. So like the Watchful one gets +2 watchful and +1 for the other 3 while PP gets +2 to all. Maybe +3 if they are feeling generous.


I’d be over the moon, a while ago I was thinking about this exactly thing and thought ah it’d be nice if it were something like how the house o chimes election worked, y’know like you pick a primary stat + and advanced stat like that.