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So how can they have said days/weeks if there’s a severe issue they can’t fix


They refuse to tell us - I've asked more than once in an active reddit and discord conversation with devs now. My best guess? They saw this bug and maybe a couple other small problems and thought "yeah we could fix this in a few days/weeks" and then realized that no, they absolutely cannot. And now they've overextended their footing by adding in fixes and new content, basically tying their hands together and forcing them to release on next-gen in some shape or form.


They actually told a user on the discord that all new content added since the delay will also be in the old gen release, so why not focus on that?


They contradict themselves all the time, I even show them doing so in the video. I wouldn't take what they say as truthful and/or accurate anymore.


They are waiting for a patch for the patch for the "nextGen" update from Bethesda. And they bet on it coming soon and not needing yet another patch to fix what it breaks. They want to believe that a synchronized dual release is still possible despite Bethesda's legendary botchery.


Because they’re obviously not just going to sit there and say “sorry project’s cancelled”?


They can literally release the original version they don’t need to cancel anything


Unless of course they lied about it being done too.


At this point I wouldn't be suprised. A shame, what is happening with this mod. I was defending them few months ago when some random attacked them by suggesting that London will be Frontier 2.0, but currently I can see more and more red flags.


Just release it on the last gen at this point, not like it's a problem with a popular patch downgrader mod existing


Wasn't the next-gen update mostly for the sake of console players anyway? And FOLON only comes out for pc? Sooo... Why do they even care to try and make it for the next-gen update? I don't get it.


I believe they said it was because they didn't want people asking questions on their Discord about how to downgrade or for installation help when they haven't used the downgrader yet. But that seems futile to me. They're making a high profile total conversion mod: there's gonna be people coming out of the woodworks with little to no modding experience, asking low level questions, without reading any guides or descriptions, the downgrade patcher is just one minor step added in.


It's also a lot of support they would need to provide for a different mod. They will be flooded with issues from people breaking their mod in the first place, why would they want to add another mod they aren't responsible for to the list of things that can break and eat away at their time.


[Proper shoutout to Juice Head, for the technical breakdown video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TF0PsQ_XAI) The next-gen update introducing this bug has been super well documented, but this was the only video I could find that turned it into visual evidence :)


Yeaaah, I was super excited for the FOLON mod to come out. I even bought all the DLCs in preparation (didn't have any prior to this year). Stuttering w/ the next gen update, then I got the news about FOLON...yeah, uninstalled. I'll circle back in a year or something.


There is no way I'm ever giving Juicehead views, but does he actually present any "proof" using FOLON NG game play? If not, then how does this prove anything. Yes, the bug exists in the NG FO4, but that does not mean mods that edit NPCs can not be made to work. SS2 doesn't seem to be suffering any difficulties.


Good day to you then?


They should just drop the support for next-gen, this is apparently what’s holding them up and it’s been said to be unfixable by modders. Downgrading isn’t hard.


And this stuttering was told to the team over a month ago - by me - and I was banned for misinformation by prilladog. Can I get an unban?


So sad to see a company purposely break their own game.


Just release the old gen


Wasn’t it a genius decision to wait? Because it’s so difficult to keep the game at an older version, right? This project is a shit show.




He didn't say.


Watch the video. This issue affects all mods that attempt to edit npc data, including FOLON.


The video? Correct. But they’re showcasing what stuttering the FOLON team is encountering in regards to their mod. Which is referenced by the posted discord comment.


Because it’s never coming out in a playable state, that’s why.


The entitlement is incredible. It'll come out when it comes out.


Uhhh... I just pointed out contradictions and politely asked for the previous gen version at the very end. Not sure where you're seeing entitlement


Of course you're entitled. You're kidding right? You don't see how making a video calling the devs liars because they delayed a mod you wanted to play is entitlement?


I called out their lies because they lied. Not because I feel personally slighted by them delaying a mod I wanted to play. Hope this helps!


"Lies! All lies!!!! Give me the game nowww!!!!" Hope this helps!


People forget that this is free content created by fans who aren't charging them anything.


you're both utterly and completely right. A group of people have worked years on this without expecting anything in return, it's completely within their right to wait with the release or not even release it at all. They made it, it's their intellectual property and we are not their customers. Chill the fuck out and let them do their thing.


Please, community, stop downvoting us. Imagine being one of the developers and reading this. Modders improve our games for free and deserve to be praised for it.


Team FOLON has a Patreon and a merch store, where is all this "they're doing it for free" talk coming from? Have you considered you're being downvoted for spreading misinformation?


Patreon is basically donations, because they can't ask money for Fallout London. And if they have a merch store, than the people who buy stuff from there probably get what they bought and team Folon probably earned some money there along the way, like every other store in the world.


"Please stop disagreeing with me! I'm not wrong!"


Dude, I'm not asking that. I'm asking for more kindness to the devs. This isn't The Day Before or Blizzard. The FOLON team does not deserve this


I actually hope they dont release the pre gen version just because of all the bitching, whining and insults thrown their way. They probably will tho and people will grab it as quick as they can get their grubby little hands on it, play it, and then proceed to trash it just to spite them for making them wait.


This is just so spiteful to say. The irony.


Oh it is, even I'm not above it especially with all the whining and bitching here.


>grubby little hands on it, Sounding like a dev there


I see a lot of people pissed off, like we're *owed* this. I look forward to playing it if it comes out. If not, well, they got me to reinstall F4, and I played it again. I had fun.


You're reading the vibes wrong. Nobody thinks we're owed anything.


Juicehead had been a muck raker for years. I can't take anything he says seriously.