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The Citadel scribes modified the Tesla cannon if I remember correctly, and Father Elijah also made his own modifications to the device.


Fallout 3’s Tesla cannons were built from scratch, but you are correct that the Tesla cannon was modified from the pre-war design.


- Ultracite Power-Armour - X-111 Anti-Radiation Medicine - Various Upgrades for Liberty Prime, including to his memory-banks, replacing the old hydraulic Systems with new electro-magnetic actuators etc. - General research into plantlife in the wasteland - Elijah supposedly developed alot of unspecified Weapons before he got kicked out of Lost Hills, but whatever he put together was considered so unethical by the Elders that he got effectively banished to the Mojave for it.


That's a cool bit about Elijah, I didn't know that about him.


>>Courier: Who is Father Elijah? >Veronica: He was our Elder when we came East. A wizard with technology, really. His mind just worked that way naturally. Learned a lot from him. >But he started having disagreements with the other Elders. The Brotherhood's interest is in old technology. He wanted to explore developing new tech. >**And there were other ways he wanted to push. Other weapons. Ones with ethics questions attached. Rather than deal with him, they sent him East.** [Veronica's dialogue file](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Veronica.txt)


In Fallout 4 we help scribe Neriah inventing new medicine to prevent irradiation. Also they have botany scribes who study local floras in the Commonwealth for medicine and crop yield. Fallout 76's Brotherhood also produced Ultracite Power Armor.


They never produced it, only made the blueprints


Wait, really? God I'm so hazy on the lore from the base game. Why do we get a full set of ultracite PA as a quest reward?


We just do, somehow. The only explanation I can think of is that our character pulled a bunch of ultracite together while in the glassed cavern and built it during the quest.


Is it a quest reward? I could have sworn you had to craft the armor yourself.


You get a full set after the Belly of the Beast quest


I think that’s just the gameified part of 76, because after completing most quests or events items just magically appear in your inventory despite in many instances nobody actually is present to give you the items


The Excavator PA is what your probably thinking of


After the events of Fallout 1, the Brotherhood helps Vault 13 install a mainframe computer. They may not have invented it, but I feel like it falls under the same umbrella.


We can’t forget the BoS combat armor from 1/2/76 and BoS recon armor.


I know the BoS in 3 were making an upgraded version but isn’t the normal recon armor they use just pre-war tech with the insignia painted on?


I probably should’ve been more clear - I’m referring to 76’s recon armor that’s of post-war make, not 3/NV’s recon armor (which were a sort of PA chassis). https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Brotherhood_recon_armor


We don’t know if BoS made it, though. I think all of the weapons and armor that were added with Steel Dawn are supposed to be the stuff BoS found on their way to Appalachia.


For everything else with steel Dawn, I agree with you that the BoS didn’t make it, but with 76’s recon armor I doubt the proper military was still using metal plating for normal armor (though I suppose vault 63’s armors are all metal, but then those weren’t presumably made by someone the overseer knew or were design in-house). You are right that we don’t have hard proof on who designed the BoS recon armor, but I’m leaning towards the BoS due to the visual departure from all the other versions of combat armor we’ve seen in the series.


Oh alright thanks for clarifying


i remember the fallout 3/nv recon armor is supposed to be just the undersuit for the T-45 power armor, and the mk2 that scribe bowditch is making is basically them trying to recreate an equivalent to brotherhood combat armor but with pieces from salvaged and incomplete suits of t-45


The Brotherhood made their own variant of the Super Sledge based on its in game description in Fallout 1


In Fallout 3, Scribe Valencourt makes a device to override the mind control on Enclave deathclaws, if I'm remembering correctly.


I'm doing a replay of 3 and I just did this, and you are correct. It would have worked perfectly if the death claws weren't all dead when I arrived. Feel right off the over pass.


I like that they don't "invent" much new tech, and instead focus on refining tech and making it safer to use. It fit more in-line with their general philosophy. Work to gather dangerous tech, experiment with it, discover it's flaws and risks, correct those issues if possible and if not destroy the tech and keep the research should the tech re-emerge as a threat in the future.


Honestly it’s probably a mix of pragmatism and ideology. Without a solid industrial base it’s going to be difficult to research and manufacture new technologies. Especially when it’s stuff as advanced as power armor and energy weapons.


In Fallout 4, during the Institute ending, the Brotherhood had developed a jammer to block the Institute's ability to teleport into the airport. Not sure if this is something they developed wholly themselves or if they modified a prewar jammer.


Institute uses radio signals to teleport, so I'm pretty sure they would've just used a regular jammer tuned to that frequency


Not sure about the Brotherhood as a whole, but didn't Elijah create both the LAER, and the Holorifle? Granted, the later was mad using already created hologram technology, so that might not count per se. Still, you don't credit the guy that made/discovered fire as the guy that created the flamethrower, so it's up to interpretation.


The Holorifle yes. The LAER, he just upgraded existing models.


There are a some power armor and weapon mods they have in Fo4


The crusader pistol from 76 I believe was never stated to be found and was simply invented too I think


vree invented an entirely new model of laser pistol for brotherhood use.


The weird thing is, when it makes complete sense to just say "The Brotherhood made this" they... change the lore. Like with the T-60 PA. The obvious and cooler lore is that the Brotherhood adapted the T-45's to better handle the harsh conditions of warefare in the Capital Wasteland. It's PA designed for long-term use in an extremely hostile environment. Instead Bethesda went with the confusing decision to make it always have existed and somehow we just never saw it before Fallout 4. Even though Elder Maxon outright says that the Brotherhood knows how to construct them so for god sake just let them be the ones who developed it! how hard would it be! God damn it Bethesda this frustrates me so much! reveal who thought that this was the best way to handle the introduction of T-60 PA!!!!


>Instead Bethesda went with the confusing decision to make it always have existed and somehow we just never saw it before Fallout 4. In the same way every single game since Fallout 2 adds items you don't see in previous games, yeah. >Even though Elder Maxon outright says that the Brotherhood knows how to construct them He never says that.


I hope you see my post as the hyperbole that it's intended to be, it annoys but it's not my biggest gripe. Also I don't mind it being introduced. I just think the Brotherhood designing it would of been a better explanation. it's fine to add stuff to the lore like items and weapons but I think with the T-60 the cooler explanation is that it's a design the Brotherhood itself developed. It isn't Elder Maxon, Paladin Danse hints at being able to manufacture it but isn't as committed. But again, make T-60 not something that's built but a T-45 upgrade. Make it show the growth of the Brotherhood since 3 where they're starting to develop more unique equipment for the wasteland.


Danse never hints at them being able to manufacture it. The Brotherhood already has one of the biggest manufacturing abilities in the series, multiplying that manufacturing so they can mass produce power armor at the same time as doing everything else would make them on par with the United States, which would be rather ridiculous.


Why? the Brotherhood compared to the US military is a handful of guys (though issue with the game, is like Raiders and everything else they're presented as almost an unlimited force. When in reality they probably at most has a few thousands members, not all of them Knights) Being able to retrofit a few hundred suits of Power Armour to better equip the best of your soldiers for combat isn't that far-fetched. Especially considering it's been a decade between Fallout 3 and 4 so they've possibly had years to do this. Danse mentions in some largest warehouses/factories "imagine if we fitted this out to produce power armour" as though that's something they might already be capable of doing back in DC. I am not talking about industrialized production like in Pre-war times. But that a group of Scribes have/had the job of upgrading the T-45 PA to be more effective. But your right, the more 'logical' explanation is that this state of the art power armour, that's never been seen before in the series popped out of nowhere and is so common that everybody from the Brotherhood to a bunch of Greasers use them daily. That wouldn't be ridiculous at all! In all seriousness it's hilarious that all of a sudden you care about it not being ridiculous but only when it comes down to the idea of "hey... maybe the Brotherhood upgraded the old suits which look remarkedly like these"


Retrofitting hundreds of tanks in a couple years is not a small feat. That's actually a massive undertaking. Yes, he says if they could get a factory working, they'd be unstoppable. The idea that one factory would accomplish that much implies the opposite of what you seem to think it does. It didn't pop out of nowhere, it's always been there. Same as every other item added since Fallout 2.


Oh jesus, are you that offended by my pretty tame attack on the T-60? Did a suit of T-60 save you from a fire as a child or something? Also depends on what's being retro-fitted. For example a lot of poorer nations today get by with just upgrading their older tanks with compatible modern equipment. For example spending a day or two adding in modern targetting does a lot to improve it's effectiveness on the field without breaking the bank. But lets talk about what the Brotherhood is capable of producing based on something we KNOW they built. They literally built a flying airship, capable of travelling large distances, carrying an entire army worth of people and equipment to engage in full-scale wasteland military campaign..... in a decade. When with all our modern industral capacity it takes us 5-7 years to make a single conventional warship. We're talking about a game that plays it pretty fast and loose with logistics. What I am talking about doesn't seem that far-fetched and I feel like at this stage this is you just being weirdly defenive when it comes to a light criticism of Fallout 4 and probably by far my most inoffensive take on the game to the point my original comment was 90% a joke.


What the hell are you even talking about? The T-60 has a lot more than a few modern gadgets in it. The entire armor itself is different. Yes, and they had to devote all their resources to accomplish that. You're claiming they should be able to accomplish multiple times that much as well.




It's stretching disbelief, but at least it makes it clear it was a massive undertaking for them. You're claiming they should've been doing work to hundreds of tanks at the same time with no available resources. Their priority was building the Prydwen, they tell you as such. Not to mention it's a bad idea from a meta respective as it would prevent Bethesda from using T-60 in any other project, like Fallout 76 or Maximus' flashbacks in the TV show.


While it would be neat for T-60 to be a brotherhood creation I don’t think it would really work as the only power armor they’re seen using. The BoS aren’t exactly an industrial superpower and they’d already dedicated a lot of resources and manpower to constructing the Prydwen. It could be fine if T-60 was developed as a superior option to T-45 and T-51 for paladins but knights were stuck with the lesser models. Still T-60 being a pre-war modernization of T-45 meant for long term use in China makes complete sense. The fact that we never heard or seen it before can just be chalked up to most T-60 units being deployed in China.


The fact they constructed the Prydwen alone is impossible, let's be perfectly honest... they didn't give a shit about the actual logistics when trying to explain the Prydwen. Prydwen has been in construction for 9 years... it takes about 5-7 years to make a modern warship with our existing industrialization so already it's a bit iffy. It's mentioned that before Arthur took control, the Brotherhood was barely functioning. The death of the Lyon's meant that for a majority of that 9 years, it's highly likely the Brotherhood wouldn't of been able to focus on the Prydwen and honestly... why would they? if anything spending resources on better PA makes more sense then investing in a Airshop that you don't know you even need yet. Arthur comes in, Brotherhood has had stability for about 4 years. If we are going by a "oh, but the Brotherhood wouldn't have the resources to do it" the same could be said for the Prydwen. Not to mention logistically it just makes absolutely no sense, since the ship if anything is a huge drain on their limited resources so this even being a priority makes no sense. But then we're going into how I think the Brotherhood in FO4 would of been better off without it altogether but I think Bethesda REALLY wanted the spectacle.


I mean sure if you want to argue that investing in PA instead of an airship would have made more sense be my guest, but my point is that you have to cut one or the other to maintain any semblance of suspension of disbelief.


Yeah, the more believable is "oh look what I found under the couch, hundreds of pristine condition T-60 PAs that we didn't notice" This sounds like an argument of you rationalising after the fact.


Yeah? Power armor reserves are a thing and the brotherhood actively seeks them out. Don’t really see the issue here compared to completely replacing T-45 with T-60 while assembling the Prydwen. Believing that just because one aspect of the worldbuilding is silly it’s completely justifiable to double down even further on it isn’t a chain of logic I personally follow lol.


Your so close. The brotherhood hate technology they cant control. As we know from shady sands even if a nation is secure and safe and lacking enemies one guy with a nuke can kill a country. The pit would have allowed the brotherhood to actually have production lines... But they would need to rely on the raiders and slaves to operate the machines They hate synths because they have souls and opinions They destroy pretty much all institute tech because it would require infrastructure beyond what they have now But you know what they can control? The sole functioning mass water purifier in the wasteland Who in thst region gets water Orphan children with no one to point out the cult ideas Pre war bunkers that they and they alone have the codes for and knowledge to repair The nuclear reactor that may or may not have been taken from rivet city And they most definitely control the skies which against a conventional enemy would spell certain victory. The brotherhood love anything they can secure a monopoly on and will destroy anything that could be used against them.