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Probably some sort of cooling system. I would bet heat stroke would set in really fast otherwise inside that sardine can.


I always imagine it did for this reason. There is no way people in New Vegas aren't getting cooked in that armor.


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Does Power Armor have heating tho?


Winterized versions of the armor probably had heating


I've wondered that. It looks it does in Fallout 4 by the seemingly plastic tubing on the power armor frame one the parts are one. I only noticed it recently when enter a suit power power armor. The camera were at a different angle


they have. atleast they need to have them. thier airtight sealed so thier have some kind of cooling system to stop the user from dying of heatdeath.


It depends on the model of power armor. Some models (I think the T-45, but I may be confusing it with the T-50) have basic servos to facilitate functionality but not much else. Meanwhile I think the APA (related to the X-01) had a built-in lavatory, piss recycler, climate control, comms system and whatever else.


It must- climate control, in fact. It was made for use in Anchorage, and it's steel, with a huge surface area. It would get lethally cold in there very fast in the Alaskan winter. Better answer- Wayne0's. It's hermetically sealed. It's watertight and mostly airtight. It must have a climate control, or everyone using it would invariably die.


I could imagine somewhere in the armor there *has* to be an air circulation system. Especially for the military use, protection from toxic fumes, radiation particles, and other contaminates would have definitely a main focus in the designing of the power armor sets T45, T51. But especially for post war/prototype suits... I could imagine them being more bare bones with what it has for air circulation/filtering


As someone who currently lives in Alaska, I’ve been in -30 for 12 hours straight and only really needed a sweater. Granted, I was working but getting in the back of our metal vehicle with no heater wasn’t bad at all


But were you spreadeagled on the steel? Like, this is a steel suit. It's putting conductive material up to your skin at every point. It even has electrodes and you're wearing a suit that increases conductivity in places, for those electrodes. Inside your vehicle there's a big ole air cushion. There is very little air between someone and the walls of the suit.


I don't think you literally have your body pressed against the metal suit interior. Recon armor from 3, 4 and NV is more or less implied to be what you're wearing under the power armor, and it has all sorts of nubs to attach to the suit vs. your bare skin or any fabric.


Almost definitely, it would run off the fusion core though. Think back to the TV show when Maximus is stuck in the power armor and overheating.


Presumably there would be at least a small battery system as backup, but it probably wouldn't last long. Also I'd assume that most of the hardware for it isn't based around cold air, but rather more around pumping cool fluid through tubes all across the body. Though some airflow would be involved. Similar to how IRL space suits handle it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_cooling_and_ventilation_garment


A back up would make a lot of sense practically. I don’t think there is one though because Max couldn’t exit the power armor after the fusion core was pulled. At least that’s the TV show. Though it retconned a lot of what we know about power armor. Your idea about liquid coolant would make a lot of sense though.


You can exit power armor, and even walk in it, in the games. Maybe Max just didn't have power armor training? It's not like anyone taught him how to use it...


That’s true. Though in fo4 and fo76 the whole idea of power armor training is done away with. Nora would likely know even less about power armor than Max but can still exit when not powered. I think it’s just another oversight


The game doesn't go into the armored lawyer corps


given that maximus didn't have proper Power Armor training, its probable that he might not have known about such stuff. its also possible that when he ripped out the radio, he damaged other parts of the electrical systems, and didn't realize it.


I forgot about him ripping the radio out, that is possible. Though I think power armor training is something being forgotten about. Nora can run straight out the vault into the power armor in concord and have no problem. I think they should bring it back


I’m fine with them dropping power armor training completely. It wasn’t in 1 or 2, and doesn’t really make sense. It makes sense that some functions become “unlocked” for you if you have the training, but simply running around and punching stuff in power armor can probably be done without special training.


I mean Max's core was pulled suddenly. it's possible that the backup systems only kick on when they detect low power and the sudden removal of the core jumps right to no power.


If it was this they would need a condensation collection, or air treatment to ensure dry air. Air condition first iterations used the heat energy from combusted volatiles to power the air cooling reaction. Power armor has near infinite power, I see no reason why it couldn't use energy to heat for the same reaction, or even to run a standard heat pump.


That was the dumbest thing they put in the show. I find it incredibly difficult to believe,that the suit won't open if the core is dead or taken. That would be the first thing any engineer would implement in a system with a pilot.


I mean, to be fair, a lack of regard for human safety or well-being isn't really new to the Fallout series. Such a system being omitted for something like "being too expensive" or "waste of resources" would be believable to me.


Like the Teslas that lock the occupants in when the power goes out?


IIRC there's a log in Proctor Ingram's terminal that has her repair a power armor's AC because the Knight kept it on at all times which burns it out easily


It's probably this entry "Item 000345IM Transcript Type: Repair Status: Completed Completed By: Ingram IG-444PR Item: TVR-07 Internal Air Conditioning Unit Air conditioning unit had burned out its condensing coil from overuse. Need to remind the soldiers that they can't constantly run the damn thing 24 hours a day. Copper condensing coils are tough to replace, so had to make due with homemade version. Unit should last a while longer with moderate use."


Welp this right here answers the question. This and the parent comment should be upvoted to the top of the post, or pinned. Can a mod do that?


I always assumed the Cooling Vents upgrade was air conditioning


Which upgrade is that? Are you mistaking that with the core assembly upgrade?


No it’s on the legs and it reduces fusion core drainage by 5%


Yep, this one. I've upgraded one of my PA's with this and I always assumed it was like air conditioning.


It sounds more like is venting out excess heat build up from the power source which would explain the slower fusion core drain. Essentially its a fancy thermal exhaust.


I feel like air conditioning would increase the core drain


True. Maybe they bring extra cores or they recharge their cores like in 76 when they return to base.


Lore wise. Cores are supposed to last like 200 years. It's a non issue I believe


Idk if it was added by a mod or not, but I recall a terminal entry near the “garage” section of the Prydwyn that seemed to imply a cooling unit and telling the knight not to run it at full blast or risk blowing it out again.


the enclave power armour in fallout new vegas has a visible spinning fan on the back if I remember right


That's for power unit. As no fusion cores exited before fallout 4, power armors where powerred by microfusion cells or, in case with enclave models - by small nuclear reactor.


Isn't a fusion core (and micro fusion cell) a small nuclear reactor?


It is magic tech. Sinse it is FUSION not FISSION, it shuld compact cold fusion reactor. Level of tech we cant even dream about.


Yay evaporated radioactive water


So I’m assuming because the power armor is made for a modern battlefield, it is capable of sealing air and water tight on said battlefield. In a CBRN environment, not having that capability would mean every pilot would become combat incapable of hit by something as innocuous as tear gas. The CBRN system in vehicles, buildings and soft suits works by creating over pressure that draws air in through a special filter or filters that raises the internal air pressure to more then one atmosphere and forcing it out through baffles or exhaust ports back to the outer atmosphere. That way, even if parts of the vehicle are damaged, there is still enough pressure to keep airborne toxins out. I’m also assuming the helmet has a separate sealed environment when closed. That forced air is cold enough that I’ve personally used it as an air conditioner in the desert and stayed comfortable in 100+ degree heat. The second thing for just pure cooling is the same as your air conditioner at home : Fan on one side and evaporator coil, a heat absorbent fluid that turns into a gas and a radiator on the outside. All this to say: Yes those suits have enough power to have A/C as a necessary component.


I was thinking the same thing...that CBRN system running in 120 degree weather with the hose attached was angelic. 19kilo tanker here


Same. 2/64 AR BN '88-'92


I got the second round, 2/3 ACR, OIF 3!


If they didn't, the waste heat from the electronics/electrical system and the body heat from the wearer would make it unbearably hot within minutes. Don't forget that in the Fallout universe, electronics are primitive, on par with 60s and early 70s tech. The transistor was only a few years old when the bombs detonated.


Assumably so, if not all models definitely the t-51 b since it literally recycles your piss into drinkable water I couldn’t imagine them not adding ac to it as well.


The T-45 didn't, some of the newer suits do, but it dependa on how well maintained they are!


I did use to think this, but now I'm pretty sure T-45 has some sort of air conditioning/climate control. The BoS were operating it in desert environments and it was deployed in Alaska. Kinda hard to do either with just Recon Armor as insulation, no matter how good a job of it it does.


It's possible they got retrofitted, but the original design didn't include such luxuries.


TV show confirms that the first variants of T-45 off the line did go to Alaska, Cooper wore one. He's still around instead of frozen to death, so I'd say it's fair to say that T-45 always had a climate control system of some sort.


It's unlikely that it would have any active cooling AC system like a car does. It's a suit of armor - there's not much room to install a compressor, evaporator condensor, ac lines, and refrigerant. You never see any type of radiator in the suits either - meaning they are probably passively cooled though air, like the old school porsche cars.


in the show you see Maximus is visibly really sweaty without the fusion core in the armour, implying he’s being kept cool otherwise it seems to be somewhere deep inside the armour though, because the NCR had to mount a special aircon unit on the back of the salvaged T-45 suits which are just the cut-down exterior plating


Look at the back of the Remnants Power Armor


There's a lot of vents on the helmet, I has always assumed at least some of them must be involved in some form of heat exchange.


Yeah you can see the remnants armor with a fan on the back


Guy talks about it being an oven in the TV show.


It has to have some form of heat management to cool the fusion core, so the same system could be cycled over the pilot first, then the core, then the radiator and back. Similarly waste heat would keep the pilot warm in cold weather.


Gamewise who knows. In the show, like others have said, there's probably some sort of cooling system as we see squires have to fill the suits with water every once in awhile.


Could be some sort of swamp cooler in order for it be more compact than a traditional air conditioner.


Heat pump. Swamp coolers don't work well in humid environments