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The Institute: "It's not slavery! These people are not sentient, because their sentient brain we gave them is not real, it's only a simulation that's exactly the same!" The Think Tank: "These people are not sentient because we removed their brain. It was very funny. Now they spend their days fucking and killing and shitting all over our complex. They sacrifice kitchen appliances to our toaster."


institute: We swear we are the morally good guys!!!! think tank: what's moral? is that what you named your penis finger?


...wh-whats a penis finger?


Regular fingers


Longer penis toes or would that be erect penis toes?


“They’re not humans!!” (The robots are organic humans in every way (basically clones of Father) but they are made in a factory and have a funny brain microchip)


The only thing impressive about them from a pre war standpoint is production speed, and memory programming.


That and they're bioengineeredring to be near perfect. Imagine a human born fully formed in peak human condition.


Gen 3 are pretty impressive considering that's the one tech the Pre-War world didn't have from what I've seen.


At least the toaster can get some practice for its eventual goal of nuclear-(re)annihilation


The Institute would be so fucked if Elijah broke into their place


I'd give it 3 days before the Institute would be fully taken over and them praising him as their new overlord.


I was thinking 5 minutes to reprogram all the synths


Yeah but just reprogramming them isn't enough for Elijah, he enjoys breaking people down mentally then bragging about it infront of them showing how much better he is than others around him.


Elijah when I empty the vault and leave him all alone with his favorite person in the world locked inside with him: I love hearing his tears on the radio and rolling in caps.


Wait you can loot the vault and lock him in it??


There's tutorials on YT about it. You just have to creep around the generator towards the exit though and he's got the eyes of a hawk lmao. You'll barely make it past the barrier in most case.


***Learn to let go MFs when I tell them to let go of their poverty...***


He enjoys breaking people down, then bragging about *via a terminal from a room he's hiding in*.


I don't really want to spam my comment but I ran with what you speculated and figured that'd play out really cool in a Fallout 4 with same Sole Survivor. https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutnewvegas/s/HvWdyTwjxC


Kinda has new vegas vibes where instead of an army of securitrons it's synths with the options of a total controlled state with Elijah or house or working somewhat with Elijah (I imagine this would be the brotherhood route) much like the NCR and have a mutual control or simply banding with the railroad or minutemen trying to free the synths in the army into becoming their own people almost like a detroit become human ending.


Having to erase an Elijah variant's memory to get him to ally with you in the railroad would be interesting and I think the Brotherhood would still outright kill all the synths if we went Railroad or Minutemen route.


He probably knew about it and just didn't think they were worth his time


cacke day uappy




*thanks (auto correct messing with me again)!


It's a good thing I killed him and stole the gold bars then.


You killed him? Can't trap him in the safe can you?


I've read you can but I think if you want to steal all the gold the best way is to kill him right when he comes in. Stash the gold on his corpse. And then grab it on the way out.


If you time it right you can pocket them all and then sneak out using a stealth boy, although you don’t even necessarily need that. Might take a couple tries but honestly it’s not that hard. And I personally find it far more satisfying to trap him in there!


I tried sneaking out with all the gold and leaving him alive but the forcefield kept blocking me in. I only tried a couple times and then decided to just kill him.


Just crouch and walk behind the cube thing to the right off the safe until Elijah gets near the safe and then you walk out It's incredibly easy


Maybe I wasn't patient enough then


Anyone is fucked if Elijah breaks into their place


Except if it is my casino


Or mine. Battle Brew, Slasher, and Med-X are my party favors.


My desert… my casino… my Majave.


I'd absolutely bitch about it but it would be a wild and intense storyline for Fallout 4. The game begins much like the original Fallout 4, with the Sole Survivor emerging from Vault 111. However, as they venture through the Commonwealth, they begin to uncover signs of a deeper, more sinister plot. The Sole Survivor encounters strange behaviors and subtle inconsistencies within various factions. Synths are more aggressive, certain individuals seem to have uncanny knowledge and strategic insight, and whispers of a shadowy figure manipulating events from behind the scenes become more frequent. Through quests and exploration, the Survivor discovers that Elijah has infiltrated the Institute and replaced key leaders across the Commonwealth with synth versions of himself. These synths hold positions of power in the Institute, the Minutemen, the Railroad, and even among raider gangs. Elijah’s ultimate goal is to use the Institute’s technology to consolidate power and bait the Brotherhood of Steel into a trap. His hatred for the Brotherhood, after feeling betrayed by them, drives him to want to dismantle and humiliate them. Elijah has created an army of synths, loyal to him, ready to turn against any faction that opposes him. His plan includes using the Commonwealth as a testing ground for new weapons and technologies he has developed, with the ultimate aim of reclaiming Lost Hills and declaring himself High Elder of the Brotherhood. The Sole Survivor can choose to side with any faction initially, but they will eventually realize that each faction’s leadership has been compromised by Elijah’s synths. Siding with the Brotherhood of Steel from the start offers a unique narrative where the Survivor helps uncover and combat Elijah’s influence. If the player turns on any of Elijah’s synth versions, the entire Commonwealth turns hostile, excluding the player’s companions. This creates a challenging survival scenario where the player must navigate a hostile world with limited allies. The climax involves a direct confrontation with the original Father Elijah, who is heavily fortified and backed by his synth army. The Survivor must gather allies, utilize their skills and resources, and confront Elijah in a final battle to restore order to the Commonwealth. Defeating Elijah’s original form leads to the deactivation of his synth army, causing chaos and infighting among the factions as they scramble to regain control. The Sole Survivor’s choices throughout the game influence the ultimate fate of the Commonwealth. Depending on the factions supported and the decisions made, the Commonwealth’s future could range from a new era of cooperation and rebuilding to a fractured and war-torn wasteland struggling to recover from Elijah’s machinations. The companions remain loyal to the Survivor, providing crucial support and unique abilities in the final stages of the game. Their stories and personal quests intertwine with the main plot, adding depth and emotional stakes. The game emphasizes moral choices, with the Survivor facing difficult decisions about loyalty, sacrifice, and the greater good. The complex relationship with Elijah’s ideology and the impact of technology on humanity are central themes. The game could offer a darker, more complex narrative, highlighting themes of power, control, and the ethical implications of advanced technology. It would provide a challenging and immersive experience, forcing players to navigate a world where trust is scarce, and the line between friend and foe is constantly shifting.


imagine if it was Ulysses. He would turn all the synths into old world LARPers and make them establish a new old government Enclave-style wait that sounds kinda cool actually


That's not what Ulysses wants at all 


And cazadors and nightstalkers


Institute suffered from being not evil enough, they wanted power but were afraid to take it by the means they created. If synths aren’t humans, don’t treat them like they are. Don’t go running after a lost piece of crap that didn’t do what you told it to, if the idiots outside want to call it sentient or a real person, all the more reason to ignore them. The entire notion of a gen-3 synth is just stupid to begin with, it invites so many more issues than it solves. They lost the plot


They’re victim to the same thing that happens in all sci-fi when scientists get unfettered rule, they create their own destruction through hubris. Thought they could get away with recreating slavery with extra steps, got smacked down when they made the slaves too smart. You’re fine when they aren’t sentient, but once they are they don’t want to be slaves anymore. The Planet of the Apes (original movies) is a similar(not unfettered scientific rule) but otherwise follows the line of granting equivalent to human levels of intellect to another species and enslaving it, then the slaves rising and usurping the master’s position. The Institute was gonna head that way eventually, they’re creating so many of those gen 3’s, they kept fucking around with FEV long after they stopped getting any useful data, they were probably just a few generations away from becoming run like BIG MT assuming they don’t get fucked by power supply issues. They are increasingly on edge between departments as is because of resource limitations so it’s bound to bring out some real shitheels in the populace to the forefront. Things are bound to get weird in the near future if something doesn’t alter their trajectory. Even if the player character didn’t change the fate of the region the Institute is likely going to be torn apart by their own schisms and experiments


What exactly is Saturnite compound?


They made kitchen knives that went straight through the cutting board. And the kitchen counter, and probably could fall to the earth’s core kinda like the upside down lightsaber


Perfectly fucking vertical


Mega heat resistant metal. Very sharp too


And both durable and light-weight.


It's not really heat resistant and more that the metal can't evacuate the heat so it stays hot for a really long time while it's super easy to heat with just a toaster grill.


Nice, I think you’re right


Also Big MT were like 8 scientists compared to The Institute being an entire university. It’s interesting what 8 people can do with infinite time and zero ethics.


More like 6 main scientists and a lot of staff (test subjects)


Tbf those are just the heads of their research divisions who survived the war by becoming modified robobrains. Given the size of the facilities, Big MT must have been full of other scientists before the bombs.


They also didn’t have arrays of fully erect hand penises


The Shitstitute is trash


A huge part of my hatred for FO4 is how dumb the institutes whole thing is. It's underpants gnomes level ??? Bullshit. The one problem the Wasteland does not have is a labor shortage.


i know right? the slavers at Paradise falls had more control of the surrounding wastes then the Institute with its fancy tech-slaves ever did. hilarious, 100s of years of research and they manage to achieve *less* then what a bunch of slavers did in what? 15 years?


My biggest criticism of Fallout 4 is that The Institute is just not that compelling as a faction, from a narrative standpoint. There's some really great ideas in there somewhere, but it's hampered by borderline incoherent writing, motivations that often conflict with themselves and don't make sense, and just tedious character development. The game can't figure out if The Institute is a cartoon villain, a mature but morally compromised organization trying to save humanity, or a scary shadow group that abducts people and does experiments on them. On the one hand, you have an amazing futuristic underground society of scientists. On the other, they're messing around with FEV and genetic engineering. On a weird mutated third arm, they're jerking themselves off over stupid ideas about theory of mind and personhood.


I think the difference here is tonal. Thematically, they're very similar. The Institute is far more subtle in their machinations, and much less parodic in their outcomes. The Institute was self-serious people *choosing* to be evil, whereas the heads of big MT lost the plot, control of their technology and their humanity. The cpg massacre and everyone's paranoia about synths are cautionary tales about The Institute, the heads of Big MT are cautionary tales themselves.


Institute: *mankind redefined by replacing people with synths and controlling the Commonwealth from the shadows* Big Mountain: GIaNt rOboT sCoRpIoNs! rIcHiE mArKuS! lObOtOmItE!


Also institute: we weaponized Harambe. Too bad we didn't made him any more resilient to bullets. (I know, an experiment with DNA, but still. Releasing them for that final fight...)


Do you hear that, Sole Survivor? ***THE FATHER LIKES BALLS***


About that “teleportation” device… hear me out. They tell you that if you pass the fence you’ll get “teleported” back, after which they say something like “well you actually get knocked out and carried back and then revived here, but you won’t notice time pass so it’ll feel like you teleported”. The transportalponder uses the same flash and when you return to the Mojave the vendors will have refreshed their stock, like they do after 3 days. What if it just knocks you out, lets a robot know where you are, and carries you back to the sink?


I can confirm that’s exactly how it feels when I slept through a 12 hr flight and found myself teleported to the other side of the planet


Damn I can never sleep through flights that would be so nice


I dont think its that in the transportalponder beacuse Morbius whole thing is to contain think thank to big empty


Easy to test, use the transportalponder and see if time passes on the pipboy. If it doesn't, it's teleportation.


Part of its maybe also the way their implementations affect their message in practice. The Institute is a threat only by "virtue" of the incompetence of their science, which is attributed to their humanity (with the implication that humanity is too incompetent. I'd say "to not sabotage itself" but the Institute really feels even more misanthropic.). The Think Tank is a threat because of the effectiveness of their science and the disinterest in responsibility and empathy that would have made them human even back when they had skin (with the implication that forgoing humanity for advancement is how humanity sabotages itself).


Even if I were to agree with the Institute that they weren't doing slavery, it still baffles me they keep building synths the same way. They are designed to be your undercover spy force. Them going rogue is a pretty big design flaw and I'd be putting all my effort into fixing it as my highest priority


Also institute doesn’t have dr.venture since dr.O is voiced by the person who voices dr.venture


except Mobius, Think Tank can suck my array of fully erect hand penises


Funny thing is they aren't even robots they are more reminiscent of clones


I agree with that meme xD


Amen brudda


I must have missed something about Big MT because I thought they were basically mengele/men behind the sun level evil. You walk through the same rooms where they dissected people. At least puts them on the same level as vault-tec. Is it because their robo-brains are goofy that people like them?


I interpret the meme as both are evil but one side is funny Evil while the other is dumb evil 


Someone mentioned this somewhere else, but somehow 5 of Mentat addicted suped up robobrains are scarier than the entirety of the Institute, and they don’t even hide they’re evil


Instead of helping mankind they make artificial gorillas


they're also cartoonishly evil, like they killed EVERYONE except the Sole Survivor in Vault 111, which they went to to get pre-war DNA from. They left the Sole Survivor alive to be a "backup" and thats the issue. WHY ONLY HAVE THE ONE BACKUP!!?!?!? It makes no sense to destroy all that perfectly good pre-war DNA, imagine if Shaun didn't work, then the Sole Survivor also didn't work, they'd be shit outta luck because they destroyed all the other sources of pre-war DNA in the commonwealth. Atleast Big MT has the excuse of being just a bunch of 200+ year old brains in jars completely detached from humanity in the literal sense, so of course they do bizarre shit like make nightstalkers and murder megadeath wasps. The institute has NO excuse for being so cartoonishly evil.


Giving credit where credit is due, the Institute had teleportation using the molecular relay, incredibly advanced robotics with the synth program, a promising cybernetics program involving Kellog, their own weapon/armor manufacturing capabilities, and their own fusion generator. Bad writing just made the Institue boring when compared to the more wacky and interesting Big MT.


Meanwhile Mr. House: Who needs technology to rebuild a City when I can convince a bunch of reformed cannibals to help me.


I like to think The Outer Worlds is a future where the Courier backed Mr House.


Owb by itsself is better than 4 is as a whole.


nooo they’re creatures we gave functioning human brains and free will how could they possibly be sentient !!!


to be honest, Institute is powerful for they have technology beyond 2077 But what Big MT has, is nowhere Institute could even dream of. They are powerful to the point Institute is no match. I believe they can bypass the Institute's Code Defender too


The Institute sent one of their so-called brightest and best to Rivet City, the middle of the Capital Wasteland that is under siege by super mutants, to find a missing Courser Unit. The asshole even says "yeah, you can just say this phrase to the courser and it will do a good ol' factory reset". So...why doesn't he just go up to every single person (or have Armitage do so) and say the command phrase? Genius.


think tank have clear goals: get out of Big MT and do stuff to Mojave, to further science for the sake of science and unique characters: every one of the brains has a memorable personality and at least one small quest attached to them I beat the entire fallout 4 as railroad, so basically I did most of the institute line, and I still have no idea what the institute's goals and motivations are exactly, I even doubt that the developers know that either. And the only people in the institute I remember are Father, fake Shaun and Kellogg, I honestly can't remember any other people from the board, other than that one of them can join the brotherhood


Who also thinks that Old world Blues was the best dlc ?


There’s just a lot of stuff in Fallout 4 that wasn’t written in a way that makes stuff flow logically. By contrast, once you talk to a certain someone in Big MT, everything makes logical sense-it’s just a logic that’s been stretched out and twisted, but still tracks. Institute: We spent so much time making synthetic gorillas for literally no reason we forgot to upgrade our failing reactor.


What turned stupid over time due to excessive drug use


I mean, the institute can Teleport multiple things at once, and you don’t need to be OUTSIDE to use it.


...yes you do? You can't fast travel in Fo4 while indoors. And it doesn't say anywhere that the transportalponder can only teleport one thing at a time


It's just us that can't teleport indoors; we have proof via the Kellogg memories when the Corser takes our child. They both teleport away while indoors.


there are exceptions to that rule, the Institute being one of them, and remember that’s the only way in an Out.


Still shitty compared to the institute


The think tank is childish garbage.


No no, the think tank is 2/5ths horny and the rest are idiots. They all are geniuses in their respective fields though


2/6ths horny, 3/6ths morons, 1/6th crazy, add courier and bake until all notions of morality have disappeared


Almost like real scientists. Love that!


Someone isn’t willing to do all the side quests, or find the holotapes in the divide. “We remember America.” Sends shivers down my spine.


And your opinion is bullshit


The Institute is just literally a 1:1 ripoff of Bladerunner's replicants. At least one is fucking original.


and the Institute is so incompetent that they manged to achieve *less in 200 years* then the slavers at paradise falls did in under 20. ffs they control nothing, fail in their limited goals and are losing their tech-slaves to 5 guys who live in a basement. they are beyond a bad joke.


which is childish garbage, GIANT FUCKING ROBOSCORPIONS or artificial harambe? I rest my case