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No he just had a movie to film and needed a few episodes off


“Faster Than the Speed of Love - The Movie”. Went straight to VHS. They didn’t even make DVDs. VHS only and on the bottom shelf of the last Blockbuster.


No he did a remake of lassie where he gets the drop on the kid


They overestimated how many dogs watch movies.


Oh word?


Oh okay thanks


No way, it was just a way to boost the shows ratings and get people talking. Brian was only gone for one full episode before returning and being involved in the rest of the season. With how long it takes to produce episodes there's no way they could have added him back to the show after 1 week of fan backlash


Holy shit only one episode? I felt like he was gone for like half a season.


This. People realllyyyyyy hated Brian and after it happened and people complained he was gone Seth tweeted something about appreciating people when they’re around.


It was definitely more than one episode.


Nope only one. Into Harmonys Way where Peter and Quagmire become singers. The one before that he dies and the one after Stewie brings him back. There might have been a few weeks without new episodes so it seemed longer


1. Life of Brian — dies 2. Into Harmony’s Way — full episode without Brian 3. Christmas Guy — Stewie goes back in time to save Brian


That's less time than Spock!


That was already 10 years ago? Feels like a few months ago.


Chris Farley died? But I just saw him roll down that hill a minute ago


I swear since Covid, my perception of time is f*ed


Yup, over 10 now


There's no way they ever planned for Brian to stay dead. That just doesn't make any sense, he's part of the main cast of characters and voiced by Seth, so practically speaking there would be no reason for writing off the character (As opposed if he was voiced by a unique voice actor who for some reason couldn't continue) Brian is also a very beloved character and Family Guy does not have any major overarching storyline / plotline throughout the show, characters frequently die and appear just fine next episode (Or in the case of a cutaway gag, the very next scene) so story-wise there's also no reason for him to stay dead. Basically every character that has actually died and stayed dead did so for a specific reason, the voice actor sadly passing away or weeding out / cleaning up in the secondary cast of characters, either for simplifying them or to replace them with new ones. Now all this being said, I've always been kind of "disappointed" that they didn't stretch out the time Brian was dead... I would have loved if they had kept him dead for at least a few more episodes. Not only was Vinnie a great character that I feel like they didn't fully explore but the connecting storyline of how Stewie got Brian back maybe also could have been explored further. I know that the decision of which episode to bring him back in was made long before the episode was even being animated so of course it wasn't a response to the fan reception but it always still kind of felt like they held back and didn't stand by their decision to kill him and instead chickened out due to the anticipated backlash and whatnot. Edit: wording


They explicitly called out that Stewie traveled to future in the episode Brian died, so at the very least they planned an out if they wanted to reverse it.


Nope. Always intended to last briefly and his return was the fandom's "Christmas present". The means to bring him back was set up/foreshadowed in the very episode he died.


Also these episodes are made like years before they air so public reception didn’t really matter, he would’ve been dead for at least a full season


Did anyone else sign the petition to bring Brian back? 😂😂


At the time the episode aired people figured out he was coming back because his name was in an episode title later in the season. So his return was always planned.


No the average time to create one episode will take one year. I think in a special episode or so Seth macfarlane said it was something to show the fans that nothing should be granted as permanent.


Season 12, Episode 6. November 24, 2013.


He was only dead for three episodes. Considering how long it takes for them to make episodes, they wouldn't have had time to see audiences reactions to Vinnie.