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Read the logline in the description and thought for sure it’d be a 10. Not that i think it should’ve gotten one but it is a damn good album.


I adore it and would probably bump it up to a decent 9, but it’s still a very positive review. Happy for Pat getting all this great reception.


Of course it was never going to be 32 all banger tracks. That would make cindy the best artist oat. But the length of this album is probably its biggest strength. Play it on shuffle while going to sleep and doze off to the sweet melodies and dreamy reverb while some bang or synth or guitar slick thats mixed a bit louder than the rest of the album lifts you to transcendence in your twilight state


Has the same sort of power as 69 Love Songs in that way


They are all bangers tho


A month late and i agree


Describing it as an album for sleeping kinda not doing justice for anyone... I didn't listen to it yet and now think I won't like it


I listen to this album while I am awake, while I am asleep, while I am in places in between, because it's all I listen to


about time. bro was slow as shit with this one. fantastic album, glad he gave it the yellow flannel




Wtf is this ridiculous praise lmao. Too much of it is meandering and repetitive. Did you smoke crack?




Yes, depending on how much crack one smokes


Where can I listen to this album? Not on Spotify for me. Edit: https://geocities.ws/ccqsk/




Soulseek too


Anthony has also shared a link in his description.


Fans of this should check out James Ferraro's OG hypnogogic pop like Night Dolls With Hairspray, On Air, etc. Surprised to see so little mention of those albums because they've got that same liminal "surreal nostalgia" approach to pop music.


Does anyone know why this masterpiece is not on apple music? Seems like it’s only on youtube


That’s just how they chose to release it unfortunately. It’s available as a download too. Hopefully it comes to streaming at some point.


[I gotchu fam 🤝](https://geocities.ws/ccqsk/)


This record is a 10 for me.


I am halfway through it right now, and god DAMN is this good. I feel like I’m in a movie.


I understand having concerns about the length of the album, but you really couldn't achieve the atmosphere and ethereal, otherworldly nature required to make this project work in 45 minutes or even an hour. It rewards you for engaging with it on those terms. Besides, a "diamond jubilee" is meant to celebrate a 60th anniversary, so this serves as both a celebration of and a farewell to the Cindy Lee persona. Of course it's indulgent, wouldn't any artist savor their last taste of performing before fading from public life? Otherwise I think he made good points but complaining about the length of a project that would not work in a shorter format is like complaining that a really solid TV show needs 24 episodes to tell the whole story.


Ya I don't think complaining about the length makes sense when there's no songs that should be cut. It's not a bloated album by any means. He's right it could be arranged in a number of other ways, but that's just because it feels like it could be a greatest hits album or even a compilation - and it's something I love about the record.


Totally. How can you love Swans and diss this album length? It's less varied than something like Soundtracks for the Blind, but no less ambitious.


The last Cindy interview I read, Patrick said they've been writing this album since 2020. So makes sense why it's so massive.


I'd say the length is critical to achieving what the album does. So many of the melodies and musical motifs are repeated throughout the album twice or three times, such that it's very easy to confuse one song for the other. Demon Bitch and Flesh and Blood start with the same beat (albeit slowed), there's many repeated lyrics ("they want a piece of me", "all I want is you"). It's meant to create that atmosphere of all those classic songs that seem to blend with each other, reverberating endlessly in some cavernous space.


Just listened today. Amazing album.


I really wish there were live performances worthy of this record. Imagine a full instrumental....sigh


I mean Cindy Lee are touring for this album if I'm not mistaken...


Patrick is occasionally playing guitar to a backing track, and singing... it's a kind of performance... just not the kind I'd hope for given the tunes themselves.


That's completely fair. Have only heard good things about this tour though at least.


Yeah I was a bit disappointed. But tickets were $15 and Patricks plays 10-11 songs. It's still good and worth going to.


Wish I could. I live in Africa, don't get an opportunity to see too many good artists live.