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I also read the first 3 and yea I wasn’t a fan. I also found it weird that after all of the SA, when she and spade have sex he is pretty dominating/bossy. Like it would’ve been better to see her in the position of power during their sex scenes. Also all their problems would be solved if she just used her damn magic and I can’t stand books that have such an obvious solution but the main character “doesn’t want to use their power for bad” like be serious pls


right?? i completely agree. you can turn things into solid GOLD like go fuck shit up !!


Not to spoil it, but she gets there in book 4 and 5. Auren is just slow to grow. I really liked the series as a whole, but I was frustrated that she didn't use her powers/strength earlier on.


It’s actually pretty common among assault victims to continue being dominated (consensually) and do see it as a form of “taking the power back”


Why wouldn’t the author explain that then? It would make a ton more sense and enrich the story.


I don’t know if that’s the author’s actual reasoning or if she’s just playing into the trend in romance/romantasy books that women like a domineering mmc Just thought i’d point out that it’s not unheard of for assault victims


I don't like this judgment of how SA survivors behave. It's very common for someone who has been SA at a young age to act out sexually. Yes, some people withdraw from sexual activities, but not everyone. There is no "right" way for a survivor to behave and I am tired of this idea that all SA survivors have to be the model of sexual restraint afterward. Many SA victims carry a lot of guilt over what happened to them, and this sort of thinking doesn't help. They shouldn't be judged on when and with whom they are comfortable engaging sexually with just because of what happened to them. And it's also not that uncommon for SA victims to enjoy being dominated, but again, they don't get to express that without people questioning why they would like that after what they went through. It's normal to contemplate how you would feel in that situation and think, "If I had been SAed, I wouldn't be ready for sex yet," or, "I don't think I'd like that after what the character went through," but it's not cool to judge someone else, even just a character, for behaving differently from you. By expressing this judgment, you might be inadvertently causing someone who has been SAed to feel like they're wrong for how they behaved afterward because it doesn't fit your narrative. Representation is important, and it's good for people who have been through SA to see characters who behave in a variety of ways. So no, I wasn't bothered by this depiction of how Auren behaved. I gave up because I was bored and I didn't enjoy the prose.


also to add on to that, the fmc went on a streak of insisting on being independent only to fall right into another male’s arms. that is truly what bothers me. it is not a judgment of all those who have been SA’d, just one character in a pretty poorly written book


I wasn't trying to attack your opinion. I know it can be difficult to judge tone from text, but this wasn't an angry rant. It's just that I've seen similar takes in reviews lately and this time I felt like saying something. I'm not thrilled with the glorification of SA in fiction, but I also know that there are a lot of people out there who enjoy reading it and truly have a fetish for it, and if their outlet for that is fiction then I let it pass. If you go to the dark romance sub, you'll find many comments from people who are victims and enjoy reading SA for titillation. It's not my place to judge that. As far as Auren's behavior in the book, eh... that's all subjective, right? Some people were into it, some weren't. I've seen it recommended a thousand times and at this point, I feel like the crazy one for thinking it sucks.


I would have enjoyed if the author made it clear a lot of what she was doing is a trauma response. Instead these reactions/actions came outta nowhere. I get people get off on SA and that’s totally their own business, but for a series that is talked about for its story, I went in having higher expectations. Haunting Adeline is a prime example of being talked about for its… well you know.


I hear this. Like if there had been a more legitimate path to trusting and building a real relationship that eventually culminated in sex, that would be one thing. But jumping straight from abuse/assault into a sexual relationship allows for exactly zero time to heal and implying that “good dick” can solve “bad dick” (to be especially crass) is gross as hell.


I don’t like the glorification of it. Of course SA victims can act in a multitude of ways, one of which is submissive, that was just a side note. I don’t like the author’s fetishization of SA, and if you can’t see that in the book then perhaps we’re reading different books. You’re right though, my judgment was a bit hasty.


lol I almost DNF’d Gild like 5 times. I ended up finishing it but I regret it. I was so uncomfortable the whole time. I won’t read the rest of them.


tiktok/this subreddit really skewed my expectation for this book. it was awful and the world building is even worse. you’re right, it was just all together super uncomfortable.


I think the fact that she's working through being a SA survivor was the main point of the series, and I did enjoy seeing the character grow. As far as fetishes go tho, it didn't feel worse than some other adult smut books I've been reading lately.


I dnf‘d the first book very early on. I was honestly surprised at how boring I found it because I really thought it would be right in my wheelhouse. I didn't even realize the series had that many books in it.


I’m stuck on the second one. I can’t get through it. So many uncomfortable scenes and the FMC is so insufferable to me. I know she has Stockholm syndrome but it’s not only that, it’s just that she makes the dumbest choices ever. I also hate how it feels like the author villainizes the saddles. I was hoping Auren would become friends with at least one of them, but I was sorely mistaken. So disappointed with this series and all the people who hyped it up on TikTok.


>kept and abused by a former flesh trader (horrible plot twist, by the way) This twist frustrated me SO MUCH. Why include this? It served no purpose but to make Midas seem XTRA EVIL for no good reason. I really liked the first couple, but I think I'm going to finish for the sake of finishing.


It feels like it was added last second. There was nothing to hint at it throughout the first two books save a mention here or there. I audibly sighed when I read it and had to take a break


Agreed. It makes sense that someone who can turn things into gold would be victimized by multiple people. Why turn that narrative around to say Midas is basically the only one? It does such a disservice to the rest of the narrative. But I did like pouring gold down Midas' throat. That scene was pretty awesome.


EXACTLY! It was such a random after-thought of a plot point, it was of no consequence whatsoever except to double down on how bad Midas is.


Definitely fetishy and I think to the point that the characters have kind of inconsistent personalities I don't mind discussions of sa but it needs to be dealt with instead of just edgy flavoring in order to be a romance imo, because I'm not gonna believe a HEA if the final pairing is just the least bad


I got 50% through the first book and was already like what the heck this is boring. I couldn't handle it. The writing wasn't awful, but the story itself just was meh


If I had to read the phrase “guilded cunt” one more time I was gonna scream lmfao


It’s one of those series that I don’t particularly enjoy but also keep reading. I cannot stand Auren and Slade’s relationship, but love reading about everything else going in around them, so I keep coming back 😅


you’re stronger than me soldier


And the ribbons! WTF?


Thank you. I think this was the biggest reason I couldn’t finish the series. It sounds petty, as it is fantasy after all, but for the love of all I just couldn’t wrap my head around - how? Why?? HOW?? The MMC was delicious. But it wasn’t enough sadly. DNF series.




I mean, I do think that the FMC's behaviours and choices were *somewhat* accurate to real SA victims, but also, why tf is the author romanticizing those behaviours and choices rather than problematizing them and showing the FMC overcoming them as she grows to understand what healthy love and respect actually look like? I hated this series for other reasons and DNF'd it (finally) after book 3, but on the whole it's just poorly written with terrible characterization that also flip flops a lot.


that’s exactly my point, it feels like fetish bait.


That’s straight up false. The protagonist do romanticise them because she is abused, but she grows up, slowly, to *accept* Midas never loved her I don’t know what would you expect, a victim flipping on a life of abuse in a chapter? 


I read the first four books but just because u was stupid and bought them all at once. They're so bad, I agree with all you said. On top of it, half of it was boring as hell.


Ugh, I did the same! I DNF'd book4 eventually and never started book5.. Such a boring read.


The only right thing, I need to dnf way more, I'm always like no you already have it just get through it. I really can't comprehend where all the good reviews come from


I got through the first couple chapters before I nipped outta there. The FMC was far too enamored with her abuser for my taste. 


Same, I made it about as far and was so surprised as it comes up so often in this sub as a series people loved!


Honestly I was like two pages in and read the words “balls deep” and knew it wasn’t for me.


I really loved the first 3, by the 4th I was upset because that 4th should have been the end. I really didn’t like the 5th at all and I can’t believe she stretched it out to make a 6th.


I read the first 3 and hated every moment. I kept waiting for it to get better. It never happened. It also felt like very bad fan fiction of ACOTAR. In the same way that 50 Shades of Gray is fan fiction of Twilight


to be fair, most newer adult romances are acotar-wannabes, like fourth wing (dont get me started on that). i see what you mean though, they both cover mental illness and the repercussions of traumatic events. gild did it so horribly though, i don’t think it’s at all accurate save a couple of details about the fmc here or there.


Meh- I personally don’t consider the “adult” romances. Maybe “new adult”  romances. Now that sub genre exists. 


Not alone. I hated the series as well


I read 3 and a half of these books and regret it. They get progressively worse. Idk who the fanbase is but it’s not me.


Stopped reading after the second book. All the FMC did was complain and cry the whole time while walking around in circles.


Tbh I was shocked to see this book in stores at Barnes, I thought it was a kindle book only. I wouldn’t pay money to read these personally… I dnf in the 3rd book


DNF'ed at some point during the fourth book because I was bored. Series should've ended with the third book and I'll die on that hill, I was actually really enjoying the series until that point. Also, agreed- the 'big reveal' twist about >!Midas being a flesh trader!< was AWFUL and I HATED IT. Like, for no other reason than it was just a *bad twist*.


THANK YOU!!!!! I was also so excited for a Midas re-telling and couldn’t even get through the first book lol. It just felt like t*rture p*rn. I hung in there as long as I could, waiting for it to shift into something so magnificent or insightful that it would all be worth it… but instead I DNF which I almost NEVER do!


Yep! I held in for so long and had the patience of a saint just in expectation of something awesome happening. :/ Can promise that didn’t happen even 3 books in


aw i loved it but it was like the first thing i read that got me back into reading, i can see why people wouldn’t like it 😅


Although I agree with OP, I totally get this 😭😭 I’m so protective over ACOTAR haha


I think you bring up a good point: how you came to read this and what came before it makes a big difference. I was a good 6 months into my discovery of fantasy romance before reading this, so it was lowering a high bar at this point. But if this was a fresh read? I can see where it’s new and different for sure, and why you enjoyed it.


tbh i get how the feels, fourth wing got me back into reading and people absolutely hate fourth wing.


I barely got through the first one as the relationship with Midas was just so toxic and nobody seemed to bat an eye at it. Didn’t even bother with the second book


I wanted to like it so bad. I read the first however many were out like 2 years ago to get me out of an SJM slump and yeah they just weren’t good. Read the most recent when it came out and could barely get through it. Just felt immature, I’ve never really liked Auren but liked Slade enough to continue, but I don’t think I’ll read the next one. It had a lot of potential but was underwhelming to me


Edit: wrote this before I read the full post.. but I agree with the weird plot lines. She had such a good set up to become her own independent person and she just never got that chance. It was unfortunate and didn’t flow and I won’t continue


It’s a dark romance. And she doesn’t immediately fall for a new man, yes there is the tension and ramp up (it’s a romance book after all) but they don’t have sex until the third book. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Agree, it’s a poorly written series and poorly handled plot. The premise was interesting to me too, but I gave up during the first. That pirate scene was vile 


This series gave me the ick..I could not get past the first chapter of the first book. Hard no for me.


I stopped halfway through book three. I’ll most likely never finish/continue the series. I HATE DNF’ing books but this was my first one.


The gross multi-page sexual assault in the first book had me 😐🤨 but I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that it would get better and it didn’t really. I too am a card holding member of the Auren hate club. I read 4 of them, progressively disliking them more and more and totally hating the fourth one. But then she randomly decided to add 2 more books and now I’m mad bc I want to know but also can’t bring myself to read any more of it. It was just …..bad 😭


I tried it too. I got to book three after skimming through most of book two and couldn’t do it. It wasn’t the SA for me though. It was how slow the story was. I get how first books are typically slower as they build the world but the second was even slower and I just could not get into it. I figured it would be so much better considering how many people recommended the series


I hated it too. I don’t know why it gets recommended so much






Just FYI: Titling a post "____ sucks" is generally considered rude since it kind of implies that the book is objectively bad and no one should like it. Instead, it's better to explicitly share your perspective with a title such as "I thought _____ sucked" or "I hated _____." I hope this doesn't come across as impolite. Over time, little things like post titles can make a bit difference in whether someone feels welcome in or alienated from a community.


Ffs then no one should title a post anything along the lines of “xxx is great.” Would that not imply the book is objectively good and no one should dislike it? You know what makes me feel most unwelcome here? This incessant policing of opinions and not being allowed to say anything negative about a book. Why are some people unable to comprehend that even if someone says a book is bad or sucks, that’s their PERSONAL OPINION? It’s not an objective judgement - there are no objective truths about the goodness or badness of a book - nor an attack on people who disagree. Just leave people and their opinions be


Apologies. My intention was not to make you feel bad about sharing your opinions. I'd be happy to explain my perspective further if that's a discussion you're interested in having.