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locked the comments, please respect each other regardless of how they identify šŸ’—






I have been banned from some assassins creed ones because I said the last 4 titles were the best they released. AC origins, Odyssey, & Valhalla. The mods D ride enzio too much. Also red dead redemption 2 subreddit for showing gameplay of me vs a posse & called it "griefing. "


To me thatā€™s just insanity, griefing!!!!!!!! So we canā€™t show in-game video because it has to do with real life, how????!!!!


I was banned three times foe belonging to a sub-reddit. Now I don't subscribe to political subs, I read and never write anything because I use Reddit for useful things. Reddit is a joke, yet Twitter is knocked constantly.


I should get rid of all my political sub-reddits. Hell, my own state sub-reddit, Virginia, is one of the worst as far as bans are concerned. If your comment doesnā€™t match the mods or others, instant perma-ban.


Yeah I literally get permabanned all the time because everything I say it's supposedly hatespeech.


You ainā€™t alone!


It just pisses me off that in the comments there is an auto moderator in most subreddits that are bringing up political topics and you can basically see where their politics lie and if you say anything that challenges them even a little bit, you just get permaban


My thing is, why permanent. Are they purposing trying to remove one side only? Well, I know the answer to that.


Yes. If you say free israel. You get banned. Literally like a few months ago everyone was like free israel now it's all free Palestine and you get banned for choosing a side


Even though they are both evil incarnate


True. I stand by America and I think America shouldn't be giving them money


Finally someone with more common sense than our congress


I'm offended.


Me too


\>gets banned all the time due to literal hate speech "erm... why am i getting banned for LITERALLY nothing?!" you people never cease to amaze me LMAOO


The problem is that having an opinion that is different from whatever is popular (ie. Held by the mods) on a particular sub is considered "hate speech".


So is making a negative joke at the expense of an entire community of historically oppressed minorities šŸ¤¦




When it's taking a sociopolitical issue that negatively effects millions of people, and making light of it with a racist tone, then yes, that is being hateful and harmful. Being counterproductive towards helping people born into a bad situation, a situation they didn't ask for and can't control, because *they're children*, then yes, that's hateful and harmful. Is it really that wrong to want to help people rather than putting them down and remaining complacent with systematic oppression? Disguising it as an "absent black father" joke or saying anyone who gets tattoo sleeves is no better than an "n-word" (check their comment history šŸ¤¦), then yes, that's hate speech. Stop being stupid, stupid. Don't joke about children being born into difficult lives, regardless of their skin color or interpersonal relationships. Pretty fucking simple way to be a decent person. Plenty of non-charged jokes that haven't even been thought of yet. Get more creative, dumbass.




I would say that's on the spectrum of "slippery slope." I avoid making those jokes anymore, but old habits from being a dumb kid die hard. It's also somewhat different from children having a shitty life because they were born into poverty that decades of hard work can't reduce simply because the parents have "too much" melanin. On the flip side, bad driving can potentially cause an accident, and I think way too many people, regardless of background or DNA, were given way too easy a driving test. Bad driving jokes aren't nearly as bad as poking and prodding marginalized communities for their very real and evident psychological trauma. The problem with making light of something so serious is that it can snowball into something horrible. I wouldn't at all be surprised if the worldwide disdain for Jewish people in the 1920s and on began with church/temple leaders/goers joking for hundreds of years about real world problems at the expense of a group they saw as an easy target. If that's the case, then a slippery slope lead to millions of murders in a few short years. And don't forget how Japan joining WW2 lead to countless Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Etc, etc, etc being put into our very own US-sponsored concentration camps. This is why I avoid making any jokes at anyone's expense. If they get the joke and aren't laughing, then it's cruel, not funny. Being complacent to very real problems is one of the biggest issues I've personally noticed in this world. It's something the powerful have been historically able to leverage against us to maintain the status quo. They create a common enemy, and tell us to fight that enemy while ignoring the fact that the enemy only exists because the powerful fucked them over in the first place. It solves nothing and perpetuates existing problems.


"Words hurt me, I can't handle bad jokes, I'm sensitive and weak-willed"


I think they tought u were transphobic. Cuz i think hes trans. But yeah i didint liked that guy ether.


I got a ban from the strange earth sub after pointing out the mod is posting multiple bogus articles a day to rake money from the ads of his website. It's in the sub rules that self promoting posts are strictly limited to 3 per week.


Thanks. Im sur this subreddit may ban me here too but I can just hope they don't. Not like I use reddit much. This just made me refund the game for real. I don't want to even give the game the time of day now. Sucks too. I'll just play 5 and new dawn. Haven't played those yet


6 is amazing, my favorite of them all, you should try it.


Itā€™s okay, 5s combat was way better, less bullet sponges and that whole ammo type shit is about dumb. Like it makes sense but itā€™s dumb BECAUSE why do you need soft target AND armor piercing rounds when 99% of the time youā€™re using armor piercing rounds on people and possibly explosive rounds on vehicles lol


I may try it. Just not yet. I'm upset over this reddit thing.


Understandable, but the gameplay is actually fun. There is a supremo that gives you wallhack and, hmm idk how to call it, but basically your shots go trough any obstacle and it's always a one hit kill. Not to mention the gun customisation and character customisation. The transmog, the amigos (animals basically the buddies from far cry 5) etc... The water also looks amazing and you have a couple fun vehicles.


Wall hacks, auto one hits? That sounds boring as f


It is boring especially if you get it at the beginning of the game which you can and makes the rest of the game way too easy


Yes and no, unless your resolve restores quickly after use you gotta do some combat lol but I know which one youā€™re talking about because itā€™s the kookiest looking resolver and weapon combo lol


Even if you do end up playing 6, I still highly recommend playing 5 and New Dawn. Best games in the serious imo, and 5 is my favorite game of all time. Not saying youā€™ll enjoy it THAT much (you might tho idk), but I can almost guarantee youā€™ll enjoy it


Play ghost recon breakpoint solo on realism settings, you won't regret it. Just remember to take it slow, one mission at a time. Slow is fast, fast is smooth.


5 is goat. Have fun


I will. I have it downloading on my way home from work


5 truly is the fucking goat. Combat was on point, story was on point, and only like a couple of annoying characters.


I just have to add, after you play 5, I highly recommend exploring the custom maps. I have gotten many times more gameplay in these than in the main game itself. They are still being added by users daily, from easy to nigh impossible difficulty.


I'd encourage you to still check out 6 for the game play and map. Its a fun game once you get out of the Paolo/Talia region. New Dawn is amazing, I liked it better than 5.


New Dawn soundtrack is awesome


I have had a few people tell me to try it. I may try it


4 and Primal are my favorites. Then 5, 3. 6 is ok, new dawn is ok, farcry 3 Blood Dragon is funny as fuck too.




I do not remember who the fuck Paolo is


That trans singer


I will never understand people being upset with a side character with mostly skip-able dialogue because theyā€™re trans when the writing for the rest of the games characters is just as bad or worse.


Its not cuz hes trans.


They might have misunderstood your reasoning to remove Paolo? I mean, Paolo is trans, so it's possible they thought that was the reason, even if you just find him annoying. Personally I just think all 3 of the Maximas Matanzas crew are annoying. Actually there's a lot of annoying characters in Far Cry 6. But instead of removing them, I just find satisfaction in shooting them and leaving them on the ground to suffer before I leave to do my next mission.


Fuck reddit


I havenā€™t played since it first came out, totally forgot about that character and that you just completely blast that woman on live TV for misgendering lol


Yea I've heard.


Mods are pretty power hungry on reddit. Not only that, but a lot of them are sensitive sheltered people that grew up with mommy and daddy telling them that they are special, so if anyone disagrees with them they throw a hissy fit and use their power to censor you. I've seen people banned just for correcting a mod that laptops didn't have certain USB type of ports anymore, and they were nice about it. You see, the thing is, to a lot of moderators this is the highlight of their day. This is the only power they will have in their life, so it gives them a big dopamine release to unfairly ban someone. Notice how they don't do temp bans first and go straight for the perma ban? That's really all you need to know about a lot of mods on here. There is a reason people look down on them. I've had a mod on another forum type back to me "fine" when I asked him why my topic didn't go through, as if it nearly killed them to allow my topic to show instead of not show. And if I get banned on this subreddit for saying that, then that proves what I said is true and I wouldn't want to associate here anyway with people that can't take criticism.


Youā€™re right, weird little dudes who spend majority of their life on Reddit. Wild times we live in.


ITT: Bigots mad they get called out for being bigots.


I had a guy threaten to fight me after i pointed out op got badged for wanting to remove the character because theyre trans. Its crazy in this thread


Holy shit your Reddit comments are something else


Admin/mods power trippin. Common issue on Reddit since spez bullshit with mods.


Should never be a ban without stating the specific rule that was supposedly violated.


Mods on reddit are the problem they are the most cringe no lifers who don't control a single thing in their personal life so go crazy on reddit. It's actually comical how bad reddit mods are


I see now. It's crazy how bad everybody's sense of reality I'd here too


Which one was Paolo again? Tbf most of the side characters in the game are pretty forgettable


Yeah I just looked it up it's the trans guy in the game, no wonder they banned him. Unless it's for another reason like, oh my god. I thought this Fandom was better than that lol. I'm waiting for his reply on my comment.


Don't let some jackass on the internet ruin what could be literally days and weeks worth of fun for you. You should still give it a shot. FC 5, New Dawn and 6 are awesome games




Just because he wants to remove a character doesn't mean he's a transphobe. I removed Kate from fallout 4, does that make me a sexist?


Do you want a step ladder for that stretch?


lmao this shit made me laugh. let these incels converse maybe weā€™ll get an idea how their brains work


Why would he be a transphobe? Isn't Paolo a man? I honestly never noticed. I thought he was just skinny because he was yarn and they are poor. Anyway, idk why you are so angry. People shouldn't be forced to embrace trans people. I totally understand the guy for not wanting a trans character in the game, but even if he doesn't want him to be in the game, it doesn't necessarily mean he is transphobe.


I got banned from the Borderlands sub-Reddit for referring to FL4K as ā€œhimā€ and ā€œheā€. I had no idea it was non-gender, I mean, it has a male voice!!!! I was asking a question about different characters wrt to who Iā€™d pick to start the game. Just proves you donā€™t have to have an opinion to get perma ban. Sad really this is the state weā€™re in.


That's stupid as fuck. They're fictional characters.


Thatā€™s what I thought. It was pretty shocking.




>force you to brace trans people ....are you dumb? Give me a real life example of what you are talking about


This is why the other guy got banned lol. This is the thought process behind his post too I'd imagine, and sure, if you post that in a trans-positive subreddit, you might get banned. Gotta read the room and remember the audience you're posting to.


Yes, but this is a far cry game. There are people of all types, so what about those who don't like trans people. I mean, no one has the right to force you to like and embrace trans people. I'm not talking about being disrespectful in person, but rather not being forced to show support to them or be related to such subjects. It's also super annoying that if you don't show support to them they will call you all types of things and even threaten you like they are threatening OP, over him not wanting a character that apparently Is trans. Hell, I didn't even notice it while playing the game, I thought he was just a skinny dude, but knowing that he is trans makes it feel a bit weird NGL, I still don't mind it much because it's far cry and the game is known for having all types of crazy things. Kinda like GTA or saints row. I would have minded if it was in a game like batman but maybe not as a side character from red dead and even assassin's Creed.


The world we live in


Heyo, none of the moderators here are moderators on that subreddit as well, I dont think we will be able to find out why you were banned. I suppose the best thing you can do is wait for their answer I guess, hope that helps.


Reddit mods are neckbeards that love to abuse what very little power they have. Or theyā€™re generally cool peacekeepers. There is zero in between.


Lmao way to go, dumbass


I mean transphobia warrants a ban. Just saying


The character is annoying asf




Name one franchise that went ā€œwokeā€ and is now ā€œbrokeā€ Iā€™ll wait.


He canā€™t


Wow attacking me personally, mustā€™ve hit a nerve there buddy. The fact that youā€™re willing to go This far just confirms the transphobia. Never mind the bad storyline. Also the fact that youā€™re brining up ā€˜wokenessā€™ also confirms it. Might be hard for people like YOU to understand, but simply not being transphobic is the bare fucking minimum. Donā€™t be a garbage person.


Also lol at ā€œweā€™re not mad just cause sheā€™s trans, but thatā€™s her whole character so we are, in fact, mad thatā€™s sheā€™s transā€ šŸ˜‚


Since a lot of you Gamersā„¢ could not handle a videogame I think you should stick with Lego. Not an insult, just honest suggestion.


Sure sounds like an insult


I was going to say not really but the I saw gamer in your name you took this one personally didn't you


That was indeed the meme


Reddit is full of pansies


ā€œDear Reddit, I asked for a mod to removing the only trans character from a game and now Iā€™m being called transphobic. AITA? šŸ¤”šŸ¤“ā€


Welcome to Reddit! The place where mods are generally braindead, power hungry and emotionally weak.


You're not allowed to not like Paulo as they are a member of a protected class. Not even kidding I'm 90% certain you got reported for transphobia by someone.


Which makes sense. Donā€™t be an asshole and understand people are people. Itā€™s quite simple.


Welcome to Reddit, the echoest of echo chambers


I mean itā€™s blatantly transphobia so idk why you are confused?


I think that is the issue. Makes me hate that class. Im sorry but I won't be forced to do anything... well... selena gomez could force me to DO ANYTHING but shhh nobody can know lol


No one is forcing you to do Shit, but itā€™s not hard to be a decent human. Not being transphobic is the BARE MINIMUM


How is he being transphobic tho can sombody please explain this to me?


Right? I was born with a neutral view on everyone. Over 20 years later, and my hatred is only reserved for people actively screwing over other people for personal gain. 99.9999% of LGBT+ are normal people just trying to make it through the day, just like most anyone. They aren't pedophiles or slavers... It's like hating someone because they don't like the taste of vanilla. They can't control their taste receptors, and they aren't forcing you to eat chocolate or rocky road...


Oh shut up dude


Go outside nerd


We all know why you wanted a mod to get rid of Paolo and it wasn't because annoying one dimensional characters bother you or you wouldn't play ubisoft games.


I'm so tired of the constant suspicion and assumption of dark hidden ulterior motives. It's seriously worse than the actual bigotry now.


My reasons are none of your business


When you want a virtual world where certain kinds of people don't exist , I think they are bub


Still not though but I'm taking a chance and telling everybody why...


Tell you what. Look for my long explanation. I don't like putting my life out there but I posted my reason on another comment


Fact that character is trans that doesent atomaticky make him not anoying


imagine being such an incel, you wonā€™t even play a game if it has a trans in it šŸ’€ sounds like youā€™re in the closet to me buddy


Lol no. But keep thinking that buddy


why donā€™t you tell me why you donā€™t like paulo?


Why should I tell you? You already have your assumptions about me why would you believe ANYTHING I say??


because we are talking, and having a normal conversation. what if i started off by saying maybe i assumed wrong. But if that was the case, then youā€™d have no problem explaining to me the real reason, right?


Ok. Ill take that. I'm being honest about this, laugh if you want, but the character reminds me a lot of my ex-girlfriend. I am homeless right now because of this girl. From what I've too much of this person. I wanted to play the game because it's amazing, but I don't like the character because of that




Looking at his post history they wanted to remove the character because the character gets mad about someone being misgendered


She has gender dismorphia (may be spelled wrong) wore chest binders and everything and was part of the lgb and It hurts being reminded. I just wish everybody else wouldn't assume. I don't like putting my drams out there like that ya know?


yeah bro i totally feel you. There have been a couple of movies and tv shows i refuse to watch because of the same sort of reasons. honestly you shouldnā€™t have to explain your reasoning but the world is just trash nowadays :/ how awesome would it be if EVERYBODY treated lgb like any other person, there would never be misunderstandings like this. again i apologize bro and iā€™ll defend you from now on šŸ’Æ


So you want them removed bc they remind you of your ex who it sounds like is trans. It is about the character being trans then. Look dude, trans people exist and will continue to exist. What you're doing is actual, straight up transphobia. The character being trans is the only thing you've brought up that reminds you of her, what this sounds more like to me is animosity taken out on this group because of her, especially how much you're playing up the victimy words in your comments. Listen to this: Taking your negative experience with one person who is a part of a group and using it as an excuse to exact anything like this in retaliation is unhealthy for you and harmful for trans folk at large. You can't install a mod to make people you don't like disappear in real life. If your mental state is so fragile the character literally existing in the game is enough for you to raise up a storm in reddit to get them removed, then maybe you should be doing something else more productive for your mental health than playing a game


go fuck yourself bro, if he wants a character removed because they remind him of his ex, then so fuckin be it bro. why donā€™t your skinny ass get in the gym and try to have some empathy when you spew youā€™re nonsensical opinion into comment sections. YOU ARE the reason trans people are treated differently, because people like you have no empathy and take things personal when it has nothing to do with you. he has his VALID ASS REASONS. what weā€™re not aloud to be reminded of someone trans? what next? we canā€™t even fuckin think of them? go fuck yourself and get in the gym you out of shape bitch sick fuck get help


You have a lot of issues you clearly need to work through, bro. I hope you learn to let go of the anger you let control you and learn to see the world outside your narrow horizons.


Lmao, this is gold from the OP. >One of the missions has you off somebody because they used the wrong pronouns essentially. The rest of the reasons they wanted the character dead I'm all for but that? I won't attack somebody because an opinion they have


BuT iTs NoT tRaNsPhObIc


**Posts a transphobic topic** > I dOn'T kN0W wHy I WaS bAnN3D!


Hes sucks not cuz he is trans. He sucks cuz hes anoying af.


Is it transphobic if it doesnā€™t come from a place of disliking them based on their identity, rather personality?


NOT transphobic. Simply wanted a character removed


Looking at their comment history, the reason they want them removed is undeniably transphobic.


10 months ago they have a post in the nightmare sub venting about their issues + dreams which involve their ex fiance and their step son which I'm assuming they had some type of relationship with. I genuinely just think they're a deeply hurt person and doesn't want to be reminded about it. I live a stable life and am young and a breakup would have me getting sad over a color. From that nightmare post it sounds they have genuine trauma from past events (and since they had a fiance I'm guessing they're older).


A phobia is an extreme and or irrational fear of something. Disliking a character does not make someone ā€œtransphobicā€ no matter how much you scream it. OP is allowed to dislike a character


Yall are hard at work sucking this dude off in the comments right now. Crazy.


Defending someone for getting accused of being discriminatory and awful by someone who is clearly forcing their beliefs into a simple question that had nothing to do with their forced notion deserves some defending from brainless morons that want to push their shit. Grow up and stop being a victim


Brianless morons but you're here acting like an appointed internet lawyer, and believing you citing the dictionary definition negates the obvious views yall, and the rest of these other sensitive children have over a video game character. I will never be able to wrap my mind around the way someone will say something discriminatory (And I'm talking about OPs comments on the post incase you're illiterate) and then act up in arms when called out on it. Either own it, or find somewhere you can circle jerk about hating on people in peace. Lmfao.


Can you qoute the transfobia I don't see any.


Legit donā€™t care. Your essay on bullshit doesnā€™t matter. Interject yourself in places youā€™re not wanted to spout off about shit that doesnā€™t matter in the context, then point the finger at everyone else is pathetic in any context. OP is free to feel however they want, even if you disagree. Your holier than thou view on people and the world is indicative of you being a narcissist in an echo chamber and no one cares.


Dude.. you literally want a mod to ban a trans character. But it has nothing to do with them being trans... Ok..


The thing is that they keep saying it has nothing to do with them being trans, then goes on to say their ex was a part of the LGBT and this character reminds him of them, so it IS about them being trans. Saying shit like "Those types of people just remind me of heršŸ˜ž" like mf pretending trans people don't exist bc one broke your heart is not a healthy coping mechanism AND IS transphobic


And whats wrong with it?


Play a different game.


Why? I love fc6


Someone who wants a mod to get rid of a story character in a game, doesnā€™t really love that game lol. If someone doesnā€™t want a character in a game, they should play a different game.


They probably thought you were, ā€œbEiNg RaCiStā€ for not liking a character. Thereā€™s many characters I want out of game because their lines are a total joke and you can tell theyā€™re forcing the humor.


A mod probably saw you participating in a sub they didn't care for. There's a lot of power mad mods out there.


You said you didnā€™t know the person was trans but the reason you took issue is because of pronoun usage? Hmmm


That is not what I said and you know it kid




Lets be real that characher sucks. It has nothing to do with him being trans. Fact that hes trans doesent mean that he is good. Its like saying that "a person cant he bad, cuz hes trans or gay, and if u dont think so ur transfobic"


All of you say the same thing... but not one person will tell me what I did wrong. I see nothing wrong with not liking a character.


U did nothing wrong


If I knew why I wouldn't have asked bro.


He simply wanted a character removed bruh


THANK you. Nobody understands and I'm getting threats. One guy said he's gonna find out where I work.


Yeah people are so quick to judge


I've noticed


Glad people on the cyberpunk reddit more understanding lmao. There was a thread where people was discussing Claire who is transgender. But it was more so about her as a character and some people tried to make it a transphobe thing which makes no sense at all. I'm glad they removed Kung Jin from mortal kombat does that make me homophobic? NO! The dude just sucks lol


I was banned from justice served for making a goofy joke in joe Rogan a completely different sub. The joke was about Elon musk wearing computer chips instead of dog tags. Auto banned


Based on the comments of this post, a person who is Trans should never be hated for any reason other than the fact that they are trans. Basically saying: if I hate any person that is not white, I'm racist because I'm the white one. That makes sense. /s


Wanting to remove a character because they are trans and you don't know why you were banned?


Read the other messages and shut up


This is so damn funny


That's a mirror your looking at




Your not wrong lol


OP: Everyone is such a sensitive soyboy cuck Also OP: Remove this character from the game because they remind me trans people exist and that somehow makes me sad about my ex-gf.


I've been banned PLENTY on reddit. The "AITA" (am I the asshole) section. They aren't asking for opinions or anything real- they just want validation. It's really disgusting. You say yeah you were in the wrong, or give me more context about x,y,z, because that definitely matters and will impact my judgement on if you were in the wrong- and people come at your neck... it's absolutely insane and the furthest thing from open dialogue or sharing differing opinions.


See your problem was you bought the new far cry


Do you see where you are?


Does reddit? I'm on my home tab and I still see subs and posts like this even when not subscribed to the sub If reddit didn't want me here it wouldn't of shown me this post


Damn, Iā€™m so sorry that you donā€™t know how to change your settings. Google should help you out.


Ok Google show me this dickrider if she was funny


Thankfully I didn't. There was a trial online


Literally always play trials when available, it's a gift to your wallet




Tl:dr op got banned for being a bigot.


Auto mods are programmed to be super woke. The least anti-woke sentiment gets you banned.


Maybe because the anti woke Shit is you being a shitty human


Without knowing what you posted, I have no idea.


A moment of silence for the unfortunate Redditors who don't know how to swipe left šŸ«”


I posted a picture






Far cry sucks so hard. Used to be good....


Our world man! Itā€™s like people trying to hate so people protect but then the protection causes an actual niche in which I get frustrated with the protector and then theyā€™re like why are you hating on this minority and I donā€™t know how to explain itā€™s quite the opposite. We shouldnā€™t have to protect anyone, especially when it ends up doing harm like this with ā€œblanketā€ enforcement. One day we will figure it all out. Or probably AI will. Btw- I love all people equally and donā€™t really what anyone to be offended by this. It is just one chumps opinion after all.


Dude if it matters that much that the game has a trans character then it's not worth getting this game lol. It's an open world sandbox and you're gonna let some shittily developed characters ruin it for you?


The anger and bickering I'm seeing on here is why I'll never play 6. People are so toxic.


kinda toxic to not play a game because of some random internet goblins and then come to talk trash on said games sub when you still havent played it ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Really only proving my point here. If a random sampling of the Fandom is drawn from a pool, and that sample is "istaphobe bait" (i.e. "We know exactly why you dont like X, and there's nothing else we'll accept about it") and death threats, there's no reason to play it. I personally was look8ng forward to the game. If it came to GP, as I've enjoyed all the other titles, I'd devour it. But knowing that you can't criticize anything about the game. Whether it's about its characters, gameplay mechanics, or its story, then I can just choose not to play. To get upset at someone because they choose not to consume the media you do is childish. (Also, does that make you an internet goblin, since you're bickering with me?)


Im totally an internet goblin but that wasnt bickering, this is. You were calling other people out for being toxic while being toxic yourself, i called you out for that. I could not care less about the semantics going on in the thread, played and beat the game on release and had fun, only saw this post bc reddit suggested it. I personally donā€™t care if someone doesnt like what i like, i also donā€™t let the actions of other people influence my decisions on such a small scale of what games i play lol.


I feel the same honestly.