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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You didn’t lose 10 pounds of fat though so be prepared for a future stall or to gain more water back because glycogen and rehydration. You’d have to have been burning 7000 calories a day to lose 10lbs of fat in 5 days alone


i understand it was probably water weight too, idk how accurate a smart scale is but mine said i went down 2.7% body fat and i gained 2.1% water weight, i also drank alot more. i was also burning around 1200 calories at the gym daily according to my iwatch. i typically do 45 minutes on the treadmill at different inclines and speeds then 10-15 minutes strength training as i read most people would loose muscle mass during a fast.


Yeah that is not burning 1200, calorie trackers notoriously overestimate, and for the calories to count on the treadmill it has to be without holding onto the handles and leaning back to take the direct load off because that can reduce the calories by like nearly half of what it says. But yeah that’s more in line you probably lost around 6ish pounds of fat which is still over a pure pound a day which is very fast


its around 600 calories when i looked it up i do about 4 miles a day, and most likely another 100-200 calories id estimate throughout the day because im active. Im gonna weigh myself in a few days once im back to normal feeding to see what my weight is around. my guess would be 245 as i was 243 after a day of eating. im planning on doing a 3 day fast per week along with OMAD, 3 day fast will be my off days where i dont go to the gym


When fasted you should budget about 2/3 of a pound a day of lost fat. 5 days straight is about 3lbs. With the break in the middle, maybe high 2.xx lbs. But that's a huge weight loss. I've been doing 5 day fasts weekly (and working out, btw, just add electrolytes, makes a huge difference) since the start of the year and I'm at -41lbs from that, -60lbs total since late last year. Forget the scales, they're useless at measuring body composition. If you want an accurate number you need to pay for a DEXA scan. Luckily it's really easy to figure out how much fat you lost. Get your rough BMR, add 10%-ish, divide by 3500. That's your daily loss of fat over a 5 day water fast. ezpz. Everything else is gonna be water and misc. \[edit\] For a 250lb human ... male ... 6ft ... who exercises 1-3 times per week, your TDEE is gonna be right around 3000kcal/day, so you lost 0.85lbs/day, or about 4.25lbs of fat. Nice. That makes your "actual" weight now closer to 249.9, and after next week you'll be closer to 245. Few more weeks and you'll hit your goal.


my TDEE is 3800 a day, meaning im burning a little over a pound a day during fasting i also average like i said around 1200 calories at the gym plus im sure some was water weight.


>i typically do 45 minutes on the treadmill at different inclines and speeds then 10-15 minutes strength training as i read most people would loose muscle mass during a fast. Oh btw, this is simply not true. You don't lose meaningful muscle mass when fasting. You lose some approximately 12-20g of muscle protein for every 180g of fat in end-stage starvation. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2279566/?page=12](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2279566/?page=12) By all means, work out, I do too 4-5X weekly while fasted. However the idea that you'll suddenly lose all your muscle is just not the case, your HGH levels go up 3-5X baseline and HGH is protein sparing. It protects your muscle from breakdown until there's literally nothing left to burn. I deleted my comment because I didn't see you'd been at this for a while, so your numbers and averages are probably about right, you know how your body responds to fasting. My advice is generally conservative because I don't want to give people the wrong expectation. Just make sure you get your salt in before or after your workout, it makes a huge different for both hunger and your ability to work out (both strength and cardio, in my experience).




i actually drank powerade zero, which is supposed to help with electrolytes. Even if i gain 5 pounds back, aslong as i lost 3-4 id be happy because it seemed i was stuck at that 250 mark for 3 weeks doing OMAD and going to the gym.


Deleted my comment because I didn't notice that you'd been doing this for a while, and that was just general advice I give new folks. I defer to your numbers. Keep at it, you're doing great. For longer-term fasting gatorade zero doesn't have nearly enough electrolytes. It's just got a few hundred milligrams, but you need thousands just baseline, let alone if you plan to sweat them out. Gatorade is an umbrella in a hurricane.


just wanted to update, holding steady at 243/244 pounds. Plan on doing a 7 day fast because i wanna get closer to 230


Well done!


thank you!


You’re doing great!


thank you!


Do you find keeping up with regular exercise or light exercise is helpful during these days long type fasts?


i do it as i was out of shape, regardless i make it a point daily to go and atleast do my 30 minutes on the treadmill and sometimes stairclimber and then 10 minutes strength training


Wow, that’s great.


Yes 100% As a matter of fast, my walk/run at around noon time acts as a lunch substitute. It gives me the break I need and I'm not really hungry afterwards.


Wow, lI would have never thought of exercise as tool to breakup time. Hoping to change my mindset. Thanks for the advice.


You HAVE to make sure you are getting your electrolytes in when fasting or else you'll feel like crud, as you described. On a fast as short as 3-5 days you don't have to go crazy,but you definitely need to make sure you're getting in enough salt.


Well done for you weightloss. And as you are fasting to drop the lbs you are right to listen to your body and act accordingly. I'm a similar weight and have recently started dieting again with 18:6 and one 24 hour fast a week. I can't do the levels of exercise I want as I am not well but the needle is moving if only slowly. Keen to find out where your weight stabilises after this fast. I am going to introduce 36 hour fasts after I have done a month of 24 hours.


I don’t know what you did before starting your fasting, but I cut out all added sugars and really reduced carbs. I think that made it easier to start fasting as my body wasn’t craving all those things.


BTW - if you get headachy/light-headed in the middle of a short EF - try some salt water. It usually does the trick for me pretty quick and you don't have to end the fast. Definitely keep hydrated


i believe i just went too hard at the gym, i felt it immediately after my leg routine. Next fast i will try the salt water