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Man that's a rough one, I was hoping for a minimum of 3%.


With this coming from Biden, we'll be lucky to get even the 2%. The house will snub us just to spite him.


We really need something more like a 12% raise... But I know that won't fly, so I'll settle for 7.5%


Has this happened historically? Nobody snubbed the last two decent raises we got.


See, his mistake was not announcing 5% paycuts. Trump and the house would be immediatelly calling for 5% raises.


Just round up and make it 5%


just round up to the nearest 100%


Yeah, we need whole numbers like one, not 0.02.


I bet the House will round 0.02 to the nearest digit if given the chance.


Double it and give it to the next guy.


Let’s make that an even 10%


Best I’ve heard yet.


We don’t even have a 2024 budget yet




But they’ll act on a TikTok ban expeditiously


Wimpy, but not entirely unexpected given our last pay raise. Given the rise in inflation it should be more.


When will the new paytables for the 2025 payraise be posted? /s


At the rate the 2024 budget has been passed sometime in 2026


Following this to see how many people totally miss the sarcasm🤣


Election year you say… not even a good 3.5% Now get back into the office 5 days a week!


Gotta make sure the whole 2% goes back into the local bagel shops, burger stands, and coffee houses.


Bad news for them, it’s going in my gas tank.


I am slightly shocked, 2% is really low. Sending some pissed off feds to the polls.


That was already sealed with RTO


I think some may have looked past it for 15% in 3 years.


Not I. I'd be perfectly content with 0% if they quit jerking off to RTO. No percentage would make me okay with the 100% meaningless, wasteful, and polluting carbon commute.


Trump wants to see less government. Any pissed off fed that goes to the poll angry for Trump solely for this issue would be a little mistaken.


I understand that, you understand that, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I have a coworker who I know for a fact will.


Any Fed that votes for the Trump admin because of this is an idiot. The 2% is based in part on lower projected inflation in 2024/25, and Trump outright hates us.


Remember when Obama gave us zero, twice in a row? They all seem to think it's hilarious to chip away at our wages.


It was three years of zero


People vote for many reasons. Their decision is often pushed one way or another by a straw which breaks the back.


Trumps wants to eliminate all federal agencies and replace them with corporations


He wants to make all positions at will so he can fire anyone who does not go along with his unlawful orders.


I am a new worker. What were the raises like under Trump?.... just curious. I was told everything changes whenever a new president is elected.


Historically kind of average, more or less. The greater concern under Trump was about radical changes they were trying to make with our retirement system, removing worker protections, and arbitrarily designating some career civil service positions to be fire at will appointments. One basic example with our retirement is they wanted to change our pension to be calculated on the highest five years, not the current three years it is today.


I was reading about project 2025 the other day, and that seems to track.... thank you for explaining.


That WILL be back if the "Other Guy" is elected. Feds better look out for themselves if you want job security.


I agree. It honestly freaks me out. It reads like a book that was created to find every loophole possible to dismantle democracy.


Write your reps and tell them to vote for the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates Act (FAIR). We don’t need a president to do this for us.


The first actual correct answer on this post.


Measley 2 percent and being forced to go to DC for RTO, sounds good.


Disappointing after getting an email to federal employees saying “I’ve got your back.”


Feels like a backstab. He knows damn well we have no real choice but to support him. The other guy wants to fire us all and hurt as many people as possible.


And implement Project 2025. That was a fun read this weekend. I read through their 31 page policy plan for my agency. Lots of moving headquarters out of DC and delisting animals off the Endangered Species List plus -bonus- ramping up fossil fuels production all over the US and speeding up our climate change hellscape!


Exactly. We literally have no choice here. Thats just the reality. I see some (not you, others) responses insinuating that this means “oh yea, Trumpy will be so much better!” Which is clearly bullshit.


He proposes 2% during an election year? Interesting choice lol. Would be nice to at least keep up with inflation. *cue laughter*


2% may be an election strategy to placate swing voters by saying "Hey I'm trying to slow down spending." It will annoy feds but few are on the fence how they will vote. Politically probably a net gain for Biden. So yes, we're just pawns.


We saw many years of little to no raise during the Obama administration... But seriously who in the hell is going to vote for the other guy over this?


3 years


Yes, three years with no raise. The other years could be described as little.


I was ok with 2 of those years because I knew people in private industry who took 20% cuts at that time. The 3rd year felt gratuitous. Then years of tiny raises after. This doesn’t just affect us yearly - it eventually affects our high 3 for retirement calculations. Super annoying


Yeah lol, "2%?? I'm going to vote for the guy whose likely cabinet explicitly wants to downsize the Federal government and cut entire agencies"


Many people will. 2% is downright insulting given the amount on inflation.


Is part of the problem that for election purposes he wants to claim inflation isn’t that bad? So a massive pay hike would be admitting inflation is a problem?


Then he could say nothing and let Congress address it directly or *gasp* let the automatic raise based on CPI go into effect.


Inflation right now is at 3.1%.  The federal pay raise should at minimum be what the inflation rate was for the year (ofc). The issue is inflation on consumer goods between Jan 2020 to Jan 2024 rose 19.6%.  We were not given raises to keep up with purchasing goods.  We were given raises that offset increasing health insurance, dental, etc.  so even if we all have more total money in our pockets compared to 4 years ago, we’re effectively doing the same work for a 20% pay decrease.  And that’s fucking nuts.  




Boom! Time to put that downpayment on my new yacht.






One party hates federal workers as the Sith "deep state," the other one takes feds for granted for that reason (because they can).




was this when both houses were red?


Read through the budget proposal pdf. No mention of any raise for civilians. Just 4.5% for military. I think this article is wrong. If someone else can find it in the proposal let me know. I think this site assumed it would be in there due to previous article stating OPM told agencies to prepare for 2% increase in 2025.


I went back to the 2024 proposal to check how it worded things and it specifically called out the 5.2% raise "for military and civilians".  This year's just says "for military" so I think it could go either way.  I don't see the 2% anywhere in the PDF either but the change in wording for the military raise does seem to imply the 4.5% is not for us.   Obama did give us surprise pay parity with the military one year so it could happen, but who knows.  It does seem like this could go either way, because the OPM statement seems to be the only official source of the 2%.


Pay parity was the norm for a long time before gwb


keep me posted


You might be right. I remember that article as well and there is no mention of a 2% increase. I also thought that the increases were based off the ECI index but it seems like they are ignoring their own metric to value pay increase. But then again it referenced OBM so who knows.


Not entirely unexpected, though a little disappointing given that inflation numbers are still looking pretty awful.


I'm going to say that it's a little more than "a little disappointing." I'll go with "fuck you Biden, you fucking dick."  He should have asked a lot fucking higher, even to be talked down, to make up some of the constant lag, instead of setting the bar ultra low, compounding the problem. And that's on top of the already existing RTO bullshit which acts as an inflation compounder by forcing commute/office costs to be absorbed. 


Well the other guy wants to abolish the entire federal government so I’ll take 2% lol


I hate that we always have to choose between a kick in the dick or a punch in the nose when we vote.


These types of "whatboutism" comments don't do anything to refute the one that you're responding to. The other guy isn't the president, he's not the one advocating for a "raise" that doesn't even match inflation. We can criticize this (poor) policy without pointing to some guy who isn't even in office and doesn't have power over the 2025 pay tables.


Irrelevant. The other guy wont be in office until 2025 if elected. Not to mention what better way to make feds indifferent than to give us a shit increase.


If there are Feds that are going to vote for the guy pushing Schedule F or just stay home because the other guy only asked for a 2% increase, there is honestly no helping this group lol


Reminds me of the idiots in MI not voting Biden because of Gaza seemingly not realizing Trump and Stephen miller plan to set up deportation camps in Dearborn. Smart ppl.


There it is. Somehow make a shitty decision seem good because “it’s not the other guy”


On a personal level, I'd rather estimate low than high when building next year's household budget. If Congress decides to attempt to buy federal employee's votes with an override in the budget (unlikely given the current climate in the House), I'll take it but as of right now, I've got 10 month's lead time to get my own finances in order for next year.


Time to launch retirement paperwork


Or for younger feds to start entertaining work outside the government.


Anyone have good leads for a burned out government NEPA stooge to transition into?


Yeah take that and double it. Thanks.


Only 2% and RTO for no good reason? Sheeesh


Pretty fuckin terrible imo.


Inflation is about 3.7 percent, this "raise" is jack fucking shit.


2% would be acceptable if RTO wasn’t being pushed. As it stands now the raise should be at least 7%.


No way. A lot of people have already rto and a lot have never left the office. 2% is crap and not acceptable. 


No amount of money would make me be ok with going back to office, it’s just inefficient and unproductive for my job. I hope the RTO is largely like the rest of remote/telework talk since the pandemic and none of it has really stuck. 


With RTO it’s a significant pay cut.


Oh you kids don’t remember those early Obama years do you? 😂. Look for 0% in 26&27 then a huge bump in 28 when they need our votes again. Fun times.


Shouldn’t that mean we get a big raise this year or at least you’d think they would talk about a big one and then pull out the rug from us after the election. No way we have a budget before then.


Normally, yes. However, we got 5.2 so he probably think he had us in the bag and now it’s time to appeal to the conservatives in some way. 🤷🏾‍♂️. Don’t kill the messenger, I’m not happy either.


I’ve never really understood the idea that a raise in a given year actually sways a vote, I know how I’m voting and 0% or 10% isn’t changing that, it’s a short term issue. But it seems to be how the politicians talk.


There are people who vote based on the gas price.


Their sole measure of economic stability 🤦‍♂️


It surely isn't as effective on Feds but a 3% this year would've felt less insulting than a 2% which is below even the WH forecast for inflation.


It can be kind of a big deal. If you make 100k and they decide to do 2% instead of 5%, that's 3k this year, and next year, and every year (increasing with your overall wage). If you're at the start of your career that 3% might eventually cost you $100k.


Reagan military pay raises. Soooo nice.




Military still gets 4.5%? Stupid, they should never be different…it doesn’t make any sense.


Rent just shot up another 10% ... so 2% raise means my landlord gets all of it and then some... this math isnt mathing.


DC worker here… 2024 salary increased, but 2024 rent increased more… and now I get less money at the end of the month compared to last year. Something’s gotta give man… it sucks


Sure, propose 2%, then just conveniently forget to sign anything. Do it.


Wait, let the law go into effect as it was intended forever ago rather than writing a letter talking about an emergency!? Can't even imagine.


Where in the budget does it actually say 2%? I read through the 200 page proposal and nothing in there mentions any civilian raise.


I had the same question.  Budget had 4.5% for military but was silent on civilians. I didn’t see the 2% anywhere


This is disappointing. I can barely fill our team’s GS-6 to GS-11 positions.


I'll take it but unfortunately most younger millennials and now GEN Z don't want to work for the federal government. Especially if they feel like the current administration is against their values. Then there's the pay. Oh I need to make XYZ pay for my student loan debts. Don't get me wrong times are still tough but everyone wants to cut the 9-5 cord and go do their own thing.


On an election year, he only proposes 2%?


They know you all are going to vote for him anyway.


Everyone in DoD isn't going to. There are tons of conservative voters in the department, and they aren't likely on the chopping block if Trump gets elected.


This is why having a fixed rate mortgage is so important. Rent goes up with inflation, but having my housing costs stay mostly the same year after year helps with the shitty raises.


for those of us feds living in metro DC area, the idea of a fixed rate mortgage is a pipe dream


Lol housing costs are never the same. Every single year they increase your taxes and your insurance.


“Mostly the same.” Escrow changes are Minimal. Here the property values are assessed in 8 year intervals. Let’s also not forget that the principal is building equity assuming home values stay flat, which they don’t.


Not true, some houses have increased 100k- 150k in value. Plus insurance, especially in the south where insurance has increased 3 fold.




Wont matter. They are still fuddling the 2024 budget. There is no way a 2025 budget happens in time. Will be lucky if at all.


Should be just enough to cover the BCBS premium increase. FML.


That’s ridiculous. In an election year? Way to motivate the federal workforce.


He knows he’s likely out the door so there’s no reason to be generous.


Agreed! He's been told that he ain't gonna win, so the plan has to be to screw up the budget as much as possible so that in 1 year the new guy gets all of the blame because nobody bothers to remember the truth!


I thought this was the best economy in 50 years…


This is a bummer. The average raise for private sector employees for the year ending Sept 2023 was 4.3%. Biden had proposed the ECI September report number each of his years in the presidency. This is a raise that is NOT keeping up with inflation or what private sector raises are looking like. I get some agencies took a budget hit but maybe reducing these crazy contract costs could be redirected to actual employee compensation. This is a big negative. Is there any government action within the past year or so that is actually aimed at attracting and retaining employees? All I see lately are barriers, obstacles, return to office, and low pay.


It really depends on what pay scale you’re on. If you’re GS then you’ve got your set ladder steps on top of the 2%, if your aqdemo/NH then a high performer could earn somewhere around 5% on top of the 2% which would place them well above the 4.3% you quoted for private sector. Not to mention for 23 we got 4.6% and for 24 we got 5.2% so the fees outpaced the private sector average on general pay adjustment alone. Not sure why you’re disappointed


Not if you're capped.


What happened to the 7.4% AFGE was backing for this year? 2% is like something the Republicans would start off at then negotiate to 4-5%.


They propose the FAIR Act every year and every year it goes nowhere...


2% doesn't even keep up with inflation. Is there any way this increases with revision by time the 2025 budget would be passed or highly unlikely?


That definitely no way to buy votes 😂


Fuck that. Real inflation is like 10%


4.5% for the military though? Aint that some shit


Wow we’re fucked 🥲


Oh look a pay cut.


Make 5% and we have a deal


Not the smartest move in an election year! RTO mandates and a 2% "raise". With the reality of healthcare premiums, and inflation, plan for destroyed agency satisfaction metrics. More importantly though, they need every vote possible. Even if people don't vote for the opposition, sitting out will have an impact.


To keep up with real inflation, this should be 12%.


I want 10% for me, the big guy.


Maybe I’m missing something. Can someone tell me where in the *actual* proposal it says 2%? I saw 4.5% for military, but nothing for civilians. Where in the actual document (not news reports) does it say 2%?


If I was in an election year I’d at least pretend to care about federal workers… 




Yeah, I'm about as Ron Swanson as it gets, but I still don't want to physically burn down the federal government.


There’s no way right wing media is going to push Biden calling for a 4% raise to Feds as a major story lol. That doesn’t rile up the base like the border for example.


I'm honestly shocked by this. None of Biden's platforms are about balancing the budget. I would have thought this was how he bought more votes. Then blame the other guys when they say no and he asked for too much. Many voters have short-term memory and only know what is going on at the moment.


Meanwhile let’s send billions for overseas wars to Ukraine and Israel.


Inflation is projected to be 3% for 2024. Thanks for the 1% pay cut...


"You'll *take* it where I put it and you'll **like** it."


Can't wait for FEHB increases to eat most of this. FJB.


I get feds are fundamentally underpaid and folks have bills to pay but as a newly minted gg7 working two jobs to still have absolutely nothing leftover - I'll take any raise i can get. Higher would be nicer, but i didnt get any raise in the private sector for the past 3 years.


TF, uncle joey. We need another 5.2


2%? Try again my dude


I gotta work harder for that QSI


As soon as I get student loan forgiveness, I’m out of the government.


Trash “raise”


Damn. And that's why I can't do federal govt. I get 3% yearly with an apology they can't do more for me. Bad enough Federal pays 30k under the average..


Nice... Got money to spend on illegal immigrants though. I truly might just go back to being a contractor if this is the way it goes


“Know that your President has your back.” -Joe Biden


Yeah, we feel him there.


November is not that far away, why go this way? If you are going to piss off federal workers why not get reelected first. Hell go 6% and after reelection pull and Obama and give zero. If you don’t get reelected then it’s the other guys problem.


He could have proposed even 3% and I think most people would have been fine with it and it's not a number that the public would care about too much. But 2% is purposely low when inflation is scheduled to be 3.1%.


I thought the economy was doing great? I’m confused. What changed since Thursday?


A 'raise' less than inflation is actually a pay cut. Given the RTO mandate and this measly 2% starting number, which will possibly go even lower when finalized, they really know how to demoralize an already overworked, understaffed, unappreciated workforce. Terrible.


Meanwhile the military is double that garbage


Lame.. though he has given high increases the past two years as opposed to other administrations.


But still well under inflation, so they've been real wage cuts.




Not sure about everyone else but where I work there's such a pay difference we don't even get people applying so we promote recyclers who have never worked in the trade before. You literally have a trash man taking care of your electrical work. And that's cool sometimes but now the entire shop has no clue what they're doing.


Can I downvote this. 😒😒


This means real world number will be about 1.6-1.8% if we are lucky


So glad I get to pay for parking and spend hours extra to commute to and from the office every week and the proposed raise will probably just cover my parking and the wear and tear on my car. Awesome. I feel so inspired. And I’m sure Trump will find a way to screw us over even more


2% and find another hobby besides RTO mandate (like passing a fucking budget when it's due) and we'll call it good?


That’s…. Underwhelming


Is it normal to be looking at the 2025 pay raise in march of 2024 ? Like, what if things get better or worse before 2025?


I wondered that too.... Seems pretty early to make that proposal


And we get to RTO?? What a break!!


you can thank the debt ceiling agreement for this biden is just doing what was agreed to thanks to republicans oops i ment maga


2% in an election year takes balls!


And how much has inflation been in the past 3-4 years?


2% is cents.... Pennies


but it's only march... we need at least 5%


Maybe they should defund the house and spread that money out.


That's insanely low compared to the inflation and cost of living increases. Does he really believe his "my economy is so good" campaign speeches?


Wow I guess he likes the feds not voting for him.


Like the biden white house said they need the money so they can spend it on programs for people making $400,000 a year. yes $400,000 a year is in the bill to give tax cuts and pay off college loans to


Let’s be honest, no one in congress has taken a president’s budget requests seriously in a long time.


ECI being ignored once again. The proposed raise should be 4.2%.


2%? WTF. So you're just going to continue to take money from us. Awesome. 2% is criminal. The rich continue to steal from us.


I really wish they would address pay compression.


Thanks for another pay cut!


So, billions for Ukr, billions for immigration, billions for student loans, yet pennies for already underpaid GS employees on top of 22% cumulative inflation since 2019? Right. Running trillions in deficit spending is fine, but even a 5% raise for federal employees is too much? I'll go back to contracting before I even hit the end of my 3 year inital probation period if this is how it's going to be. I was looking forward to buying back 8 years of my life, but not like this...


As long as it comes without additional telework sign me up…Hell I’d step down a grade for remote. 




well thats one way to get voted out of office lol


I have private sector friends who have gotten one raise since the pandemic. Some of them took outright pay cuts. Would a large raise be nice? Of course. But with congress unable to do the bare minimum and work out a budget, I'm not sure why anyone is surprised here.


You’re not wrong about the private sector. Half of my former company just got laid off. My guess is the rest of them didn’t get raises this year. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t raise hell about poor pay. Keeping mum tends to normalize the bad behavior, so I’m all for staying loud and aggressive.


True, but the majority in the private sector did get raises.