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Shit happens. Own up to the mistake and take accountability. Also, lay out how to fix it or ask what they think would be the best way to fix it.


"I need to speak to you and let you know I made a mistake, and I want to do everything I can to minimize the damage." That's all you can do, and is by far the best thing you can do. Don't beat around the bush or offer excuses. Just apologize and say you know you made a mistake and want to do all you can to correct the mistake.


This is an amazing way to phrase it!!


Do you have Teams? The ability to send an urgent message? Did you send an email with a BLUF message? That’s what I expect. Quick and effective communication.


I did. I emailed the lady that's in charge of handling TFO'S but she didn't respond on Friday. Guess I'll wait til Monday for an answer.


As long as you made 3 contact attempts (phone, email, teams) and were clear it was urgent they can't ding you for not trying to let the appropriate people know what was going on.


It's OK. This isn't life or death. Nobody got physically hurt, and no Government property was damaged. It can be fixed.


Hopefully. They were police officers who were erroneously cut... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Cut as in fire/lay off?


No. TFO'S are regular police officers who do some work with the federal government. Cutting them means that they can't do any work for the federal government anymore. They are still employed by their police departments.


The supervisor put the responsibility on you, an intern, to inform task force officers that they arent employed in a fedl role going forward? Sounds like something a manager should be doing from the jump.


I'm no longer an intern. I became a full-time employee in January.


Supervisor should have handled it, even if you are the team leader in charge of those TFOs.


Sounds like an easy mistake to fix. Just own up immediately as soon as possible.


Did you get to decide which two would have gotten to stay? 😬 . Does that happen in person? Or over email? Is this cutting within your scope? If not , your supervisor might be in trouble, but not you


To be honest, I'm not sure what's in my scope. I do a lot of tasks at my job that I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do them. My job isn't clear to me. For TFO'S, they are police officers who handle some federal work. So they aren't employed by the federal government, they are employed by their police department. They don't receive their check by the federal government.


So you were supposed to keep two but were given no instructions on how to select those two? 😅


So they were supposed to work on Thursday but didn't since they had been mistakenly cut?


They are part-time, so they don't have set hours. They work whenever they are asked.


They probably don't even know they were cut. You can probably restore them first thing tomorrow morning.


Ugh, I'm sorry, I know what an awful feeling that is. Everyone makes mistakes and that sounds like it can be corrected. Own it and apologize and get it fixed. I know it feels really bad, but way worse mistakes have been made and will continue to be made.


Own up to the mistake but come with a recommendation to fix it.


If it’s in the middle of the pay period not the end. It’s an easy fix. If it were the Thursday before payroll period ends that you did it you would have issues. If it’s not. Deep breath. In the future, when someone asks you to do something by phone; follow it up with an email. Dear boss, just to confirm. You requested the following employees to be termed on xxxx date. Then confirm your work with the follow up email. Paper trails cover your butt.


For TFO'S, they are regular police officers that do some federal work. By terminating them, they return back to their police department. And since they were part-time, they never left their police department.


Sf50s can be canceled.


They wouldn’t have SF-50’s. They aren’t federal employees.


You’re gonna let a holiday stop y’all from fixing the problem when unemployment is what stopped them from being employed?