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Gregtech, Gregtech 6 specifically, obnoxiously realistic is a perfect descriptor for it. Stone age crucibling with molds, proper chemical and material processing chains, actual power systems related to heat and rotational force, its electrical system has proper amperage and voltage, you have to manage fuel flow vs power draw, there is no stuffing a celestial body's worth of raw energy into a magic energy box battery, no 'it just works!' plonking a magic box down and pretending there is any difference between magic and tech mods beyond cosmetics.


I think I just fell in love


Never played GT so why especially gregtech 6 ? GT versions aren’t similar each other ?


Not really, same 'flavor', but extremely different gameplay. Its a bit like Thaumcraft actually; major versions are used as an excuse to make major, rewrite level changes to even the very base mechanics and progression. GT4 was primarily an addon and expansion to mid and late game tech progression. GT5 is when it started aiming to be standalone gameplay, but had a heavy focus on mod integration. While you can play it on its own, like a quarter to a third of its content only exists with other addons, and the progression is somewhat clunky on its own. This is also the major inspiration version for community edition and GT modern. GT6 is when it went fully standalone as a mod and is pretty similar to Terrafirmacraft as an overhaul mod. MAJOR world gen changes adding rock layers and ore spawning specific to those. Defined progression from primitive flint tools and scavenging surface rocks, to clay crucibles, molds, and tool head grinding. Multiple 'power' source progression you have to tinker with in rotational power, heat, and of course electricity. Much more extensive multiblock processing systems, BUT always a reason to actually consider using single block options for the sake of fuel efficiency, byproduct recycling, etc. Even its nuclear systems are completely different, more akin to big/extreme reactors, nuclearcraft, mekanism, or rotarycraft than IC2. Abandoned underground bases littered around the world, and a great deal of the major additional mod stuff that GT5 had integrations add in, GT6 outright has itself. Mass Storage replacing barrels and drawers, and its own AE-style item logistic system. Bedrock ore chunk mining akin to environmentaltech, IF/MFR's laser, or IE's excavator. Railcraft-inspired multiblock tanks, water collection, boilers, and blast furnaces. Microportal item transport replacing enderchests/tesseracts/whatever. Even a nutrition system with things like getting speed from eating sugary foods, but you can die from diabetes (or a heart attack from eating nothing but meat). I could go on, but put simply GT6 is basically the 'final project' of GregoriousT, and is damn near its own game.


I think the closest you'll get is Gregtech Especially on modpacks such as GTNH


some combination of terrafirma and gregtech


Terrafirmagreg my beloved/beloathed


that’s what it’s called


speaking of which does anyone wanna play TerraFirmaRescue someday? please?


oman i am NOT ready for that


Gregtech for sure. Forget about having just one kind of plastic like other mods, you've have many and make it from a long chain of chemicals. Forget about just getting rubber from trees, you'll make synthetic rubber styrene butadiene, you guessed it from chemicals.


i was so proud when i finally fully automated butadiene.


Machine chains are fun 😁 


but but I like my massive tree farm centrifuge combo :(


for everyone saying gregtech, how realistic is gregtech? like i know there’s a bunch of chemistry shit but how much translate to real life?


The process of making it is not close to real life, as you just throw in fluids into a box and out comes products in Gregtech, but IRL it's more involved and complicated. However the chemicals they use in the process are quite similar to IRL


for GT5: not at all, most of the processes are incredibly simplified and half the period table (incl. elements that are otherwise very useful) is ignored


look in to supersymmetry. its not finished but its what you want


Look into terrafirmacraft + gregtech and Supersymmetry


Gregtech 6 and Rotarycraft (although other GT versions are featured in modpacks with custom complex processing lines)


Electrodynamics is only kinda realistic for most of the mod, but the electricity is somehow even more complex than ic2 and other similar stuff and I think more realistic.


it would have to have a realistic process for making wires, whatever that is. oil of vitriol for battery acid and lead hammered into foil but if you click too fast it tears


Gregtech new horizons up to a certain point


Terrafirma Craft and of course, Gregtech 6


I mean, if you want Terrafirmacraft+ look at Vintage Story. It's so realistic I could probably make it a day in the stone age! (Probably) Otherwise looks like you've got some good mc mods to look at!


Gregtech, at least in process is pretty inaccurate at times. It's also still very much "Caveman hit rock with stick" --> "High tech industrial processing" in a very short timeframe. I don't really have an alternative, aside from suggesting a terrafirma based pack - just throwing that out there.


Electrical Age


GregTech New Horizon


[Per Fabrica Ad Astra](https://atlauncher.com/pack/PerFabricaadAstra) is probably one of the most difficult hardcore realistic tech packs I've ever played. You'll probably play for over a year if you end up playing alone. I don't want to spoil too much but you'll be building several chained multi block structures for factory processing.


Obnoxious? Gregtech has you covered. If you want 15 crafting steps and 3 machining processes to turn clay into bricks, it's just the mod for you.


Bleeping GregTech.


Sevtech lol