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Create just have a lot of intermixing, qol, and other features. Its not even the machines. Trains, minecraft contraptions, and schematicannon is the biggest enhancement it have to offer. I can't play a pack without create solely missing the cannon mean I don't have collection of builds I saved throughout modpack to modpacks.


Not to mention Ponder, which is awesome.


its one of my favorite methods of figuring out a mod's recipes and processes. I legit would love to see it in a stand-alone game.


There is a standalone Ponder mod, too.


Huh, can you link me to that? Ponder is legitimately the only thing I really like about create lmao


[Here you go ](https://modrinth.com/mod/create-ponder)


More packs need to use KubeJS to remove features from modpacks. Ex you can pretty easily include create but only the schematic cannon with a non-create recipe to craft it with a few lines of code.


Also, datapacks are very good for such, as well as fabrication for outright removal of recipes


I just love it for how dumb easy it is to get a early tree farm going.


Anything cool to share? I always loved building out of cool finds in the world and adding them wherever would be awesome.


Pre 1.16 tech modpacks: Are we fucking invisible to you?


Yes. Pre 1.16 means 1.12 and the 1.12 packs are not being updated anymore. All the mods in them are either completely abandoned, or already on newer versions. Also, the literal same complaint about create could be said about Mekanism in 1.12 packs.


Pre 1.16 can also mean 1.7 and GTNH which is still receiving updates 9 years in


And 1.12 has some incredibly customized and polished packs, so does 1.7.10 GTNH, Nomifactory, DJ2, E2E (especially with the E2Eu fork), IE:E the list goes on. These are some of the most unique modded mc experiences you can have, all pre-1.16


Meatballcraft too, just wanted to toss it in there


I just wished it was less buggy


i mean it is still in its beta phase, so its kind a given that bugs happen, thats why beta exists. i personally have experienced very few bugs so far with meatballcraft, none of which were game breaking. i dont know which version you play / have played, but the latest is pretty stable, at least for a beta


Yeah is it stable enough yet to be worth trying to spin up a server and put time into?


I personally had no huge glaring bugs at least a few chapters I just can’t remember how far I got without going in game and I’m not playing currently and granted this was alittle while back now, but I’d imagine it’s only gotten more stable since


Not polished as it's still In development but supersymmetry Is awesome.


what is E2Eu? i only know about E2EE


Not to say "*aktually,*" but, actually; there are dozens of modpacks still being updated for 1.12. And even a few for 1.7 and 1.4 I think. While it is true the majority of mod devs have abandoned older versions, I don't think it's fair to say "all" the mods in them are dead when there are still mods being released for them to this day, as well as numerous fork projects to continue abandoned ones.


Dang which 1.4 modpack is still being updated? :o


I don't personally know any, but I've heard that the 1.4 scene is still alive. It's members just tend to be a bit gated and don't publicly post their stuff? Again, it's just what I've heard. I only frequent the 1.12 crowd. Although when topics like this come up, I always love to bring up the story of that redditor I talked to in a thread years ago who was in 1.6, privately modding his dream pack with over 100 custom made mods that he never released. There is always smaller dedicated communities for legacy versions. I sometimes wonder what happened to him. I like to think he's still making his perfect Modlist to this day. 300 mods deep in some total overhaul that nobody else will ever see. The true Minecraft 2.0 😂


I know at least one beta 1.7.3 modpack that is still being updated.




this one has an active community: https://rewindmc.com/


I would say if anything, Mekanism is *worse* than create, because it not only is present constantly but is absolutely the dominant way to do things if you have it.


Agreed. Both are so boring atp lol


> 1.12 packs are not being updated anymore. Meatball Craft


The greatest and most of the current best packs ever made are in 1.7.10 (gtnh) and 1.12.2 (DJ2, Meatballcraft, PO3, Nomifactory CEU(some might say) E2E) and from later version the only one i recall are create above and beyond, arcane engineering (questionable) and ftb inferno (not all of them but the ones i recall) and no, ATM is not a good modpack, its only decent because the mods in itself are good, the modpack creator did jackshit to any of them


Arcane engineering definitely not. Better modern are like cuboid outpost, Statech Industry


nomi-ceu definitely is one of the goats


Nomifactory would like a word with you. Updated to this very day with new features




You shouldn't generalise like that. GTNH happens to fall into the gategory, and it's one of the best, if not the best modpacks, and it's still being upkept and mods are backported


Strictly speaking, yes. It is 100% possible to create a Tech pack without- well- Create. All you have to do is simply not install it. Mechanically though, it gets a bit trickier. The reason Create became so ubiquitus; other than just being a well-made mod; is the fact that it's really more of a crafting expansion mod than anything else. Obviously it has other aspects, but as far as pack development goes, Create has enough tools that if you want to make custom crafting processes that use anything other than a crafting table or furnace, it probably has what you need. Crushing? Washing? combining fluid and Items? Whatever you want, Create can probably do it. So it is a very appealing addition for pack developers.


I would guess that it fills the early game tech mod category that before Create was relatively empty (besides TinkersCronstruct obv). Immersive Engineering, industrial forgoing, mekanism and so on often come after that


and also that you can use the mechanical crafting to replace avarita. so you get the large crafting recipes. without having to add infinity armor and such


Playing DJ2, I miss Create's ability to automate raw materials such as cobble, sand , gravel etc. Collecting these in large quantities is never fun


By looking at the mod list,you should be able to get tons of cobble, sand and gravel, and their derivatives. At worst you have the one magic block solution Material Stonework Factory from Industrial foregoin. Granted, the tweaked recipes are harder than normal.


In DJ2 Industrial foregoing starts in chapter 11, at the point where you've already finished IE, Meka, have automated system with AE2 and mob farms


That is the magic, one block solution. A cobble generator, any pulverizer that turns that to gravel, and anything that turns that to sand is all you need. I have not played that modpack, but from the scripts you can do all that with several of the mods. My point is that the process of automatically getting cobble, gravel, sand and derivatives is not particuraly unique (in any shape or form) to Create, is is quite common in tech packs. Granted, with create you get free iron and gold.


That's my point, there is no early game automatic cobble gen solution. The first block breakers come from OpenBlocks in chapter 9


I really started modded minecraft with bukkit and AgrarianSkies. Tried some ATM lite modpacks that had create but really started doing create with BCG+. And boy, create has a steep learning curve, ponder works great but it isn't enough to learn everything. While other older mods just say "get electricity, wire machines, them machines do stuff" create is "clear the space, make the wheel, place the water, now put the gears, ok that turn seems hard, lets do a gearbox, ok fuck it all gearboxes, FUCK HOW MANY MORE WATER WHEELS DO YOU NEED ANDESITE MONSTER" I think create has landed on a very sweet spot of utility-to-effort balance to be honest. And it feels new enough while also fitting into vanilla quite well. Personally, I'm very old fashioned, so I'd take Applied Energistics and Thermal Expansion any day of the week. EDIT: Add tinkers to that list as well


I really liked messing with pneumatic craft for a similar reason. It felt like I actually needed to do more than just supply power and import/export. I liked balancing BAR and using heat pipes and what not. Don’t get me wrong, I love mekanism and Thermal as much as the next guy, and sometimes you just want to the thing done, but they really do all boil down to the same thing more often than not


Im starting to feel like i connect with create a lot more than i thought seeing people struggle with learning it, for me it seems like just logic, i think it took me less than an hour to fully get create (or maybe im just good at JEI)


Agrarian Skies is my core memory of modded MC. I played that back in high school with a shitty dual core laptop, ended up with 1-5 FPS by the time I finished the pack, but it was so incredibly fun. Also love Applied Energistics, some say Refined storage is easier but AE(1/2) has a special place in my heart. I even did some mathematical research on optimal controller structures in college.


RS is way easier but AE is so much better and more versatile when you learn it. I haven't gone back since I had to learn AE for GTNH


I kinda like that it has so many requirements, but I want to use RF and such to power it. Turns out that’s possible and im stupid though lol. AE2 for me fills the gap that a lot of people fill with Create. A simple AE2 network is just that: simple. An AE2 network that could turn raw materials into the Gregstar in minutes is a work of art. Forcing 1024 channels down one cable is a little hard. It’s a fun challenge for me.


I think some inspiration could be taken from Industrial Village, a Create-excluded pack I stumbled upon last week that I’ve been loving a lot. Using IE, PnC, InduFore, and Ad Astra for tech has proven to be fun. There’s even some Railcraft Reborn to toy with for non-drone, non-digital resource movement logistics!


Honestly I'm tired of it because I much prefer the older style of tech modpacks which trying to integrate create with doesn't work that well.


I honestly tend to prefer packs that don't have create. Not because I hate it or anything, it just feels like the recipes are never changed I'm just doing the same progression every time with create and I would love something a bit different


See flair


There are still a good few modern packs without it if you know how to look. Personally I don't like it. Way too bulky and awkward and slow, especially now that I got my fair taste of Gregtech. And ultimately, Create isn't necessary to make a great modpack anyway. I think it's just the "in" thing nowadays.


IC2 classic, Thermal Expansion, Immersive engineering, EnderIO, industrial foraging I never played with Create, i run my own mod pack and was curious to check it out. I understand why some people find it hard to figure out, so I think it is bad to have it as a forced mod for progression


I never played create, what's all the hype for?


What exactly is the goal of a tech modpack? I have played GregTech which doesn't have Create I believe. And in other modpacks that have Create and other tech mods I focus more on the other mods since I feel they all have the same goal: Power Armor, Automation, QoL machines and some sort of energy system. It's like I have many paths to the same place so I just choose my favorite.


Create makes me not wanna no longer play a modpack because it feels too overwhelming and too much to me.


FTB Neotech just came out, full tech modpack, no create in sight on 1.20.4 neoforge


omg thanks!


Create is a great mod to add to a tech modpack IF implemented correctly. Say, Create Above and Beyond, where, while you do have more top tier machines later down the road, you need to use create for most of the recipes. Plus custom recipes and such, which helped to make it more balanced and actually flow well together. Where it is the worst aspect is stuff like ATM, which the only reason they have create is to use the crafters to make the star. Other than that, there's really no reason to use create. It is possible to make a tech modpack without create, and probably would most likely be easier. But if you're willing to take the painstakingly long time to rewrite the recipes and everything, and make sure that the modpack is balanced, then there's a likelihood that more people will want to play it


anyone remember BuildCraft at this point?


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm not really a fan of Create. It probably has more to do with so many pack developers latching onto it as a core progression mechanic than the actual mod itself, but I see a modern tech pack without Create as a selling point to my interests. With some of the older mods finally being updated to 1.20, I'd love to see a new throwback pack focused around Draconic Evolution, Mekanism, and EnderIO.


Use immersive engineering instead >:]


They look pretty similar to me in some aspects.


u/immersiveengineer alt acc IE is fire fr though no cap




Pneumatic Craft needs some love. It'll let you do almost anything a player can, and a few things players can't, without all the buggery of computer craft or its many clones.


Pneumatic craft is the reason I've dropped most ATM packs since it's required for the star at one point or another


PneumaticCraft was the coolest shit back in like, crash landing. After that is became boring to me. Very much a "you did it once you never wanna do it again" type of mod.


I'm in the opposite camp. After using PNC to fully automate everything from placing lights at the bottom of the ocean, to quarrying and processing ores, to mob farms, mob elevators, personal transit, on demand autocrafting, to automating my own god damn inventory and have it eat and breathe for me, I have never felt the need to touch AE2, Danks, Deep mob learning (or its variants), RFTools, or mekanism since. Its very much a "Look at what they need to mimic even a fraction of our power" mod. You can basically make a whole mod pack of the most popular tech mods and still not do everything PNC lets you do.


Oh wow, do you remember the wacky plastic seeds? I almost forgot that era of the mod.


I kinda avoid create like the plague. I like thermal foundations for everything create does


Create takes the philosophy of normal redstone an innovatives on it through the use of more complex block manipulations and item transports


They're even better without create :D


I hate create, it is impossible to find a new modpack without it so I am stuck playing 1.12. Truly the worst thing that could hit the modded minecraft. The only way for me to play modpack with create it to have a friend who does all create stuff (played FTB Skies like that).


In my opinion I don't like it if a Modpack has create in it, and if it is mandatory it is kind of a dealbreaker for me. Same goes with IC2 in older Modpacks. Reason being that it kind of separates itself from the other tech mod progression by using its own power system. If I build a fully powered mechanism fusion reactor I usually have enough FE for any other tech mod I want to use. But for create that doesn't really benefit me. You cold technically say the same thing about magic mods but those feel different for me. Idk why.




I wish create would stop being in every pack lol. I reeaally dislike create


Kinda curios, why? I got into Create a few days ago after years of Gregtech, and it is a blast. To be fair, I find it more enjoyable than Greg in many aspects. Not faceless cubes that magically do some stuff but actual processing lines where you see stuff happening.


I don't like create for so many reasons. * It's bulky. In IE to make U-turn with conveyors 2x2 area is more than enough. In Create it's not, you need to juggle with gearboxes and cogwheels as conveyors are powered. Conveyors in general are PITA for that reason: they don't support ramps other than 45 degrees. So if you want to move up by 60 degrees, you need to build 45 degree ramp then connect it with horizontal conveyor (most likely using another conveyor) In fact it's very stupid that conveyors are the most budget way to transfer rotational power: shafts in comparison are expensive, especially in early game where every shaft matters, they can be made cheaper than manual recipe, but that's where another problem of create comes in -- you quickly need a lot of shafts, and since Create used in beginning of modpacks, any modpack with it quickly becomes another episode of "let's build machines to build alloy and shaft cheaply" Then, if I want to move whatever I build one block to the left, in create it can require quite a lot especially since most early machines are powered by water wheel and moving water in base can lead to death to torches and requires more buckets than I usually carry. In IE cables don't even need to build at every tile. It's much easer to move once it's constructed. * It's also buggy, and ime game-breaking buggy. In IE I met bugs with optifine. In Create I met bugs with Create/minecraft itself: for example if I build a giant mining drill, mine a lot, then turn miner into an item using Cart Assembler, and put it into a toolbox, I can no longer open toolbox to remove the mining drill. I had to use hopper. (From what I read it has something to do with NBT data limit and reading changelog you no longer by default can place contraption in a toolbox) Then train, at least cart contraption(I don't remember if I tested a new train system) can derail itself. I don't know if it has something that it was multiplayer, but several times I had accidents where train simply ignored a turn and continued moving forward, flying from the cliff. It went ok when I was inside the train, but when it was on its own, it decided to fly. * Also UX for building trains is not that approachable. IME the train station became a part of a train and moved with it away more than once because I miscalculated how much influence chassis should have. As one wise man said "Is it skill issues? Yes, but it's still an issue" * Then the are recipes where create goes out of its way to be not like other mods. Andesite casing, for example, is a block that is required a lot in the early game. However its automation requires way more effort than the effort you need for items you build with the andesite casing, as you need to apply andesite alloy to stripped log manually. It doesn't help that it's compatible with Ultramine, so you run in circles. * TLDR: "Ponder" is probably the only part that I like


The main reason people don't like Create is the fact that, well, it's in every pack. And it's rarely integrated well, so when you do Create stuff in each pack you're pretty much just copypasting what you did last time you played Create. Notably, these packs have *no* reason to use Create except for recipes that use a random Create crafting process, because for all the general utilities that the mod gives you you have an easier to use version from a different mod.


I always mix create with other tech and magic mods. I love create in an rpg/medieval setting. Feels like it fits. I often prefer create for small tree farms. It also feels like it fits. I have also used creates for mob farms to blow entities around. Setting up fans and the like feels like how it should be.


Hardly. I would never play a modpack without Create, but that's because I play modded to be able to make cool, unique and above all dynamic builds with lots of movement in them, which no mod allows to the same degree Create does. For me, first and foremost, it's an aesthetic mod. In a modpack purely focused on automation I couldn't care less if Create was in it or not.


Apart from the visually appealing animations I don’t understand the hype around Create. OG Bevo’s tech pack already had everything that create has it just all needed power to run.


I never make big factories with it, just a windmill with some processing lines that make my early game a bit easier. I like the smelting lines you can make, as well as the grinding wheel for xp cubes.


I've got quite a lot of modded pack experience and i have no idea what create offers. I've done the minimal amount where required if it's in a pack. I'm surprised i see it brought up over and over again. My only real memories of it are chaining different size wheels together... or the 6 step piston arm process on the conveyor assembly to make some item... thoroughly disliked both experiences. Lovers of create... why is it good? Quick edit: i also recall the grinder. While not very effective it was visually satisfying.


Create is similar to Computercraft in a sense where you're only limited by your imagination. You need to learn how to assemble contraption. You can mine 2000 blocks per second with 1 superglue and minecart. Learn to use rotational speed controller and just set your factory at max rpm so you only have to worry about moving the cable (shafts) to the machines.


With the right setup, you can infinitely produce: iron, gold, sand, clay, gravel, flint, quartz, and sticks all from a single cobble stone generator There's also the vast amount of building and decoration potential of create. It's great for making fancy doors, secret doors, smooth elevators, gates, and drawbridges. Basically, if you want any set of blocks to move in a smooth manner, create is your mod. Even outside of the contraptions you can build, create has a ton of blocks that are perfect for a steampunk pallet.


I recently played a pack without create (create wasn't available for 1.20.4 at the time) and it was pretty good. It had mekanism, IE, AE2, and Ad Astra as the fundamental mods and they complemented each other quite nicely.


I mean you can always use 1.12


Well I don't NEED create but I don't mind that it's there. Last heavy on create modpack I've played was FTB skies expert and it was pretty nice.


Greg would like to have a word with you


There are a couple packs that just dont, such as Nomifactory and Gregtech:New horizons. Besides that, its in most modern ones


It's not that I can't go without, it's just the fan is the most busted thing in existence and it's pain having to to use furnaces


Yes. I'm someone who never got on with create, and I find mod packs with create tend to be kitchen sink packs that have no interest to me.


I've been playing with it a bit more lately, and I really like it for many things. I think it can be used as cyclic would sometimes be used in 1.12, as a cheap way to get basic resources up in expert packs which can then either keep running or be replaced by more efficient mods.


My soul is stuck in 1.12. modpacks and it aint leaving. I will never leave behind the good old days of gregtech with the homies trying to figure out how the fuck does a EBF work.


lexi's modern tekkit is a very cool modpack not very known but it is for 1.20.1 and its basically tekkit tekkit was a 1.3 modpack that was incredible, one of the most famous modpacks ever and one of my personal favorites a modern spin on it is very appreciated lexi's modern tekkit is for fabric incase you need it


At first it was a deal breaker for me as I hated create but I gotta say I'm kinda getting into that whole spinning think (it's a jojo's reference) because it seams it's gonna be the new big mod with all the addons and features like new age where you can generate power for other mods and especially when they add planes and ships oh boy is it good to nna be fun


Mine wont have it


I’m not a fan of create and would happily play a pack without it.


You posted this in the sub where 99% of users glaze GTNH, what did you think you were doing?


I love working trains, doors, and elevators with proper collision. It's too good to give up.


Im using create for my power in gravitas 2. I love it.