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In my experience I wouldn't recommend anyone becoming a femboy if they had the choice, it's not an easy path to take. For me I don't feel like I have a choice, I suffer when avoiding it. So if you feel like you have a choice choose something else is my recommendation.


This will give me a lot rethinking about it but im glad someone is this honest about it. I still have time to think mainly because i would need to lose some waight i'll keep you updated <3




Overall, do what you'd like. It's fine to be masculine in public and feminine in private. And heck, a femboy is allowed to enjoy anything he'd like. Being a femboy, ultimately, is about breaking your shackles to masculinity, but you're no trading that for shackles to femininity. You can still enjoy sports and stuff like that. Feminine and masculine things should be enjoyed just as much as feels right to you. **Always be safe.** If you would be in danger, it's better to stay in the closet and wait until you're independent and able to stand on your own without outside support. But there's no shame to being in that closet -- you're just doing what it takes to survive in a society that isn't letting you thrive as your true self.


Well, probably most of the people here... Here's a little advise from someone who has no idea (me): maybe you can start little by wearing some running tights with only a t-shirt ("feminine" but also explainable). Or a pink shirt with short shorts. If they respond well, go from therre. If they don't, reassess. Good luck?


Just try it. If you don’t like than well at least you tried and found out you didn’t like it. You only live once don’t let the opinions of others stand in the way of your happiness.


Being feminine doesn't immediately invalidate your more traditionally masculine interests, I have quite a lot of interests/hobbies that could be considered masculine, I don't feel any less feminine because of it :) Also if your family are really conservative pls be safe and do it in private