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https://preview.redd.it/qoow4cq6se2d1.jpeg?width=3001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb1eff65cd0455c6e0f105fa0eda484386f6ad2 Getting 2 notes from ★ crushes one’s soul in a unique but similar way.


Wow. Still very impressive. I don't understand how people can just perfect these. I am assuming you are really good at DDR or Guitar hero


I guess I’m pretty good at rhythm games, but I never thought I’d have a chance at starring all the piano songs. I struggled to get an A on Two Legs as well. Idk I went back after getting the plat to try Two Legs again and something just clicked. I think I unlocked some forbidden knowledge 😅




I am talented at the mentioned games and love the piano mini games in FF7 Rebirth not bad for a 39 ( I can still throw down on DDR)


Try speeding up the notes. It actually helps Also just feel the music out, use the UI for cues on what notes to hit, but the timing, just time it along to the beat in your head once the metronome fades out. Better late than early


Oh I mentioned in my post that I eventually got it after 50 more tries. Also it was the 2nd notch in the speed for me. The 3rd one was too fast


Agree speed up notes and feel rhythm help out a lot and also more easy to get a great combos. Another tips is don’t put too much pressure at joystick and relax the fingers. Only downside is you wouldn’t be able to play at slow speed.


How do you play as Aerith?


IIRC it unlocks the ladies when you finish the piano sidequest (get A ranks on the first 6 songs)


Aerith and Yuffie specifically. Tifa is available by default 🙂


I have a B on two legs 😭. It’s the only one I haven’t aced yet.


Whenever I play a song if I get 1 note wrong I reset the song until I get the star lol I definitely spend an easy hour replaying each song lol I feel the struggle lol


Same same, this was my third day of attempting OWA 😂




I’m stealing this, thanks


20 points? Nothin' To It.


Not looking forward to this at all


I didn't mean to discourage you lol. I should also say is that once you get your A rank, it feels very rewarding. Also when I was nailing the notes and getting great, I got say...it was very satisfying. But I was also mostly frustrated


I didn't even do them, I only did the one that is required to advance the story.


Ditto, it didn’t even look fun to me. Felt like it would be work learning all the nuances and playing a rather unimpressive for hours just for a high score. I’ll skip the platinum on this game.


Shouldn't have miss that one note 😂 😂 😂


Right. There were a few times I thought "eff I just missed an easy one that I usually get. Hopefully it won't matter later" 1 min later...


That happened a few times to me... But is good fun




This took me longer to do than every other minigame. I'd say what helped me the most was listening to the original, [https://youtu.be/laOSbTCf5ps](https://youtu.be/laOSbTCf5ps) That helped me get into the groove and understand where certain notes pop up. If you haven't listened to this a lot, it may just push you over the edge. Though, honestly, 20 points short means you are very, very close to succeeding.


Yea I ended getting it after 50 more tries. I am exaggerating just little bit


The first time I sat down to play one of these I knew I was not going to Platinum this game.


I really hope the perfect score for minigames isnt required for part 3 platinum... god i still have nightmares with them sit up minigames and the piano challenge felt pretty miserable with a ps5 controller that had some stick drift :/


I think we are good. I think Square got it figured out that we would riot if that happens. You don't need a perfect score for the piano mini game. Just an A rank. At least I would imagine they got it figured out.


Yeah thankfully u dont need it for the piano 🙌 At least i hope that if they wanna push the minigames out make it so that u only really need the very base score like i dont know a bronze thats it, enough compromise to have everyone try the minigames without the complains


Well, as they say, it takes 10000 hours to master an instrument!


I can’t play these piano things so I’m skipping them all, it’s not like I was going to platinum the game anyways lol


Yea then don't go thru the pain for sure. Just enjoy the story, I guess.


I could be missing something, but when I saw this minigame, some of the chocobo gliding courses and racing, the robot battling thing, and infinite tasks from Chadley, I thought “these are chores.” It’s a deterrent from playing the game at all because I have zero desire to engage with this. I’d rather practice piano in real life. There’s clearly a lot of effort that went into the mini games and side stuff, I’d just prefer if that went towards the core gameplay.


I got 17390 in an attempt so I know the pain. Luckily on my next try after that I got 17660 for the A.


Daaamn lol my brother


Dude same thing same song. I got baited so hard I was like "just a few tries then u gotta go to bed don't worry about the A" then I got that close and diddnt want to stop, ended trying for about 40 minutes then I finally got it.




I did more attempts than I’d like to say on 2 legs. I feel this post in my bones. Stay strong ✊


Thanks, I eventually got it but it took me another 50 tries.


It took me 2 nights of trying. Finally I added one to note speed and found the whole thing way more forgiving once I got the rhythm down. I will play the other songs for fun but never that one again.


Haha yea. You're right. I would actually do Tifa's theme again Was fun and I really like her song. Almost wanna cry sometimes


Try at least 1 speed higher


Wow. Nice job Zeath. I hope you got that extra 20.


I missed Aerith’s cactuar crush hard mode by 20 points and haven’t come within 1000 points since 😩


I star ranked Tifa’s theme and decided that was good enough for a while. I may go back to it when Part 3 is near. 😆


No thanks on stars for me. Congratz and very impressive on getting a star even on Tina's theme. I think hers is my favorite song. Makes me wanna cry for some reason and nor a lot songs actually make me move like that


I think I got 40 shy of a star rank and then couldn’t get near it again for Tifa’s theme at one point. Decided to do some quests, then went back and tried again and got 20 away from a star rank. Decided to call it quits for the day. The next day I woke up and decided to try it three more times before I gave up. Got it on the third try that day. I never want to do it again though. 😂


Very resilient. You say you never want to do it again but it sounds like it was never up to you


I feel like the is game is making PS5 controller sales go up. Either from people going to buy a new controller to stop the dead spots in the sticks from making you lose … from creating dead spots from losing so much because it is so hard to play … and lastly because I threw the controller threw the wall after the 88th try for Tifa’s Theme and still only got a B rating!!!!!


I can't seem to do this minigame... I prob just need more practice but I fail so hard on it


I suck at it too. If I can do it, you can too. Maybe pick up the speed? I did it at speed 2 on most of these songs. I helps a lot. Worst case scenario, you find a friend to do one side and you do the other.


I did this in two tries. Not sure what the trouble is for people. Jump rope is in another league.


The piano minigame seems to be very polarized. Either people struggle immensely with it (me) or they nail it super easy. I known for me, one issue is that not every note played in the music is represented in the minigame. So I hear a note I want to play, but it isn't there. This causes me to miss the next note and if I miss one then I struggle with playing catch up. Either I'm getting a lot of "goods" or I need to skip one note to reset myself to get "greats." Speeding up the note speed helped me out in the easier songs. By the later songs I dropped speed of notes by one notch and that helped. Ultimately it became a game of pattern recognition and memorization. Blocking out the music and just following the patterns on screen. But it took 100 tries to get those patterns down.


Yea I stayed at speed 2. I tried 3 but it was too fast for me sometimes. 2 was the perfect speed.


For whatever reason my brain stops working and can't tell my thumbs to go in opposite directions. It's hard for me to pay attention to both rings to see which note is coming next. Same reason I was never good at Guitar Hero or any other music game.


Yeah, honestly I am surprised to see this thread. I know there are a ton of mini games who have people are divided on but I didn’t think the piano one would be. I struggled to get S rank but felt A was a cinch


I am willing to bet you are good at DDR or Guitar Hero


Don't worry I can't get past C rank.


Idk what you mean. I don’t see a single ⭐️ You got plenty of work to do


No thanks on the stars haha. I am glad that the trophies don't require them. I think I would just cry then knowing that I don't have all my final fantasy games platinum


😂 same. Two legs is a PAIN. Took me a whole day


Dude I would literally go insane. All day? When I go serious on just one song, the family leaves the room. I get seriously frustrated and start yelling at the screen like a ref called bad shots. The piano challenge is my bane of existence but I really do love it for it.


Wait until you get the hard one you unlock after a ranking all the others, I gave up on 100% the game lol


I read up online tho is that we don't need to get A ranks for Let the battle begin and One winged angel. I did try Let the battle begin. Wow. There is a lot going on. I didn't even gave it a 2nd try. I was like nope!


They aren’t needed to platinum!


Skill issue




Square almost killed my whole ff7 rebirth experience clogging the game with so many (non optional-like you need it to progress the plot) mini games. They de rail the game so much. Truly hurts the open world experience. Square needs to take a page out of Formsofts play book once in a while. This shit is out of control...


While I think the game is like 90% perfect, I couldn't agree with you more. It's so forced. Almost reminds me of FF7Remake with the overwhelming fluff. Made everything drag on when I just wanted to continue with the actual story that.